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Archives for: 2009

31 December 2009

What movies have you seen lately?
New Recruit Welcome to MetaChat, Bearwife. We chat. We chat very well.
"I wish you would come down to the jail and see me. it will be to your interest to come and see me." Letter from William "Billy the Kid" Bonney to Governor Lew Wallace, the man who had recently reneged on his promise to pardon the outlaw.Read more...
Hooray for the end of 2009! May 2010 be a better year! Read more...
Slumberland: My sleep patterns have changed dramatically, should I be worried?

2nd Annual Coffin & Cradle
I just checked in this book. The look on the kid's face does not inspire confidence.
post by: box at: 09:36 | 2 comments
What were your favorite albums of 2009?
Let us now meet my new kitty.
MetaFilter/MetaChat bought me dinner tonight.

30 December 2009

How have you changed as you've gotten older?
Because it's New Year's, we're supposed to look ahead to the future, to map out what kind of course we want 2010 to take.

In this post, I'd like to take a look backwards, to how we've changed over the years.Read more...
"To me, as a visual artist, everything that’s in the picture should have meaning what does a stool and a bottle of water mean?"
Melon-smashing prop comic Gallagher waxes cranky with the AV Club.
LT Has Decided To Be "A Hot Mess" in 2010, Only Problem Is... Read more...
stripey!! pink!! sox!!!
What did you just do?
"Hedgehog in the Fog." Beautiful, late 70's Russian animated short. (10 mins.) I love everything about this.
The theme for this week's Photo Friday is "Old/New" Post your pictures on this topic on Friday.

29 December 2009

A midweek dose of WTF Apparently not a joke. But also a complete joke. Discuss.
Favorite really scary movies. I'm writing this because I just saw The Descent. Holy crap, that movie scared me way more than I thought it would! Partly because it was cold in my apartment but mainly because my nerves were such tatters by the end of it, my hand was literally shaking as I pulled the DVD out of the drive! Haven't been that scared by a film in a very long while. Good times!

For those scary movie fans out there, what films have given you a really good and genuine fright?
Looking for a movie about Brits in Paris
Weird MeTa-adjacent question Thinking about all the meetups that take place and all the people who go to them makes me curious about something.Read more...
Only met them once. Never forgot them. In 1984, the University of California at Berkeley had so little dormitory space that even freshmen had to hunt for expensive off-campus living accommodations. I sublet a bedroom from a Turkish woman in her late 20s or early 30s who worked in a bank in San Francisco. Read more...
Alternative Version of Passion Pit's "Sleepyhead" Posted this on the Blue, which many of you do not frequent. So I'll repost it here.
Is it time for more nearly-impossible anagram chain puzzles?
CHILDHOOD INDOCTRINATION FILTER: So like I've said, I didn't have a TV growing up, but I did have a VCR...Read more...

28 December 2009

Kahala! Kahala owns a bunch of fast-food franchises. Ranch1, Rollerz, NrGize, Wafflo, the list goes on. For some reason, I think this is all pretty funny.
In the style of the late Geocities, but it's one of my favourite Christmas websites.
Is it possible to translate a PDF into an Excel file?Read more...
Whatcha resolvin?
Monday 3-point update
Whatcha doin for New Years?
*Radio Free Rollick* (10pm eastern tonight) I have 4 sheets of paper with song titles scribbled all over them. time to do a show
I am no longer sick... ..but everyone else I know is.
Shocking television. I just signed up for a little bit of cable tv, only about 20 channels, but Read more...
Bunnies! OMG! Naughty, naughty buns ...
Last night, I dreamt I got called into mathowie's office. Read more...
Impromptu Collaborative Mini-Mix Tape - Right here, right now! How-To info inside... Read more...

27 December 2009

LT and Miko Will Be At The Strand in NYC Roughly Around 11am Monday Morning.... Read more...
Paging ***cmonkey*** ! You still around ? Can I have your vegan cheese recipe, if you are ? How are you ? Mmmm, Scheese is freakin'-damn killer. [Should cmonkey not be around to answer, the rest of you please view this as a shouting, whining, or drinking thread and proceed accordingly. Thanks.]
Just One Dog. Note: You will need Kleenex close at hand.

26 December 2009

Photo Friday Seasonal Saturday. Let's see your Christmas/Holiday pictures.
Boxing Day!!! Today is Boxing Day, the day we traditionally indulge in a bit of friendly fisticuffs to take the edge off the frustrations of the holiday season! Read more...
post by: taz at: 06:22 | 8 comments

25 December 2009

Blah Un-Christmasy Legal Document Blahness Gah, I thought we had this whole Italian citizenship thing more sorted out than we do.Read more...
This is a Scrooge thread
Merry Christmas from the other side of the world!!! Read more...
What did Santa bring? He brought me ...

24 December 2009

Merry Christmas! ...courtesy of MOFB
Late nite songs for late nite people You think we're all nice, we;; ...I'll never tell ( join me for coffee in #bunnies)
gaspode's cheese potatoes Allow me to share them with you this Christmas Eve.
Merry Christmas to the Bunnies to the east of here!
The Muppets sing 12 Days of Christmas on Late Night w/ Jimmy Fallon (Sorry for the commercial up-front.)
Happy whatever, y'all!
I'm ...making cookies? So I woke up, snotty and coughing, with the solid, firm idea that I Must Bake Cookies. I have no idea where it came from. I have never made cookies before in my life.Read more...
MeFi makes/ruins the day! Stupidly, I'm working today. We shouldn't be open. We're pretty dead. But a customer just came in and asked us, "Hey, why don't you guys have any Christmas carols playing?"

Pink Stainless Tail's classic "Jingle Rock Bell" is now on repeat at a pretty high volume. We'll see how long he lasts. Hell, I don't know how long I'll last.

UPDATE: dang, he thought it was great.
Ads that make you hurl? Or at least provoke such a strong negative response that they do precisely the opposite of selling you something? Read more...
Whuffles and bunny hugs to mightshould. Seasons greetings, my dear friend.

23 December 2009

RIP Arnold Stang. Arnold who?
Holiday Humbug Radio Replay (because I'm not gonna play this carp again for another 11 months) 1PM PST, 4PM EST, 9PM GMT, 11PM taz time, 8AM Oz, less than a half-hour from this post everywhere
HOLIDAY DECORATIONS! With The Bunny! Yay! Thank you!
This is a pre-holiday venting thread.
There will be no Photo Friday this week, as it's Christmas Day. Instead ... Read more...
*Radio Free Rollick - A Very Special Xmoose* 2 hours (possibly more if no one else is on the calendar) starting at 9:30pm eastern standard time . follow along here

Music to Wrap Presents to !!
I heard a song on the radio today and thought of Seanyboy. Read more...
All they do on Metachat is talk about food... We are having duck (again!) this year for Xmas dinner. What do you think would go well with a seared duck breast & berry/pinot noir sauce? Last year we just had potatoes, because we were both craving them, but they didn't really go with the duck. Thoughts?
I Got A Cold For Christmas It's not a wicked hangover! It's a lurgy! Argh!
Hi, guys! Now you are to be congratulamating me. It's my two-week No-Smoking anniversary. After smoking a looooooooooooooong time. It's my xmas gift to myself. Pat me on the head, plz! Read more...
OMG Bunny! Geeks (and people who enjoy humor, also see here.) Whatever faith (or lack of it) you are, the season's all about the fat man, I tellya, who just happens to embody giving. [-from the Artland of the very gifted & legendary comics creator Ty Templeton.]
When did you realize that you weren’t young anymore? Read more...
Get Behind Me, Santa! This track from Sufjan Stevens is my favorite "new*" Xmas tune. Funny lyrics, rockin' song, and it sounds like the Kinks collided with Emerson, Lake, & Palmer. Super powers and a penchant for the Yuletime-
Is it a crime to give a little once in a while?

*I shared this song last year, too, I'm pretty sure.

22 December 2009

Reluctant X-mas Radio I was trying to ignore the Holiday Season as much as I could, but while organizing my ridiculous mp3 collection, I came upon so many Christmas-and-Holiday-themed novelty songs I had to do SOMETHING, so I will, at the top of the hour...
Holiday FUN! Or not. At Radio W-H-E-L-K No one understands my genius (hate the world in #bunnies)
Got a Santa hat? Post a photo of yourself wearing it! (Reindeer antlers are also acceptable.)
shane! Please check your gmail. Sorry to use MetaChat for such banalities. I'm trying to get the EmCee back on track and I sent him a piece 2 days ago and haven't gotten a heads up that he received it.
Do You "Take Care" of People for the Holidays?
Gaspode: 1. Just finished putting together all the envelopes for doormen, handymen etc. in our apartment complex. Nearly $500. Gulp.

I was going to ask this question, and
General Tso's ...Salad? In my ongoing effort to EAT MORE VEGETABLES, I have decided to turn my leftover General Tso Chicken chunks into a salad ...but how?
Skin Hunger - let's talk about touch
Tuesday three-point status update
So you think you know geography Level 7 here. Australia is my downfall.

21 December 2009

BP Grooooovy Radio Starting in about ten minutes, y'all. Man.
UPS hires bicyclists to help with holiday deliveries - it's more cost-effective to hire bicyclists than extra delivery trucks, and saves an average of 17 gallons of fuel per day (compared to one truck). Read more...
W-H-E-L-K RADIO! Two Hour Set: Fast! then slow! Then some oldies! Wind down with The Whelk (and buy me a drink in #bunnies)
Everybody I meet from Indiana is super nice, kind, and friendly. Read more...
Happy Birthday jrossi4r!
Radio in one hour. 3 PM ET, 1 PM west, 8 AM Sydney, 2:30 AM Mumbai, 11 PM Athens, 9 PM London.
Scarred for Life My hubby and I have a wee blog where we collect memories of things (especially media) that traumatized us as kids. Read more...
What'd you all like in film this year?
I want a pouch for my canalphones. Primarily to protect them from the dirt in my pocket (I mean, I have to stick them inside my ears afterwards—ewww!). Something that would fit my iPod Shuffle too would be nice but not essential. Something that would help me keep them untangled would also be nice. Any recommendations? This looks interesting but I'm not sure if it will work for canalphones.
Avatar... I'm sorry if we've already discussed this before... Read more...
Music on the radio in just a few minutes.

20 December 2009

Christmastime is great. The crotch of my neighbor's 6-foot, inflatable, internally-illuminated Santa is glowing obscenely. If I'm lucky maybe Saint Nick's groin will catch fire.
Time for some holiday sidebar art? I'm ready!
Earthhouse a hole in the ground becomes a home, an old mill now home, decorates for Xmas, an architecht's remodeled farm house and tall glass boxes for students. Cool architechture, we has sydsvenskan klick Nästa to see all the images

19 December 2009

Conversation with a six-year-old
Breathtaking T.V. Today I was watching two shows (Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, and Cowboy Beebop) that I love because of the stories they tell and the way they are told.Read more...
It's Amro's birthday!

18 December 2009

Who you gonna call? I should probably know this, but I don't... There are old, unused gas pipes in one of the bedrooms (because it used to be a kitchen) and the attic of Swan's End. I'd like to get the pipes cut off and capped. What kind of worker/category of company do I need to do this?
Dan O'Bannon has passed away at the age of 63. Screenwriter for films like Alien, Dark Star, and Total Recall, SF legend, actor, visual effects guru, director of Return of the Living Dead and others, first inspired by EC horror comics like Tales from the Crypt... [IMDB.]
Space Is The Place! RADIO W-H-E-L-K goes intergalactic in honor of Kaken Mare Lake on Titan, the first liquid body photographed an another planet! Lasting about 2 hours and starting in ten, (enter warp drive with the #bunnies)
Asheville Snowpocalypse! Ten inches of snow and counting.
Last night before end of Hannukah 3 point update! Read more...
Hi. We're almost done. Before/After inside.
Art! ... of the classic comic book, cartoon, pulp, & pop culture variety. From my "vault". Mostly pre-1990 or MUCH earlier. Is the local MeCha comicbook writer still around here? Even if you're not a geek, I think you'll enjoy selections from William Heath Robinson's 1936 "How to Live in a Flat" 'toons.
Photo Friday : "Peace on Earth, goodwill to all men"
Awesomeness. What is awesome in your life?

17 December 2009

What Do You Use To E-Mail ? i dont use email a lot, but the upgrade to Windows 7 doesnt have Outlook Express and i am wondering what a good replacement app would be . the new Windows Live Mail is alright and i dont particularily like Mozilla Thunderbird . any suggestions ?
CILANTRO Is it still a topic MetaChat does not do well?
Facebook question - no drama, I promise. Married people, if you've changed your last name IRL, do you hyphenate it on Facebook so people can find you? Or what do you do?Read more...
MERRY X-MAS FUCK YOU BOOGIE WOOGIE SANTA CLAUS IN LIKE TEN (Oh scream in #bunnies) So there (one hour)
Pranked by "the Internet"
Hey, let's have a Yankee Swap! Right now!
What will we people fifty years from now be shocked we did? Read more...
Thursday 3-point update
#@$% you, NPR (nsfw rant within)
In which we confess to unmanly behavior In my case, I'll just let the link speak for itself.
A Question About "Being As Cold As a Witches Tit".... Read more...
Ask MeCha: Time is of the essence. Seeking help dealing with home warranty company. So, I've been without heat since November 26...Read more...
There's sex! There's tinsel! There's a synthesizer! It can only be... Lady Gaga's Christmas song, "Christmas Tree."

16 December 2009

Radio Free Rollick at 9:30 pm eastern (30 minutes)
Apps! How do I choose apps? So, I'm getting an iphone... Read more...
Public! Speaking! Nerves! More people fear death over public speaking, so logic says I am one of history's bravest men by being on a panel for an hour.
Circle the Cat A puzzle game. They should have called it "That Darn Cat!"
I have hidden all news feeds on my Facebook home page. This has made me surprisingly happy.
Be careful what you wish for. Ask mecha after the jump: Read more...
Congratulations middleclasstool & hillbillyswamp! Brand new baby girl! More details to come.
The theme for this week's Photo Friday is "Peace on Earth, goodwill to all men" Use all or any part of the phrase as you like, and interpret it in any way you wish, not necessarily just themed around the holidays.

15 December 2009

Hanukkah Lights 2009. This hour-long NPR program features Susan Stamberg and Murray Horvitz reading/enacting short stories about Hanukkah, and is just excellent.Read more...
OMG Bunnies! ...and a cat? [Gumball machine toys.] HELLO! Long time no see. What's been happening around here?
Guerrilla Salvation Army Bell Ringers. Improv Everywhere sent a hand-bell choir to help out the guy collecting change for The Salvation Army. Things get pretty heart-warming pretty fast.
Urgent question: Hold time was supposed to be 3 minutes. It's now been 40. Hang up and call again and possibly give up place in line, or tough it out even at the risk of having been lost in telephone purgatory?
Awesome office supplies for my awesome girlfriend?
.Going Rogue goes rogue. Going Rogue, the audio book is available on demonoid, the bittorrent site. I understand it needed to be made into an audio book because some people don't know how to read, but who exactly wants to deny Sarah her royalties and yet wants to read this? Any theories?
10*10 - top ten spec ads that went viral in the past ten years the common denominator is death, blowjobs and 9/11
I ran across this cool music video from the band Plushgun using four iPhone screens to make one larger image, and was instantly reminded of the Polish video genius Zbigniew Rybczyński, who was doing things like this as early as the 1970s and 80s. Read more...
Happy Birthday, deborah!!! Yaaaaaaay whuffle time!

14 December 2009

Rant: the dreaded Brazil Nut.
This is the most awesome thing I have seen in ages. Man, those things can run!

And I LOL'd at the end.
Sleeping Santa Puppehs! WARNING: teh kyoot is LETHAL

13 December 2009

Please tell me I am not the only one here who watches Dexter. *Spoilers* Read more...
Ask Mecha: Mousey get out of my housey. The combination of being cat-less and renovations in the house adjoined to mine plus colder weather has resulted in some visitors of the furry squeaky sort. I trapped two but realize it isn't a long-term solution. Read more...
Help me keep up with my Flickr contacts.
W-H-E-L-K Rainy Day Radio! In about 10. Moody, morose, mopey music for soggy spirits. (Commiseration with the #bunnies)
Do you ever have things where you just can't decide if you like them or not? Read more...
Tis the season. I'm spending today researching charities.
My favourite PJs. My favourite PJs are purple, and have pictures of Winnie the Pooh on them. Read more...
576 whuffies a month! I say bring 'em on! (((WHUFFLES))) - how many do I owe you?
ridiculous clog dance it gets funnier and funnier.
sysinfo radio! You pays your money, you take your chances.

12 December 2009

What is this song playing during this slideshow? I've been googling the lyrics trying to find what it's called and who sings it, but I can't find anything! Heeeelp!
Up & Running ! i just finished my install of Windows 7 on a new hard drive and am slowly getting things back into their proper place . it looks like there is a bit of a learning curve with the new windows, but hopefully not too much of one.Read more...
Inappropriate Holiday Gifts
This keeps getting funnier the more I watch it. There's, like, a goat, and... just watch it.
I take back anything bad I've said about Lady Gaga Read more...
Saturday 3-point update.

11 December 2009

W-H-E-L-K SEEKRIT MUSIC Music from The Whelk's hidden Underwater Lair. One hour. Drown with the #bunnies
Do you tumble? I'm not sure of the policy on self-linking here, so I won't link to my Tumblr unless it's okayed, but I want to know what yours are!
BP Radio: Xmas Mix! I'll pick up where arse_hat just left off- 2 hours of holly-daze tunes, starting right now!
Monster monster!
Disapproving Rabbits. My apologies if this has been posted before, but on the off chance that it hasn't, well, I felt you needed to know. Read more...
Parents - how old was your kid when you first gave them crayons? Read more...
A silly thing you do
Photo Friday : Powerful
Early Xmas presents...

10 December 2009

Spot the fake minorities! The American Petroleum Institute recently put out a pamphlet with a photo showing a veritable rainbow coalition of smiling oil industry employees.

But apparently even rainbows sometimes need a little nudge or two from Photoshop:
Pamphlet photo
Original stock photo (via)
Awesomest Animated Gif Ever. That is all.

(SFW: Ignore the URL, it is NOT what it looks like. Imageshack attaches strange suffixes sometimes.
This is a gushing Holiday Card Exchange Thread
Citation question... I'm finishing up a final paper and at a loss as to if I should cite something or not. Is it necessary to cite basic historical facts? I've seen them referenced by other authors, but they're not theories or conjecture, just history.Read more...
I Have 2 Hours To Buy Windows 7, Which Version Should I Get ?
Wayne Coyne unveils the Flaming Lips' "Silver Trembling Fetus Xmas Ornament." Read more...
Mood Area 52 Is a local band fronted by a guy who teaches middle school history.Read more...
W-H-E-L-K RADIO: I'm Not Up Early, I'm Up Late! Music for us you've seen dawn from the other end. Shift workers, shame walkers, and insomanicas, we salute you with 2 hours of hangover unsafe music. (catch some some Zs in #bunnies)
What bad thing happened to you today? What good thing happened? I'll go first...Read more...

09 December 2009

Radio Free Rollick @10 Eastern also i'm goin to pick up my xmas present tomorrow from my brother . he's decided that i'm getting windows 7 whether i like it or not. i'll be doing a clean install of windows 7 family (full, cuz the windows xp i have now doesnt pass the genuine advantage test).

anyone with advice and/or horror stories ?
Bob Dylan, February 1966 (The image is SFW. The via is not.)
This week's photo Friday theme will be : Powerful A powerful photo, or a photo of something powerful. You decide, and post your pics on Friday.
From time to time I experience genuine horrified fascination.
Zoey in the tub. Run, Zoey! Run!
This afternoon: Mostly sunny with scattered showers. Breezy with highs in the lower 50s. Southwest winds 20 to 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. Chance of rain 30 percent. Someone hold me. :(
Cookies - Am I Doomed?
Regifting ...
One of my favorite things about snow is...

08 December 2009

Franklin Booth High-res scans of gorgeous pen and ink work from the master Franklin Booth.
WORLDS COLLIDING, JERRY! So, my husband finally joined mefi. Don't tell him about mecha, k?
W-H-E-L-K RANTY RADIO: More from the back files. Thorw some shit! Also shoetunes! (Fuck around in #bunnies)
Iron And The Soul By Henry Rollins The metafolks seem to like it. Maybe you will too.
I'm Only 20 Years Late - I heard this song for the first time today. I'm probably *ahem* tragically unhip because I like love it, but there it is.
stupid things I did today...
Bunnies! OMG! 'Tis the season to be disapproving...
Teenage Radio! I found a bunch of stuff from an old hard drive that I haven't used since I was 16, so enjoy a representative sample of stuff that made the teenage Whelk weep for joy (Pillow fight in #Bunnies)
The Beatles 1000 years later. Flawed, but so were The Beatles.
Is it weirdly paranoid to wonder if the cat being on my lap is somehow making my trackpad cursor for my laptop go nuts? Read more...

07 December 2009

~7~ Merry Christmas, Babies!
So I've got a Christmas playlist. What's the best way for me to share it with friends and family online?Read more...
MeChat Radio: Dude, Chill Out! Today sucked! Tomorrow might be worse! Let's all chill out with the Whelk. Be groovy with the #bunnies
Obsoleted in the Aughties Thanks for the memories, subway tokens...
EmCee Update!
Bunny! OMG! Ho. Ho. Meh.
Monday 3-point update.
Interesting product placement: Seen yesterday at "The Tattered Cover", a local independent bookstore, next to Sarah Palin's "Going Rogue" was Richard Dawkins latest "The Greatest Show On Earth". Who says independent bookstore workers have no sense of humor?
When was the time that you laughed the hardest, so hard that you couldn't breathe or had some other bodily problem and it was the most wonderful thing in the world?Read more...
I Gave This to One Parent Here in Particular, but now I am offering this to anyone who has a small kid.Read more...
post by: danf at: 11:57 | 1 comment
In about 20- Min, W-H-E-L-K Radio! Mid-Day Time Travel Edition. Music while I'm drawing monsters for charity. Bouncy bingy vodeo-do songs from the big sepia room called "retro". Complain over in #Bunnies
Regret the error: here's one of the more painful newspaper corrections I've ever seen.

06 December 2009

Unique Christmas Decoration Until the cops ordered it removed.
More laid back radio. It's just that sort of day. 11:30 PM ET, 8:30 west coast, 3:30 PM Sydney, 10 AM Mumbai, 6:30 AM Athens, 4:30 AM London.
Attention! There is a herd of killer rabbits headed this way. The greatest killer rabbit movie ever, Night Of The Lepus in five and a half minutes.
Bunny! OMG! "Does my butt look big in this?"
Radio in less than 10 minutes. Some jazz, lounge and other stuff for about 90 minutes.
Sunday Flash Fun: The Company of Myself, a quirky puzzle game with 20 levels. Good for killing 45 minutes or so.
Googlie Wave - I have a few invites for MeChazens - I have a few invites for MeChazens.

05 December 2009

BP Radio: It's Saturday Night! Starting in about ten minutes, just because, you know, there should really be music playing on a Saturday night.
Chicks, Man Radio Free Rollick at 9pm Eastern
How do like your roast beef sammich?
IT'S A SECRET TO EVERYBODY Shhh. Sekrit preview of my Legend Of Zelda set. Blow your recorder over to #bunnies
Is anyone looking forward to Avatar? It's being hyped all over the place. I saw a trailer for it back in the spring and again lately. Read more...
~4~ One of these days I'll actually get it posted before midnight
post by: Miko at: 00:30 | 1 comment

04 December 2009

*Radio Free Rollick* starting in 30 minutes (12 eastern)
TGIFoop Radio as scheduled, coming up in a few minutes, wherever you are... I hope... my internet just came back after a 2 hour outage; if I'm not here, I'm not anywhere...
Bunny! OMG! (Awwww ...)
Soldiers vs. schools According to Nicholas Kristoff of the New York Times, the amount it costs to send one US soldier to Afghanistan would pay for building twenty schools there. Twenty.
BP Radio: TGIF 90 minutes of music to shake off your week! Starting in about 10 minutes.
My WTF of the day. I found this on my front lawn. An oak front Read more...
MP3 Shuffle-a-gogo anyone? MP3 player on shuffle, first ten songs, no cheating...Read more...
Let's write letters Post letters to other users, random people in the world, or yourself in this threadRead more...
I got ten electric dollars! Now what? I won an iTunes gift certificate. $10! But ... Read more...
Photo Friday : Old
More radio! All old and mostly fromage and all presented in an alphabetical fashion. 12:30 AM ET, 9:30 PM WT, 4:30 AM Sydney, 10:30 AM Mumbai, 7:30 AM Athens, 5:30 AM London.

03 December 2009

Whirlwind job change
The Gay Dance Club In My Mind: W-H-E-L-K Radio celebrates Washington State with the queerest classics ever. No Judy Garland - I promise. (gab about it in #bunnies )
Someone turned 39 today! A big bunny birthday to the great jonmc!
Radio Research On behalf of us MetaRadio DJs, a simple question for current and potential audience members: When are you most likely to listen? Times of day (with what time zone you're in, even if you think everybody knows; I, for one, forget a lot) and days of week. 'Anytime' is an acceptable (but not too useful) answer.
So it was, like 28 degrees and foggy outside. The type of weather that saps the soul, chills the bone, and depletes the will to get through the day. I stepped out of a coffee place, andRead more...
Italian citizenship quest update!
Another One Rides the Bus - From April 21, 1981, on the Tom Snyder show... Weird Al's first national TV appearance.
BP Radio: Unbridled Poptimism An hour and a half of mostly power pop from the 70s and 80s. Starting in about ten minutes! (5 PM eastern)
What's for dinner (or lunch?)
Quick Question Do you have to be 21 to legally get into a pub (this one, if it matters), or is it only 21 if you want to drink? Read more...
Two Dumb questions about reading music inside.
Let's motivate each other
Something One Hit Wonderful on MetaRadio coming up at 1 AM ET, 10 PM Pacific, 5 PM in Sydney, 8 AM Athens, 6 AM London. (arse_hat is playing other stuff 'til then)

02 December 2009

*Radio Free Rollick* just got in, computer giving me probs , so i wont be able to create a proper playlist, but i will have a shot at doing it manually . feel free to join in and complain Here :p
U.S. OF ANGER: Whelk Radio On The NY Marriage-Equality Bill (Hint, I'm not happy. Neither is the music) On til Rollick rolls in. Scream about it in #Bunnies
Salvation Army says "No way, Jose" to non-citizen toy-seeking tots
Kinda makes one pine for the good old days when religious kooks thought SSNs were the Mark of The Beast.
Free Compu-help? My HP laptop no longer boots!
Facebook weirdness: Anyone know what's going on?
Christmas radio. (you knew it had to happen) 2 PM ET, 11 AM west coast, 6 AM in Sydney, 9 PM Athens, 7 PM London. Drop by.
This week's Photo Friday theme will be ...
Wednesday 3-point update
A request for our MetaChat radio DJs!
Bad Menu, via not_on_display at mefi. Really just an excuse for me to (re?)tell the story of the sign at a taverna on the island of Syros... Read more...
post by: taz at: 02:41 | 5 comments
Radio One Hit Wonders in just about 15 minutes. Do drop in if you are up late or early.

01 December 2009

MetaRadio Foop Pops! a couple hours of upbeat music by familiar artists, (only slightly cheezy) coming up in mere minutes... 6PM PST, 9PM EST, 2AM GMT
Youtube - Kate Bush - pls think of the ballet students I love her. So musical. So vocal. So beautiful. This choreography? Tragic. Ok, it's the late 70's and it's tall grass, but um.
Short Video of a Helicopter Landing At The Tip Of Manhattan Thirty-six seconds of Maritime Awesomeness, featuring one helicopter, several cargo cranes, a bright red tug, the exhaust tower for the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel and one of the largest cruise ships I have ever seen.
This is the music the Whelk Listens To When he Draws: And now you can listen to it to! Commentary forever in #bunnies
Unclear on the concept: There's a man outside the student union holding a sign admonishing passersby to READ THE BIBLE....Read more...
Do you live in or near Houston, TX? Do you like Daniel Johnston? A follow-up of sorts: way back when, I posted this here. Lo and behold, the play opens tomorrow, and...Read more...
Don Your Pink Gloves and Make Up a Dance! The People at St. Vincent's Hospital in Portland, having some fun and raising $$$ for breast cancer research.
post by: danf at: 14:02 | 1 comment
Radio Free Rollick for the next hour anyway . i finally deciphered my typos enough to be able to conenct . woot !
I bought a christmas tree for 32 bucks We bought a Christmas tree last night. It's about six and half feet. It looked taller and fuller in the lot. In my house it is skinny and not so tall. Read more...
10 free online advent calendars ...because it's Dec. 1st. Also, stay tuned: tonight I'm planning to launch a 2009 version of Miko's MeCha Musical Advent Calendar.
Radio Whelk Is Better Than Coffee! Should this be in the previous thread? Who knows! High-steppin, wake-n-bacon, oldies for happy internet people Read more...
Tricky anagram puzzle
Bunny ReadAlong? I'm going to read Hilary Mantel's "Wolf Hall" after I finish my current book... so, beginning tomorrow or the next day, probably.

If anyone else is interested or has been planning to read this, maybe we can "read together" and discuss here at Metachat later. I'm crazy about Mantel, so was very pleased to learn that she won the 2009 Booker prize with this novel. Read more...
Hello, I miss y'all! Although I have to admit I came here for a reason - I'm wondering if there's any Flash/Actionscript gurus in the house? I'm rather desperate and can pay.Read more...
Protecting the sanctity of marriage, is it? Nice work, that bloke. Cracked me up.

30 November 2009

Hoppy Burfday, dhartung!
Firefox, WTF? Firefox upgraded itself to 3.5.2 yesterday. Nothing strange about that, butRead more...
I quess this is Pre-AskMe butttttt. should I contact my demi-famous semi-known father? I once interview-ed him incognito, and he's said he wanted nothing to do with me until I was grown up. I just got a communication from my Mom that he's all expansive in his age, and blood tests. And I keep running into people that know him. I am confused.
This is so big I don't know how I'm going to be able to lick it and still get my chores done. Laura Ingalls Wilder's wish list on Mr. Amazon's Mercantile.
Leo the Lop - for those of you who had been missing your OMG BUNNY fix.Read more...
OLD and NEW (a word game)
I cannot believe it's taken me over a year to try this. But tonight I did. And it's one of the most delicious things I've ever eaten.

What is it? It's ...
This disturbs me, for some reason. Not sure why, as I liked them long before they were cool.
I bought my ticket to go see the RiffTrax Christmas Shorts live broadcast thingy. Fa la la.
A Question for the Gift Listers out there.
Omnipelagos finds the shortest paths between any two things. The meandering search engine.
Okay, hilarious. To me. I had tears in my eyes from a (pseudo)-rape joke, and it wasn't from disgust/horror. Read more...
post by: taz at: 10:46 | 9 comments
LHC breaks the 1 TeV barrier; still doesn't break the universe.

29 November 2009

Eight O'Clock in the Morning, the short story that inspired the movie "They Live."
Next on Meta Radio: Cheez Whizzers & Bathroom Breakers @ 4PM PST, 7PM EST, 12MID GMT, 40 minutes from NOW
20+ popular songs so weird and/or cheezy, Weird Al could not parody them, then all-time great long songs for DJ rest Bbreaks... (DOES NOT include "MacArthur Park", "Stairway" or any 'disco extended versions')
Mecha Holiday Card Exchange Deadline extended to Monday at 5 p.m. ETRead more...
"Police conducting Facebook drinking stings" - Wouldn't the cops have to at least prove the bottles did indeed contain beer?
teach me to express sympathy I have like two modes—"that sucks" (I'm stuck in traffic) & "I'm so sorry" (a building fell on my grandma)Read more...
Ten minutes of incredible slow-motion bullet impacts. A few of the shots are so abstract I have no idea what they are, but the majority of this is awesome. They're slowed down so much they look like crashing spaceships.

28 November 2009

Thanksgiving Timelapse Wish I had thought of this! via the always fascinating mefi recent photos from all
Bad news, Good news
dodgy radio It's been a while since I've done this but I'll be trying it again in about 15 minutes time. I'll be playing rocking pop, popping rock, punk, soul, ska and anything else that takes my fancy. Join me....
Another Radio Broadcasting Problem BP isn't the only person having problems getting into broadcast mode. i cant get it to work either.
2 Word Lyric Game
Ai, ai, eye! Your new sidebar art has brought to you by the dashing -t (and his distinguished spectacles), the piquant Juliet Banana, the ruggedly handsome flapjax at midnite, and the scintillating NinaZer0 from top to bottom on the left, and the radiant rhapsodie on the right. Enjoy!
Radio is on now. It's the "o hell damn BoringPostcards can't get his machine to broadcast so I will" edition.

27 November 2009

Amusing Juxtapositions
First concert? It seems many of us are music fans...I saw a tweet today about a first concert, and it got me wondering. What was YOUR first concert? link goes to a great song's lyrics about such things
OMG Bunnies! (one eyed mutant bunnies you shoot at with your Paper Cannon, that is) via
Cutest kitten on the net - check!
Head asplodes - check!
She's your sister, bro! Perhaps you should consider setting your profile to private.
Black Friday ...
Photo Friday - THANKS!

26 November 2009

My Pick For Best Movie Of 2009: Fantastic Mr. Fox! Read more...
Digestion Suite Sit back, relax, and let it move through you
Next on Meta Radio: the Theme is 'Thanks' a mostly ironic way. 45 minutes (because that's about all the thanks we can stand)
1PM PST, 4PM EST, 9PM GMT or about 15 minutes from this postRead more...
Tomorrow's Photo Friday theme is THANKS! Connected or not to Thanksgiving.
T-10 Min For Turkey Day Radio: Join The Whelk in saying NO THANKS! Pop Post Punk Party for the easily annoyed.
Be Thankful Happy Thanksgiving Folks !

i'd do a thanksgiving themed radio show if i could figure out the dang software, so this will have to suffice until i get more smarter and get my app in gear
Thread for Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade live commentary
MechaRadio: Music Box A little soul-jazz to start, maybe some other stuff a little later. Please enjoy.
What have you done that opened your eyes to a whole new world? I finished NaNoWriMo! I have a new found respect for authors everywhere. Even the hacks. (You know who you are, Stephanie Meyers...)
Of Mice and Men
The late night radio which radios at midnight Whelk in your ear, for the late night crowd. Smooth, easy and odd. Just like you.

25 November 2009

A BIG THANKS to all the bunnies who brought back MeCha radio, and all those who are DJing on it. Read more...
NO TURKEYS RADIO is on the air last-minute medleys with no triptophan and no Cranberries... until 9PM PST, 12MID EST or collapse...
Cross post! I have nine Google Wave invites. Gmail me (it matches my name) if you want one.
I'm making baked potatoes! What do you want on yours?
Robber Cries While Robbing Bank So dense with metaphor that if it happened in a novel I'll say "Nahhh, contrived!"
Radio from my back yard. A little more than half an hour from now at 2 PM ET.
Race for the Galaxy This is only exciting if you already know how to play Race for the Galaxy and want to play it online (free, html). If you fall into that small category of people, this will be a pretty sweet find, though.
They're building a Louvre in Abu Dhbai. No nude paintings, of course. Maybe paintings of money?
This thread is about cupcakes and advice about making cupcakes. Read more...

24 November 2009

Mix your own granola And now I'm hungry. Nom.
Crosspost: Our "Metafilter Cares" letters from NYCares Winter Wishes have arrived, yay! I'm so excited we have a chance to play Santa for all these deserving children.
In 500 years, who from the 20th century will be remembered by the general population? Read more...
The Whelk's Shuffle Show Unannounced wonders from my archives on the radio
I am sad, yet I am happy. I am sad that my local comics shop is going out of business, but I am happy that he is selling stuff for pennies on the dollar.Read more...
Almost every afternoon around 3:30 or 4:30...
Galoshes! Eskimos! Blubber! Beluga! Mukluk! Macadamia! Bulbous Bouffant!
Some jokesters tricked a bunch of hapless Twilight fans into attending a fake New Moon premiere, which then turned into an "intervention".
Mean-spirited? Yes.
Funny? Also yes.
Who wants to play Boticelli?
In the office.
Who are you? Yeah, you. I've seen some new names around here. Why not come in and say hi to the gang.
A Message to Portland OR (and Vancouver) Bunnies. . . Tonight, get thee to the Crystal Ballroom and see the Swell Season. Really.Read more...
You can now follow @MetaChat on Twitter. We'll be tweeting site news, linking notable threads, making announcements, etc, that you may have missed if you haven't visited MeCha in awhile.Read more...
30 years
Early thankfulness,

23 November 2009

Emergency Drinking Songs The Whelk plays some drinking songs for you on this, a cold and terrible Monday
Talking Kitty! (SLYT, with apologies if this has made the rounds before).
You've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk? Read more...
Carl Kassel retiring from "Morning Edition" Staying on "Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!"
Going West a cool piece of animation from the New Zealand Book Council
Breast of goose! Give me your recipes. I've decided to get a goose breast from Lidl to stick in the freezer and eat at Christmas. How should I cook it?
Monday lyrics challenge Good Monday all. Please find herein lyrics from 10 songs, all from the 80s (one from 1990). Levels of cheesiness are varied. Have at it!Read more...
Unnecessary objects of desire. Confess the objects of desire that you don't really need and wouldn't have bought if it weren't for the internet.
This is the post where I both thank and curse Taz for showing me Drench Drench
I am completely addicted. *thanks*
The Auteurs Huh, I just stumbled on this website for filmgeeks. Looks really good.
Trilby's breakfast This morning when I opened the pantry cupboard in my kitchen I found a mouse lying dead in a trap on the bottom shelf. I showed the still-trapped mouse to the cat as a way of educating Trilby as to his responsibilities. Read more...
Closet Cooking is one of my favorite food blogs. I just made these Japanese pancakes for breakfast, and it was pretty scrumpdillyicious. Read more...
post by: taz at: 04:12 | 8 comments

22 November 2009

Aye, Are Sea. said the pirate.
Hey Elaine (my coworker)
MetaRadio More Demented Than Dr. Demento Tonight! 9:00PM EST, 6:00PM PST, 2:00AM GMT... (3 hours after this thing is posted)Read more...
Adventurous Eric Follow Eric the cat through his day. The music and animation in this game are really charming.
Want! Some more of this, too (my Loosianan buddy Billy brought me some). and some of these. But they don't sell any of them around here. What regional delights are you craving and denied?
When Should The Whelk Show Go Live? Joining the ranks of the Metachat DJ Squad so I can just go ahead and become my father. Doing a set on Thanksgiving Day, when would y'all like to listen?

21 November 2009

Happy birthday to a very very special bunny, Jonathanstrange! Read more...
MechaRadio Test: Music Box Testing, mostly. An hour and a half or so of soul music, maybe some other stuff, starting right now.
The video for the Go! Team's "Junior Kickstart". I just wanted to share, is all.
post by: gc at: 21:37 | 5 comments
Testing... wen... foop... tweet... MetaRadio test broadcast @ 5PM Specific Coast Time (in a foo minutes). Some of the most questionable pieces of 'music' in my collection.. you have been pre-warned.
Faces to the names, people It's been awhile since we had one of these threads, so put a pic in here of you, as you are, RIGHT NOW.
Close Encounters ...
People doing the EmCee, please check your emails.
New radio at 4 PM ET. Little over hour and half from post time. All this stuff is new to me and I have only played it one time. Find some new music.
I am making pie. What are you doing?
Clothing Question: Are Levi's shrink-to-fit jeans clearly labeled as such?Read more...
MetaChat and Twitter As Gomichild just mentioned, we're hoping to use Twitter as a way of keeping folks in touch. That said... do you know who registered MetaChat as a username on Twitter, and would you be willing to give it to us as a feed for the site?Read more...
A Message from The Metachat Technical Advisory Centre Chrismear and I are trying to get some things in place to make stuff easier - you can now follow metachatTECH on twitter for site updates and changes and troubles.Read more...
So, so, so... What'cha reading now? I'm quite enjoying an unusual debut mystery novel, The Broken Teaglass by Emily Arsenault. Read more...
A cowboy uses his free hand for balance. Another excellent post from the Flickr Blog.

20 November 2009

Another radio cast. Some random radio. On just about now.Read more...
OMG - Polar Bear Attack I couldn't resist this one.
OMG. . WANT! I am so in a chicken soup mood right now.
all-purpose flour is a lie.
On Carrie Prejean this is one of those axe-grind blogs that i avoid for my mental health but she is so spot-on here.Read more...
In which I confess my fetish...
Traumatic bathroom encounter on Caltrain!
On a scale of 1-10 (10 high), how's your day going? Read more...
Radio from 3 PM ET. Laid back, jazzy, loungish stuff.
Update your profiles!
Jarvis Cocker, "Further Complications." Great song, and I LOVE this video. (Link also contains a Q&A with the video's director.)
Our washer broke, so we ordered a new one on the Lowe's website at 9pm Pacific Wednesday night, for "overnight" delivery. Read more...
Happy birthday pinky.p! Muahs from your friend that you introduced to MeFi and by extension, MetaChat! Woot!
OMG Kitty Restraints! Note: Washington State University assumes no liability for injury to you or your pet incurred by following these descriptions or procedures. Highlight.
Nooooooo!!! *sob* What IS this world coming to?!
Your new sidebar art.... yes! at last! ... is brought to you by the discerning pjern, the saucy Marxchivist, the elegant gomichild, and the always-delicious flapjax_at_midnite on the left, top to bottom, and by the exactlywonderful pieisexactlythree on the right. Read more...
New Metachat Administration. Okay, kids, not everything is completely organized yet, but your new site admins are Boring Postcards and Miko, and your new tech admins are Chris Mear and gomichild! Read more...
51!!! Beat ya, Michael Jackson, by 65 days.
Photo Friday : The Seven Deadly Sins In case you need a reminder, they are: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride.

19 November 2009

Another radio set at midnight ET. I'm having to much fun with this. Mostly pop from mostly the 80's.
NEED MOAR PODCASTS What do you all listen to?
1996 me is dying of jealousy. Cause, you know, the only better than getting drunk and doing whip-its is doing it all with one container.
Soup help please!
Bella Swan actress (Twilight) to play Joan Jett, Dakota Fanning as Cherie Currie in upcoming Runaways movie. Joan Jett and Kenny Laguna are executive producers. This could be good.
Why do the gods mock me?
All Summer In A Day: All on Youtube.
Caribou Barbie. Bible Spice. Any others?
quick cookies I just made these for the kids at the Y, I did the super-fast variation where you just dump everything in the food processor and whirl.Read more...
gmail? so I can't access either of my gmail accounts from my computer, or the google status page.
And yet I can access on my iphone (using the phone's mail app, not the google app or safari) just fine. And my gmail notifier is working, too.
Anyone else? Can someone check the status page and let me know what's going on?
I have discovered the joy that is golumpkies! Let me share.Read more...
Return of the Texas Cattle Rustlers Got a question about this story for those of you in the know Read more...
ethical/legal/philosophical concept? It turns out that google hated my site for a while coz some douchebag hax0rz put a subtle thing in there that returned a bunch of spam links to googlebot (I find this list kinda amusing)Read more...
Amazon customers review a product And don't miss the customer images, too.
Thursday three-point status report:
Never Go Back - the album
post by: dg at: 08:14 | 5 comments

18 November 2009

My grandma died the day before yesterday which made me so thankful that we made it over to New Zealand back in August, and that my daughter got to meet one of her great-grandmas (even though she won't remember it).Read more...
While you were getting buried in snow...
This is just to say: I have deep-fried a crumpet in bacon grease and I am about to eat it.
WhooHoo! Mecha radio is back. sorta. I have launched MetaRadio. First broadcast at 3:30 ET. Songs about radio!Read more...
This week's Photo Friday Theme will be ...
Goodbye, My Friend. You won't be anymore with me. This is the opening sequence for a mid-seventies Italian cop film called "Il Sitadino Si Ribella" featuring the kick-ass theme song "Goodbye My Friend" which starts at 1:25.
Apparently Stanley Kubrick wanted to use Pink Floyd's "Atom Heart Mother" in the film A Clockwork Orange. It could have worked.
Doggy IQ Test. According to this, our Sky is a bloomin' genius. She got the highest score in every exercise (usually faster than the high scoring example dog), and actually proved herself smarter than us. Read more...
post by: taz at: 06:17 | 5 comments
Ask MeCha: food/drink for 90s party? I've been invited to a 90s party on Saturday. I was thinking it might be fun to bring some food or drink that is 90s themed—any ideas? Options to buy or make both welcome.

17 November 2009

I knew I was old when...
Fancy: It's pronounced "Faintsy", not "Fantsy".
Two hour dental appointment tomorrow morning ...what should I load into my iPod to listen to while he goes at it? I must stay calm and be thoroughly distracted by headphones. I'm thinking really interesting podcasts rather than music. Which ones?
MeFi Raffle: It's over 99 thousand!!! This thread is for dreaming about 100k meetups. Read more...
Ah, the early years. Been skimming old AskMes to see what I missed before joining. My two favorites so far are Why is there all this lint in my belly button and the actual definition of the word asshat. I'm going to learn so much in the next few days.
Sony to produce a movie adaptation of the Risk board game. They also mention that Universal is producing a movie adaptation of the Battleship board game. More on this.
Got Your MP3 Shuffle On ?? I'm in the mood to go exploring for tunes . here are my last 10 songs played.........

The Dresden Dolls - Science Fiction Double Feature (live)
Birdy Nam Nam -- Violons Not really into that DJ/scratch kind of music, but this particular cut really caught my ear.
Paws! OMG! Make me want to do exactly this.
Sometimes public school is depressing
Mecha Holiday Card Exchange The time for sign up is here!Read more...
UPDATED AGAIN! 2 second panels done! EmCee Stuff.
In case anyone needs cheering up today, I give you: sliding pandas.
Another Neighbour From Hell update

16 November 2009

Celebrating the Little Things Today I was on the bus, and a stranger pointed out my shoe was untied. Read more...
Red. A very cool "gallery" on Flickr.
Thanksiving Hey guys, if there's anyone in New York that doesn't have plans for Thanksgiving then come on over! I am cooking a turkey anyway, and at the moment it's my husband, kid and I and possibly a couple of casual drop-ins. For reals, it'd make our day :)
This is Photobomb! I posted an FPP, deleted as a double--but the cited previous FPP had links to other, out-of-date sites! Grar. So, rather than post a complaining shitstorm of epic proportions on MeTa, leading to my awesome flameout, I thought I'd give the deleted link to youse guys cause you'd like it.
How do you sign your emails? Best wishes? Regards? Or do you sign them at all?
Last week, I met the amazing Taz! Also the charming Mr Taz, and the dog Sky. They're all incredibly hospitable! I thought we were just going to have a quick coffee somewhere, but they took me out for lunch, wouldn't let me pay, and then took me for a great walk showing me the coolest sights of Athens.


They're all great: funny, cute, lovely people.

Here's my holiday diary with pictures. And here's about 157 of my holiday snaps, but you'd be mad to click on that.
Is there a computer virus that cannot be killed? There have been troubles with the computer at our church officeRead more...
Tell me 3 fun things you did this weekend.
DOA by Bloodrock (1972). Probably the most gruesome song to ever hit the American Top 40.
I want to donate my hair, but a lot of it is grey. Read more...

15 November 2009

H1N1 Stories? Have any of you, or anyone you know, had H1N1? Read more...
I Bet You Did Something Awesome Recently: What was it?

Photo of a man flying. Tourist on a British beach literally being blown off the ground by a strong wind. Whoa.
Ask mecha: Help me pick out an unusual present (not for Christmas) Go inside for more deets, don't want them on the front page.Read more...
Some encouraging news from Matt, in case you didn't catch this in the super-long MetaTalk thread.
We print the books, you do the covers Hot on the heels of that illustrator thread,the covers designed by everyman here are sometimes quite awesome. Like the one for Dracual by Stuart and Pania Fleming.
This ain't no party! This ain't no disco! This is a live rendition of "Life During Wartime" by Talking Heads, recorded in 1980, and daaaamn does it rock. Read more...

14 November 2009

Just saw 2012 And I LOVED IT!
Cold, Wet And Miserable: For Four Days: Anyone else on the East Coast spending the day staring out the window and sighing?
Trampoline awesomeness (SLYT) I think I'd enjoy watching a Cirque du Soleil show a lot more if the performers skipped the costumes and just wore tshirts and shorts.

I'd still crack my head open on the side of that wall, either way.

Found via gizmodo.
Up and at 'em! A Post For Saturday Goals And Fun Events. Read more...
Pop Quiz! What is/are your preferred method/s of communication and why? Read more...

13 November 2009

3D Mandelbrot fractal WOW. Some freaky, mind-blowing imagery here. Skip right to the renders to see the best stuff.
woah! NASA found water on the moon! How exciting is this!
Hooray for science!
(I really can't wait for the lunar vacations now. I want to summer on the Sea of Tranquility)
Is it too early to wonder about the MeCha Holiday Card Exchange? I know Thanksgiving hasn't even come and gone yet, but I am getting antsy! :-)
The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts Fun blog post for people who might want to write bestselling epic conspiracy sagas.
Breakfast Of Champions Somebody told me once it's the most important meal of the day. I had a little extra time this morning, so I made an omelet with fake crabmeat, herbed feta, roasted garlic and red and green onions. Did you have breakfast today? What'd you have?
Rhode Island governor "protects marriage" by vetoing bill that would have allowed gay couples to make funeral arrangements for each other. Read more...
Photo Friday : WTF?

12 November 2009

Lambchop is a band from Nashville that I like, a lot. If you've never heard of them, or if you have but haven't heard their music, here are some songs to get you started.Read more...
Could MeFi Film Club move to MeCha? I feel like this is a bit of n00b blasphemy to even propose this, but ...Read more...
UPDATED! The second of many posts about the EmCee! Read more...
Is anybody else loving ...
Miss Tramp Steamer 1958. . . Ron Felsing, an school classmate of mine, was very geeky before geeky came into vogue.Read more...
I'm home sick. It's the day after my birthday. But I'm not faking, I swear.Read more...
Mikos and Nekos and LTs, OH MY!
Secret Room So I found a secret room at work the other day, it's not even on the building plans. It looks like it leads into another meeting room - but it doesn't.Read more...
I'm gonna cry I don't 'get' McSweeney's Lists anymore
Chuckles the Clown is dead! So is David Lloyd. He was also a writer for Frasier, Cheers, Lou Grant, and Taxi. And he wrote an early show to feature a gay character.

11 November 2009

Procrastination I'm soaking in it. Cup of tea?
Gloomy Cooking In your bathrobe On a Grey Day After You Just Woke Up: Apparently I have to eat something today. Any suggestions? Help me have an adventure in the diminished pantry.

This is a paid advertisement for this week's Photo Friday. Read more...
I think there's a birthday girl in the house.
Beck Record Club #2 this time they take on the songs of Leonard Cohen , He also helps out on Charlotte Gainsbourg's new single, "Heaven Can Wait"
Therapy time! What do you do on a sick day off work?Read more...
Talking Heads "Thank You For Sending Me An Angel"
Hey Veterans Thank you for your service :D

10 November 2009

He's not easy to photograph, but he's finally here. Good wishes for the new little fluffy guy in my life are welcome.
Dig this. This week I picked up the new album from The Revelations featuring Tré Williams, and found it to be one of the best soul albums of the past 30 years.Read more...
Remembrance Day
They went with songs to the battle,
they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Lest We Forget.
post by: dg at: 16:19 | 11 comments
The Health Care Bill That Passed - We all know what was cut out, but what exactly was left in. I read some broad generalizations but no solid descriptions, and the bill itself, as usual, reads like Gravity's Rainbow. Anyone have a good link or two?
Charitable giving Every month I make a charitable donation or two. At the moment, I donate regularly to three organizations (ASPCA, Planned Parenthood and Habitat for Humanity) and I'd like to increase my donation amount and add a couple more. I don't really have a particular agenda, apart from your typical liberal outlook on life :) What are some more off-the-beaten-track organizations that I should be looking into?
Happy Birthday Obscure Reference, Eamondaly and Medium Format! Happy Belated to shane!
help me crosspost! My boyfriend's grandfather is getting remarried. The groom, the bride, and most of the family (who I don't know) are Salvation Army members. I have no idea what to wear. Read more...
Salutations, Ladies and Germs! This is the post where I feel all of you up.
Tuesday three-point status update:
Smiles: real or fake? Watch 20 short video clips in this quiz and spot the real smiles. Read more...

09 November 2009

support for same-sex marriage by age and state By this graph, marriage equality is inevitable, just frustratingly a ways off. Sigh.
Things I have made I created a set on Flickr awhile ago that consisted of pictures of things I'd made, and this past Friday I got busy and shot most of a roll of film of some of my work, mostly sweaters. Thought some of you might be interested in viewing the photos.
The Fugitive Futurist (1924) "An oddball inventor startles Londoners with images of the city's future." This is a pretty cool little silent film short.
What do you do to create serendipity? I was bemoaning my sorry professional state to my oldest friend this weekend and we ended up talking about the random events which always seem to be the best and only source of good jobs.Read more...
My boss is on hold in the next room (we have connecting doors), waiting to do a live-to-air phone interview with the local Fox affiliate.

I really, really want to start blasting Rick Astley as soon as the interview goes live. Would that be bad?
Who wants to look after the metachat backend? (phooar) Wanted: PHP / MySQL coder with time on their hands, Blogging engine experience, basic knowledge of Linux, and the ability to unscramble PHP spaghetti. Read more...
Should I Attack?
Bunny! OMG! Flickr video, has sound
Hi-diddly-ho, neighbour! This was taken within a few blocks of my place. Yes, that's a church, the Bloor Lansdowne Christian Fellowship, attached to Club Paradise, a strip club. It's been cracking me up every time I walked by it for three years. And when I finally got around to taking a picture, I also snapped one of this decoration of a boarded up door.
Here is a dance with subtitles. It made me laugh. Out loud. Apologies if it's a repeat.
I asked about this thread earlier out of idle curiosity, but now the comments and names that are popping up there look a lot like the work of spambots - although no links are making it through. It seems like it would be worth investigating how those comments are cropping up in that closed thread.
Doomed Dome: The Future That Never Was A small town in late-1970s Vermont considered enclosing itself under a glass dome, as an energy-saving measure.
Can *anyone* figure out what Nelly Furtado is saying here before Timbaland autotuned the hell out of her (2:00 — 2:35)? Apparently nobody on the internet has bothered to transcribe it in the last 3 weeksRead more...
The Avenging Conscience Silent film posters.

08 November 2009

Hey, I have a pussy! To the surprise of all who know me, including me, I adopted a cat on October 30. I waited until I had pictures to post about it. The cat is three, male, and has white fur and blue eyes. I've named him Trilby. You can see pictures of him here and here.Read more...
Right now, grab whatever book is closest..
Rich English Guy And His Trebuchet Nice to see that the English traditions of eccentricity are alive and well.
Things you are looking forward to
MeCha cooks: I have a can of sweetened chestnut puree. I've had it for years and I'm determined to use it and now is a good season for chestnuts. What do I do?Read more...
The Flu Dance. Estonian health authorities are attempting to raise public flu awareness by means of viral marketing. A TV ad demonstrates a simple four-move dance that the viewers are encouraged to imitate, shoot a video and upload it to the web. A few more examples.
So, please, don't mention the Nazis. "Through the hand-to-hand transmission of the eternal flame between both ordinary and extraordinary people, Games organizers ask us to see peace and friendship, hope and understanding, personal contact..."

07 November 2009

Mary and Max. This was a good movie. I think you would like it. PS: It is not a kids' movie. Oh no, no, no.
Kindergarten 1976 a flickr set, starring me, Dad's_Planet, Mom's_Planet, and Sister's_Planet. With a stripey suit in a supporting role.
Mushroom Ask MeCha. 99.9% sure I've identified this correctly. Read more...
Happy pills report. Ive been taking 20 milligrams Citalopram a day and it's made a huge difference in my life, for the positive. I'm here to tell you about it and to encourage others to consider pills if you need them for your depression. Feel free to post your experiences or anything else within. Read more...
What's for lunch?
A Medical Saga ( with an OK ending, for now) Read more...
Memory foam or innerspring?
Open Thread for Metachat Site Discussion... carrying on from this thread. I think it would be great for the site to sort of collectively work out what should happen here, so please share your thoughts! Read more...

06 November 2009

Marc-André Hamelin playing Leopold Godowsky's study for the left hand alone on Chopin's Etude No.6 Op.10.
Miss England Rachel Christie has given up her crown after being arrested on suspicion of a nightclub assault. She is accused of punching Miss Manchester.
Three Point Status update: weekend edition.
o hai. We appear to be cooking some sort of water buffalo patty. To have with eggs. For supper. Read more...
I Love Lunch! The Musical Starring my buddy Jeff. Posted during my lunch hour. I'm singing along!
The Whelk Live And On Stage: Normally I wouldn't mention this cause its an ongoing event, but I'm returning to Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School: NYC after a three month break. The theme is "Secret Identity" by Craig Yoe. There will be much geekery. Saturday the 7th, 4-8pm, LES.
If eating beef jerky for breakfast is wrong . . . Read more...
Oops. Wrong folder.
A priest in the Diocese of Scranton has been removed as administrator of three Throop parishes after he inadvertently displayed four photos of what a diocese spokesman called “minimally attired adult males” before the 8 a.m. Mass at St. Bridget’s Church
Photo Friday: The Birds and The Bees

05 November 2009

BYOPK: It's a narcotics party in #bunnies!
Shingles I haz em.
Can I just tell everyone ...
Drunk frenchman opens bottle of wine with his shoe This would have come in handy so. many. times...
Late lunch! I'm having a delicious late lunch, and I wonder what you're having. Read more...
Where are they now? MetaChat edition!
Good foods start with "C" Since I have time on my hands and my hands are free from work all day they seem to like to find things to put into my mouth.(Whee! I'm two) I've decided that the best foods begin with CRead more...
What happened the other night Things are not yet looking up for me, professionally, and the other night, I was at a pro bono clinic, doing some work.Read more...
Thanks. Hi Mecha. Just wanted to say thanks for all the nice thoughts regarding my cat. Read more...
Neil Patrick Harris: The Other Sort After our depressing gay-related thread yesterday, this is a much happier read: an essay about the success of NPH and other "out" TV stars, with a little history lesson on actors & actresses from the 1960s who paved the way for them.
Just saw the Nightmare Before Christmas on the big screen! In 3D!Read more...
Contagious Love Experiment When two Iraq Vets found out that love conquers fear and hate, they began to spread it by journeying across the country… Read more...

04 November 2009

It's Time For A Special "What's Wrong With Metafilter" Edition of Ask LT Anything! Read more...
Lyrics challenge for old people... No Googling! Just be old, and then it's easy!
Here's one of my favorite Sesame Street clips. Will you post a link to one of yours?
Bananas I would like to eat more bananas, because they are good and good for you. The problem is, I don't like bananas that much.Read more...
It's MP3 Player Shuffle Time: First 10 Tracks, Random Shuffle Read more...
BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG It's Big Ben, on twitter. That is all.
Pretty much the greatest thing in the world is the Turkey-Five Ask someone to give you a high-five. Make a fist with your thumb extended, then hit their palm with the bottoms of your fist and say "Turkey!"

Trust me, it's the greatest thing of all time. Turkey!
Given that a whole lot of posts on here are about food I hope you all follow gomichild on flickr and keep up to date with her food photos. OMG so yum.
Arashi No Yoru Ni - somehow I never heard of this until quite recently but it's a beautiful movie (granted it isn't at its best in YouTube format).
Are Google Voice invites still in demand? Or are they passe now that everybody wants Google Wave invites?Read more...
So . . uh . . what's the deal with Metachat, anyway? Where do you guys think this place is headed? Read more...
How cute are these baked pears? I will be making these soon.

03 November 2009

The sidebar pictures have been there a while.... ...just sayin'.
A Fine Example of Mid-Atlantic American Cuisine Mad props to Best Western Supermarket for including my culture and heritage.
What's this thing called?
1st time in my life, I'm working from home. Wierd, bc I usually home from work.
In Respoinse to Overwhelming MeFite Response: I am live-posting the cooking of my Roast Duck Dinner with All Kinds Of Fixings. This is a big deal-all day kinda meal, so you can follow along with the planning.

A question about Facebook?
Grrr Noisy people yelling outside and heavy-walking upstairs neighbor are pissing me off right now.

02 November 2009

You're gorgeous! That is all.
MeFi question. . . I want to post to this threadRead more...
Yeah, OK, what's this all about?
Smooth-jazzed into submission. "Background music is meant to manage us, not entertain us."
Monday three-point
Found in the dictionary under 'forlorn'.
Tinky Winky. Armed and dangerous! 6'2" to 6'4", 200 to 240 pounds, muscular build, short, dark hair, clean shaven, and purple.

01 November 2009

Just heard "She said she said" and am blown away So I got that Beatles box set thing, not knowing quite what I was in for. I'd loved a few of their songs, but had never listened closely to them.Read more...
Some advice on how to eat healthy while immersed in test prep I'm taking the GRE subject test in literature this SaturdayRead more...
used car buying opinion needed please So I sold my car (2000 328i) a couple weeks ago. Now I can't decide what to get to replace it. Read more...
Give me hope A police officer was murdered in Seattle last night. I volunteer with the cops, and it's hit me pretty hard. I'd appreciate hearing positive stories about your experiences with officers, no matter how big or how small.
Acronym Assistance Needed for Possible New Website Idea...
Firas rediscovers rap Following the actual lyrics of Nas' One Love [youtube link] is a revelation.
YOU ARE THE DEVIL! I introduced some Mechatters to a nice Back-country, hill people treat, fine whiskey cut with Fanta or juice or whatever. Suitable for ladyfolk. You are much abuligided.

31 October 2009

Let's see your costumes!
The latest two offerings from The Memory Palace: A Gas Gas Gas; and This Ungainly Fowl seem like eerily appropriate podcasts for today.

stop knocking on my door! i'm in pajamas and i'm scared. the husband is dressed, he has the candy! get him!!!
Thread for Halloween Sightings
Eye-Fi Wireless SD card Does anybody have one? What do you think of it?
post by: box at: 06:37 | 2 comments
BOO! (nnylove)
Omkara-Beedi (Beedi=a type of a local cigerette)
Be afraid ... be very afraid ... it's COUNT HOGULA!


30 October 2009

Last minute costume brainstorm! Baby: monkey. Mom and Dad: ?
post by: xo at: 18:30 | 9 comments
Caskets Online: Amazon or Walmart
Red-Letter Day! You know how you get emails forwarded from your parents? And you usually just sort of sigh? I am delighted to report that today, my mom sent me something that made me laugh out loud.Read more...
Captain Kirk is climbing a mountain.
Why is he climbing a mountain?
To hug that mountain.
Photo Friday : Halloween Post your Halloween pictures - spooky, funny, creepy, cute ... Let's see 'em.

29 October 2009

Halloween poll: What's the nastiest candy? I'll start: circus peanuts
Add me to the list Well, count me among the other good folks who are unemployed. I'm out as of the end of the day. At least everyone here has provided me with good examples of how to make it through. Thanks.
Oh hey I'll be acting tonight kinda: I'll be doing a reading of my story in AC-I-VATE primer over at Book Court in Brooklyn at 7pm tonight. The Relevant Link
Your ears are not this expressive. I mean really.
Thank you…
How to reupholster chairs in 17 easy steps, the rmless2 way Read more...

28 October 2009

Same stairs, same section, same leg, same ankle, same time of day, same B.AC Read more...
Halloween Hellp I wasn't planning on going to a halloween party but I got sucked into it somehow. That means I need a costume. Here's where you come in.Read more...
Photograph of a chimpanzee funeral I've never been sympathetic to the animal rights movement. But behavior like this really does make me question my existing beliefs and assumptions.
Neighbour from Hell update.

27 October 2009

what is the matter with people?????!!!!!! "Her findings are based on extensive studies with a model of severely depressed rats that mirror many behavioral and physiological abnormalities found in patients with major depression. The rats, after decades of development, are believed to be the most depressed in the world."Read more...
So I followed my dreams: And one dream was winning the lottery so I played it and I won 20 whole dollars

In answer to the question posed by yesterday's desjardins post:
Who hates Halloween? Apparently cops do.
I signed up for National Novel Writing Month. Haven't done it since 2001. Have no idea what I'm going to write. Creativity Fairy, shake your magic dust my way!
When you were growing up, how did you know... Read more...
Stupid idiot jerk driver
Cover versions better than the originals
I was robbed

26 October 2009

Herbed balsamic chicken with blue cheese. It's yummy. I broiled it rather than grilling it. Still yummy. Served it with broiled premade polenta and quick-boiled fresh asparagus. Which were yummy.
OMG Dremel Pumpkinator! I had not been aware of this thing. Do people still use knives too or is everyone using one of these winguses now?
AskMeCha: What's the difference between "pithy" and "succinct"?
Is a man allowed to play with dolls?
Victory is ours! That drug house has been evicted.
Who else hates Halloween? I don't know why. I just do. I'll be much happier in a week when it's all over.
NYC meetup tonight! Galway Hooker, 36th between Fifth and Madison, starting at 7 pm. Hope to see some of you bunnies there!

25 October 2009

Poor kitteh! OMG! [gif] I cannot stop watching this.
Reporter in a Hurricane Costume: What to do?
AskMecha: Seroquel and You
Follow Your Dreams: I had two very specific and very unambiguous dreams recently, followed up by poor-screenwriting-level coincidences. So I've decided to do what the dreams told me. Will let you know how it works out.

24 October 2009

Happy Birthday SisterHavana!
Its Time For Another MP3 Shuffle !! What are the last ten songs to randomly play on your computer ?? mine were.......Read more...
My neighborhood was exceptionally groovy last night In the cold, in the dark, in the rain, lo the hippies gathered in-front of the theater to play soothing electric guitar riffs-with amp-to the amazement of passersby.
A Journey Round My Skull Great blog on illustration and book design.
post by: Miko at: 09:15 | 1 comment

23 October 2009

My father's last gift to me. When I was born, my dad's best friend gave him a gift, to celebrate the birth of his first son. Tonight, my mother passed that gift on to me, in celebration of the birth of my first son.
Which do you find more socially acceptable: going barefoot or wearing these funny-looking/nifty things?
You've been a good ole wagon
It being that i have all these things at home, I know what I'll be doing tonight. It's been a grueling unpleasant week--with random bright spots--hurray for the weekend.
Hooray! Free speech rules!
BBC 7 streaming Dracula radio show ... presented as an old-time radio show, pretty fun for your workday. Limited time broadcasting only.
Photo Friday : Funny (Ha-ha or peculiar)
Soupy Sales
I want my dollar back! dead at 83. Alice Cooper on The Soupy Sales Show 1979.
site surviving a raptor attack I guess Wikipedia really does have everything you'll ever need.

22 October 2009

"I disagree with most of the above, but have to concede the fat and bald part." "If old fat, bald guys are considered "good looking" and "real men,"I might be moving to a Scandinavian country at the end of my term". Blog post from the Larimer County Sheriff about the Balloon Boy incident.
Totally Self-Centered and Consumer-Driven Happy Post The world is a wonderful place.

food. goopy goopy deliciousness.
Anyone doing NaNoWriMo this year? Any veterans in the house who feel like showing their scars and telling a few tall stories?
Conan the Scaredy Cat ... but what's he so afraid of?
Court Deals Blow to Owners of Huge Apartment Complex I wonder if the crack hipster was involved.
Nearly two years later, and I still can't find any boots that fit my calves. Well, I take that back. I found a pair of Stuart Weitzmas last year for $700 that fit like a glove, but besides being seven hundred clams they were brown suede (not black leather, which is what I need), so I decided not to buy them. But that means THEY'RE OUT THERE. SOMEWHERE.Read more...
Happy birthday, sisterhavana! Hope you're having a lovely lovely day.

21 October 2009

Jeff Beck and Imogen Heap. Blanket. SLYT from from a BBC 4 special.
Ignore Everybody Thoughts on living the creative life, from No Depression.
NYC Meetup Update: We have a date! And a place!Read more...
First my hand and now this...
Full Moon Feed The Bunny !!
My tail! That was my tail! You're actually biting my tail! Mom, make him stop biting my tail!
We are made of starstuff Symphony of Science - We are all connected.
It made me smile.
Hay, Yawll! Just a little Southern-charmed greeting 'cause I miss you guys...


20 October 2009

OMG CRITTER CONTEST! With Halloween on the horizon, the Book Bench announces Critterati, a contest for all animals who ever wished they could be Wishbone. It’s simple: Take a picture of your pet—dog, cat, ferret, iguana, or any other nonhuman member of the animal kingdom—dressed as a character from literature, and upload it to by October 25th.*Read more...
eponstyrical Moral of story: Do NOT mess w/ TomMelee
I bet essexjan has one too (aka, OMG bunny&kitten)

19 October 2009

Mid-70's Fleetwood Mac - Height of Fashion or What Were We Thinking? Read more...
Enchiladas! I just made the last recipe here, except that I used diced chicken breast rather than squash (sauteed it for 10 minutes rather than 3 to avoid the salmonella thing), and it was OMG yummy. That was the first time I've ever cooked with tomatillos, and it was nice to go from gawking at them in the supermarket to actually doing something good with them.
Make Your Own Worcestershire Sauce See, we keep the NYT around for a reason.
YouTube Comment or E. E. Cummings? From McSweeney's. (Capitalization of "E. E. Cummings" corrected.)
Eyeglasses Quest! I want a pair of glasses like the ones linked to above, only girly (by this I probably mean smaller lenses - more rectangular and less square). I think I recall someone linking to something close to what I'm looking for ever here at Metachat... Anyone have glasses like this or know of glasses like this? If so, what brand? Or can you link to them? I'm having trouble finding exactly what I want.
Why does my MetaChat bookmark icon keep shape-shifting?
Indoor Autonomous Helicopter How long do we have before they turn these into weapons?

18 October 2009

I are serious coach. This are serious thread.
Dishes in the sink or on the counter? You've just finished with dinner. Where do you put the dishes?
San Antonio Rant: Nearly broke my wrist falling on the sidewalk and banged my knees up pretty bad. Everyplace is blasting NFL games, I don't have a car and I'm completely sick of anything related to or shaped like The Alamo, Texas, or a vague Mexican design. Hopefully the Meetup tomorrow will life my spirits.
Berlin Festival of Lights Pretty pics of lights, from the Flickr blog.
Meal Plan 911 Having a housefull for dinner. . .Read more...
This is your Week 6 Football Discussion Post! Can I just say that NFL Red Zone channel = the best thing ever?
How's your weekend going?
Let's go: Sunday to-do list
Full of WIN. Drug house update.

17 October 2009

Disney Templates FAIL "Looks like the Disney Vault has a purpose after all - to keep us from realizing how similar our favorite classic Disney movies truly are. According to this video, Disney only ever made one movie, and they've been tracing it ever since."
AskMeCha: My wife is a few thousand KM away, with her trusty EEEPC 701 running EEEBUNTU. I want to figure out how to do video chat so my son can see his mom.Read more...
Ask MeCha: Couple's costume ideas I know we already had a Halloween costume thread but I need ideas for costumes to wear as a couple that poke fun at the whole couple's costume idea.Read more...
Three point update.

16 October 2009

Good/Bad surprises....
Creepiest freaking trailer ever. In the bonus features for the movie's DVD, they say that people would call the TV stations that played this as a commercial and complain, "You scared the hell out of my kid!"

I believe it.
Fly double-teamed by spiders.
Photo Friday : Fall I was going to put 'Autumn' but then realised that 'Fall' has so many more interesting meanings. So, it can be either a noun or a verb.

15 October 2009

what's in your garage?
OMG... Bunny? (If this is a repeat, sorry.)
Bruce. I'm finally blown away.
More dancing. We're not worthy.
Kids might have swine flu. Upcoming wedding My brother just called. "Hey, are you guys doing ok? [two of our kids might have swine flue. Mild fevers, aches and pains] Good, because I didn't want to bring [his one-year-old] if you guys were going to be there, because of the H1N1 thing.Read more...
Pretty dancing for anyone who needs a distraction from Balloon Boy
CNN Breaking News updates are breaking my brain.
I will now transcribe, in its entirety, the CNN Breaking News flash that was sent to my inbox just minutes ago: "A 6-year-old climbed into a balloon-like experimental aircraft built by his parents and floated into the Colorado sky."

I can't quite decide if this story needs closure, or if it's perfect as is.
Bacon Chocolate Chip Pancakes Those who know and love Mo's Bacon Bar now have a new breakfast treat to look forward to! Read more... Anyone had any experience with it? Positive? Negative?
/.'ed Last night, for the first time, a site I'd developed got slashdotted, by old media, no less.Read more...
AHA! I'd bet good money this is what my cats do when I'm out, but I've yet to catch them at it.
Brrrrrr It's snowing!

14 October 2009

I am back from DC. First thing I did was head straight to MrMoonPie's place of work for the tour. Which was even more awesome than I'd anticipated.Read more...
I'm at the mercy of someone who includes animated gifs in every email. Hold me, someone.
What's for dinner tonight?
Today Is a Birthday! Congratulations to Cold & Mrs. Chef and Milo!
Do we have a babby ColdChef yet?
If you use a toolbelt for anything: Do you leave the tools in it between tasks, or unpack it every time?

13 October 2009

Time to embarrass ourselves. So this thread made me look up my old personal site on Read more...
is it ok to brag about my friend Eszter here? Read more...
I have to get this off my chest. I gotta tell SOMEBODY. This is an embarrassing, NSFW disclosure I'm about to make here . . . Read more...
OMGosh, I totally forgot to tell you that I found a rock with a bunny on it!Read more...
Odd Blog Thought - Would You....
Would anyone like an olive? Anyone? The publishing company where I work is undergoing a big reorganization and work flow process change initiative. As a part of this my department is being split up. Today at work we had a departmental meeting about these changes and were also told in personal meetings with our director what our new jobs would be and to whom we’d be reporting. We all still have a job, and will all be working for the same salary as before, so no worries on that score. But I guess I was worried about it, because last night I had a dream about the meeting.
Home sick. Had to give my classes to my boss and my housemate ten minutes in advance to cover. Stupid flu. What are your tips for getting well?
Angry bunny, OMG! Caramel has to wear the Victorian collar so as not to lick the annoying silver sulfadiazine ointment off her feet while it dries. (She has pressure sores, says the vet.)
Spicy Fig Orange Marmalade Recipe But you guys gotta keep it a secret ok?

12 October 2009

Home Finally NYers, I had a very marvelous time in your city, andRead more...
Paranoia about the swine flu vaccine unites the two ends of the political spectrum. (Don't miss the last line of the article- it sums up my feelings perfectly.)
I wish your doctor would tell you.... When you are having blood work, I wish your doctor would tell you:
LT Would Like To Be Interviewed - A Special Episode of Ask LT Anything! Read more...
Firesign Theater is on Talk of the Nation (NPR) Right now.
I am really upset.
Are you: 1) neat, but not clean; 2) clean, but not neat; 3) neat and clean; 4) neither neat nor clean? Read more...
Please tell me your most brilliant Halloween costume ideas so that I can steal one and make it my own. Read more...
Happy Thanksgiving !! to all the canadian bunnies out there
Monday Monday: Three Points

11 October 2009

inai….. inai…... BAH!!! What was your favourite game as a kid?
Watching Wonder Boys It's my favorite movie that was filmed and set in places that I know well. It captures the look and feel of Pittsburgh better than other movie. What's the best movie set in a place that you live or lived?
sweet widdle kyoot bunnies in teacups - and ad so sweet you might have to get the insulin out.
Have you done any home canning this year? We've done Strawberry jam, Grape jelly, Salsa, Dill pickles in brine, and bread and butter pickles.
MeCha Poll: Toilet Paper. Roll installed with loose end hanging to the front or the back? And, if you have a reason, why?
Happy Sunday, folks! For those of you with positive thoughts to spare, please send a few my way.Read more...
Hello? Is this thing on?
"Sexsie Volvo" "It's not a European car / It's made in Scandanaviahr" I've been hearing this song on "Car Talk," and finally tracked it down. It's from 1997, by a band called the Get Me Downs, and it really cracks me up.

10 October 2009

Sup Bunnehs?
Happy Belated Birthday, Doohickie!
What's a good library-themed name for a metal band? I like Deaccession, and Bone Folder. If you have a better idea, though, I'd love to hear it.
It's nothing personal, but I just deleted my Facebook and Twitter accounts. I just didn't want anyone wondering if something had happened.
OMG! Woke up to snow this morning! Have any other Me-Chat-izens had snow yet?

I just saw Pretty in Pink for the first time Read more...
When asked in a job interview "What are you strengths?" and "What are your weaknesses?", what are your answers?Read more...

09 October 2009

Before it's too late, Happy Birthday to elizard!
Found via ufez's post below: There's also a free, 21-track Philip Glass sampler available for download from Amazon. Nice!
Question for those of you who have been to meetups I was talking to a friend about Mefi meetups Read more...
Feelin' Existential? Got yer pecker tied to yer leg? Well, Buck Up and Stop Your Whinin': Amazon's got a ton of Mojo Nixon's songs available for free download. Enjoy.
AskMeCha: What's your temp? We got a new furnace installedRead more...
What's The Best Thing Another Mefite Or MeChatter Did For You?
Photo Friday : Links and Chains Literally or figuratively. Whichever you prefer.
I'm not in the States and am out of the loop, but did anyone else know Obama was a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize?
Crypt and Coffin! Anyone know the rules or at least the outline of the game?

08 October 2009

omg what was that thing? warning: gross & insect relatedRead more...
As I can't be bothered to GMOFB ...
For those of you who are not single: how old were you when you met your SO? Where were you in your life career / etc-wise when you met?Read more...
Forty years on, Monty Python is often called the most influential British comedy ever. In fact, it had almost no influence at all.
It Turns Out That....
Vices I don't have!
Ask Mecha: When's the last time you smoked a cigarette?

07 October 2009

Yes WHEY! DIY Ricotta Cheese!
Why do bunnies twitch their noses? The faster it wiggles, the more receptors are exposed. When a rabbit is frightened or excited, its nose may twitch 120 times a second.
I feel the need to share some squee. Plz come inside and squee as well. Read more...
Went to Green-Wood Cemetary. . . Almost got blown back to Queens.Read more...
Today's restore your faith in humanity video Link to Olberman and Countdown on MSNBC but has absolutely nothing to do with Olberman or politics (found via YBNBY). It brought tears to my eyes.
Hello again, hello again. How have you been? I've not been around MeCha for seemingly eons and I have been missing this place, so here I am. Read more...
Google Calendar Help? My SMS reminders stopped working. Sometimes they send, sometimes they don't. Any ideas?Read more...
I wonder how long my fly has been down... It's just been one of those days, bunnies. How're you guys?
Gifts for a 16 year old Hi bunnies, do you have any teenage girls in your lives? I need help!Read more...
Trying to give up cussing and blaspheming If I couldn't say it in front of 100 people, I'm not saying it anymore. I'm finding it incredibly difficult!

06 October 2009

I think I've seen the worst Facebook quiz there is... My 11-year-old niece posted the results of a quiz on her page. The quiz topic? "How much of a rapist target are you?"

Funny advert Canal+ must be a fun TV channel.
OMG DOGGEH & MONKEH! Actually, Roscoe the blue-tick hound and Suryia the orangutan.

[my mom sends me emails with photos like this all the time]
Snacky time. (Do be sure to make it all the way to #7 in the series)
Bunnycon headcount, please! Bunnycon is coming up at the end of the month and my goodness am I psyched! Read more...
Need some help from crafty people
NYC So Far Today is a day of rest, sorta.Read more...
THREE POINT STATUS UPDATE FOR THE BUNNEH PEOPLE 1) I am on new happy pills, they seem to be working! ;PRead more...

05 October 2009

Let's hear your plumbing nightmare stories So I stepped out of the shower today...Read more...
Doctor Doolittle in the Moon I got this book a couple weeks ago for eight bucks. These pictures crack me up.Read more...
Huh... Netflix, watch how you crop your images When you get the free 1-month trial offer by e-mail, they cropped that image a bit.
Looks like
someone from sesame street is using Craigslist personals (NSFW unless someone looks closely)
Oh bloody earworm hell I'll be stuck with that all day, I just know it.
Yay buns, I'm home.
Paging dg and other Brisbane bunnies I can has holiday!Read more...
This is cool.

Open site and wait a few seconds.
post by: dg at: 06:31 | 9 comments

04 October 2009

Ever work as a UPS package handler? I could really use some supplemental income. The local UPS hub is advertising for part-time package handlers. Sounds good, right?Read more...
Please explain "Lady Gaga" to me and my elderly wife Read more...
Dali all night long - or GYOFB, art flavour. So the National Art Gallery of Victoria had an exhibition of Dali's work showing. It finished at 5pm today. The exhibition was open to the public all last night.Read more...

03 October 2009

Live from New York, it's Saturday Night!
Did you all know that...
I'm Right in the City! New York, of course! Read more...

02 October 2009

Hey, whatcha doing this weekend?
Hey, what is this insect? It looks like it's part of the wasp family, but looks like no wasp I've ever seen!
The Olympics are coming to South America Viva Rio! This is incredibly exciting stuff.
Opinion. Fact. Rhetorical Question.
Cortex: the Drunkening Returns Chicago meeting-up begins tonight, after work 6:30pmish at the Edgewater Lounge. Be there in boots.
Photo Friday: It's all a blur. Soft focus! Bokeh! Fuzzy edges! Damon Albarn! Sometimes a bit of blurriness makes for a cool pic, so let's see your "creatively focused" shots.

01 October 2009

Thursday Three-Point
MeCha Movie Club discussion post September's movie was White Dog. Share your thoughts, observations here. Also, someone should choose our movie for October!
Aho's 12th is very much a symphony for fans of the percussion section.Read more...
To alteredcarbon, kellydamnit, amyms, birdie.

30 September 2009

USSA? USSR! USA? USR! If you like early Butthole Surfers, the original reunited lineup is touring this autumn. I saw them tonight and they played nothing past 1993, and mostly 1980's stuff. It was great. That is all.
Attention NYC Bunnies: I'm coming to visit!
Knock Knock! Who's there? Steve Reich. Steve Reich Who? Read more...
What's it called when you accidentally write a word that sounds somewhat similar to the word you actually meant to write? Read more...
A Random Collection of Current Thoughts....
Caller tells 911 dispatcher: "Your house just blew up."
Twitter is strictly for the elderly! “Eight out of ten teenagers don’t buy music,” he said. “It comes from limewire, blogs or torrents.” Read more...

29 September 2009

I'm gonna be a picnic! (Costume suggestions!)
Depressing list of Polanski supporters Woody Allen is no surprise. (blech) But several of my directing heroes have signed that petition.
I PROTEST Long winters
Survival of the fittest
Might makes right
Got Shot? Flu, that is.
Thanks for helping me celebrate my anniversary! Thanks to the answers in this post, I made a present for my husband.Read more...

28 September 2009

This is Just to Say I am reposting this
From the subsite

Which you probably think
You could have found
Just fine by yourself
Over there

Forgive me
It is so damn funny

What National Parks Have You Been To? . .Apologies for the USian slant, butRead more...
OMG WTF WINDFALL: Birthday Magic happened and I now have a check for a hundred bucks and the express instruction not to use it to pay for rent or student loans or anything sensible and grown-up. Read more...
What was this girl trying to tell me? Was she mocking me, or flirting with me, or what?Read more...
It's long, it's gold, it has 28 round cut VS1 stones, for 360 degrees of wow on it's a steal at $2,750. It's a vibrator. the link is SFW kinda, it's only the product shown
Funny names I have recently run across.
Lets celebrate our girls! NSFW real silicone free boobies grow up and old together. Pink Ribbon campaign from the Netherlands that actually airs on Dutch Telly.

27 September 2009

Thanks to some lovely ladies in Australia, I have now tried the Tim Tam Slam.Read more...
I Gotta Feeling Almost-5-minute-long video in one tracking shot.
Hippo Birdy Two Me. What'd ya'll get me?
Saw an odd thing in a rubbish heap today. Any ideas what it was for?

26 September 2009

In the end, there can be only bun
Why do so many drivers who are trying to be "nice" and hold up traffic to let me turn into their lane, for example, get really fucking angry if I miss their proffered generosity? I've had two or three people in just the last few days throw up their hands and make rude gestures and seem otherwise completely aggrieved that I did not allow them to be niceRead more...
Help me find a place to stay in NC? Read more...
This week's vocabulary lesson: LGBT QI, cisgender, intersex. If you are not reading these terms on a daily basis yet, you soon will.
Is NYC hosting a Hot Guy convention I don't know about? Cause, seriously, every dude outside today has been scary attractive. If my head gets turned anymore it'll snap.
What was your AHA moment?
spiders are supercool If you milk a million wild female golden orb spiders, you can make this golden textile.

25 September 2009

six foot seven foot eight foot bunch
I'm in New York! *waves to the bunnies*
i haz car nau! This should last me the winter.
Torus Inversion - a small, soothingly hypnotic (and stripey) animated gif.
Ask MeCha. Where to stay in NYC at Christmas?
The Golden Bear in Hungtington Beach used to be my go-to place to take dates. Saw Poco, Linda Ronstadt (with any number of future luminaries in her various bands), Hoyt Axton, Ramblin Jack Eliot, Buffy Ste. Marie, Marc-Almond, Tim Weisburg, the Firesign Theater, Sonny and Brownie, and I am sure more that I can't remember.Read more...
Public radio author interviews
Bump from the Green I love this thread!
Cockroach!! ACK!! I'm sitting here in my sister's guest room, and an ENORMOUS cockroach has run by my BARE feet and under the bed where I can't get at him. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! List your own icky-ickies inside.
If you had just made a jester-bunny sock puppet, what would you name him? Yeah, a literal sock puppet.
Photo Friday: Green. Color, money, inexperience, queasiness, environmentalism... there are a lot of ways to approach this week's topic. Let's see your pics!

24 September 2009

Why an Omelet is the Perfect Dinner
Artsy crafty type people - HELP! I need to affix these very thin stainless steel letters to a piece of paper (which will be framed). How?
Happy little trees: a very cool appreciation of Bob Ross.
Dust storm in Australia. Those from the area, please report in! Thank you.
More license plate game: Three letters! Name the word! That sort of thing.Read more...

23 September 2009

Clean your computer screen-- from the inside! Total cuteness.
I win!
AskMecha: The Spice Must Flow
She did it! Miss Virginia Tara Wheeler shaved her head in support of cancer research.Read more...
Classic Comedy: Frank Nelson gets the best of Jack Benny (yet again)
You probably already know the Frank Nelson character from a more animated performance.
Baby name help requested. My wife is nine months pregnant, we don't know whether we're having a boy or a girl, and we have ZERO names we agree on. Read more...
WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD -- Small parts. Not for children under 3 yrs.
This is all I got... Play loud and sing along if you can...

22 September 2009

I woke up on Mars this morning. At this time of the morning, the sun is up and the sky should be blue. Read more...
Things you don't want at your office Partly inspired by Stewriffic's post below...what's on your not-in-the-office list?
To do: What a mess of stuff in my office! Read more...
Is the front page messed up for anyone besides me? Read more...
Protecting bulbs from rodents?
Reminder: The MetaChat Movie of the Month for September is White Dog (1982), dir. by Samuel Fuller. We'll have our discussion thread in a little over a week.
ZINGOLO! infectious tune, awesome dancing by the High Sprits dance troupe, all proceeds of sold song go to CARE and each cocoa bean is now fair trade. This is officially my favorite Cadburys ad.
Kseniya Simonova's sand animation of Germany's invasion during World War II has won the "Ukraine's Got Talent" competition. A couple sits on a park bench before war intrudes. Read more...
So It's the EQUINOX, I think, and I wanna meet you I'll be in midtown and west village NYC and UWS.... all tomorrow, let's TOTALLY have a beer and snacks ..12-7, depending.


21 September 2009

Q : What is cuter than a baby sloth? Read more...
Paper Heart (spoilers). . . . I usually don't give a rodent's behind about the lives of celebrities, but Read more...
Completely pointless, yet also kind of hilarious: LEGO Rock Band comes out in November. (Check the link for a trailer, plus a LEGOized Iggy Pop.

20 September 2009

I made stew. But it's way too salty. How to fix? Read more...
Cook Drunk the Juliet Banana Way! In which I steal a post concept from Whelk, and shame both sets of grandparents-Mexican and Italian-with my inauthentic cuisine.Read more...
AskMeCha: mysterious orange, oily liquid in soda bottle in closet.Read more...
Me: 3 Course Thai-Italiano What did you have for dinner?
day earlier, day later? If offered the choice of 2 days to interview for a potential job, Thursday or Friday, which would you choose and why? Does it matter? Am I over thinking this plate of beans?
Football Discussion, Week 2 My game in this week is going to be a tight one I think...(Several lead changes so far!)

However, in one of my other leagues I have Matt Schaub and Chris Johnson. Gotta love that!
If the banana is in fact proof that God exists [source: the internet], then the approximately eight billion species of burrs, needles, sticky seed pods and various other hitchhikers -- all eight billion of which which occur within a 100m radius of my house -- are equally good proof that he's a real shit and best avoided.

19 September 2009

Adam Marsland - "When I Lied To Everyone" OMG. If you like power pop, you need this guy's album, which is called Go West.Read more...
A second spoonful of brandy makes the first one go down... I have a few anecdotes I’d like to tell you about my sister-in-law’s grandmother, “Mrs. Wren”. I met Mrs.Wren a few times. She was a very quiet, very sweet-natured woman with silvery-purple hair, and she was also very tiny – maybe eighty-five pounds, give or take. She lived to see her nineties. Her memory wasn’t the best in her later years, which led to some amusing incidents.Read more...
The neighbor child seems to be singing "Eye of the Tiger" very loudly. It took me a minute to place it, because I'm not used to hearing it performed in five-year-old soprano, but now it's making me giggle.
Remember my name.
My dog bolts out the front door
I ate a pawpaw and I liked it.

18 September 2009

Folks that have a B.S. (or equivalent) in a natural science: can I ask you a quick question?Read more...
How much are you packing? Digital pack rats, I mean.

I'm packing ~615GB. 400GB of music, 200GB of video, the rest split between pictures and texts.
Family Reunion Fox news warning.
Scary cake? Pshaw. I give you Scary Bread from Thailand! Images are sorts of disturbing. I mean, for bread.
Things Can Always Get Weirder, Employment Dept:, WTF Division.... Read more...
Hey you DIY'ers, what's wrong with my washing machine? Can I fix it myself? Note:I have very few fixit skills.Read more...
Baby Wantin' Hormones The switch flipped one afternoon last week (seriously, I felt it happen) and now I am flush with baby wantin' hormones. This is ridiculous. I just caught myself LOOKING FOR PRESCHOOLS, fercryinoutloud. Hormones are stupid. (Jus' sayin')
Photo Friday : "Every picture has its shadows, and it has some source of light" lyric by Joni Mitchell

17 September 2009

I've decided I really like Kanye West. He's a homeboy, he's spoken out against homophobia in hip-hop, and he's slightly crazy. Read more...
OMG Office Drama!!!
Scary cake. Went to KFC for the first time in about 5 years. I ordered this cake, and ...Read more...
3-point Thursday update
count the layers of irony This gallery has more intentional irony in one place than I have ever seen in my life. I feel I need this shirt now.
I left town for a couple days and now the bottom two leaves (and only the bottom two leaves) on my phalaenopsis are all yellow. Does this mean it's dying, or that it's about to flower, or that I let it get too dry, or what?
post by: box at: 13:27 | 2 comments
Attention MeCha negotiators: What are your tips on how to get a deal?Read more...
Things That Are Good That You've Taught Yourself: A Wisdom Thread.... Read more...
Does anyone else think today feels like it should be a Friday?
And if enough of us truly believe it to be Friday (and don't show up for work tomorrow), wouldn't it actually be Friday?
I'm sensing a disturbing pattern here... The victim in this piece is the cousin of my friend.Read more...

16 September 2009

sooo this lady from okcupid
Do you think another person can ever really know you?
Apples! OK, maybe I need to get my own photo blog.
Got My Own Damned Blog Ladies and Gentlemen of MetaChat, please allow me to introduce my new blog More Pages, Fewer Screens, in which I detail my ongoing quest to turn back the clock, reduce the influence of electronic media on my brain, and become a linear-thinking, print-oriented bastard. I hope you like it.
PARK(ing) Day is Friday!

On October 29th, 2005, Transportation Alternatives took over a parking spot on Bedford Avenue in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Using basic materials, they created their first "parking spot squat", offering free bike parking and a place to sit and talk to friends and strangers alike. Read more...
"The Plastic Surgeon Sketch" (featuring a young Larry David)
From the short-lived 80s TV sketch show Fridays. Enticingly weird.
One of my students said he was on a field trip to the twin towers on 9/11 Read more...
Crush-onastick, I demand you tell us what was on that disk. You didn't blow up, did you??
Bunnypile! OMG! How many buns can you count?

15 September 2009

All good things come to an end Taking Mom to the airport in an hour.Read more...
Tempted. So very tempted. I blame my reaction on too many games of dress-ups as a kid with a tinsel wand my grandmother made for me. Nothing to do with Mr Potter. Nothing at all.Read more...
What would you do? So, I got an unmarked CD-R in the mail today. Read more...
I am the only person in the whole world who... Read more...
I'm unsure about what to do about a recent event. Read more...
It must be difficult having an inanimate and unresponsive nemesis.

14 September 2009

What would your ideal description of yourself be?
This is the last transmission from the Nostromo Going dark for a week or more. Wild ghosts at my heels. These Are Some Of The Clues
IBMD: I'm Sitting Through The 2nd Worst Movie Ever Made! Read more...
Are there any bowling alleys in Manhattan?
I made you a quiz. Do you know your 80s film stars?Read more...
What to do? WHAT TO DO???!!! *runs on spot in front of door, looking from one instruction to the other, trying to decide*
Sad anniversaries
NFL players to donate brains to concussion research This is pretty cool.
Also, hi bunnies! I'm back from New Zealand. It was awesome. I'm insanely jet-lagged.

13 September 2009

People Who Died sadly now includes Jim Carroll. Dead of a heart attack.
Tell me what it was that changed your belief in God? Read more...
I'm beside myself with anticipation for Porcupine Tree's new album. So much so that I jumped the gun yesterday and went to the record store before it was released.Read more...
One month and a half until Halloween! Just enough time to build your Marie Antoinette wig or grow out your unibrow. What are you thinking about dressing as?Read more...
True Blood? Anyone else looking forward to the season finale? Anyone else have a list of characters they hope don't survive it?Read more...
Now paging jonmc & pips I expect a review in short order.
NFL (and fantasy) Football, Week 1! Let's discuss!
I'll Be At The Brooklyn Book Fair! Come Visit Me! Signing copies of the Act-I-Vate Anthology and my book. It's totally free! It's at Brooklyn Borough Hall! I'll be signing from 4-5! Lets go have a beer!
There's only one word to describe this. Groovey!

12 September 2009

Happy Birthday Cold Chef! Happy Birthday! Woo!
The 200 lowest-rated movies on How many of them have you seen? I've seen 2.Read more...
Where my Comics Blogs At? What are your favorite comics blogs and/or review sites/reviewers that you respect and admire?
Beautiful photos of 1940s New York (via BoingBoing). But don't click that link... yet.Read more...
Calling the naming genii. I'm casting about for a name for a new blog.Read more...
We've never been wrong. So, now there's been a fight across the street....

11 September 2009

Friday Lyrics Challenge! I'm listing 13 this time, because one's a ringer that I'll be pretty shocked if anyone gets. Read more...
CNN is stupid. Current top headline at Rep. Wilson raises more than $200,000Read more...
Promoting civilized discourse If anyone on Metachat has drawing skills, it would be awesome if someone could draw an elephant in a Read more...
Damn, I missed this. I want these shoes, and can't find them in my Mens size 11.5 size. Sigh.
Can One Strip Off Any Identifying Info From Google Street View? I thought it would be fun to show our abodes, as Google sees them, Read more...
Photo Friday : DRAMA!!!

10 September 2009

Ask Mecha: Onion Rings - Your recipes, give them to me.
The Wizard Whelk Wnats Words! So I went and did it and now I have some beautiful antique jars infusing away, just waiting for cool creative labels. Problem: What they hell do I call them? What Fantasy World/RPG nomenclature should I use? Dorks desperately needed! Explanation inside.

Bunny! OMG! Anybody recognise him?
iTunes 9 may fuck up your shit Guess what? I downloaded iTunes 9 today and somehow it erased all 13,583 songs off my iPod. Nice one, Apple!
Most redundant clock ever In the library I am sitting in, there is a clock (which looks like your standard 12-hour clock) and then there is a series of clock numbers on the wall around it that aren't on the clock.

What the fuck is up with that?
Dreaming of kittens The pitiful attempt to keep the intarwebs free of cats on 09/09/09 was noted by the emissaries of Bast. Who have retaliated with much cuteness.
The music video for "Black Swan" by Sunset Rubdown can be seen here, if you want to make your day just a little more surreal. (It's a good song, too.)
Cortex's new look As Jesus H. Shatner cortex embarks on his tour to see America, I thought I should warn you that his look his changed. It would be embarrassing not to recognize Him at a meetup.
What's the closest you've come to death?

09 September 2009

how do people deal with bleeping rain i need to move to a place where it never rains againRead more...
I missed the speech! I didn't even know there was one and I don't have a TV anyway. Where can I see it online?
Ask MeCha: How do I put in a bid? Recently, I was issued a coding request by a fellow bunny (hi!) Read more...
Bunny! OMG! This bun is so cute I couldn't choose just one picture of him so you get the whole set for an overdose of bunnicular cuteosity.
The Weirdest Three Point Status Update Ever I tried to help a lady who had no food to feed her kid today. :(Read more...
Happy birthday, LoriFLA! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
Shameless "Be Kind To Me Post",,,
Ask MeCha. What is the best online site on which to buy supplements and natural-y health products? Please hope me urgently!Read more...
September 9th (09.09.09) is No Cats On The Internet Day /me waits for everyone to post cat stuff :p
Confession time.
So, I have these noodles, and don't know what to do with them. I posted on AskMe, but likely should have posted the pictures then.Read more...
Ask Mecha Are transfer cables between digital cameras and computers universal? I've left mine at home while traveling. Just want to save myself a trip to the store if it's futile.
Does anyone know what happened to the Apostate? I really enjoyed her blog, and now it seems to be gone, and I don't know what happened.

08 September 2009

It's Right Crowded in here. Still, we can manage a few more.
OMG!!!!1!!! I'm so startled.
Key Alzheimer's Genes Discovered This is very encouraging news. Of all the maladies of old age, Alzheimer's is the only one that actually scares me. I'm reasonably confident that I can maintain a good level of physical and emotional health until the very end -- but losing my reason?
In Honour of the Start of School. . . This just got sent to me. Apologies if it's as old as Craig Shergold.
post by: danf at: 15:43 | 1 comment
Today's 15 minutes goes to... the kid in the red shirt. He's got serious moves.
Happy Birthday, goshling!
Are there any vegetables that one can plant outdoors this time of year in New Jersey?
JOAN FUCKING JETT as interviewed by a kid in college in 1984.
Charo at the Jerry Lewis Telethon A perfect way to kickstart your week.
Three point update.

07 September 2009

I had a date tonight.
Meat Cheat Sheet? So I'm back at school, and I realize I don't know how to cook.Read more...
Osmos This is a FANTASTIC game. Download the demo and give it a try. Read more...

06 September 2009

This is an old, old thread. I am in the DC area visiting friends, and everyone I see on the streets is way younger than I am. I am feeling very very very very very very very veryvery old. And dumpy.
i am in lust with this song perfection on metafilter music
Hello from PAX! I am currently in line to see Wil Wheaton's panel, which starts in about an hour and a half. Anyone else here, or did you stop in?
post by: gc at: 15:09 | 1 comment
Super Mario World Item Abuse Tool-Assisted Speedrun "This ROMhack level was mostly made to show Super Mario World pushed to its absolute limits requiring just basically every single glitch in the game and BEYOND."
Neil Gaiman's Library - although his reference library is upstairs.
Haaaaalp! I know I shouldn't have, but I LOL'd.
Bunny! OMG! Carrots? What carrots? I haven't seen any carrots!

Also, for rmless, Mascara Bun!
Happy Birthday Gaspode!

05 September 2009

Rainy day music. It's a gray, drizzly day, so here are a few songs to go along with the mellow mood:

Smoke "Awake"
A late, great Atlanta band.
Magnetic Fields "Busby Berkley Dreams" One of my favorite MF songs. I love how deluded the character is.
Loscil "Lucy Dub" Ambient-ish. Like floating in fog.
jj "From Africa To Malaga" Sunny, dreamy pop from Sweden.
weekend update
Recipes to help you put together your viking feast.
Happy Birthday Jessamyn!

04 September 2009

I was woken at just gone 5am by ... Read more...
“Froot Loops is an excellent source of many essential vitamins and minerals and it is also a good source of fiber with only 12 grams of sugar,” said Celeste A. Clark, senior vice president of global nutrition for Kellogg’s, which makes Froot Loops. “You cannot judge the nutritional merits of a food product based on one ingredient.”

True, but umm, yeah, OK
Someone broke my rear windshield with a beer bottle last night. I am unhappy and shaky.
AskMecha: Does the publishing industry have a term, perhaps derogatory, for high-quality authors (thus, not hacks) who consistently sell a small but profitable number of books, often straight to trade or mass-market paperbacks? Read more...
Its Time for Another Music Player Shuffle Thang ! I have an ever increasingly free long weekend coming up, so i thought i'd spend some time and see what the randomly shuffled bunnies are listening to . Read more...
Randy Pausch's Last Lecture: What's your take on either the lecture itself or the book?
Ask MeCha: Helping a depressed friend who lives 7000 miles away. I live in the United States. My best friend lives on another continent.Read more...
This is vaguely disturbing. I mean, even Captain Picard believed in books!
Photo Friday : Street

03 September 2009

So who annoyed who today? For me it was the Lady At the Grocery.

Suburban apocalypse. A friend of mine who moved out to L.A. last year took this photo yesterday, while there was so much smoke in the sky from the Station fire... it's just incredible, IMO.
Funny aural coincidence
AskMecha: Coffee Grinders - The mister's Braun coffee grinder is on it's last legs. He doesn't want to bother with electric grinders anymore and has decided to get a hand cranked grinder. I've done a bit of Googling and, oddly enough, they still exist.
Cats are weird and funny. But mostly weird.
End of Summer Lyrics Challenge!
Excel question:
The MetaChat Movie of the Month for September is White Dog (1982), dir. by Samuel Fuller.Read more...
My supervisor just walked by and called me a fluffy bunny and I thought of you. How are you?
Food question in my beloved international community in the Ozarks Read more...

02 September 2009

I haz macbook nau. What should I get for it? Free software recommendations?Read more...
Douchebaggery 101 Call him back already!
Here's the draft order for the MeCha League Draft tomorrow! The order was generated courtesy of Draft Randomizer, for fairness. Come inside to find your slot!Read more...
Charmed, I'm sure ..
Ask MeCha: Meatspace Dating! So, I think the rmless2 protocol® method of securing a date isn't going to work for me with this one guy and here's why:Read more...
Not my rabbi, not my dog Despite the fact that I am one of the few Jews living in Salt Lake City - despite the fact that I can recognize the filming location as the park where we take our whippets to do their running - I wish to make clear that this is not my rabbi, nor is this my dog.

OMG INFANT (of the human type)
If you have been wondering where to see a monkey do a handstand on top of a goat that is standing on a can on a high wire then this is your lucky day.
The world apparently ended yesterday when google stopped working I didn't know it was a big deal until I heard about it on NPR and they said it was a big deal. So, everyone's lifes were ruined yes? Were there any real life problems caused by this outtage were are people just in shock that god can be toppled by the whims of the universe?

Your experiences?
Ask MeCha : I've had ...
All the TLAs (Three-Letter Acronyms) at work are making me want to KILL!!!11!! Read more...
Caption contest - Who can come up with the best caption for this photo? Via I Hate My Parents. Found this from Atom Eyes' post from yesterday.

First Place prize is a plate of digital flapjacks.
Oil Rocks, Azerbaijan is a decaying city that stands on the sea. The aerial view has been described as "a cobweb scattered with large drops of water."
Happy Birthday plinth and typewriter!!
What gives you a sense of civic pride? I love this new architect-designed homeless shelter.

01 September 2009

Eating Under The Influence The Whelk Way! Enjoyed yourself too much? Played all your Dory Previn albums? Hungry, but unable to get it together to order a pizza? Have a bunch of leftover scraps crowding up the cupboards? Let me help you.

Day ZERO! My mom arrives tomorrow evening and I am really really really really really excited.Read more...
Bunny! OMG! Extreme cuteness, but oh, what a podgy bun!
Reason #157 to have a child:
To relieve boredom
Mecha Fantasy Football Reminder

31 August 2009

MeCha Movie Club Discussion Post The movie for August has been Chopper. Anyone want to share their thoughts? Also need someone to volunteer to pick a movie for September.
I Want You To Scare The Shit Out Of Me.... Read more...
Need a New Carry-On The one I have is a shade over the legal size, Read more...
"I yam what I yam?"
More like: "I look like a yam." Portrait of Popeye at 80.
Monday 3-point update
Anyone else having trouble accessing Gmail?
Baby girls first crush..... So, offspring has decided that the best song in the world right now is "Never can say goodbye" and she has a crush on "Mikall Jacksån", but only hearing the music and if she sees MJ as a very young boy on the stampsized youtube videos we've found. When he gets older she claims it's not him. Anyone know if there's some sort of DVD set of the very young MJ+J5 performances put together I could get for her? as I recall now, I went through a phase of having a massive crush on MJ too
Grump-reduction techniques?
I have a big crush on Ken Cosgrove from Mad Men. That is all.
Ask Mecha: Phonies For reasons beyond my control, I've got to get a new Verizon cellphone. Which one should I get?Read more...
post by: box at: 08:28 | 8 comments

30 August 2009

Who's ticklish? A survey. Me only sometimes.

Your turn!
Cross Askme-Post: Lazy Last Minute Dinner Help: So I forgot it was my turn to cook dinner and all I have in the house are some scraps of cooked meat (chicken, lamb) and a bottle of Loyd Grossman's pre-made Korma sauce. How can I jazz this up while using up the scraps in my cupboard? Preferably stuff I can add while it simmers?Read more...
ethics-wise, do you think there's a problem in submitting a proposal when you gave the organization feedback on drafting the request for bids?Read more...
So! Michael Cera! What career-changing role should he take to break the "George Micheal" typecasting?

Giant inflatable banana (mildly nsfw) I don't really know what to say here, other than that I miss Craigslist.

29 August 2009

The Human Family Tree Stynxno and I were two of the "random New Yorkers" whose DNA was checked for this project. We look forward to watching tomorrow night!
Our microwave died! Any (dis)recommendations for a new one? Read more...
So! I saw Inglorious Basterds Short version: I liked it. Long version has SPOILERS


28 August 2009

hugs and whuffles desperately needed.
Mel Blanc (1908-1989) Listen to the quality of his voice work in "Stupor Duck" (1956).

In his field, he was Ted Williams. Or Michael Jordan.

Best there ever was.
I hates, Hate, hate, HATE Music on Hold, and voicemail queues. Read more...
Hey guys! TGIF (LOL amirite?) What are you up to this weekend?
Birthday Triple Header! Let's give a big hurrah for Brandon Blatcher, ikkyu2, and mudpuppie!
Haiku three point update.... ready, set... go!
Photo Friday - NOM!

27 August 2009

BABY GONNA CRY? WRITERS BLOCK. Possibly one of the more important pitches of my career and while I know exactly what I want to say, in the order I want to say it, and what I want to convey I can't FORCE MYSELF to MAKE THE LITTLE MARKS that means LETTERS Into WORDS that mean SENTENCES cause it is all suck and I suck and god won't someone kill me.
AskMeCha: Can you recommend a book about P and NP? Read more...
It Takes A Village When Out Shopping For Groceries... Read more...
This needs different heat dammit. Chilled cucumber and avocado soup. Cayenne pepper is totally the wrong "heat" element here. It needs a deeper slow heat - not the shallow burn. Ideas?Read more...
I want another tattoo thinking something from codex seraphinianus
i hab a code :(
"You guys are my neighbors.” Avondale and Logan Square Crime Blog is a meticulously maintained minute-to-minute crime blog from an autistic 16 year old with a police scanner named Timmy.
Q. Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
A. I don't understand what that means.
Q. You don't understand what being a convicted felon is?
A. No. Can you explain it to me?
Q. Did you serve any time in jail?
A. What do you mean "serve"?
Joe Francis: World's Most Loathsome Defendant
Is the ankle an especially painful place to get a tattoo? Is the calf perhaps less painful?
Study shows that crushing people's dream into the ground and then stomping on it repeatedly most effective form of dream-crushing. Read more...
Best Re___ents band?

26 August 2009

I Partied with a rockstar. Well kinda...
What was Dinner? Well, c'mon, what did you have, no lying.
OMG! High heeled bunny! Image by Catherine Servel, via. Yeah, all the cool kids like attribution.
What would be a good book for me to read, if Read more...
I have a question about the phrase "The hell you say!" Read more...
OMG! Someone in my office has swine flu! This is how the zombie acopalypse starts, isn't it?!?Read more...
Teddy Kennedy is dead. Love him, hate him, or indifferent , he was a major part of 20th century U.S.A.

25 August 2009

I have decided that I am annoyed by sexual metaphors in languageRead more...
Ouch ouch OUCH!
Ask MeCha: Exercise. So I have suddenly decided I need to exercise.

Problem: 1) I get short of breath if I exercise more than, oh, somewhat moderately.Read more...
Ask Mecha: What do you call someone who's living in the wrong time/era/decade? Read more...
The noisy children playing in the yard on the other side of my fence just managed to kick/throw/bounce a soccer ball high enough that it came over the seven-foot fence, bounced on my patio (a good five feet from the fence), and narrowly missed crushing our tomato plants or bouncing back through our screen door. Am I a bad person for pretending not to see it that it's there? At least for right now?
How do you de-string String Beans? I had fresh string beans for dinner last night, they were delicious except...Read more...
Newberry Medal winners (I was looking for this one.)
Going to my job each morning is like coming home to a really bad marriage. Only I don't get to say "You know what, you're a selfish jerk and I didn't sign up for this."
Cook Drunk The Whelk Way! This week's episode: Half A Cucumber WTF?

24 August 2009

Grr For essexjan.
The computer did this to me I was writing out a couple of letters longhand, and my hand cramped up like the dickens after about two pages.

Back in the day, I could write longhand all day, every day. Damn you, technology!
Mental Health Break Quasi-Lip Synching Croatian Pop Star Sings Hit Song In Video I Dreamed About Last Night After Seeing It Yesterday, Pulls Uncomfortable People Out of Audience To Dance Along. Host In, Uh, Interesting Dress Reads Phone Number Generally Understandable to Slavic-Language Speakers.

SFW unless you work in Saudi Arabia.
LegalFilter Question: The horrible child (guessing about toddler age, I can't see it, only hear it) in the house next to us SCREAMS all day long. Read more...
"Houston...Tranquility Base here...The Eagle has landed." Scene from the documentary For All Mankind.
I just watched the Criterion DVD of this last night, and it's amazing.Read more...
Bathroom art... I was thinking of getting It's a Complicated World, Pipi Pigeon, and Picky Picky for my bathroom walls... Read more...
Question. Am I the only one who thinks that many of the Craigslist "missed connections" posts that identify someone with great specificity (full name or photo) are actually written by skip tracers?
Rant #625 about online dating. I think their algorithms are wrong.Read more...
I split my pants, I am wet and itchy Read more...
And If I do do what I want then it's nobody's business if I do. My anxiety-attacks are over! I awoke feeling perfectly, splendiforously marvelous. Like popped champagne. How should I celebrate being ever so ever so?


23 August 2009

What was the first thing to pop into your head when you woke up this morning? Read more...
How you doin?
Revolving Floor A curated community of artists and writers, focused on creative nonfiction. Yours truly is producer and acting publisher. Mefites Jessamyn, mdn, and myself are among the contributors. Also listed in mefi projects.

Currently reviewing submissions for September, which is themed "seconds."
I want to buy this car and drive it to California. I know that this is exactly the kind of car that caused the Japanese to take over the market but wow, it's just 400 cubic inches of fake wood paneled, vinyl upholstered bench seat awesomeness. Check out the ebay listing to see shots of the interior; I'm 6'2" and I could stretch out in the front seat.
Obviously things aren't good. But all things considered, are you doing okay taz?
New tune I've been working on. Let me know what you think!
Ask Mecha: Books on Facebook I'd like to start using a Facebook app to post the books that I'm reading.

Features I'd like: cover images, selectable vendors (ideally a link to Worldcat), large userbase.

Features I wouldn't: spamming me with ads all day.

Goodreads seems popular among my friends, but are there other good ones?
post by: box at: 09:36 | 2 comments
Renovations update

22 August 2009

Oh ffs, murinoids. Word up, lagomorphs. There are several murine critters in my folks' house. I have two questions:

1) What is the best way to get them outside, especially if there are baby mice/rats? I do not want to kill them.

2) Are these in fact mice or rats? The poops look like chocolate sprinkles, and the one live one i saw was maybe three inches long except for its tail and really scrawny.
Fig. 8 Guide the bicycle across the blueprints without hitting any of the black lines. I love the look of this game, as well as the music.
It's Time For Another Installment of Ask LT Anything! Read more...
Record Club theres been quite a few changes to Beck's Site . always one to keep his site interesting and innovative , his latest project involves him getting together with his friends to record their versions of classic albums . first up is The Velvet Underground & Nico
I'm not really a natural tweeter. My tweets are forced, I have to admit. I'm more of a twit, really. Yet, because someone keeps trying to steal my account, I'm feeling that I need to use it. Read more...
post by: taz at: 06:22 | 8 comments
Carts Of Darkness. A disturbing and exciting look at an unusual subculture the Leo Award winning Carts Of Darkness looks at homelessness and a weird extreme sport.

21 August 2009

This is NOT a heart attack on a bun. That's because there is no bun—only more chicken!
Fun with karaoke -- My new-ish (5 months) very happy relationship is with a big tall manly sweet butch woman. (My first girlfriend, after decades of boyfriends and one ex-husband.) For her birthday I'm planning various outings including karaoke. What are some funny songs I can sing to her? Read more...
I have a fever and the only cure is more Scrabble I already posted on Metatalk, but do any MeCha'ers want to engage me or each other in a game of Google or Facebook Scrabble. It's the only thing that gets me through the workday.
A Day In Vancouver and what a day it was . it started out nice enough, but in the evening several thunder heads moved in, the sky turned an amazing shade of orange at sunset and then the clouds let forth 1200 lightning strikes over the city. all that and they still went ahead with the fireworks . i finally found decent video of it
Ask MeCha: If you were walking down the street on a Saturday afternoon and saw someone selling a big box of pretty good DVDs, how much would you pay to buy a few? A buck a pop? Three for five?
Photo Friday: Good night. Let's see your night shots!
People think it's an urban legend but I have proof, it has happened to me:Read more...
We are here with Jonmc and pips and we are talking about all of you.

20 August 2009

IRC + Too much Innuendo = [nsfw]
Total Eclipse of the Heart ...Literal Video version. See also White Wedding,Head Over Heels, We Built This City, Separate Ways, and so on and so on and shooby-dooby-dooby.
My inner 6th-grader is snickering
Squirrels bury nuts for the winter. Is this how you've always heard it?
*pokes metafilter with stick* Is it dead? I can't seem to post anything. Did I miss a memo?
Hello. How are you? I am good.

19 August 2009

Where is everybody? Oh, right.
This is a callout post. Goshling and jonathanstrange sent me a care package of Australian junk food as a pick-me-up for all the bad luck my family and friends have had lately. Dear ladies, I thank you, my wife thanks you, and my doughy midsection thanks you. You are indeed teh awesome. But I'm afraid that Cherry Ripe is horrifying and I can never forgive you for alerting me to its existence.
While playing with Translation Party... I translated one of my favorite Dorothy Parker quotes, "They sicken of the calm, who knew the storm" in to the very different and amusing phrase "They are the people who know a hole to calm the storm". If you haven't seen this yet, it's a fun toy.
Guineas! OMG! Where have they been? Where are they going?!
Bunny Cone awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Curious about Medical Experiences in Other Countries I was wondering what it's like for NonUsians to get medical help in their own countries.Read more...
Humpday three-point update.
Hepburn Kat or Audrey?

18 August 2009

I am having a crap day. And I could use some encouragement. Read more...
This is a "hello lurkers" thread! Come out and play you lurkers!
I just witnessed squirrel sex. Why am I so bothered by this?
I'z married now! Details and pictures lay ahead if you like. Read more...
Ask Mecha: Need to fix my scanner's ADF.
How will I know when I can eat my sunflower seeds? And how should I prepare them? And if I picked a sunflower just 'cause it looked purty and the seeds are half-formed, can I eat them?
What's to eat? Tuesdays are $.99 chili dogs at a place near my job. I take advantage of it far too often. Dog, chili, mustard, onions, kraut. Nom.

Remember Charles? From the Obama campaign? I thought we came up with an address for him at some point. I was thinking about writing to him. Can anyone find that? Thought it was here but no search luck. Maybe it was on That Other Site, but it seems more MeCha-y.
White noise Why didn't I discover this before? I've got it playing on my computer and my super loud co-worker's voice doesn't bother me in the least now.
paging orange swan to the green... Anything I would have posted was taken...

17 August 2009

I had a bad second date, which was preceded by a bad breakup, which was preceded by a sad breakup, which was preceded by a horrible breakup, and now I have given up on relationships. I would like suggestions for a hobby. The more bizarre, the better. Go wild, kids.
engrossing the last psychiatrist article on sodini i heart the last psychiatrist, additionally he seems to be on metafilter!
Bunnycon: Oct. 30-Nov 1st. My house. Come one, come all! Read more...
Our tomatoes have blight and I am so sad. Read more...

16 August 2009

Is there any actual tech support at Yahoo?
Coming to you live, from roughly 34000 feet over the West Virginia/Kentucky border (It's a brave new world, really) it's jon & pips.Read more...
Gday gday and how's it going?

15 August 2009

I just found out that Willy DeVille died on the 6th. He never broke big although Storybook Love with Mark Knopfler did get a lot of video rotation.
LT Is In the Slashdot IRC Thingy And Would Like It If You Would Drop By.... Read more...
Shutterfly Photo Books I'm putting together a photo book of my sister's wedding on Shutterfly- any idea on how to remove page numbers?Read more...
Supplemental Netbook Ask MeCha.
Aske Mecha: The Few. The Proud.
To Do lists OK. I need a little external motivation today. Read more...

14 August 2009

It's an unusual place I come from, a place where things like this can happen.
ZOOM. If you're American and of a certain age, you remember this kids' show with their stripey shirts and that song where they sung the mailing address at the end. Now you can download a bunch of those songs and get them stuck in your head all over again.
The Lead Singer Is Distracting Me [youtube] A dramatization of this this McSweeney's Monologue.
"Let Me Be Your Song" Lovely song from "The Minstrels" episode of Fraggle Rock.
(And check it out: The Jim Henson Company has a YouTube channel!)
Hoo boy ... SLYT, with some text profanity. A tip: Turn your sound off. The music is ultra annoying.
Is it more common now for a group of pallbearers to include women? Read more...
It is now 12.09 in Australia - So HAPPY BIRTHDAY GOMI! yay!
Four terrifying ads 1950s: Trudge through life's treadmill of despair with Jell-O Instant Pudding. 1970s: Beware the Fatal Floor. Present Day: eat Cheese Curry and have your home invaded by finger-blasting freaks.
When we relocate to the MeCha Mansion, I insist that we have ... Read more...
Photo Friday : Retro
Happy Birthday to Orange Swan and dg!

13 August 2009

NSF___ Surgery porn: They tore him open and stuffed him full of cabbage. These will be the worst pics on Mecha all year. You have been warned.
Possible BART strike. Bah!
Earache, backache, tummyache...blah.
Travelers checks + Mexico = ?
Bunny! OMG! Feetsies! 'tocks!
Shocking video of a TV news anchor getting mauled by a pit bull...

Disco Inferno! in #bunnies right now.
Why do flamingoes like to stand on one leg?
Question about The Wire (Warning: Spoilers)
post by: box at: 12:36 | 8 comments
Ask MeCha : So, I'm going to get myself a netbook ... Read more...
This thread is just for punchlines.
Hoppy bunny birthday to By the Grace of God!
Let's tell jokes.

12 August 2009

In which I wear big bunny ears Spooky K's beautiful video of Trina Rose as Alice in Wonderland with the music of Pogo at Dr. Sketchy's. I wore the ears home.
Back/shoulder pain: ideas for stretches or other fitness-y activities? Read more...
Bunny! OMG! Feets! Mouf! Tummeh!
Wednesday Three Point Update:
Help me get this thought out of my head... Read more...
I need an antidote to today! This is a whining thread. Read more...
We haz upgraded gomi! Congrats on your purdy new hall monitor badge, gomi! Just be careful when Eideteker requests a "private word in his office".

And since you are also Australian like me, we get to share the BOOT!!! HURRAH!
Does anyone know this song? Saw a bear comb his hair
(foobah-woobah foobah-woobah)

11 August 2009

German Politician uses cleavage to woo voters [Nota bene: this story is OK, but the story linked to in the last paragraph, in the sentence "The poster, together with a controversial placard by the opposition Greens party featuring the naked buttocks of a black woman" includes a decidedly NSFW image. Please do not click on that link at work.]
Because I can't find a better bunny than Specklet's selection today ... Read more...
"Walt waited a moment, then dashed down the long stretch of grass. Dad dropped to one knee, followed Mr. Disney, and fired. Mr. Disney tumbled to the ground clutching his upper thigh. His momentum carried him into the flower beds. Two Beverly Hills policemen leaped on Dad and wrestled the weapon from his hand."

—Excerpt from the short story "Vacation '58" by John Hughes, which originally appeared in National Lampoon magazine, and was later adapted for the big screen.
Lyrics fun? I'm running out of day, but let's get it going!Read more...
My interesting find of the day: The yellow scooter and American flag helmet in this episode of MTV's Austin Stories belonged to me.Read more...
Plumbing Woes AKA: My Queendom for a Second Bathroom - I've mentioned in a couple different places here that the mister and I are in the midst of a plumbing problem. Do come inside for an update... Read more...
Hi bunnies, Miko's and mudpuppie's recent posts made me realise that I never told you that I got a new job as well. Read more...
So, I'm here because of a dream
Happy Birthday to she without whom:

10 August 2009

Quakes, tsunamis & typhoons! Oh boy what a morning it's been... everyone else been disaster free?
Hey, Gang! Let's Make Fun of Facebook!
I never knew...
Are there any Dutch MeCha people?
Tipping question: should I tip the groomer?
Bart Simpson had it right: Can't win, don't try. (Mild ranting inside)Read more...

09 August 2009

I had a media free day today It was wonderful. No Internet or TV. I got about 150 pages of 'Zeitoun' by Dave Eggers read.

This may have to become a weekly ritual.
Happy belated birthday to redvixen!
Woo Hoo! Morgan Spurlock asked me to marry him!! Read more...
metachat ice cream social! What'll you have?
I just learned that hospitals stock beer for alcoholic patients, which makes me wonder given how bad their food, how bad is their brew? Is this where Iron City unloads its excess?
Had a date tonight with . . .

08 August 2009

It's already after midnight here, so let me be the first to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKO! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELSA!
Last paper's done! Thanks for your encouragement.
Trailers for two more movies that I'm looking forward to this fall: Terry Gilliam's The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus and The Road.
I'm not a fan of Spiderman. But this made me lol
That is All.
The Lovely Bones Trailer . . .that is all.

07 August 2009

Very tired. Doing ok, not great, not bad. Ampits still hairy but everything else got shaved. Can't read all msgs now but wanted to get word out. Knowing you guys are out there helps.
How to party with pineapples Really, it's best not to overdo it.
Why I hate Kenny G. #1. (yousendit file) More explanation is Read more...
The air-conditioned "Hawaiian Cottage," five miles outside of Camden, NJ, used to provide an exotic atmosphere in a convenient location. It was notable for the pineapple dome outside, and the fantastic decor inside.
OK , so I drunkenly planted a whole bunch of pineapple upside-down cake hostas. Read more...
Pineapples! Pineapples! Pine? Okay so I drunkenly bought a whole tray of pineapple slices (DON'T YOU JUDGE ME!) and I'm laving town on Wednesday and my meals are pretty much planed and I..don't know what to do with them.
Quick poll: Am making pineapple/basil granita this evening. Add mint, or no?
Golf in Space! A pretty cool little physics(-lite) game called Gravitee 2.
It's a wonderful day I finally figured how to take a nap in my office comfortably. People are right, sometimes it is the small things that matter.
Help Me Find Original Used Car Comment on Metafilter. Why can't I find it? There was a prank poster years ago who made about 3 posts about trying to buy a used car. All searches fail me, as does the wiki. I guess if falls just under the radar for in-jokes.Read more...
Connection Speed Question This is after-the-fact, but
Is anyone planning on seeing Julie/Julia? I've got really mixed feelings about it.Read more...
Feral Houses A photo project documenting abandoned and overgrown houses.
This is a sighing thread. Thanks to state budget thingys, I have the day off without pay. It's a beautiful day, and I'll make the best of it, but I just thought I'd sigh a little. *sigh* *sigh*
MetaChat dream.
Photo Friday: Text, context, and texture. Which is a fancy way of saying, photos of signs! Signs in funny places, rusty signs, "ghost signs," any kind of sign.

06 August 2009

RIP John Hughes I am stunned.
Woot, I'm employed!
Sam the Koala Has Died - Sam was the koala saved by firefighters in Australia. She had to be euthanised during surgery to fix damage caused by chlamydia when the damage was found to be inoperable.
Okay, so it's not just me: Twitter has been fighting a DOS attack this morning.
Squirrel Karate! (animated gif)
Someone somewhere is:

05 August 2009

2 papers down! 1 to go!
Insincere Rascals and Cads are not the worst companions you could spend your time with.
I AM THE EDITOR: About an anthology about the intersection of Sex and History. We pay. We like 4-6 pages. Anyone interested?
Meat-eors. Based on the recent AskMeFi question about cooking meat in midair, I have a question for MetaChat:

At what speed, if a piece of meat were traveling from, say, the Karman limit (the boundary of 'outer space') to Earth's surface, would the piece of meat have to travel to cook well done?

mass of meat: 750 g
volume of meat: 270 cm^3 (270 mL)
Anyone know how Ardiril's doing?
Monthy Chicago Meet-Up Bump I'll be there, but I suspect it's an early night for me.
Just made my first MeFi FPP... ...and I have a question that I wanna ask here because I'm scared of MeTa and you guys have known me longer:Read more...
Common smells that annoy you. This is quite random, but besides things like "farts" and "acetone" what odors are like olfactory nails on a chalkboard for you?Read more...
OMG HORMONES I am gonna be 30 in 2 weeks and am hormonal as hell.
Translation party Helps you find a phrase that machine-translates back into itself. An example.
Massive mega Ask Mecha:

04 August 2009

Sea Pig! OMFG! WTF? Seriously, WTF, nature?
Seriously, Fungus Flies: So, I tried everything (beer trap, organic spray, sand on the top, letting them dry out for two whole weeks) and I still have the horrible things. These are large indoor herb plants (Mint, Basil, Rosemary, Sage). What more can I do?

Three Point Status Update:
Mnemonics come to life thanks to YouTube. Special for Wolfdog.
Japanese beetles are having sex all over my raspberry bush. And that ain't no innuendo.Read more...
This Made me laugh today.
My builders finished work today!
Billy Bragg, at Newport, streamed is very good and making me happy. Billy's great. (thanks for telling me about it)
"Cocks away" ....euhm....Well, I guess al "viral" ads need a little skin. D*cks invading Paris might be a tad much though.
My lunch was good, but some of it ended up on my shirt and now I'm sad. Read more...
Any bunnies sing the Austrian Yodeler song when they were a kid?Read more...

03 August 2009

The other side of the unrequited coin... Or why it might not be a good idea to tell your exes to join OK Cupid.
what #bunnies is about when there's no wimmenz, like right now Read more...
So, the inaugural MeCha Movie of the Month is.... Chopper.Read more...
Is the metachat header bar screwed up for all of you, or is it just me?Read more...
What's your purpose in life? Why were you put on this earth? What are you all about, really, when you get right down to it?
I got a new bike! A 1960s Stingray in obnoxious turquoise and orange. Read more...
The Id and the Ego are fighting again: I've had two separate dreams recently where I'm frantically trying to convince a stubborn person that THIS IS ALL A DREAM! And they're having none of it despite my iron-clad logic and arguments. Weird.
I need your best (easy) banana nut bread recipe! Go!
Unrequited love filter ... So, I was going to post an AskMe but realised that I didn't really, really have a question, but maybe just wanted some chatfiltery support. [more inside]

02 August 2009

Tonight, the Violent Femmes song "Add It Up" came up on shuffle play, and I have to wonder.Read more...
Things you're proud of.
MeCha Monthly Movie Club? Would anyone be interested in watching a movie a month and discussing it here?Read more...
Music to Dream To All your dreamlike, dreamy, dreamish, dream-inspired music here, plz.Read more...
The world has gone mad... ...a friend of mine does relief work there. One of his contacts...Read more...
Done anything fun this weekend? I went to a luau yesterday (in Kansas), which was an awesome time.

Going to go meet up with someone off plentyoffish in about an hour.

I'd say it's been a good one.
Sin City Meetup?
Fess up. Who's responsible for the 419scam Twitter account? It's hilarious. (Today's tweet: "I'M STARTING TO THINK YOU DON'T USE TWITTER, BUT THAT TWITTER USES YOU.")
Role Call… ! To any of you Mechazens out there, who might be reading this right now… go on, do it. I know you want to. Go ahead, it’s okay. Come on, don’t leave me hanging now… :)

01 August 2009

National Lampoon's "European Vacation" had an incredible 80's pop soundtrack, and someone at has reassembled it for your listening pleasure.Read more...
Jim Byrnes Playing For Free In West Vancouver Sunday Night in my neighbourhood every summer they have an arts festival that has free evening concerts . tomorrow night its soulful blues sounds of Jim Byrnes . i've seen him in the clubs a few times and he always puts on a great show . if the name rings a bell and you are old enough to remember the TV show "Wiseguy" , Jim was the technical communicatons guy in the wheelchair . this says he is being backed by the sojourners and if its the same sojourners that i am thinking of, then this should be one show you dont want to miss
Need advice If you liked everything about a car (including the great price), but it had a kind of rough ride, would you still buy it?
I feel like a burger Ok, you're a burger.
Hello friends Tell me about something that is making you happy today.
Facebookers, wiki up. There was no list of Mechazens on Facebook, so I started a page. Commence the adding of selves!

Of course, it self-organizes because of the MeCha group, so if this is seen as redundant, nuke away. But that group shows real names, not usernames.
OMG BUNNY: Three ways to melt one.
Do-it-yourself steadicam mount! I *so* want to build one of these, but I'm not very handy. It'd be FUN to play with, though... check out the guy's sample video at the bottom of the page.Read more...
Anyone else having trouble logging in to ATT/yahoo mail? Read more...

31 July 2009

The Song Of The Summer Last night on The Cobert Report, Steven mentioned that he couldnt think of this year's summer song . the song that from now on when you hear it it will remind you of Summer 2009 .

I gave it some thought and I think he just might be right . i've searched the web for emerging songs and nothing really has that summer party feel to it . am i missing something ?
I saw this coming a mile away Remember my mother in law?Read more...
It all worked out OK. Better than OK.
Fucking pissed off. A bunch of people have been asking me for the phone number of someone who is having a party and nobody has invited me to the party. Then I go onto fscebook and my friend who moved across town is talking about how she visited the old neighbourhood - she didn't even let me know this was happening.

I keep the fucking obligatory smiley face on in public but let me tell you if I ever do top myself it will be because of shit like this. I am tired of working so many hours to support the common effort of the community of which we are all members to be sidelined like this.

seriously I would rather be dead than be a second class citizen my entire life. That's an incredibly fucking easy choice.
New Friday Game! Put my CSA share to use! Read more...
I have a bit of slack today, so FRIDAY LYRICS CHALLENGE! Read more...
Now I think I have seen everything And in this case, I really could have gone without. WTF, internet?
I Shot a Kid in Kindergarten Just to Watch Him Cry YouTube video if a 5-year-old boy playing guitar and singing the Johnny Cash classic "Folsom Prison Blues"

The cute goes to 11.
Oh, man... My neighbor, the Mummy-Trunk Murderer? Who knew? I saw and talked to this guy nearly every single day, for years and years. My husband and I lived one house away from the building that houses the grocery/deli where he worked, and we were in there pretty much daily for seven years. We were casual friends with everyone working there, including him, and he seemed completely (actually, surprisingly - considering that this was the French Quarter) normal. Read more...
Photo Friday: A Room with a View

30 July 2009

Peer-pressure dano into coming to this with me and peeedro. Yeah, but seriously--peeedro had me send him a set list, so we can play together. HUGE new thing for me (and him, I think). Other good, best friends will be there. Make danostuporstar come. Oh, yeah, and and other DC-area bunnies, hit me up.
Mark your calendars, Aug 4 - The latest round of personal stress proved too much for my heart, and on Tuesday I get to experience a massive bypass operation that was considered impossible last year. To commemorate the occasion, I will not shave my armpits prior to Tuesday and I ask that my friends follow my example.
AskMeCha: Fair "rent" for borrowing a wreck?
You saw The Wedding Dance Now check The Divorce Dance.
That's it, now I lost my respect for Obama there will be a “variety” of beers available, including Bud Lite (what President Obama will presumably drink)... Ew.
Queen Anne's Lace makes you pee the bed
Enviro-Bear 2000: Operation: Hibernation
This game hath slain me. (Some info here; download it here.)
What's everyone reading lately?
OMG BUNNY! This morning I was fooling around with some images and made this; it looks nice centered on your desktop with the background color set to black.
OK. Dating help sought, plz.
bacon addicts Is this a good use of bacon or not? I just cannot decide....

See the image on the Jan 09 post. Is it safe for work? I cannot decide that either...
A difficult but fascinating listen. Yesterday's episode of "Fresh Air" on NPR was one of the most amazing interviews I've ever heard on that show. Read more...
The Hard-Times Companion I love this article so much.

29 July 2009

Human Jumping Appendix the article read. Good Grief! I thought but...Read more...
laptop owners, what should I get? For my birthday dad got me a new laptop for school, I've always had desktops. What programs or accessories would you consider must-have?Read more...
"And [Altman] got so angry when I turned [MASH] down that he told me at a party a few years after ... 'You know, you blew it with me. And I’m the only director in Hollywood who would have understood how to use you. So you really blew it in a big way.' I said, 'Does it help to say that there is no professional decision I regret more than that?' He said, 'No, it doesn’t.'"
A.V. Club interviews character actor Austin Pendleton.
This is a grouching thread.
Ask MeCha health question: Has anyone here had ... Read more...

28 July 2009

Data retrieval from a dead hard drive: hope me, please! Read more...
William Shatner does a dramatic reading of Sarah Palin's farewell speech. (I can only find it on, so US-only, I'm sorry)Read more...
Mashups by Lenlow i stumbled across this the other day. there are some prettty interesting ones that are there for the d/l
Transformers 2 Is A Drug: Discuss....
OMG! What song am I going to walk down the aisle to in less than 2 weeks?!?!?! I had originally said that if I ever got married, I wanted to be carried down the aisle on a litter like Cleopatra by 4 muscular men while drag queens and bellydancers frolicked around me and the song "Gay Bar" by Electric Six played. Read more...
New take on an older song ...that actually works amazingly well. via Mookie
Holy Sweet Mother of Milk - How Have I Not Heard of Kevin Coyne Yet??? Read more...
garden updates, please report!
3 point non-status updates In which we share 3 things that don't really say anything about anything.Read more...

27 July 2009

It's raining controversy! Tonight's burning question:
Noted without comment. (Possibly not safe for work or sensitive dispositions.)
Judgmental Bunny! OMG! He knows what you did.
Get Your MP3 Shuffle On ! I apologize in advance if listing your last 10 shuffled songs is someone's 'Posting Thang', but its been a long time since we've done one and i love doing them. i always enjoy being introduced to a bunch of cool stuff from you groovy group of peeps !

so here goes..........
Charlie Manson's Woodstove. . . Do you have any personal or family legends that may or may not be true?. . .Read more...
confession who else wants to be friends with the crazy theater ladies in coraline?

26 July 2009

My excitement has paid off! My logs have sprouted shrooms! (Previous) Read more...
Extra benefit from the MeFi10 meetup is that I got to meet quite a few bunnies.Read more...

25 July 2009

'IstoryRepeatsCitself Saturday night life in #bunnies.
Happy Birthday, Joe Famous!
Born too soon. A year ago this week, my brother-in-law's sister Vicki lost her little boy, Evan, just shy of his 8th birthday. Vicki's (amazing, wonderful, heartbreaking) book about Evan's first few years has just been published.

24 July 2009

Cardiac Event #37 - I have spent more Medicare dollars today in this ER than the.lot of you will pay in taxes this week. Thanks!
In which I announce my return from Norfolk, and my gratitude that Twitter exists. Got up there Sunday afternoon to see Grandbun 2.0...and less than 24 hours later mom of the Grandbuns was readmitted to the hospital.Read more...
Project projection I want to mail one of my best friends some kind of cool record of what I'm up to and how much I miss her. Letters and postcards too little/insubstantial, photobooks tough as a bit self-centered (she's not in any of them as we're oceans apart!) and not texty enough for me.

Put on your party hats because IT'S OCCHIBLU'S DAMN BIRTHDAY!!
When I need to be cheered up I read reviews of Esteban guitars at Harmony Central until my sides are aching.
The End is nigh. A chilling excerpt from the TLC show Toddlers & Tiaras. (It was right at the 1:30 mark that I received my Apocalyptic revelation.)
What the ...? Seriously, WTF is that thing?

Eeep warning!
Photo Friday: Goin' places Travel and transportation, vehicles of any kid, road signs, tourist traps, you name it! Let's see your pics that involve any form of getting from point A to point B, or what you might see along the way.
My Parents' (Or Grandparents') Wedding How did your parents and grandparents tie the knot? Read more...
Where did that curb come from? WARNING; BLOOD So I wrecked my bike. First good one in a long while, maybe my worst ever, actually.Read more...

23 July 2009

Tilting at windmills... C'mon, join us. It's fun.
Crossposted from the Blue If you don't like this, your heart is made of stone. (I keed! But it is one of the best slyt posts made in a long time).
your worst argument tactic is there anything glaring you want to change about your behavior when you get into arguments with peopleRead more...
No! More! Metafilter! I've banned myself from The Site till the weekend is over so I can get some work done. Have you tried this?
I miss taz. I just wanted to say that; she's wonderful and has been damn kind to me over the years and I can only assume she's touched everybody else here too, and I just hope everything is turning up roses for her, she deserves it.Read more...
Eyeliner Bunny! OMG! That bunny is far too young to be wearing so much makeup.
Alice in Wonderland screencaps! The trailer got leaked a bit early, and although that seems to be contained at this point, the screencaps are loose!

Oh, and terrifying.


22 July 2009

Amazon buys Zappos A to Z, baby.
McKinsey Draft Report on Rethinking Conde Nast "Is 'A. Leibovitz' the accounting code for a corporate jet?"
Bunny! OMG! Not an elephant.
Harvard feels the pinch Vanity Fair is of course, a bit late to the party.
3-point status update
Wool I never Miniature sheep trim grass in vineyard. Not a baaaad way to shear off carbon emissions.

21 July 2009

Bear With Me on This One. . . I was out on a playground, as part of my job getting a sales pitch from a vendor for some equipment, andRead more...
This is a Note to Self thread. Note to Self: Clean your keyboard, as in pull out all the keys and clean them and everything underneath, MORE OFTEN than once every 2 years.
What's the dumbest thing you've ever read on the Internet? Read more...
Not again
For the record...That "banned German Sprite ad" is neither banned, by Sprite, nor from Germany. Nope, you can place the blame hip Brooklyn directors. (The ad itself is totally NSFW and rather gross). This has been a public service announcement from your resident adnerd.
Happy birthday, kellydamnit!
I just fixed our dishwasher It took three hours.
I've never eaten an artichoke before tonight. I wasn't impressed. What did I do wrong?Read more...

20 July 2009

I saw Bruno tonight. SPOILERS
Garsh, I guess she still <3 me! My Wife's Own Freakin' Blog
SQUEE Sean Bean as Ned Stark in HBO's A Game Of Thrones pilot. AND Peter Dinklage as Tyrion. I think I may cry.

What does a background/identity check entail?
Sumner Elementary School, no longer endangered. Sumner Elementary School is the school which rejected Linda Brown as a student in the 1950's. Her family, among others, are the plaintiffs in Brown v. Board of Education.Read more...
Finally! Thanks to Jesse Thorn's twitter power, someone tracked down and posted comedy's proudest moment!Read more...
The rabbit died.
My Sunday. . . Went up French Pete quite a ways.Read more...

19 July 2009

OMG! Bunny! Bunny! Yesterday morning, the elusive grey bunny appeared again.Read more...
Long beans are long And I have a ton of them!
MeCha thoughts on the MeFi 10th anniversary party
Wish you could do something with your hair?
Oh wow, New Orleans

18 July 2009

Ask MeCha Is there any advantage to using dusting spray instead of a damp cloth? I'm annoyed at how quickly dust returns with the water-dampened cloth and wondering if a commercial dusting spray will reduce this.
Listen live (40 years ago today) here the Apollo 11 astronauts prepare the Lunar Module for the first manned moon landing. Read more...
LP TV testing 1,2,3. Does this work at all?
We take the bitter with the sweet. Life brings a lot of joy, and a lot of sorrow, and we don't get to choose which comes when. Read more...
Grandbun 2.0 is HERE.... ...just got the call. Details and stats to follow...
Remember my car issues? Well, I have a court date in a month. Imagine my shock when today, out of the blue.Read more...

17 July 2009

IRC is the place to be - in keeping with the "rhyming posts" theme.
Best Wishes to Rick and Kulap I've known Rick for well over a decade now, though we have never met face-to-face. Instead we have been in touch over the phone at first and then through email - Rick issued three compilation CDs and was kind enough to include some of my musical efforts on these discs. He has always been the soul of generosity toward my wife and I.Read more...
Shallow and vain question: Do hetero men dislike short hair? Read more...
New bar bet: You bet that you can shake up a bottle of ordinary water and then make it spray all over when you open it just like an ordinary bottle of soda. The gag: Read more...
Halp with earworm!
Nearly Lost My Shit Today, But Made The News In A Positive Way! Read more...
Ben Stein: A shill of a guy
"Predatory business practices... Anyone? Anyone?"
Mailbox surprise.
An amusing little footnote to Apollo 11: 10-year-old boy on Guam saves the day!Read more...
Photo Friday: Double! Pairs of things, twins, double exposures, diptychs, or any other way you'd like to interpret it, this week's PF is all about the doubles.

16 July 2009

First time oral surgery in the morning - what can I expect? Read more...
OH GOD I AM IN LOVE AND IT HURTS SO GOOD I already love DJ Earworm's mashups so much I want to marry him, but with this video I think I want to have one billion of his babies, too.Read more...
Anyone participating in Infinite Summer?
The Half-Blood Prince. . .spoilers So I saw it last night, as usual,Read more...
Is the internet broken?

15 July 2009

Some More Free Songs these are free songs from a Vancouver music site . they werent really my cup of tea, but if you like an m.o.r. country rock sound , there will probably be some you'd like
Do you speak a second (or more) language fluently? If so, what language? What language would you like to learn (useful or otherwise)?
IRC For Old Time's Sake? So I'm in chat. Haven't been there for a long time. Anyone want to stop in and say, "hi?"

Sorry if this is no longer kosher. I'm going through months of archives!
anybody know corporate or foundation funders in sri lanka? Funding for a theatre project for kids there.. UK based charity doing work in Sri Lanka among other places.
Taking America to Lunch: the Smithsonian/American History's lunchbox exhibit. What lunchboxes did you have (or lust after)?
I'm an idiot.
Our Reaction To Their Reactions To the Twitter Documents Leak I thought this was kind of interesting, but I wasn't sure if it was really FPP-worthy. Interesting question of journalistic ethics meeting the Internet, or just so much Twitterdrama?
Oh Jesus, that's a lot of cats Horrifying but interesting video of animal control emptying over 90s cats from the house of a cat hoarder.
Dinner and a Movie. What are some tasty, thematic dinners to cook up and eat while watching a movie? Scanty bowls of gruel during Oliver Twist? Human flesh for Alive?Read more...
How do you know when you're too sick to work? Physical or mental, short or long term. This is for an important process going on.
Keep it simple. Nothing scares away buyers like a profusion of superfluous technical details.
How can I age like Patrick Stewart? So for my own reasons, I tried watching "Encounter at Farpoint", the 1987 pilot for Star Trek: The Next Generation. (shut up).Read more...

14 July 2009

I got new glasses! They are super-cute and make me super-happy, though I have not yet had the lenses put in so they don't make me see super-great. Read more...
AAUGH! You're a good monster, Charlie Brown. (via)
Speaking of ants, has anyone seen the gigapan website yet?

Y'all probably have, what with you being so cool and with it and all. *whuffles*
I like things like this that are not precisely cover versions.
What is the origin of an atheist's moral compass? To begin, this question is not meant discuss the pros and cons of atheism or religion. Both sides have good points and bad.Read more...
Teen charges $23 Quadrillion at Drugstore "My lectures about financial responsibility appear to have failed: yesterday she charged $23,148,855,308,184,500.00 at the drug store. That's 2,000 times more than the national debt, which is a paltry 11 trillion." Read more...
Ask MeCha: How do you back up your music library?Read more...
Hello Internet People! I will be in Williamsburg froma round 12-2ish if anyone wants to "hang".
Which words make you wince? Leverage your demonstrable expertise, liaise with your Metachat partners in this iconic thread!
Jesus Got a Copter! The future Mr. Cupcakes and I were on our way to my dad's house this weekend and saw this strange work of "art" at a Baptist church nearby. Read more...

13 July 2009

When you are getting out of a depression, what do you feel? Read more...
Muppets turn 40!!!! Ok ya'll might have already seen this but I just discovered it, and I loves it. If you hover over the picture in the link it tells you a little bit about each character!
Sleep! the deer is in his den;
Mondo Balordo - Watch it because you like the WEIRD! I watched a pretty bizarre movie over the weekend. It was so weird and full of - things. I don't know how else to describe what all I saw but to say "THINGS".
this weekend ...was topped off with watching three bunnies gambol over my parents' field whilst eating homemade strawberry ice cream. What was your high point?
(Sort of) A Sad Milestone. . . So we go hiking yesterday, up in the Cascades, Read more...
I am so happy today! I have got some BIG NEWS! Read more...
A very cute song, a very cute video ...I think! Sally Shapiro: »Love in July«. Hope you like it!

12 July 2009

I have become completely disconnected from news headlines. I read "Italian released in Philippine jungle" and pictured some guy from Rome, in Gucci loafers and a white linen suit, being kidnapped and waking up in a steamy jungle on the other side of the world. You don't want to know what I thought when I read Al Jazeera's "Polls blow for Japanese PM"...
JENNIFER KEEN and Paul Sousa — the bride’s name is always first — could not have been more different from the other couples on the June 28 weddings and celebrations pages of The Times.

I'm one of those people who finds the wedding pages kind of sickly fascinating. I hope this becomes a trend!
Quote of the day:

11 July 2009

My favorite ladies all see to be stopping by on IRC tonight. Won't you join us?
against easy answers Do you think people wrote things like "X was raised by strict nuns therefore he was drawn to order and therefore he was drawn to math" before Freud? Or has there been an explosion of reductionism of this sort since the 30s?Read more...
And the winner is: Lipstick Thespian! For playing directly to my sensibilities. Round two is now underway. Thanks to everyone who played!
Hi! Do you like silly music? Do you have kids or do you kind of feel like a kid? Then why don't you just...Read more...
Doing the Tenth? Just me thinking out loud.
Three Point Status Update 1) Nobody has bought my damn Blackberry contract so f-it I am going to go get an iPhone!

10 July 2009

Hi I miss you all, I really do, as crazy as that is. Work has MeCha blocked (and I know the whole ethical argument, it's their network and all, that's cool). But life at home is just too busy. But I think of you all, often, and miss the cuteness and fun.

And hi to all the new folks. I'm a minor player, but dammit I'm good looking! :)
Allie from the burlesque thing brought me Pop-Tarts after I'd punched out, then there was a dogfight, some twerp wanted to do a video blog of his transaction, but we said no, luckily the more temperate of my bosses was on duty otherwise we'd have a hipster Rodney King tape on our hands. Now I have pecans and pips opened a bottle of Manhattan Special witrh her teeth.
I'm so excited! Today, my Ma & Pa Logs arrived! Read more...
Train vs. Tornado Guess which one wins?
This is a stream-of-consciousness thread. What's going through your mind?Read more...
A Brand New Two Man Gentleman Band Song! Created just for me and my co-author, based on the main character in our new book. THis was at Wednesday's book release party, which was awesome. Here Be Photos.
Photo Friday: Numbers Can you digit? Stand up and be counted! Add your photos to this thread.
So long, Moon. What are some of your more epic dreams? Dreams where you travel to remote locations that seem so real... Read more...

09 July 2009

OMG! BABIEZZZZ!!!! click movie on the left...sorries I'm not clever enough to link direct to the movie.
Welcome to Candyland, the Sequel: Conservatism Explained... a manner of speaking.

Candy's husband takes us on a tour through his political beliefs.

Also, his God-given talents in engineering.
40th Birthday Party theme ideas!
Under-the-radar video upload? Here's the deal. I've spent several hours out of my day trying to upload a video to Facebook.Read more...
Advice? Crappy connection to MetaFilter
What's for lunch?
The keep promising invisibility cloaks, but I doubt we'll ever see one.
To those claims that compact flourescent light bulbs last 5 to 7 years, I say "bullshit." Ours seem to get about the same lifespan as the old incandescent kind. Read more...

08 July 2009

Bing v Google Can't choose default search engine? You'll see results from both engines side by side. lol
Bing is a lot slower for me. :(
Help me out, junior forensic investigators. I just read this CNN article on the shooting deaths of Steve McNair and Sahel Kazemi. But something seems weird...Read more...
This blog turned up in an answer on AskMefi and I spent most of the day reading it. Its haunting me. Its the story of a family whose six year old daughter is schizophrenic and probably has been her entire life. Now I feel like I have to share it a bunch of places, just to boost their signal....
Virus Protection Software What does everyone use these days to protect their PCs? We're looking to re-up the virus protection at the church office. Currently using McAfee but I figure there must be something better out there.
I'm back! From nearly two weeks spent in Santa Barbara, Germany, and a short trip to Prague. What have I missed?Read more...
Manscaper? Salad dodgers? Men who should have read the instructions? Finally, a parade that I and everyone else can join! two minute ad that aired last night down under, and funny as hell
Last night I hosted a nifty couchsurfer...Ibti of "A Bikeable Feast." She's biking around the USA for a year to learn about sustainable agriculture.Read more...

07 July 2009

I feel both slightly more and slightly less crazy than I did five minutes ago. Pursuant to this post, has anyone here ever seen an unidentified object which may or may not have happened to be flying at the time?
Doggies are the awesome. They make Presidents run and act like children.
In honor of his swearing in today as a U.S. Senator, I give you...
Al Franken as Mick Jagger performing "Under My Thumb" on Solid Gold, c.1980. (via)
Sports and a Bento Box. Now this is the kind of thing I could get into.Read more...
I am finding the Michael Jackson memorial coverage unexpectedly moving. Read more...
Doctors lecturing about healthcare reform? Just a question...
Has anyone else experienced getting a lecture about the evils of government involvement in healthcare when visiting their doctor?Read more...
Future Vision Banished to the Past: (NYT link) Tokyo's "Capsule Tower" is in disrepair and will probably be torn down. Read more...
This is tonight's dinner. It's really good. The best part is that I can salt the meat for anywhere from three hours to three days and it just gets tastier the longer I wait! Omnomnom. What about you? Do you salt food before cooking to bring out flavor?

06 July 2009

The folks on the Sartorialist are clued into something that will always escape me. It's so beautiful people living beautiful lives. I want a shiny new life like this.
I just bought myself an early birthday present: a Kindle! Read more...
The Following Post is to Commemorate My 4,000th Comment on Metachat.... Read more...
Mac folks: Is there any way to print a document that's in ".pages" format if you don't own iWork? Read more...
Due to a strange series of events My breakfast was smoked Salmon on water crackers covered in Salmon roe and lemon juice and cracked pepper. It feels wrong to be eating it in my natty robe while reading comics news.
Please write me an offer or a rejection note? Read more...
She's now Dr. Dolly Parton and says, “[Now] when people say something about ‘Double D,’ they will be thinking of something entirely different.” She rocks.
First Ever Sheep Shoutout? Thanks Lipstick Thespian for giving our sheep a shoutout on your radio show!
"Hey, can you ink me up a dolphin that has tribal arm band tattoo, sitting in a ripped up recliner, that's smoking a bong and eating a burrito, staring at an owl?"

05 July 2009

The creepiest thing you'll see on a government website this week. Popular baby names on the Social Security site.
Lordz Of Brooklyn - American Made. A late 4th Of July entry.
DEBATE TIEM: Logic for undergrads? Should universities require all undergrads to be schooled in logic, especially the informal and formal fallacies?

I vote yes.
Nothing san stop me today! I am wearing my lucky hot pink underpants and Superman T-shirt. BRING IT ON, UNIVERSE.

04 July 2009

Badass of the Week - In March 1697, Hannah Dunston made a name for herself as a completely insane-o-bot madwoman who was absolutely not to be fucked with for any reason.
Not My Family: So, a couple of months ago I bought a set of slide reels off eBay that had some old photos (mid 1950s-late 1960s) in them, and I've finally finished scanning them and uploading the best ones to Flickr. Some of them are really wonderful pics. Read more...
A somewhat stern and unyielding (dammit!) concrete floor just knocked some sense into my head. Does anyone here know anything about potential mild concussion? I AM NOT going to the ER, but should I be worried..? Read more...
So how are you guys celebrating the anti-British insurgency? Read more...
fashion emergency! wearing a sleevless dress, need to wear a shawl over it - halp on ways to tie it?

03 July 2009

Living in a Tourist Town: A Rant, by Lipstick Thespian, Weird Old Local Dude... Read more...
Oh, hell's bells. Where is it...? I can't find a pretty funny MetaTalk thread again. Someone, years ago, getting no responses at all on a post, got into a 'what the hey' mood and created a colloquy: the entire page is a back and forth - between one person. Does anyone know which thread this is?
Car shopping rant
Photo Friday: Out my window
"So that a man can stand up" A little link-whorish, but...Read more...
Flyer template with tear-off tabs Does anyone have one of these for Word they could e-mail me?Read more...
People like to use the corridor outside my office as a phone booth so I've made a sign I think might stop them.Read more...

02 July 2009

What Kind Of Cars Should GM Make Now? Good point. As US taxpayers now own GM, we should have a say in what type of cars they make. Read more...
Cool site/project. That is all.
This one goes out to most of the customers I've dealt with over the last week. (Holiday Weekend. Retail. New York. If you've been there, you'll understand).
Fishing for Ideas. If you went to a local fish and lobster festival, with fishermen, vessel tours, restaurant tastings, and activities, what things would you want to see, do, understand, and experience? Read more...
In the Dreamtime of Lady Resurrection by Caitlín R. Kiernan. For those looking for a short sweet to read, a bit of Lovecraftian licorice.
Stagger Lee: An interesting article about this song and the art of cover versions, plus 27 (!) versions of "Stagger Lee" available for download. Read more...
And now Karl Malden :( He was rarely the star of the film, but commanded attention in any roleRead more...
Is it just me or does this week feel somewhat Donny Darkoish? Read more...

01 July 2009

OMG! Axolotl! Axolotl research could lead to human limb regeneration. (via nparmalee, via jhabig)
The Puppini Sisters (flash site/sound) - A London based trio singing vocal classics and popular music with their fantastic 40's sensibility.Read more...
Bumping a Greenie Over Here. . . Since it's not getting much attention over there.Read more...
What is my job title?
pigeon at the keyboard? I can't find an image from awhile back of pigeons (chickens?) sitting at keyboards like they're working. Anyone know which one I'm talking about?
3 Point Update - Slightly Scandalous Version!
What made your life so much easier?
Hello all you [inaudible]! allows you to easily grab screenshots of your website. Just add to the beginning of the URL you're viewing (e.g. and use the built in tools to edit and post your images.
SportsFilter: Red Sox Cough Up 10-Run Lead, Lose.....and yet - there's hope... Read more...
Happy Canada Day
YIPPEE! My day is going well!!!!! I’m afraid to say it (jinx it) but goshdarnit, things are going well today!!! How about the rest of the bunnies – is your day sucky or shiny?Read more...
Taxi Driver: Indictment of (a) the Vietnam War, (b) New York City, Read more...

30 June 2009

20 Healthiest Foods for Under $1 One of those listy things.
Simple to use panorama software - The pivot point of this panorama was once my grandparents' kitchen. [This is a huge graphic file. You may want to download and save rather than view directly from divshare.] Read more...
I'm in #bunnies And I think I need a hug. Or something. I say funny things before I pass out!
3-point, foot-up-in-yo-ass update!!!
Flickr is awesome because once in awhile you get to see great photographs like this once in awhile. Taken at the gay pride parade in San Francisco on real life film.
$175 car! I would buy this car. Bad Google translation of auction listing inside!Read more...
Had the oddest dream last night.
Chicago, Illinois, April 1977- "I knew what I was in for ten seconds after Guitar Player said to me: 'We want you to interview Led Zeppelin.' My head filled with the clarion call of screaming guitars and in a moment of epiphany I saw it all: Jimmy Page would be my touchstone. Every story I’d ever written or ever would write would be measured against this one."
Ask MeCha: How should I fix my bed? Pics inside!Read more...
Queer gamer rant alert. So I'm playing Fallout 3, and get wrapped-up in this quest to find "The Family" . . . spoilers inside.Read more...

29 June 2009

If you live near a BevMo, I would highly encourage you to go buy this wine at their 5-cent sale. We had a bottle tonight, and I would have paid more than their standard retail for it, let alone half their standard retail Read more...
Rating Medical Doctors - Question about a specific doctor inside.Read more...
Hello, I am an idiot. Albeit a very lucky, cancer-free idiot. Read more...
Does anyone want to edit this sentence for me? I am writing a letter to the editor of my local daily. . .Read more...
Automatic Inspiration Number 1: Cause I wanna have fun with all you cool, creative, fun and/or unemployed types. Have at it!
Subliminal MetaHouse I painted the new house last week and inadvertently ended up with a blue kitchen, gray office and greenish bedroom. OY.
Parents, how do I get over my fear of my kid choking? Finger foods and babies, and the only phobia I have in the world is me choking. And I've transferred that over to the kid. How the hell do I get over this and let her stick things in her mouth? (Bonus for finger foods that worked well for you with your babies! nb. she seems to hate cheerios) thanks, bunnies!
words of wisdom...
Bubba The Dog had seizures last night, and I threw up. Read more...
Wish me luck. My surgery is this morning.

28 June 2009

I saw 2 new bunnies today
Making a Mix CD of Iconic American Pop Music For A Friend.... Read more...
Sunday three-point status update:
Why cover only the nipples? I've been seeing magazine spreads with female celebrities and the like where the whole breast is showing, but only the nipple is covered up.

Why cover only the nipple and allow the showing of the rest of the breast? What are the societal or other reasons behind this seemingly arbitrary practice?
642 Songs You are just one 'download them all' from 642 songs . it takes about half an hour with a cable connection and its a really eclectic bunch of songs . Some you'll love & some you'll absolutely hate , but so far i've kept about half .

27 June 2009

So I had my party I wore a white shit over flannel with a pocket watch and big bunny ears. I started the show by having the music stop, wait 2 seconds, then run in from the back, checking the watch, yelling, and arguing the DJ into raising the curtain. The Model was a little person performance artist dressed as Alice sitting on shimmering cushions eating a huge mushroom cupcake.

Saturday Night at the Drive-In -- I spent most of today in my hometown where I haven't visited in almost 30 years. Surprisingly, both drive-ins are still in business. Many more pics to come.
Just my luck ...
Sweet Berry Wine You're gonna like it.
Ok bunnies, fess up! Which one of you is a friend of Sexii Adams? :-/

26 June 2009

Peach soup. It's what I had at dinner tonite. It was ossum.
Road Reads I'm hitting the road and I'm looking for something to read. Read more...
Suggestions for copying my iPod to my new computer? My hard drive recently crashed, and so ikkyu2 installed a new one for me. We were able to save most of my files from the old computer, but I apparently lost a bunch of my music. It's all on my iPod, though. Is there an easy-ish way to copy it over?Read more...
OMG! First Ed, then Farrah, then Michael, and now, Abe Vigoda?!!!?? Read more...
Plus size bride in a panic! (x-posted to AskMefi out of sheer desperation)
Please help me find a red dress for my wedding day! I am looking for any online stores that sell ethnic or peasant-style clothes in plus sizes and I am running out of time.
Funniest movie review I've read in ages. The money quote:
LaBoeuf projects a pathetic, wall-eyed dorkhood, when he's not babbling like a tumor removed from Woody Allen's prostate that somehow achieved sentience.
I honestly hope that what is making me feel like crap is swine flu.Read more...
Photo Friday: Summertime Now that summer is officially here, let's see your pics of the season!
Happy Birthday seanyboy! \(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ

25 June 2009

Other Side Of The Looking Glass So the partial playlist for the Alice in Wonderland Party

The Invent-A-Joke Thread
1. Think up a joke.
2. Post joke.
3. Watch the laffs roll in.
NB: Jokes might not actually be all that funny.
My Day Yesterday . . .I spent the afternoon in a respirator and Tyvek Read more...
Reports: Farrah Fawcett near death Not sure why these affect me so much.Read more...
Cool stuff I learnt today. (not sure if I'm breaking any Turkish laws by posting this here.)
Thank you to everyone who responded to my cry of frustration yesterday. It helps. In gratitude, here are some really happy bunnies!
Happy Birthday, Melismata!

24 June 2009

Time for another round of ye old TPS game Read more...
Got these two jokes about kids from a TED talk on education I just listened to. They're REALLY, REALLY dumb, I know, but they both made me laugh.Read more...
Bills, thrills and general frustration in a city on strike Some of you may have heard that all Toronto city workers (with the exception of firefighter, police and ambulance workers) are on strike at present. When I received an... interesting... water bill today, I wasn't sure where to turn.Read more...
Since we're sharing videos and parenting advice...
Reassure me! The party's on Sunday and I'm totally freaking out. Will I have enough food? Will I have too much?Read more...
I was born a generation too late. It looks like were having fun!
"ATTENTION, YOUR LIFE IS AT RISK FROM ALKAZEEM SULEIMAN RAHAJ"‏ So, spam has finally reached the level of desperation that they now threaten your life. How quaint.
Birth of a euphemism. Kinda has a ring to it, actually.
Nice shot, kid.
8th grader + handspring + 3/4 court shot = A Legend is born (via)
A week ago today I had a meetup with jonmc, pips, and Hugh Janus! Here's the video to prove it.
Good vibes good news good goodness thread!
I'm at my wits end with my son.... My son is just shy of three, and in the past few weeks he's turned into an abosloute terror. Here's a post I wrote last night about trying to get him into bed. For the first time ever, I'm dreading seeing him tonight, since I know there will be another round of this crazy behavior and no matter what I do I'll end up feeling bad.

What do you do when your toddler is driving you crazy?
Currently, I have quite the hankering for a Gin Julep. You?
Weird Wondering...
Bunnynapping !! Is No One Safe ??

23 June 2009

Binocular Soccer I can't stop laughing at this. Best with sound off.
Writer of "You Light Up My Life" indicted. Surprisingly, for something even worse than the fact that he wrote that song.
About Alice: Making Mushrooms (Cupcakes that is) Concerning this thread, I know want to make a patch of mushroom cupcakes. Or at least something edible. White on the bottom, red caps, little white dots. I need to be able to do this by Saturday. How long to they keep and what's the fastest way? I have only a popover tin (22 holes)

A sighing thread
Ask Mecha: Underwater Octopus Music What kind of music would you imagine an octopus listening to? What kind of music sounds like being underwater feels?
I guess my 8am client isn't showing up. Sigh. This is the second time in two weeks I've gone out of my way to schedule clients outside my normal hours and they've no-showed. Seems like there's a learning opportunity here somewhere...
An update - me and my girls Some of you may remember my cross-post of a while ago. It took longer than I hoped, but the soon-to-be ex and I finally spoke to our girls last night.Read more...
Wuddup, Bunnies? Good lookin' out, Seanboy!!

I'm such a dumb dumb for letting my Joe Famous password...uhhh...pass me by.
But in any case Jose Famoso is just fine with me.

So what's the 411 up in here?

And yeah, hey guess what?
(keep it on the down low though)

Shhhhhh!!! Let's keep it between us for now.

I am on vacation but what I am doing is sitting here at home waiting for the cable person to come install my cable modem. I don't think I have my vacation priorities quite straight.
If I had eight children, I would be ACTIVELY trying to prove that I was an unfit mother. Read more...

22 June 2009

My exwife once again managed to fuck up the unfuckable. At 95% certainty, I will be moving to Fresno, CA next week to straighten out and maintain my son's SocSec benefit. Read more...
Swans's End: bathroom before and after So I finally got around to getting a scanner and getting some pictures online. This set is of my bathroom, before and after I did it over. I have other rooms in my house finished or close to finished, but no "after" photos for them yet. But all in good time...
Calling taz or whomever: Joe Famous = Jose Famoso Read more...
The best of ircimages (increasingly NSFW)
This guy shops in my store a lot.
Tomorrow I need to avoid foot stink. How do I do this? Read more...
PASSED!!!! I passed the exam!!!
Found! I just found a bunch of not-replaceable paperwork that I thought I lost, the loss of which would have required me to scramble around and get things filled out by all my past supervisors, many of whom I am no longer in touch with and few of whom live anywhere close to me. What have you found, or are hoping to find, today?
Bunnies! OMG! Earsies down, earsies up.
Emergency superhero help needed
Wit from my father I was working on Father's Day, so I didn't get to do this, but this is a pretty typical example of why I always beat myself up for not updating my dad's blog. Read more...

21 June 2009

Amazing Carrot Soup Recipe Perfect for bunnies young and old.Read more...
Moved into base housing today. I have a kitchen for the first time since I joined the Navy.Read more...
Book Suggestions? I'm about to finish the His Dark Materials series and I don't know what to do with myself. Read more...
Bunnies! OMG! What secrets do bunnies whisper to each other?
The other night

20 June 2009

Asking Alice: Songs about/concerning/referrencing/re-mixing Alice In Wonderland? For a party. Trying to get away from Grace Slick (but awesome covers welcome!) However, my tolerance for trance-y remixes is low. Any good pop/rock stuff?
Weekend 3-point update
I am all wobbly in the knees. Whoo. Hee. Hm! Yeah, wow. I hope you have something half as good today.
Extreme sheep stuff . In other news, I really, really, really want a Samsung LED TV. Seriously.
aloe vera, check, sun factor 55+ check, after sun, check.... - I'm going to Cannes and will be in the sun for the first time since 2001 and jaaybus I have a big fat case of travel nerves. :)) What if I turn into a nice lobster-red and match my hair the first day?

19 June 2009

Don't be stupid heh. i just learned that shania twain has a fancy song about "don't be stupid" at any rate, i learned to not pick up my rototiller by the muffler because it's f*cking hot.

my left hand is sitting in a bowl of cold water. i know better. don't hurt yourselves, folks. you don't have to be smart, but don't be stupid.

also, ow.
Make Mine Mac & Cheese: Metchatters! Please share your bestest Mac and Cheese Recipes here!
Can someone do me a huge favor? DeviantArt is blocked at work :( because it has the word "deviant" in the title. I'm trying to download a theme to my computer here. The zip file is on this page:Read more...
I wrote these random sentences for the next generation So they know that we did everything we could to create a better future for them.
I'm sick and I'm sick of coughing!
Drinking is good for you and you will feel awesome.Read more...
All about this song for me. Something just totally wrong with how I'm feeling at work...Read more...
I’m bored I’m bored I’m bores hurry up 5.45 daaaaaaaang!!!
AskMeta Crosspost For Max Awesome Answers: After years of creating things and then casually tossing them aside, I've decided to create a blog to put them all in. Cartoons, short fiction, audio clips, short video, etc. A bit like Bad Gods. The only problem is, I've got no idea what to call it.

Lucid Dreaming Follow-Up - I'm Now Able To Comment On My Dreams While They Happen... Read more...
In Which The Whelk Has Thriller Movie Dreams
Photo Friday: My Commute Planes, trains, and automobiles! Or anything else concerning your daily trek.

18 June 2009

Japanese prisoner of war memories. A series of drawings describing the experiences of a Japanese Air Corps soldier during his internment in a Soviet POW camp in Ukraine.
Ask MeCha: is there anything you can do to actually HELP a homeless person? Read more...
THIS is pretty cool I think. Stop motion animation with post it notes. NICE.
OK, maybe you've heard the rumours. (I actually got a call from a MeFite who's also a reporter, even)about this shit. Read more...
As I am all wolfed up tonight ...
I had a pre meetup meetup with Hugh Janus, jonmc and pips, and they are awesome. I will post pictures later after the official meetup tonight!
Star Wars As told by somebody who has never seen Star Wars. (via @miconian on twitter)
I have a lamp with a busted switch, help me fix it...Read more...
FolkNerd joy! I just one my choice of a free Smithsonian Folkways CD. What should I get?Read more...
Health insurance companies refuse to budge on 'recission' , a practice where they find excuses to cancel coverage for sick policy-holders, even when errors or omissions in the record are provably not the fault of the policy-holder.

More commentary from Mother Jones.
Need whuffles, please. What is happening to my brain?
I remember - Square Dancing & Velamints

17 June 2009

The Boston Red Sox Are The Best Team in the American League, and... Read more...
Google Stereotypes (tm)? Google Oracle (tm)?
Well, I, for one, am not surprised. Anyone who's ever met Twinkie will know ...Read more...
Is this overthinking a plate of beans? "Now that it's picnic season, I'm back to making my famous three-bean salad. But every time I'm at the grocery store, I feel torn between the canned kidney beans and the dried ones in bags. Transporting the canned ones must produce more emissions, since they're heavier, but how does that compare with the carbon footprint of boiling dried beans for hours on a stovetop?"

I can't help thinking that a MeFite is having fun with Slate, but I'm probably wrong.
Afternoon update in the form of a question? Why was the first thing I ate today beer? Because it was a good stout and then I had bread and cheese. It's turning out to be a very 14th century kinda day.
Stain removal/bitching thread...
Travelling and ravelling: tales from a dozen years of knitting on the TTC I’ve been living in Toronto for almost sixteen years, and I’ve spent something in the neighbourhood of 10,000 hours on the TTC. Reading on a moving vehicle makes me motion sick, so I knit (or sometimes sew, crochet, cross-stitch, or embroider, etc.) to while away the time spent commuting. This has led to numerous knitting-related incidents. Read more...
"You need some girlfriends" .... So, I went the cheap route and tried waxing myself, underarms and legs. It took a million years and was supah-painful, and I'm now decorated in pretty red rashes where I've waxed and I gave up halfway. SO reckons I need girlfriends. Honestly, do girls wax each other? I never knew! ps how do I get the rashes to calm down it hurrrttttssss
Bay Area Bunnies! I want to meet you!

16 June 2009

I just got back from seeing Jonathan Richman play at the Bowery Ballroom and it was excellent. That is all.
reminder - i am in nyc now! My god, this is an awesome city! We are having a meetup Thursday night, can you come?Read more...
Something I learned (or rather had reiterated to me) today. There are certain people who think that just because you work in retail and wear a nametag, that you are retarded. Read more...
Why do I keep getting sent to the Google homepage? Ikkyu2 is a saint, and he just installed a new hard drive for me after mine crashed rather spectacularly. Everything seems to be working fine, except that about one out of four times, Firefox is giving me either 404 error pages or routing me to the Google homepage rather than to the URL I typed in. Why, and how to fix? Read more...
Without going into details: I'm just, really, really tired of human beings right now I mean really
This song is incredible, and just possibly (okay probably, but with headphones it would be fine, the site itself doesn't scream) not safe for work, but I'm just sitting here smiling and shaking my head, this is just... I really don't know what to say.
What could your magic wand do?
What fictional world would you like to live in? A question inspired by this article on The AV Club. Read more...
Australian tabloid asks a question Are you in favour of same-sex marriage in Australia? As I type this, 52% of respondents say NO. What do *you* think?
After a BBQ I had about a month ago, I froze hot dogs and rolls. A) Can one safely freeze hot dogs and then thaw and cook them; and B) Are the rolls going to taste gross and freezer-y after they thaw?

15 June 2009

SassHat, mullacc, Go! We had our ridiculous dispute settled by John Hodgman on a podcast.Read more...
I'm confused. Evidently there is an 'obscene message' in here somewhere, but I can't see it. Anyone care to spot it and explain it to me?
My Milk Toof. Featuring Ickle and Lardee.

They are teefs.
Paging Occhiblu: What was that food checklist web site? Read more...
I Need Some HTML Help And I Didnt Know It Until I Got A Better Monitor I recently got a new high-res widescreen monitor which required resetting my computer resolution to 1680 X 1050 pixels . Read more...
Monday therapy: OMFG STFU - people I'd love to say this to... Read more...
Betelgeuse! Betelgeuse! Betelgeuse! Scientists perplexed at dying Supergiant star shrinking rather than expanding.
"First we were surrounded by ruins, and then those ruins began to sing."
Just finished the last of my student reports for this year...and they all passed! Very excited. They all worked so hard! Whoo!

14 June 2009

Happy Birthday Essexjan! (here's hoping I have the right day!)Read more...
Geeks Vs. Nerds: Discuss!
A real life GET OFF MY LAWN moment Brought to you by the kids down the road, and also by the letters F and U.Read more...
Mingling Miis - occhiblu's on my jock to get y'all's Miis into our Mii Parade!
Ortolan, Anyone? . . .(a patisserie on SE Division in Portland. . .I missed the name. . .just up a few blocks from Stumptown)
If MeCha had an anonymous posting option, with some untraceable way to say "wink-wink, it's really me", I would have one hell of a tale to tell.
stupid question about the 3 cheek kiss greeting. So, are you supposed to actually touch your lips to their face or just kiss the air?
3-point weekend update

13 June 2009

Happy birthday Eideteker!!
HEY PICKSBURG! Yinz are stealing our slogan!
Hey guys!!!
Happy birthday rmless2!
I thought I had another week to prepare: But the Super Mario Party is TODAY and in THREE HOURS and I have to come up with decorations with the other set dressers furiously via gchat.
Imagine the baby boomer generation unable to dress themselves. Actually you don't have to imagine it, just wait a few more years.

12 June 2009

Basement cat has taken up residence in my front yard. Read more...
It's time to claim your Facebook username! Quick, run and get what you want before somebody else does!
Are you comfortable? I've been looking for this Liquid Television short for ages.
Anyone going to Readercon? Boston, July 9-12
So my friend said today, "Ah, Zoloft. Half the people I know who took it said, 'it saved my life,' and the other half said, 'it tried to kill me.'" Guess which half I fell into?!Read more...
When I accidentally step on my cat's tail, and then give him some turkey to make up for it…Read more...
Reading the comments at A.V. Club is one of my guilty pleasures, and it's quips like the following that keep me coming back for more...
Do you have friends that will only hang out with you On Their Terms?Read more...
Oh, hai ... (Verrry slightly NSFW)
Whoa. Ducks are in a Row. Looks like I'm closing on a house next week. I can't believe it at all. It's been incredibly stressful, but it looks like the fun part is almost here!
Subtle shift in consciousness.
Thou shalt fix thy neighbour's roof as thy own...? Swan's End is a semi-detached, and one of three conjoined houses. I live in the house on the south end, my neighbour Jenny and her family live in the middle house, and on her other side the house is owned and occupied by my neighbour Emilia and her parents. And Jenny's front bedroom has developed some leaks.

Anyone up for another round of MP3 Shuffle-a-gogo?
This week's Photo Friday theme: Golden Let's see your glowing, golden pics!

11 June 2009

false dichotomy? Maybe my brain has atrophied but I can't understand anymore why feminists are always like..Read more...
I think it's time for another non-video game thread Read more...
What's a word that begins with "d" and has something to do with stones or rocks? I can't think of anything, yet it's vitally important for a stupid pun I hope to use.
Books on My Nightstand I currently have a pile of books that looked great, on seeing them in the bookstores, but I am slogging through them without much joy:Read more...
Ergonomic mouse recommendations? I want to get a better mouse for work, but the options are dizzying (or maybe that's just impending swine flu).Read more...
To Kennedy’s Teacher, Please excuse Kennedy’s absence… she’s with me.Read more...
Thursday 2⅝ update
Cute? Or creepy? I say creepy.
Do I unleash the Rental Beast?
David Bowie, Saint in the City Did y'all know he'd done this cover? I didn't. He does a great job, too. Bonus track: here's Bowie's Growin' Up.Read more...
Oh hey, it's my book release party! July 8th in NYC I will be celebrating the release of my first graphic novel with big-ass party complete with cupcakes, performances, and The Two Man Gentleman Band. Wont you stop by and say hello?
Happy birthday kkokkodalk!
Ask MeCha: how long to wait before calling? Another dating question. If you meet someone through online dating in person for the first time and you seem to get along well, when should you contact them again?

Hello Goodbye!
Kleberg County commissioners on Monday unanimously designated "heaven-o" as the county's official greeting. The reason: "hello" contains the word "hell."
Bitching Thread
Off to the lake! Yay long weekend! Happy Corpus Christi y'all!

10 June 2009

MeCha Fantasy Football 2009 is open! I just renewed the league today, and invites have been sent to everyone who played last year.Read more...
Roy Passin, restaurateur extraordinaire, inventor of myriad sandwiches, hero of my youth.

"There are many ways to feed your hungry guests"

He knew them all.
I just read about this I figured a lot of these fringe loonies would start to act up once Obama won but... my god. The idea of attacking people someplace like there just makes me want to cry.
The Other Side Of Manic: My bathroom is in 2 inches of poo water, the lady downstairs is screaming, the plumber can't be reached so just the super is on his knees and my jeans I JUST BOUGHT are ruined with bleach and I did some weird shit in a bar last night cuasing the bartender to call me, personally, to ask if I was alright and I'm gonna get my wisdom teeth pulled out tomorrow and my ankle still hurts but it's a 10 block walk to the dentist and and and and argh.
This is a post about cat declawing. But I am not trying to start a fight, honest.Read more...
I think it's time for another video game thread So what has everyone been playing lately?Read more...
Seen anything interesting today?
Train 1, Car 0 We hear about trains hitting cars, but here is a video of a car hitting a train.
Hot weather meals? It's heating up out there--time to switch from winter warming, stick-to-your-ribs food to light, fresh, please-for-the-love-of-god-don't-heat-up-the-house food. What do you like to cook/prepare/eat in the summer?
"Nick Cave's rejected Gladiator 2 script uncovered"
Crowe's Maximus meddles with Roman gods in the afterlife, is reincarnated, defends early Christians, reunites with his son, and ultimately lives forever– leading tanks in the second world war and even mucking around in the modern-day Pentagon.

It might have been a wreck, but I'd probably have watched it.
Photo Friday halp request.

09 June 2009

Great typewriter. Great eBay listing. Each is an example of beautiful craftsmanship.
I am out to see Jonathan Richman at a little dive bar by my gets better. I ran into him today and he gave me two tickets! Wheeee!
What will it be?
At the current pace of a new English-language word created about every 98 minutes, English will cross the Million Word Mark on June 10th, 2009 at 10:22 am (Stratford-on Avon Time)
Photos of lunch with The Whelk
Kitchen 911 I have a good load of peas, still on the vine. I have a couple nice eggplants. Read more...
"Comedy Isn’t Funny." New York Magazine's notorious hatchet piece about the sorry state of Saturday Night Live, circa 1995. Read more...
Today is your lucky day: I'm gonna need all the mental powers of the MetaChatters for this one. I need some Spooky Action at a distance.

now what I'm sick of things going wrong. Today is: the old owner of my car DIDN'T have a clear title, and my car just got repossessed because of it. My car. The car I paid cash for. The only car I have.
I'm going to drink and cry for a while.
Prince needs double hip replacement surgery Unfortunately, thanks to his practice as a Jehovah’s Witness, Prince still refuses surgery. JW’s don’t believe in blood transfusions.
The perks of being only 4ft 11 are few but ... Read more...
Refregerator magnets Where can I find non-kitschy, saying-free refrigerator magnets nowadays?
Rat! OMG! - Click on the video link just below the byline.
Ok, I confess I'm kinda interested in this GI Joe movie. Read more...
Kevin Devine: "I Could Be With Anyone" I love, love, love this video. Equal parts funny and poignant. Read more...
Do you Sims3? I do!
ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz *snort mumble ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

08 June 2009

So who wants to have lunch with me in midtown tomorrow (Tuesday) round noon?
License plate game
This sex and violence article leaves me disappointed. "Air Force pounds MILF lairs with rockets" was not what I thought it would be.
Please list the silly, petty little mistakes you make over and over again. Read more...
Little boxes.
I watched "Annie Hall" for the first time last night and...(sex discussion inside)Read more...
I'm Absolutely Fucking Fried. Little Help?
So, who likes Gay Porn? I was cleaning out my bookcase and I found a stack of "30 Free Minutes!" promotional cards for various gay adult sites that I got back when I covered the porn industry like a million billion years ago. Anyone in the continental united states want them? The price of a stamp is worth it to know I've brought gay porn into the heart of a happy MeChatie.
Barksdale rats vs rats from Prop Joe's crew In fact, the Baltimore rat is so wedded to its home turf, typically an alley a few hundred feet long, that at the molecular level, an East Baltimore rat is distinct from a West Baltimore rat.
Since no one on namethattune got this, I figure I'll give you folks a shot: Read more...
Ask MeCha. I can't remember fantasy series.
Gear for Insomniacs Does any here use one of those nature sound machines? Read more...
Pirate Party claims EU booty: confirmed The Pirate Party won 7.1 percent of votes, taking one of Sweden's 18 seats in the EU parliament.

07 June 2009

An Anecdote from Clive Barker
I get to post this because I don't have any study hours tonight. I am now a graduate of Naval Nucular Power School! My final exam was last Tuesday, graduation was on Friday, and I've spent the weekend showing my parents around Charleston.Read more...
Not blue material, but someone might enjoy it Alternately, is the less categorised version. It's all terribly odd, but some of it made me smile. I still don't think suffering twitter is worth this.
AskMeCha: parents of current or former toddlers: does/did it bug you when strangers smile at or play peek-a-boo with your kid?Read more...
I wrote a lullaby for your babies.... Please experiment on your kids for me and let me know what kind of reaction it gets.
A short and slightly schizo playlist [divshare]. Some pure pop and some little darker & spacier stuff. Read more...
Sunday Confessional: Like postsecret but with less angst and cut-up photos and christian guilt. I'll go first.

Got IRC ? I was going to pop into the metachat room last night, but then something happened that prevented it . It seems that MIRC only allows you to use it on a trial basis for 961 days before it cuts you off . this is too bad because by 1300 or so days, i would have been ready to make up my mind about it. oh well, freeloaders cant be choosers .

Can anyone recommend another good free IRC Program to try ?
shameless pimping of my askme question In other news, a two point status update.Read more...

06 June 2009

bunnylover I have a bunny in my backyard who won't go away. Read more...

05 June 2009

Grizzly Bear "Veckatimest" I got this album this week, and it's my first exposure to the band Grizzly Bear. I like it okay, but it's disconcerting how much they sound like other bands. Read more...
Is it moral to use evil means to achieve a good end? I was thinking about this:

Let's say that I'm a drug kingpin. I supply drugs that get people addicted and ruin the lives of the addict's loved ones. I traffic in underage prostitutes. To complete it, I also pay my drug mules next to nothing.

But, I then use the money I make from the above activities to build churches, fund religious education, and do good works in my community.

Would I go to hell because I'm engaged in glorifying God, or do I go to hell because of the misdeeds I am committing?
What's everybody doing this weekend?
But in GOOD news: My story for a Marvel anthnoloy is finally being published. It's only been 2 years and 4 editors!
Best joke I've heard in ages BP said I should post it here. I've re-told it so many times this week and still laugh every time.
Song lyrics game! Most of them '80s and '90s, reflecting my age, I guess, and I think y'all will get them quite easilyRead more...
Guess who the new guy with the broken foot and pain meds: ME! Very long angsty relationship-filter-sucks-to-be-me-but-what-do-I-do-now?-omg-personal! ahead

Photo Friday : Today's theme is "Something Surprising"
Holy crap! I got an LED to light up on a breadboard! I'm getting a bit obsessively into "embedded electronics" and "programming microprocessors." I have no electronics background, but a friend taught me how to solder a simple pre-made kit together, and now I'm hooked. So I found this set of tutorials, and have successfully graduated from the very first one!

Until now, I'd always thought this was way too butch for me!

04 June 2009

For the nerd who has everything ...
This made me laugh today Other stuff did too.
She won't make him a grilled cheese sandwich. This had me laughing hysterically at work...alas I couldn't tell anyone why. No nsfw words in the post, just G-rated euphemisms in their place. Read more...
Twitter makes the cover of Time magazine. Gawker makes fun.
Do you have a similar job to your parent(s)? I know so many teachers whose father was also a teacher, or doctors whose mother was a doctor. Have you followed in a parent's footsteps? Did you even consider it? Did you make a conscious choice to do something different to your parents? Did your parents' professions not factor into the equation at all?

03 June 2009

Online dating communication style beanplating Ask MeCha! I've started using OKCupid which has been fun so far but I have a few questions.Read more...
All You Need Is Awesome! Good god.. the animated trailer for "The Beatles: Rock Band" is so amazing, there's no way the game can live up to it. Watch it fullscreen with your speakers way loud.Read more...
Summer Toonz I've posted a summertime-ish mix over at The Cramps, Primal Scream, Belle & Sebastian, and more.
Approaching celebrities. How do you do it?
Wednesday's 3-point Update
Dayquil and nyquil are having a war in my body. Read more...
What would be the worst possible place to work? Read more...
OMG! Deserted Mexican Island Filled With Freaky Lost Plastic Children! This is a birthday present from me, the birthday boy, to all of you. Happy Birthday! (Article is Safe For Work, but the link at the phrase "Download our free Miss Mindy pin-up lovelies here" has a NSFW image.)
Today is Allen Ginsberg's birthday. This post at PopMatters has a video of him doing a reading, and the animated expression on his face towards the end of it makes me glad we had him in the world, and also sad that he's gone.
Scan this I'm thinking about getting a scanner. Do you have any scanner buying tips for me? What brand/model/price range do you recommend?
Post Topic Smorgasbord! See More Inside!
Happy Birthday jason's_planet!
Sad Wii :(

02 June 2009

I got me a donut... ...and I eated it!
The Raya Billy F Gibbons Blue Light Special is a pretty cool looking guitar.
Food Gone Yummy
So, having watched Dr. Horrible's SIng-A-Long-Blog: I have a question. Is Nathan Fillion doing a direct Steve Martin from Little-Shop-Of-Horrors thing as Captain Hammer? Cause all the mannerisms are there, even down to the intonation and singing style.
Where have all the Bed, Bath, & Beyond coupons gone? Read more...
Tonight at my kid's baseball game...
The Bridezilla Equation Ugh. I am bogged down in wedding plans. If you knew me in RL, you would know that I am so totally not your typical "bridezilla" type, but on a certain level I am begining to understand the phenomenon.
I am having a cartoon music montage kinda day: The heat is invigorating rather than horrid. The people are all well-dressed and smiling, and it seems like every store is playing that kind of concentrated cheer the 60s specialized in. Yay Today!
Since It's a Slow Day, a Metachat dream. . .Read more...
Why don't people say what they mean?!
Conflict! I hate Obama. But I love dogs. Now... Obama's dog! Conflict!
People in Malmö are a little nuts ... they like to make things where there is nothing. Like a livingroom inside the hollow part under a pier. Follow me inside, will you?
Pimp My Joke
18 Greatest TV Drinkeries These choices are highly debatable but it was sort of a fun list.
The Poppy Family- "Where Evil Grows." I love the 70s, those days when a wholesome-looking Canadian couple could have a hit with a groovy pop song about the nature of evil. Read more...

01 June 2009

Sign O' The Times "When Secretary Geithner insisted to a Peking University student that China doesn't need to worry about the safety of its U.S. investments, the audience laughed."
This was unexpected (bit of a technicolor headache there, sorry, but I'll explain)Read more...
"The streets were dark with something more than night. " A fantastic, noir-ish photo, with something a little... sinister-looking going on. Hi-resolution
Is anyone else seeing increased grumpiness today? Maybe it's a first-of-the-month thing, but the customers I've dealt with today are collectively much grumpier than the ones from last week. The blue seems extra-feisty today as well.
Free Amazon music downloads Bust a Move, anyone?
Another AskMeCha. What's up with this tv show I downloaded? Read more...
Overthinking a tin of crisps, or: the Aristotelian question of the essence of potato. Britain’s Supreme Court of Judicature has concluded that Pringles, despite being only about 40% potato content, should be treated as potato chips for tax purposes.
AskMecha: What's up with Gmail's spam filters lately? I've been noticing more and more spam making it through Gmail's filters and getting to my Inbox. Which dovetails into a great question I've always wondered about spam filters: Read more...
Monday Morning Three Point Update:
Enjoy classics Judgement Day and Master Race.

31 May 2009

Meme moments: This probably qualifies me for "get off my lawn" status, but this article about contrived, mediated experience resonated with me.
What're you lookin' at?
I made it to Boston - no problems. Tomorrow I go apartment hunting...
Counselor Bunnies - I Have Need Of Your Professional Input! Read more...
Mood swings, redux. I am getting a wee bit concerned.Read more...
I have some rare(ish) lipids in the freezer... now what do I do?Read more...
post by: taz at: 06:18 | 3 comments
I just got back from the ER ...
I think I may have just f-ed up

30 May 2009

Do the movies get your profession right? Do the movies get your profession right?Read more...
I like pecan liquer and strawberry oreos. And if you don't you're a stupid communist.
My cat has an ingrown claw. Found out too late: Once your older cat's nails start to click on the floor when walking, check their claws! Read more...
The President and First Lady are in NYC, seeing a Broadway show ("Joe Turner's Come and Gone" by August Wilson).Read more...
This is a Stanley Cup Thread.
What's happening?
The 21st Arrondissement: Why is my neighborhood suddenly and inexplicably filled with Francophones? Long lines of well-dressed women crowd bakeries, Nannies correct their charge's nouns, and the smoking crowds outside bars are packed with strong, foreign smoke. Have they always been here, among us, and I'm just now noticing? Or is something far more sinister afoot?
AskMecha: In the Beach Boys song "California Girls"...
why is it that at my age I still can't tell if someone's being caring or controlling. Read more...
Magnum/Han Solo mashup. Freakin' nailed it, corndog!

29 May 2009

Girlies' Day!
LT's in #Bunnies - come say hi and pretend like it's old times and stuff!
I have dipped my toe in Trek fandom and now I can't get it out. Husband has been a fanboy since he was born, so there seems to be no escape.
I had a MetaChat dream, LT.
I am seizing upon box's comment as an excuse to post this (I need little encouragement). Metacat ftw.Read more...
It's Time For Another Installment of ":Ask LT Anything!" Read more...
Yet another video about which we can probably say, for better or whatever, they don't make 'em like that any more.
Photo Friday? :: pouts :: I need my MeCha Photo fix! (Yes, I'm needy.)
I gain weight in your mind
Ask Mecha: French Presses I want to buy a large-capacity French press specifically for making pitchers of cold-press iced coffee. Is there anything special I should be looking for? Which one should I buy?
post by: box at: 12:51 | 5 comments
A little MP3 Player Shuffle-a-gogo? MP3 player on shuffle - first 10 songs that come up, no cheating. Read more...

28 May 2009

"Don't Stop Believing" has a whole different feel at the end of Glee than it did at the end of The Sopranos.Read more...
Rental Foreclosures : This appears to be a legit site.
Cannot connect to IRC Can any techie bunnies help me out? Read more...
The Defenders The satire is a bit broad, and the coda at the end is overkill, but I think this film short has its heart in the right place.
Airport Walkway in Detroit I flew through the Detroit airport the other day, and was surprised to find this awesome art installation of a walkway in it. Have you seen it?
post by: box at: 21:36 | 6 comments
It's really cheesequaking! in #bunnies right now.
I don't like my tutoree.
This is a Drinking Thread: Duval pint with a Knob Creek Chaser. because I suspect the fish was undercooked and I don't want a parasite.
Brain chemistry is a strange thing. By rights, I should be in a lousy mood, but I am (naturally) high as a kite. Et vous?
Londoners, where would you go to get a piercing? Don't get too excited, I just want to re-pierce my nose.
I have long suspected that owls were closely related to cats.
Today's earworm: The Jayhawks, Take Me With You When You Go. What's yours?
This is a crying thread.
"Fairy Alphabet" Great little song and animation.
(via Ten Awesome Moments from Sesame Street)
Eideteker's Here Before Me, Isn't He?
Three Point Status update 1) I CAN'T WAIT until this election is over. While we are at it can we just have the general election soon so I can get this period of my life done with?Read more...
Free classical music stream. Actually, there are two streams available; that one is from a network, while this one is the on-air feed from Atlanta's local classical station,Read more...
After reading this book, I'm finding these pages on the Soviet missions to Venus pretty fascinating.
I'm back! Did it work?
"Iraq redux? Obama seeks funds for Pakistan super-embassy" The U.S. is embarking on a $1 billion crash program to expand its diplomatic presence in Pakistan and neighboring Afghanistan, another sign that the Obama administration is making a costly, long-term commitment to war-torn South Asia, U.S. officials said Wednesday. The White House has asked Congress for — and seems likely to receive — $736 million to build a new U.S. embassy in Islamabad, along with permanent housing for U.S. government civilians and new office space in the Pakistani capital. The scale of the projects rivals the giant U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, which was completed last year after construction delays at a cost of $740 million. Senior State Department officials said the expanded diplomatic presence is needed to replace overcrowded, dilapidated and unsafe facilities and to support a "surge" of civilian officials into Afghanistan and Pakistan ordered by President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
I just corrected the New York Times.
Poodle exercise with humans There'll be an explanation for this, but I'm just not sure what it is.

27 May 2009

"Islands Of Consciousness" (Flash) Watch a randomly-generated, surreal "movie" made of images being downloaded from Flickr (on the fly- you'll see them appearing on the right side of the page) with a generative-music soundtrack made up of 4 ever-changing audio layers. So hypnotic!Read more...
GRE Literature as Subject test HELP! While my verbal score on my general GRE was fabu, I scored lower than I hoped on the Literature as Subject practice GRE I took last year.Read more...
Non-sequiturs that make you wonder So, my ex told me she was getting a hip replacement (she has rheumatoid arthritis), and the first thing that popped into my head was "Do you feel less human? Have you crossed the divide from man to machine now?"

It was just a little funny, but I'm wondering whether you all have strange things like this pop up in your heads from time to time.
The shoes are made for walking Last night I started a new project: knitted shoes.

I'm Free! I can finally start my new life and actually have a permanent home and a good bed again! I have been waiting five years for this day. So, all I gotta do is pack the car and I'm headed to Boston a week earlier than I had anticipated. Yay! Read more...
National Review irritated by Sotomayor being so damned... ethnic Deferring to people's own pronunciation of their names should obviously be our first inclination, but there ought to be limits. Putting the emphasis on the final syllable of Sotomayor is unnatural in English ... This may seem like carping, but it's not. ... one of the areas where conformity is appropriate is how your new countrymen say your name, since that's not something the rest of us can just ignore, unlike what church you go to or what you eat for lunch. And there are basically two options — the newcomer adapts to us, or we adapt to him. And multiculturalism means there's a lot more of the latter going on than there should be.
Hey (hello) !!! What's your download speed?
Brian Eno paints Sydney Opera House orange. (Okay, it's actually a projected artwork installation, but it looks pretty cool.)

26 May 2009

Cut, then color? Or color, then cut? I have a box of hair coloring and I need a haircut. Which comes first? (Can't afford professional coloring.)
Today, as I stood on the sidewalk during my afternoon break, at the Famous Bookstore, there was a ten-deep line of people waiting on the sidewalk to sell us their used books. The lady at the front of the line was reading her Kindle. That's symbolic. or something.
Did anyone see "Be Kind Rewind"? I watched it last night and have some questions based on reviews I've been reading...(potential spoiler)Read more...
3-point status update, Tuesday resolution edition
Please share your favorite narrative (longish) joke
Things you wish you didn't throw away.
If you're not part of the solution...

25 May 2009

End of holiday weekend 3-point update
Name your celebrity crush. Now, and/or when you were 14.
Frustrations.. So I got into school, made my class schedule, and was THEN told I will not qualify for any financial aid, including federal loans.Read more...
Play FLEE! I'm learning AS3/Flash, and this little game is my first concerted effort. Death comes easily, unfairly, and quickly. Fun for the whole family!Read more...
Tales from the knitters' corner Here’s a cute yarn…

Is there a nice way to tell people not to ask for anything from me? For the next couple of weeks I don't want to be asked for anything from my friends and colleagues. I am just too busy. if they have something to share, or wish to help me with this stressful time, that's fine. But I don't want to keep having to say no to people. Is there a way to filter incoming calls and texts so I only get them from a whitelist of people instead?
Pigeon Party At TW's. BYOB: Large numbers of pigeons have taken to roosting on my fire escape. They've never done this before, why is my fire escape now the hot new pigeon hang-out?
Did you know about the sequel? I didn't. I just learned it.
Askmecha: Song posted here: Rockabilly, Girls singing something about Cleopatra Dance Dance DANCE! Read more...
We won the IPL!!!

24 May 2009

Arvo Pärt is an Estonian composer whose music I've just recently discovered, when I heard his "Cantus (In Memory Of Benjamin Britten)" played on the radio late one night several weeks ago. His music is gorgeous, and some of it reminds me a little bit of Eno's ambient works, but with much stronger composition.Read more...
So I was out campaigning (mix tape advice request) and on the way back, dude involved with us, a very dignified looking dentist, gives me a lift homeRead more...
Lentil Recipes Inspire me. Please. I want to like them more than I do.
Notes on an Exorcism A great story about a writer exploring traditional depression treatments in Africa. Read more...
Sunday Morning Coming Down
Mars Attacks! The always excellent Golden Age Comic Book Stories blog has posted all the original Mars Attacks trading cards. Plus a portfolio of rough concept sketches for the cards.
Whack a Kitty! It's exactly as described.

23 May 2009

What is your favorite Marx Brothers scene? Been watching 'em all weekend!Read more...
Crush The Castle A very cool game involving catapults and some pretty rickety castles. That said, I'm stuck on level 19.
New Condo Mortgage Rules affect just about everyone, including those who currently own one. Read more...
Started Lucid Dreaming For The First Time Last Night..... Read more...
How's your long weekend going?

22 May 2009

What, according to you, is your favourite Animal to have as a Pet? Read more...
Have I mentioned lately that I am hooked on mango lassis? Especially now that Dole offers frozen mango chunks? Mango, yogurt, rice milk, yum.
After a couple of days in the hospital, it's nice to be home. Today's the first full day at home after unexpectedly going into the hospital earlier in the week. Read more...
I'm moving to San Francisco Watch out SF mechazens, Doctor Negative will soon be in your hood (alert the media). I've been looking for a place for a while and finally found one. Now I can finally make the SF meet ups.
Bike nerds: What size mountain bike frame, on average, is appropriate for a 5'7" - 5'8" person? (We're shopping on Craigslist, and would like to weed out the obviously too large or too small bikes before making a drive.) Thanks!
Nicole Kidman's Forehead Almost all actresses end up in Botoxville sooner or later. It's the purgatory of facial expressions. - Ted Casablanca
Share your Go-Go Music thoughts please
A Talk Show Host Prepares
A nice little NYT piece on Conan O'Brien and the changing late night talk show landscape.
What did I eat last night:? A bit blurry from the bar, a made something I'd never seen before.

Happy Birthday to Janetland and Brujita (on the front page where they belong. ;-) )
Photo Friday is LOUD.
post by: taz at: 07:49 | 9 comments
It's raining again.
It's Birthday Day! Say Happy Birthday to essexjan!

21 May 2009

83 Years of Man and Machine
Strawberry Dumplings can't wait to make 'em
Weekend resolution: I will share my talents, without self deprecation. Read more...
I have a bad case of diarrhea featuring the "i have a bad case of diarrhea" dance.
I am DIGGING Cornershop's new song, even though the title is kind of... unwieldy.
Whole chicken in a can. Is what it says it is. Euuughhh!!
If I only buy one item of clothing again in my lifetime ... Read more...
Faith No More is touring this summer! I'm pretty excited about that even though I probably won't even be on the correct continent at any convenient time. Your level of excitement may vary.
Happy Birthday Wolfdaddy!
One of my favourite bunnies has a BIG birthday today! Happy Birthday Mightshould!

20 May 2009

I had wine on my trousers so I removed them, and now they're staring at me.
American Idol Post SPOILERS If you want to talk, come inside. No spoilers on the Mecha front page, please.
Getting hammered on daiquiris and watching Fast Times at Ridgement High. Now it's not the first I've gotten hammered but it IS the first time I've seen Ridgemont. Holy shit! Jennifer Jason Leigh is totally... Um, later y'all.
Isn't it! I have only recently come across these sketches, despite my enduring love for Armstrong and Miller. See them all for laughs, and tihs.
John Stossel getting slapped (twice) by a professional wrestler (1984)
And for those of you not familiar with John "Privatize Everything" Stossel:
his ABC News web page
(My favorite: Are The Elderly Greedy Geezers?)
What consumer products will you not buy in the store brand version?
Eating a Cobb Salad from Quizno's for lunch.
I love my students this term and I love the class I'm teaching but the specific current batch of proofs I'm grading read like they were written by William Faulkner, in the aftermath of severe head trauma, making a radical attempt to depict "extreme hatred of all logic" via artistically arranged sentence fragments decorated with random mathematical symbols.
Great Online Finds Kind of like shopping buddies...
OH HAI I will be your
I awoke with a song in my heart! Unfortunately that song was 'Racist Grandma'


19 May 2009

Under "webcomics", the reader on my Google lists XKCD, Dinosaur Comics. Partially Clips and Basic Instructions. Please add to this list, while maintaining the high standards we have come to expect.
[Thing X] sux, amirite? LOL!
What has Congress accomplished this year? Honest question, no snark intended.
Recipe help, please.
"Thirty-five years ago Dallas—and the country—was gripped by the tragic story of John McClamrock, a high school football player paralyzed during a violent tackle. But after the newspapers moved on, another story was quietly unfolding, one of courage, perseverance, and a mother’s fierce love."
Among the lowest of the low: faith healers.
America's vs Britain's Next Top Model. This does really seem to sum up the differences between ANTM and BNTM. BTW, I'm posting this purely for your enjoyment. I hope you understand that I'd never watch such dreck myself.

18 May 2009

Really love this quote. Had to share it. "Back of every creation, supporting it like an arch, is faith. Enthusiasm is nothing: it comes and goes. But if one believes, then miracles occur."

-- Henry Miller

Applied to art, I can totally get behind this.
What is something that you say to your spouse or other live-in person every single day?Read more...
What the ?? Obama aims to nominate a Supreme Court Justice who has empathy and understanding for how the law is applied. RNC Chairman Michael Steele responds. "Crazy nonsense empathetic! I'll give you empathy. Empathize right on your behind. Craziness!"Read more...
Let us discuss Gossip Girl And by us, I mean Read more...
Pierced nose?
Ball and chain to force children to study Concerned parents set the desired study time on the Study Ball and attach it to their child's ankle. A red digital display counts down the "Study Time Left" and the device beeps and unlocks when the time expires. The prison-style device weighs 21 pounds, making it difficult to move while wearing it.
Some of you may recall that the mother of a friend of mine went missing on 18 December last year. This morning I've just woken up to an email with news that Dawn has been found.Read more...
Stream of consciousness updates.
Click →Read more... to find out if you are awesome. Read more...
I want a donut And not just any donut. I want a first thing in the morning, the glaze hasn't hardened yet, soft and chewy donut.

Right now, so chop chop!
Attention Texans! I have a really important question to ask because as part of my vacation this coming week, I'll be driving from Austin to Houston in a rental car and I'd like to know what I'm getting into.Read more...
Why I love the British paper The Sun it's because of this headline (mildly NSFW): Read more...
This is just to say that: I saw all three of The Norman Conquests shows in NYC yesterday and they were excellent.

AskMe Crosspost: Visiting Los Angeles for the first time. What do I need to see and do?
dealing with loss? hello bunnies - I don't post here often, but I lurk every day. I was wondering, of those of you who have lost someone very close to you - what helps? Bereavement groups? Therapy? Exercise? I am two weeks out from a major loss and I'm not quite sure what to do with myself or how to cope with it.

17 May 2009

What if you don't like the sound of children's laughter? So, I'm sitting here, studying, and I can hear the neighborchildren playing since it's (1) finally nice out and (2) I'm outside. I don't mind it, but what if I hated it?
What's for dinner?
Who will make you cry... ?
Atlantis solar transit The space shuttle passes in front of the sun.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY METACHAT! Today is Metachat's 4th birthday!
What are the great SNL alumnus movies? (follow-up to LT's post) Read more...
This Suze Orman profile in the NYT elliptically seems to address one of the main issues I have with her.Read more...

16 May 2009

My parents have come back from their cruise. Do you know how I know?Read more...
I just got a phone call from work. One of my coworkers (a floral designer) didn't show up this morning.Read more...
I got in! I just got my acceptance letter today, I'm officially returning to college!
In a pig's ear Too cute not to post
May I share a funny line?
Good morning from New York City.
Confession upon watching 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High' Is it just me or is Judge Reinhold's "Brad Hamilton" character the hottest (sauve/savvy/well-grounded) in the movie? I'd hit it were i so inclined.

15 May 2009

Steampunk Martha? I would not have expected Martha Stewart to be interested in building a vibrobot, whatever that is.
Please relate your functional disfunctions. Mine:
Our Photo Friday theme for the week is... A Secret. Read more...
post by: taz at: 14:07 | 8 comments
Louis's Alpha-Male Hot Wings God, my mouth is watering just looking at the pictures. They turned out incredible--they didn't stick to the foil, sliding right off, with the grease draining out naturally. Every bite was a literal explosion of flavor, mixing wildly from skin to bone. Marinating really makes a difference. The garlic that cooked on top of the skin was an added bonus.
What, no Photo Friday? Here's a theme: Kisses!
Anyway You Want It, Is That Really The Way You Need It?: Discuss....
Polar bear cub + mirror = OMG MIRRORBEAR BABIES!!
First! (From irc) goshling: i think the babby's first bday should be more a celebration of the mother than teh babby goshling: OMG! YOU PUSHED THAT THING OUT OF YOU AND YOU'VE KEPT IT ALIVE A WHOLE YEAR! CONGRATS! Read more...
Booga booga booga booga.

14 May 2009

The Man from UNCLE: The Project Strigas Affair: a well written con game plot and three rather interesting guest stars: Werner Klemperer, William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy from before either Star Trek or Hogan's Heroes. Have fun. (Yes, some very nice eyebrow work for those so enamored.) Read more...
You know those moments when your realize...
OMG retro bunny! "Pat at Easter time at the store."
Summer job woes.
Something mean, something nice
Random idea of the day: Write a course paper citing fictitious works by such esteemed authors as No Yuo, Liek-Mudkip, Moar, and Wai.
I am SO feeling the love tonight ... (AI Spoiler Alert)
Incarnations of Burned Children by David Foster Wallace, from Oblivion. Warning, may be disturbing.
Jackhammer Operators of the Five Boroughs: Leave Me Alone Already!Read more...
Liptstick and nipple color How do ladies pick what color of lipstick they should wear?

I've looked at a lot of lad mags and it seems like a woman often wears lipstick that matches the color of her nipples.

Is there anything to this, or am I just crazy?
Yoko Ono w/ Porcupine Tree - "Death of Samantha"
From Yes, I'm a Witch, the terrific 2007 collection of remixes.
The Googles, they do nothing! Is slow for anyone else?
Like a phoenix, rising from Arizona...
Happy Birthday+1 to pompomtom!

13 May 2009

Hey! Ashevillians! You're getting a new neighbor! The BF and I have decided to move to Asheville! Read more...
Ask Mecha: What circular barbell is the closest size equivalent to the Tiffany key ring?
post by: box at: 17:14 | 7 comments
Windosill A beautiful, surreal little puzzle game. The first half is free; full version costs $3. From the same guy who brought you Feed The Head.
Bob Barker's flub cheats a TPIR contestant out of $1000 (1993)
This is Atom Eyes reminding you to always have your pets spayed or neutered.
"How I sued a craigslist sex troll" Jason Fortuny, whose online stunt ruined many lives, has been fined $74K. (Some adult subject matter, but no obscene images in this link. The "nearly 100 of the original photos" link two-thirds of the way down the page is decidedly NSFW)
The Alphabet Song in the UK Everyone who grew up in an English speaking country knows the Alphabet song.

I was recently thinking that in the UK, Z is pronounced "zed" rather than "zee". So are the lyrics different in the UK so the song will rhyme at the end?
Palin signs deal to write book for HarperCollins Neither Palin nor HarperCollins would not say how much she was being paid. Asked why, the governor and 2008 Republican nominee for vice president said she didn't want to distract from the substance of the book. ... The governor said she wants to do a lot of the writing herself...
pjern update of happiness YAY! pjern just poked his head into #bunnies. He's back from the hospital, tired but doing well.
odd tangent What do you think Jonathan Franzen meant when he said at David F. Wallace's funeral that if you think he died of a chemical imbalance, "you don't need the stories that Dave wrote".Read more...
Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus, with Lorenzo Lamas, and Debbie "Deborah" Gibson.
OMG... And Now Bunnies Some bunnies over at The Year In Pictures.

12 May 2009

I was woken up at 4.30am by a cat who shall remain nameless ... Read more...
Sand... cherry blossom petals... what horrid things did you eat as a little kid?
X her? I barely know her!
Dementia update. Dad's placed.
Why Hasn't Anyone Done Up a Mashup of ..... Read more...
AC/DC performs "Sin City" in Tokyo - February 5, 1981 I always wondered whether they really belonged in the Hall of Fame. After watching this, I don't any more. This is one incredible performance.
I have come to the conclusion that the current generation of college age Americans were not hit enough as children. Let's all do what we can to remedy this situation.
Lolcats magnetz iz fer fridge. Kin put em on Lolpoetry site.
Playboy Plans 'Radical Changes' to Print Model ... including price increases, a frequency reduction and lowering its rate base of 2.6 million. The company said it would combine Playboy's July and August issues into a double issue. (reproduction of Playboy cover, but otherwise SFW) Just what they need to compete with the millions of free porn images on the Internet... a price increase!
I know we have some role-playing gamers here. In my recent closet-cleanout, I found a Call of Cthulhu book (complete game, 5th edition) along with an add-on book called Adventures in Arkham Country. Anybody want these?Read more...
Two-Point Tuesday Status Update, Please!
Apartment Herb Gardeners Of the World, I beesch thee! Windowsill. Chives. Sage. Problem.

Comedy writers can be bad ass. A funny little anecdote from baseball announcer and veteran comedy writer Ken Levine.
Silver Bride - great new song from Amorphis (little bit silly video, but what can you do). They never cease to amaze me. What a huge chorus!Read more...
What are you reading right now?

11 May 2009

I didn't know the band Cracker was still around. But they are. And you can legally snag their new record for free right here.
Ack! Ants! I have 'em. Big black ants in kitchen. Ick. I used to go get poisonous traps but I'm getting a bit crunchy for that. Anyone have a green method for ant abatement?
Steampunk o rama Just stumbled upon this!
The Last Temptation of Carrie Prejean Dobson: Why did you give the answer you did with regard to the affirmation of marriage?

Prejean: . . . I felt as though Satan was trying to tempt me in asking me this question. And then God was in my head and in my heart saying, "Do not compromise this. You need to stand up for me and you need to share with all these people . . . you need to witness to them and you need to show that you're not willing to compromise that for this title of Miss USA." (via)
Crucial question about the new Star Trek movie
Does the new Spock raise one eyebrow, or not?
This Is a Hair Thread My hair, should I cut it? I've shot past "Baltar" and "Irish bastard" and am now entering " I work in a Comic book store." and "I will make you read my poetry before I sleep with you ."
I had a great Mother's Day.

10 May 2009

This is a multithreading shout-out
The "Funky Memphis" Drum Sound as engineered by Terry Manning: "The drums, esp snare, were tuned pretty low, and were quite deadened. We almost always put the drummer's wallet on the snare drum. It would 'jump up' when the drum was struck, providing a little 'sound,' and then fall right back down."
Ce n'est pas une thread.
this is a thread. so spare.

so zen.
this is a confused thread what are we talking about again? where's the whiskey?
post by: box at: 18:18 | 2 comments
THIS IS A SHITTING THREAD in which we discuss The Dookie
THIS IS A REROUTING THREAD - Nervous driver getting from Scranton to Boston Read more...
This is a sprouting thread...
I haven't heard from my parents. Should I be worried? My parents got on a plane May 3 to fly to Barcelona and go on a cruise. I haven't heard from them at all, and now feel a bit paranoid. Read more...
THIS IS A FLOUTING THREAD Cos I'm totally defying you all and doing what I damn well please.
post by: taz at: 05:01 | 5 comments

09 May 2009

Reemvowelment tool Works pretty well.

08 May 2009

I love you! Fresh egg! Not sure what this is about - other than eggs, that is.
"Satan Has Been Paralyzed" I was going to make a Muppets post today, but this song is so damn catchy, I felt I just had to share it.
Happy Birthday Puke & Cry!!!! I wish you much puking & crying on this special day.
pjern update. not good. please keep in thoughts. pjern's daughter facebook messaged me this morning. She said he had surgery this morning and is apparently in renal failure. She's waiting on more information.
2 toys coming out before Christmas will allow you to control a machine with your mind. (It's well worth watching the video on that page... very cool.)
I Gave Birth To My Inner Child Last Night In A Dream.... Read more...
Photo Friday : Really, Really Cute Stuff

07 May 2009

In need of some reassurance or advice So I made the mistake of dating a friend for about 3 weeks. While he seemed sane during the year when we were friends,Read more...
Wayward bunny (and puppy) need help from Southern (US) Mechazens! Read more...
Just the text of some junk email. Anyone stupid enough to fall for a scam would lack the intelligence to even find the instructions in this one. Read more...
Nobunny does it better. "Onstage, masked Oakland rocker Nobunny wears a furry rabbit face but not pants."
ColdChef to the Green, Please At least I THINK you'd know something about this.
Serious Science Question: if you threw a 3 pound piece of metal at piece of bulletproof/shatterproof glass, would it bounce off significantly? Assume the person throwing it is about 4 feet away, average strength, but throwing with all their might.

Quick question: do school kids in the UK still play rounders? Or is it entirely obsolete?
#@!% this day! If days had testicles, this one would get a swift kick.
River House, 1931. Be sure to check out the full size image. Just a gorgeous photo.
MeCha user pjern in the hospital. Hey, folks. Just a heads up for all of you. I just talked to MeCha and MeFi regular pjern. About a week ago, he was driving through Texas and got a spiderbite. Well, thanks to some bad medical advice, it's taken a very bad turn and they just admitted him to the emergency room with a possibly life-threatening infection. Please keep him in your thoughts. I'll post updates when I can.
Government seizes land for United 93 memorial The park service said it had teamed up with a group representing the victims' families to work with landowners since before 2005 to acquire the land. "But with few exceptions, these negotiations have been unsuccessful," said the statement. Landowners dispute that negotiations have taken place and say they are disappointed at the turn of events. "We always prefer to get that land from a willing seller. And sometimes you can just not come to an agreement on certain things," park service spokesman Phil Sheridan said.

What could better symbolize Freedom?
Message from #bunnies: pjern has just gone to hospital If you have been following his twitter feed you'll have noticed that he hasn't been well and they've been trying to find out what is wrong.Read more...
The Wave Motors of California A century-old attempt at green technology lies buried in the sea.

06 May 2009

Welcome Back - It was great to see posts from ethylene, getoffmylawn, jonmc, jrossi, pips and our exalted leader - taz. I missed y'all guyz.
Yea, verily, I have now seen it all. Please don't send this to your mom. (Besides, we don't carry that vase.)Read more...
What are you supposed to drink with chicken tikka masala? That is all. No, really, that's my entire question.
Got a job... Hello my friends. I am very relieved to tell you that I got a 10 week contract position which means that I don't have to eat ramen all summer. It is arts admin but in dance (I normally work in theatre). So, it will be new and old to me at the same time. I am so relieved, I can't even tell you.

My memory and google-fu are both failing me. I'm trying to remember for a friend the name of a kind of quasi-charity organization that does small loans (or grants, maybe?) for people in short-term emergencies. Read more...
This is the saddest thing I've seen in ages. Seriously, do not watch without something to dry your eyes.
great cartoon, great song. Scott Walker - Jackie
animated by Mick Harrison
I can't get this song out of my head from the groove to the lyrics, this may have been my fav song from last year (unfortunately this is the best online audio i could find)
Bump! Friendly Chibal reminder: the monthly meetup is tonight at the Billy Goat (Michigan Avenue). Rumor has it sparkletone will be there, as well as some new faces.

Dunno everyone else's ETA, but I'll be there around 6:00pm. I could use the whiskey.
Annals of Museum Life Fun with sacrilege
Bunnies! OMG! This one's for deborah
Man tries to smuggle more than a dozen birds into the country in his pants. See, he'd heard all this stuff about twitter and tweets and he thought, "Hey, that sounds like fun..."
Yo mama jokes! I'll start: Your mama is so fat, the back of her neck looks like a pack of hot dogs.

05 May 2009

What do you Eat during the Summer Season?
who knew that Oprah was such a ho?
"We're all uniquely dorky snowflakes. Love, real love, is forgiving someone for being human. And being human is being a loser, an embarrassing, spectacular mess of contradictions, insecurities, and pimples." QFT
Paint-by-numbers creativity what do you see as mechanistic ways to optimize a McSweeneys List submission? They're all so off the wall but tell me if you notice any formulas in terms of the content choices or stylistic modes..Read more...
Movie time! Do you like Watership Down? I do! It has bunnies!
Happy birthday to msali and mosessis!
Tuesday (lengthy) 3-point update
Don't you love it when a song and a video go together really well? This is my new, heard it on the radio, stopped me dead in my tracks, most favorite song. Read more...
ACORN to be martyred in Nevada where you cannot compensate your canvassers based on quotas: "Canvassers under pressure to keep their jobs turned in registrations with fake names and phony addresses -- even, in one case, the starting lineup for the Dallas Cowboys, authorities alleged." Read more...

04 May 2009

Passive-aggressive people in my department annoy me. I really dislike it when people I don't even know make passive-aggressive comments.
I've got no other place I can think of to say how much turbulence this comic is causing me today. So I hope you don't mind if I say it here. (There, I've said it.)
One Hamster's Last Day on Earth I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the Heart's affections and the truth of the Imagination. - Keats
Help, I'm Turning Into Larry David! I keep seeing this stuff in my gym locker room that would be perfect in an episode of Curve Your Enthusiasm. . .Read more...
Happy Birthday mygothlaundry!!!!
Meanwhile - in my writing class I apparently know everyone in the whole wide world.Read more...
Monday three-point status report:

03 May 2009

Exciting News!! I got my dream job!
This is a whining thread.
Variations on taking a photo of yourself every day? Need some ideas. Read more...

02 May 2009

It's Really Chill in #bunnies. Won't you join us?
My deadline is making me a crazy person I spent a full 20 minutes running dialogue with a coffee pot. God help me some Sunday evening.
The Not-pocalypse -a rant of porcine proportions or "Things I Wish I Could Say at Work But Can't"

Working in the lab the last few days, I feel like I have had ringside seats for the apocalypse.
How bad is Aiken, SC? I just stumbled on this old AskMe about the city where I currently inhabit and have lived on and off for about 8 years total throughout my life. Read more...
Time suck. What songs do you sing when you do karaoke? Read more...
look what I found..... found this by trying to use the infinite monkey link on the other site....did one of you do that????
So close, and yet so far away from being a Hero Okay, so I posted this question on AskMe and found out where to get the game I used to love to play back in 1994. But... I'm technologically challenged and can't figure out how to get the game to work on my computer. Will someone please explain the process to me like the technotard I am?Read more...
Swine flu death watch
Last night's NYC meetup...
Is the SwineFlu as dangerous in the States,

01 May 2009

More "Pr0tlandfilter"*... Has anyone here ever done the Portland Walking tours "Beyond Bizarre" tour before? Any first or second hand opinions to share?
May I please share some of my videos with you? Read more...
Out of bounds One heck of a flickr group.
3-point Friday update
"Seven Nation Army" in four-part harmony
The Oak Ridge Boys do The White Stripes (via)
Happy birthday notquitemaryann!
Happy Birthday Richat!
Photo Friday : Close-ups (of anything, really)

30 April 2009

I forgot I existed!
To unemployed New England bunnies: if you have a spare room, need help paying rent, and would like a month-to-month or week-to-week arrangement, I need a place beginning June 7 or so. Hopefully, within commuting distance of Boston. Warning: I snore like a bull moose shot in the ass with an arrow dipped in bee venom, but my usual sleep cycle is 6 am to 2 pm. Read more...
WOO HOO! The cat just managed to hit the tile floor while puking, rather than the white carpeting! Read more...
Ǫgǫnęk dįscǫvęręd!
GOP set to launch rebranding effort
[The] National Council for a New America... will involve an outreach by an interesting mix of GOP officials, ranging from 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain to Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor and the younger brother of the man many Republicans blame for the party's battered brand: former President George W. Bush.
Job Search Commiseration Thread
The Official White House Photostream - Brand spankin' new (as of two days ago)!
Hot date JonathonStrange & I are going on a date tonight. Being the openminded modern women we are, we'd like to invite the rest of you to join us. If you happen to be in Melbourne, see here for details: here
Happy birthday to pieisexactlythree!!
How many languages can you count to ten in? Me, 7. English, Maori, French, Dutch, Spanish, German, Portugese. I expect there are a bunch of you who can do way more..?
Finally, a reality show I'd watch. Motorbikes and rock & roll, baby. Warning: youtube link, contains references to strippers. Full disclosure: two of these guys are good friends, but I do have independent confirmation of its ossemness.

29 April 2009

The Fabulous Stains - "Join The Professionals" Guitar - Steve Jones, Drums - Paul Cook, Bass - Paul Simonon; written by Jones & Cook. "Waste of Time" A cult movie who's who: Diane Lane, Laura Dern, Lou Adler, Debbie Rochon, Elizabeth Daily (Buttercup), Fee Waybill, Brent Spiner (previously)
This Flu Thing Is Getting Serious
So I finally moved out... Here's a post over at my LJ with all the moving in pictures...Read more...
Free stuff from the land down under! I got an anonymous box of treats from Australia today! Who's my secret sweetheart? (Also, what are TimTams? The package says "biscuit", but this doesn't look like the biscuits my grandma makes.)
IMPORTANT WARNING Elections are a HELL of a lot of work.
tales from the flower shop #3
Closings...Sign-offs....Exit Lines What's yours?
I've got all the notes but no music I skipped dinner last night and I need to make lunch now or my stomach will revolt. But my leftovers don't wanna play nice with each other..Read more...
Random multi-point update:

1. I had a dream last night about Lipstick Thespian.Read more...
Favorite Slang You'd Like To Resuscitate?
Best opening shots in music? I got to thinking this morning, driving the girls to school...And The Clash's Give 'Em Enough Rope has two of the greatest song openings ever, in my opinion. What others can you think of? My, albeit short, list inside.Read more...

28 April 2009

I'm havin some bad computer mojo. My monitor stopped working and my wireless is acting funky so I could not use my laptop until I found a NIC card.Read more...
Where is Taz? That's all.
Jake Shimabukuro - "Let's Dance" , "Orange World". Ukulele shredding at its finest.
Interesting Things My Cats Do I will go first.
Hi again! I just so totally forgot this website till today. I didn't mean to disappear. I missed y'all.
The Star Wars Holiday Special - Behind the Scenes (Vanity Fair)
While flipping through a book of production stills, Vilanch says, the Star Wars creator came across a particularly provocative-looking creature. "Lucas, who had been pretty stolid the whole time, turned to me and said: ‘Oh yes, we call him C*ntface.’"
Volunteer bunnies - please tell me about your volunteering! Read more...
Save me from myself Is it *ever* OK to include a tiny bit of humor in a cover letter for a job application?Read more...
Tuesday Lyrics Challenge
Moon. Oooh, this movie comes out in June and looks pretty cool. Read more...
I iz on teh radioh!!! Well, maybe.

Answered the phone this afternoon, and it was a call from some guy claiming to be Pedro, who had just flown in from overseas and just checked into to his hotel and deperately needed a massage. Did I have any appointments this afternoon? Read more...

27 April 2009

LT Got Drunk And Sang Live At A Club Tonight With A Local Band... Read more...
When I was all set to go , when I had my bags and all, I stood for a while next to the stairs and took a last look down that goddam corridor. I was sort of crying. I don't know why. I put my red hunting hat on, and turned the peak around to the back, the way I liked it, and then I yelled at the top of my goddam voice, "Sleep tight, ya morons!" I'll bet I woke up every bastard on the whole floor. Then I got the hell out. Some stupid guy had thrown peanut shells all over the stairs, and I damn near broke my crazy neck.
This is a serious question, for serious people. First, get sweaty...
Now: how many quarters can you stick to your forehead?

Laundry is taking forever to dry and I am that bored.
Poor Mexico City! First the swine flu outbreak, and now, an earthquake. (No deaths or major damage, thank goodness, but still... jeez.)
Mental Health Hack If you've been having a three day anxiety attack, and you need your partner/colleagues to take it easy on you, tell them you're having a low grade fever.Read more...
My Favorite Photos If flickr crashed and, for some reason, I could only keep 20 of my photos, these are the ones that would make the cut. Enjoy!
Robots taking over rock and roll. (You Tube/Guitar Hero)Came across this and thought it was pretty cool. For all you automation geeks out there.
I had a deeply strange experience recently. I was surfing YouTube when ... ...I come across a venue I know and a band I kinda know so I clicked on it. It's going okay until the chorus kicks in and one of the backup singers sounds EXACTLY LIKE ME. Not kind of like me, exactly like me. He even has a little talking part so I know it's not just singing style. I can't make him out but it's a similar build and hairstyle ...Read more...
Kitten whuffles needed You may remember (since it's all I ever post about) the kitten that my husband I found nearly freezing to death at the end of last year. As you may know, we rehabbed her and socialized her and she was doing great.

Unfortunately, she's really sick right now and needs some positive thoughts. Read more...
OMG. Turks. I'm not sure why I find this so fascinating.
OMG! Baby Javelina! from hermitosis' photostream

26 April 2009

Are you a forgiving person?
Fans of Leonard Cohen might want to check out this post on the blue, if you haven't already seen it. It links to a video of his concert in London, the same one that was released on CD recently. Good stuff. The video is only available for a week.
Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom Apologies if it's has been posted here before, but this adorable little song and video just made my day.
Bad idea? So I'm starting to think more and more about just going back to school. I'm having no luck finding jobs in this area, and the ones I do find that I can get without a degree pay at least a third less than I was making before I got laid off.Read more...
tweetdeck users! Is there an easier/less painful way to manage groups of tweeple you're following? Am I missing something on tweetdeck if the only way to view tweets by group is to create a new group? Is there a way to move tweeple between groups if I put someone in the wrong one?
Need a hand with finding some information from this website.Read more...
The first 100 days. An excellent series of photos taken (mostly) in the White House.
It is a beautiful day today.
I love my cat. That is all.

25 April 2009

Party Train! In the late 1980s, Atlanta band Love Tractor did a guitar-powered remake of a song by the Gap Band and created a song that makes me wanna jump around the room every time I hear it. PLAY IT LOUD.
Ask MeCha: yoga mat bags. Can anyone recommend a yoga mat bag they like? I looked up a few on Amazon and there was always someone complaining that their mat didn't really fit into the bag easily. I think I want to get something that fully encloses the mat since it often rains on the walk from work to the gym here in Seattle.
It's not often that a work of art leaves me speechless, but today, this one did.
C'mon, fess up. Who sent me a book?
REDACTED **************
Oldie but goodie: the Atlantic profiles in two parts Richard Feynmann and Murray Gell-Mann and their relationship.

24 April 2009

The Force is strong with this one.
Film Still Trivia
I really really did not want to go to my ten year high school reunion ... Read more...
Stew's Daily Dose of Garden Excitement. WHEEEE! I'd forgotten about these carrots, which overwintered.

Also: tomatoes and peppers are in the home garden. Community garden either tomorrow or Sunday.
1956. Edina, Minnesota. "Interior Garden Court with stairway to upper level in Southdale Regional Shopping Center, the first enclosed shopping mall." I love this photo. (If the high-res one is too big for your monitor, try the preview page.) From the always excellent vintage photo blog.
grandbun 2.0 is.... a BOY! That is all.
Photo Friday : Boundaries. Boxes, fences, borders, etc.
Shamed by you English? One from the archives.
Job interview today for a job I will probably get! Benefits of getting this job include a more senior position, more money, more responsibility (in a good way), and, if I get the apartment I've heard I might be getting, a claw-foot tub.Read more...
We didn't start the flamewar. Another rubbish video from the idiots at I mean SRSLY. This sort of rubbish was funny in 2003, but this is just nonsense. Also, check out my vid on youtube. Double Post. And Gay.

23 April 2009

I want to discuss dog poop disposal. Thanks y'all, for putting up with my needy self.
RANSOM NOTE We have captured the man you know as the mullacc. Read more...
My latest WTF moment. Last night, I watched Dogma totally clueless of its writer, director and principal characters. So, after Bethany's incident with the roller punks and the camera turns to her heroes for the first time, "WTF!" It was a truly wondrous moment to experience.
The unlimited dreams of J.G. Ballard. My favorite author passed away last weekend, and this Salon article is the best obit/summing up of his work that I've seen so far.Read more...
Happy Birthday CitrusFreak12!!

22 April 2009

Susan Boyled potatoes reminded me of
Ford time warp
I need validation - I believe some of you may have an opinion on my method of cooking Bubble & Squeak. Read more...
I screwed up badly and now he's pissed. Doesn't involve cheating, drugs, or family members, but it was still really stupid. If we weren't married it might be a dealbreaker. He says he accepts my apology but he's still fuming in another room. Ugh.
OMG Blackboard Jungle!
3-point Humpday Update
Ticks! Help!
Unleash Thy Inner Bard - Wouldst ye kind Mistresses and Sirrahs join me on the morrow for Talketh Like Shakespeare Day?
Your Best Estimate? Quiz at the NY Times. (I think posing and playing with problems like these is a fun pastime.)
From Surviving to Thriving -- How do I accomplish this? I've had a rough life in many respects. I've had long stretches of loneliness. Lots of career problems, financial instability. Read more...
Lost? Awesome image from a French ad campaign for GPS units.

21 April 2009

Banh Mi Adventure!
What makes your mouth water? The very thought of a lemon with salt will start my salivary glands going. Read more...
/Whispers . . . hi folks!/
Holy jumpin mother o'God in a side-car with chocolate jimmies and a lobster bib It has taken THREE HOURS, but I have finally managed to get this morning's pill to go all the way down. Sheesh.

So, what's up with y'all?
Are you the same person as you were at 5 years old? What about you hasn't changed?Read more...
Bad hair day, sure, we all have them, but the fear of the truly gorgeous is the bad ear day.
Warner Bros. Archive makes old films available on DVD-R. Read more...
Queen Bohemian Rhapsody Old School Computer Remix "Atari 800XL was used for the lead piano/organ sound. Texas Instruments TI-99/4a as lead guitar. 8 Inch Floppy Disk as Bass. 3.5 inch Harddrive as the gong. HP ScanJet 3C was used for all vocals."

20 April 2009

Isn't it funny that 'quarry' means both 'prey' and 'an open excavation pit'?
Anyone an expert at crochet?
The Cunning Little Vixen - Janacek's opera, animated for the BBC. (I have some mixed feelings about the production as a whole but I think the animation's too lovely not to share. Enjoy!)
"the 'Alcoholic Architecture' bar features giant limes, over-sized straws, and most importantly, a gin-and-tonic mist."
I might be a genius
Something Good to Listen to... LT is doing a neat, AskMe-assisted set on his radio show right now, aka 10 AM - noon EST. It's "Then and Now," pairing 70s bands with current bands with a similar sound.
Please keep Ardiril in your thoughts today.
UPDATE Ardiril is back at home. See comments in this post for more.
Rumor has it That metachat's very own TrishaLynn is one of the guests on this weeks "This American Life." I'm downloading the podcast from iTunes as I post this.

19 April 2009

stuck inside dallas airport with the standby blues again. Read more...
COME INTO #BUNNIES and hang out with meeee!
Apology gift ideas? When exiting my friend's car yesterday I accidentally hit her rear view mirror and it fell off the windshield. Apparently repairing it isn't that simple and she's going to make an insurance claim! I offered to pay for it but she refused.

Tell me about your weekend!
Garden Geekery thread! Wonderful weekend outdoors - and we got our community garden plot cleaned up. What's goin' on in your garden? (Container pot, window box, farm, somebody else's garden)?
This weekend I ...
Its Raining Music Links !! friends have been sending me a bunch of music links this week, so i thought i'd share them with you guys.........Read more...
"I was here for months before I realised – everything in Dubai is fake. Everything you see. The trees are fake, the workers' contracts are fake, the islands are fake, the smiles are fake – even the water is fake!"
Stop motion chase. Wolf wants pork for supper!
post by: asok at: 06:40 | 1 comment
Is there a song that includes your name? I love the fact that the only song I know of with my name is covered by Nick Cave, and is profane as hell.
Yo. sup bunnies?

18 April 2009

Mango Salad with Grilled Shrimp. OMG yummy. I also added avocado. It was almost 90 degrees here today, and this was the perfect dinner for a lazy summer day -- spicy, a little sweet, and no slaving over a hot stove. Read more...
I jumped into the car to go shopping today... Read more...
"Touring the Michael Jackson auction collection is exactly like touring the inside of MJ's baroque, gold-plated crazybrain. Turns out, the inside of MJ's baroque, gold-plated crazybrain is the most fun and wondrous place you've ever been."
A drunken post A post in which to say stupid things in.Read more...

17 April 2009

Should I get plastic surgery or just get over myself? I took one of my rare, good, hard, side-of-face and three-quarters view of my face looks in the mirror today and I seriously don't know how people are not genuinely repulsed all the time. Read more...
Disturbing Strokes [slyt] Title sequence to "Different Strokes" with alternate music. Creepy.
Boob tattoos I have a question about women with tattoos on their breasts.

Does it affect milk production and delivery in any way? After all, there is a needle involved and much puncturing of the skin.
Ow. The good news: Percocet. The bad news: I can't take it yet. The bottom line: Don't know, yet. I've had a persistant pain in my left kidney region (the one that was damaged two years ago) for about 24 hours, now. There is, according to my doctor, a "moderate" amount of blood in my urine. They ordered blood tests stat, but I haven't heard anything back, yet. I have a CT scan at 4:30. So meantime, I get to sit here and try not to think about it. Thanks for letting me whine. Ow.
What's the strangest question you've been asked recently?
Remember this? Well, I took y'all's advice, talked to my therapist a lot, and I called the guy.Read more...
I didn't see the movie, but it had a great quote in the trailer. And it feels like my entire life at the moment.Read more...
Migration Does anyone else here bird? Here's a cool tutorial for beginners.Read more...
Plushgun is a band that remembers how much fun new wave music could be. I love their song "Dancing In A Minefield" (and the video's pretty cool, as well).
Extra cheese Here are some more extra-cheese lyrical mentions (thanks, Google + ohhla):Read more...
OMG HARE! I don't want to be all LOLFIRSTPOST about this, but LOLFIRSTPOST!
Photo Friday : Food Pics (Stuff you've made) Wow us with your yums.
BREAKING NEWS, PEOPLE ...and a screenshot, for Posterity.

16 April 2009

I luff you guyse.
You look like rain.
Disturbing Strokes (youtube). What a difference intro music can make.
post by: ufez at: 21:44 | 1 comment
You know these institutional toilet paper holders? The locking ones? How do you open them?
Midweek 3 point updates It seems to be awhile since we had some of these - or maybe I was just sleeping through them, or too busy accumulating NeoPoints to check MetaChat. (oh so embarrassing!!)Read more...

15 April 2009

Sakuracon! Here's another of my semi-annual sets of cosplay photographs from an anime convention. This is the 2009 Sakuracon, in Seattle, in 35mm and digital, featuring bonus footage of my fianceé, sakura. (I'm really getting too old for this!)
facial follicle finesse: the World Beard and Moustache Championships flickr set.Read more...
Contadini del Mare, directed by Vittorio De Seta (1956), documents tuna fishing off the coast of Sicily.
Torn Between I have 5 of their t-shirts and I like some of his movies. . .Read more...
About time! The governor of NY plans to introduce legislation to legalize gay marriage tomorrow. Not there yet, but a step in the right direction.
More Blucky - Warning: animal cruelty, but there is a happy ending.
"Shot In The Back Of The Head": animation by David Lynch + instrumental by Moby = one very creepy music video.
I don’t know how to say this, so I’m just gonna come right out and say it Read more...
Ask MeChat... anyone in the drag queen scene around here? Read more...

14 April 2009

Who just did their taxes? Raise your hand.
"The Best Class Money Can Buy" on the rise of "enrollment managers" in higher education.
D'oh! Was calling the GF to make sure she managed to get on and off the airplane like she was supposed to. Ringing, ringing, ringing. Then I hear this really gravelly "Hello?" And huh, that's not the GF.Read more...
And Now for Something Completely Different: A question about how to deal with the lingering odor of dog (rather than cat) urine. Read more...
Happy birthday to middleclasstool, and BitterOldPunk!!
A Wrightson Saga... For several years I've been searching for a bit of doggerel from a horror comic book I had as a kid. I finally found it.Read more...
Miniature Sound Stages from classic TV shows
"Sets are made of lots of different things but the basis is Lego bricks."
Cheers, The Golden Girls, The Brady Bunch
And some not so classic: Empty Nest, anyone?
Lindsay Lohan enters self-parody phase of career A girl's gotta eat buy drugs, after all.
The Great Gatsby, relationships, society (**spoiler!!1**)
Two Hours of Anxiety Brain.

13 April 2009

from Wall of Sound to prison walls... famed music producer Phil Spector guilty of murder.
Hay fever and cigarettes.
LALALALALALALALALA * hands over ears *
My Wife is Queen Malaprop. . . The latest was today, Read more...
SLYT Portia de Rossi PSA . . .I absolutely love this.Read more...
Spam o' the day -- I'll start --
OMG cutest baby quilt ever! (Complete with baby bunny!)

12 April 2009

Oh, Daphny is a comic adapted from online journals written by Daphny David and drawn by Harvey James. It is very NSFW in parts (some violence and sexual situations.) That said, I cannot recommend this highly enough.Read more...
When did they start showing "The Ten Commandments" on TV again?Read more...
Fun 70's Music Project For Next Week!
Wet Cats. That is all.
On the road again so stay off the streets!
CSS - Left Behind Cansei de Ser Sexy is a Brazilian band, you Might remember this song from an ipod commercial. Anyway I thought this video was pretty crazy.
OMG !!! Easter Bunny ?????? and he's grumpy too
Happy Easter Sunday?

11 April 2009

The Rats Are Leaving the Ship. Are these the ones that are going to save our financial system and economy?
Want to learn English? OK, this is hilarious. Language NSFW.
Procrastinating on doing one's taxes is apparently a great motivator to clean clean clean the house. Read more...
Movies that you never get tired of watching
Mecha poll. Using the ShopVac to clean the muck out of my (very small) pond: Horrible idea, or awesome idea?Read more...
Tweenbots are human-dependent robots that navigate the city with the help of pedestrians they encounter.

10 April 2009

Hot Cross Buns I made some nommy Hot Cross Buns today! they were delish.Read more...
Cherry Blossom time Time-lapse of last year's blossoms from the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens.
Guys, I've had bad dreams Which is normally nothing but vivid troubling dreams a few times in a row has normally meant bad times for life, the universe and everything.

I am not a crank!
A day of mixed news.
Ask Mecha: Glass Cutting Okay, so I want to take glass bottles, then cut and smooth the tops, so as to make drinking glasses. Something like this. How would I go about doing that?
I'm on the bus this morning, off in my own little world, when I realize that something near me smells.Read more...
It's a drag being a supertaster with food intolerances. No thank you, I don't drink coffee...or tea...or hot chocolate...

giving in and drinking the yummy hot chocolate or the nasty coffee and not being able to function the next day...Read more...
What's your favorite detail about your apt or house? Read more...
Trailer for the 1979 Albert Brooks film Real Life
Bunny Kitty Lookalikes! The cute. Enjoy it.
Poznań on a pretty Thursday I went to Poznań yesterday for a day out and it was gorgeous. Photos in a public album on Facebook here.

09 April 2009

Anyone here have a Kindle 2 and use it to read the scientific literature? I'm curious as to your thoughts.
Oh Mecha, it was horrible.
"Fontana Modern Masters was a series of pocket guides to artists, writers, philosophers, sociologists and other thinkers published by Fontana paperbacks. The series, edited by Frank Kermode, began in 1970." Read more...
Photo Friday ... a little early, as I won't be online much tomorrow. This week's theme is Good Friday. This is not confined to Easter photos, but anything that, to you, depicts a good Friday.
Some good streaming radio for your ears? A friend of mine does a pretty great radio show on our local campus radio station. She's on right now. AND she calls her show "Hot Bunny Radio". Frankly I can't believe I've not told you about his before! She can be found here...just click on Listen Now
AskMecha: Facebook Sigh. I can't believe I am asking this. . . . So, I *thought* I had a person on my block list. Then, this morning, a comment this person makes on the wall of a mutual friend, shows up in my feed. Read more...
What are you doing today?
Taking a leave of absence
Not a Norwegian Blue... One flopped into my front yard last night and nearly got itself eaten by the local feral tom cat.Read more...
Have you ever had to justify your religion to yourself... Read more...

08 April 2009

An AskMe post gave me a place to live; a Tweet took it away. This AskMe post made another MeFite realize that her mother was my new landlady/housemate. Unbeknownst to me, she apparently started following my Twitter updates...
Does anyone here know regexp?
Looking for a nice writing pad-folio. I'm still using the folio pad I got when I graduated from college, which was ump-phi-ump (more than a dozen) years ago. It looks bad. I'm self-conscious about it interviews and meetings so I've decided I need a more presentable one. Not too much $, but not boring is nice. Who has nice office supplies?
Dinner Suggestions in Seattle I have friends who are from Seattle coming back to town for the weekend next week. The BF and I want to take them out to dinner, but I am drawing a blank. Read more...
Gimme a big bagga chips and a TEC-9, hon... I used to go here as a kid. They served up the best, freshest potato chips I ever set lips on.
Hope me please, recipe people
post by: dg at: 17:20 | 3 comments
Billy Bob is not an Actor! I heard this this afternoon. Wow dude.
Ardiril is SUCH a man. He not only fixed the DVD player...Read more...
Seattle Meetup! My fiancee, Sakura and I will be in Seattle this weekend, and we'd love to get together with the bunnies. Anyone up for dinner and drinks at the Elysian on Capitol Hill on Friday?
L/G/B/T Etiquette Question From A Straight Dude I recently reconnected with an old friend on Facebook. Said friend is a lesbian in a long-term relationship. They recently had a child . . . Read more...
Ubiquitous? The sister of a friend of mine insisted my friend borrow and read her copy of The Surrendered Wife to help her resolve her marital problems. My friend and I both have a slight, shall we say, distaste for the whole Surrendered Wife thing. Our email exchanges on the topic have been sardonic. On the notion that it might be fun to see if there were any good Surrendered Wife parodies out there, I googled “Surrendered Wife parody”… only to have one of my own MeFi comments pop up as the third hit in the list. Er. Maybe my Orange Swan activity level is getting a little out of control.
LT Scores First Scripted Acting Gig in New England, Wears Jock Strap On Stage! Read more...
Buxom, bodacious (but bogus) pirate perturbs Pennsylvania priest. He casts Catholic curse on her curvaceous contours.
This is a book thread.

07 April 2009

Bunny Bracket
Women of MeCha: Cool online clothing stores? What are your favourite online shoe/clothing sites? Read more...
Bunnies! OMG! Hear No Evil, See No Evil and EVIL!!
Two ultra-Orthodox Jewish newspapers Photoshop a photo of Israel's new cabinet, removing the two female ministers. Read more...
TrashyGossip-filter Lindsay Lohan isn't taking the break-up well. And Jessica Simpson's music career appears to be going as well as her film career.
Austenbook I heart this SO MUCH!
Mad Men GiftFilter I'd ask this on the green but I already spent my question this week asking about another gift. My brother is really into the TV program Mad Men, and I think quite interested in the style and culture of that era. He is turning 24 this week and will be a lawyer in a year. Looking for a gift suggestion besides the DVDs (and not the soundtrack or posters either).Read more...
My latest project, almost done Almost done with a corset for my best friend. This is her first, due to medical issues, so I'm pretty excited. (pics!) Read more...
Christ, what an asshole I am now.
One from the vaults: The Rules of Catfight Club Read more...

06 April 2009

I don't know what to think. Last Saturday I had Lobster Corn Dogs for dinner. With curried ketchup.
Did I piss off Mother Nature or something? I thought the whole point of returning to Canada in April from Vietnam was to avoid snow....? *scratches head*
What is the friend-hiring-friends word that is like nepotism? Read more...
Gus and Penny are cats. Whenever they go in or out of their cat door, an RFID chip in their collar triggers a camera, which takes and uploads a photo, and posts an update on their Twitter page. (via)
When politics comes in.... So I made a new blog friend recently. Yay me! Being the snoop that I am, Read more...
What job do you wish you had, you know--what job would you be perfect for? Read more...
Ask MeCha re photobucket A client has been questioned by the feds about pictures purportedly downloaded from Photobucket. He says he thinks he never uploaded pictures to Photobucket, but maybe MySpace. Does Photobucket suck in pictures from other sites?

05 April 2009

EM DASH [SLYT] We not 11 months yet but we are on the run.Read more...
Well, *I* thought it was funny You can see all of the cartoons in the current issue of The New Yorker if this one doesn't tickle your fancy.
Mr. & Mrs. Dove are back and they're not alone. Squee alert; see Read more...
Ok! Please to be spilling the gossip here... My life is devoid of gossip. No juicy stuff anyway. Please tell me yours - particularly mullacc when he gets back from his date.
Chinese child abductions

One-child policy: the law of unintended consequences strikes again.

Live Eagle Cams all within 50 miles of where i live
In the absence of Radio MeCha, here's my Spring '09 mix. Got one of your own to share?

04 April 2009

Waving With Your Finger (not your middle one)
#bunnies needs bunnies! Mars needs women! Venn needs diagrams! Leeds needs seeds! and so on!
Hi bunnies! Me and TheDonF are watching Watership Down and thinking of you!
Weekend edition three point status update!
Ask Mecha: Installing Blinds I'm installing light blocking blinds in my basement and apparently my window casements are made of Kryptonite.Read more...
Argh! Dear Imaginary Friends, may I vent?
I Would Like To Rock With You, Preferably All Night....
Do you believe in an afterlife? This is a follow-on to the fascinating "Do You Believe In God?" question yesterday. My question is: Do you believe in heaven/hell? Do you believe in an afterlife of any sort? And regardless, what do you believe happens when you die? (to your conscience/soul, I mean -- I think we can all agree on what happens physically.)

03 April 2009

Obama not mincing words I wish he were this blunt all the time.

Arrayed around a long mahogany table in the White House state dining room last week, the CEOs of the most powerful financial institutions in the world offered several explanations for paying high salaries to their employees — and, by extension, to themselves.Read more...
Does anyone know where I can return a book without a receipt? Read more...
the best eponsterical thread ever only works if you are a big nerdy nerd
Weekend plans?
Photoshop challenge: Let's all have curly blond hair!
Why are These Binoculars only $9.99?. . . That's all I want to know.
Askmecha: Hot 70's Soul?
What MP3 player do you use on your computer ? something is amiss with the audio quality on my puter and since i'm going to be messing around with sound settings, i figured that i may as well see if their are other cool players out there that i should know about . Read more...
Quick! What is the pithy word/phrase for that streak of light when the moon shines on a body of water?Read more...
Hug someone every day.
Photo Friday : Triangles, Squares, Circles
Do you believe in God?

02 April 2009

Molehill Empire - Gardening made easy!
Picturing the Recession NYT photo gallery of user-submitted photos.
Coconut water Do you like it?
OMG gas leak! Right here in River City!
Here is a simple math problem that I would like you to do for me: Read more...
Welcome to Bountiful Baby - Where Dolls Become Babies!
"Comes ready to reborn—no need to remove factory paint or factory blushing! Includes vinyl plugs (legs, arms, head), and our innovative neck ring!"
Meet Brook.
Instructions for painting - Color#1: Vein Blue
Don't miss the Gallery of Contest Winners! (via mattoxic)
An crosspost.... My wife and I are splitting up. I'm doing pretty well with the grown-up part, but, I take my role as Dad pretty seriously and am really worried about not messing up my girls. If you guys have any advice, I'd be happy to hear it as well.
100 meters of existence (photo) The longer I explore this, the better it gets.
AskMeCha: Netbooks. Do you have one? Do you like it?
I think I found the April Fool's Prank Winner in my neighborhood. Read more...

01 April 2009

An everything bagel with jalapeno cream cheese is my favorite. What's yours?
Languishing links - Songs you uploaded for whatever reason but did not link on Mecha. Read more...
The thing about Daniel Schorr is this:
Worst April Fool's Jokes
Whoops! Chicago bunnies: meetup tonight! Forgot to mention it earlier.
52 Weeks of Baking ... that is all.
Floor Cat. Ur doin it rong.
Money! Money!! I need lots and lots of money!!! Read more...
Nature is a mother.
Seasonal allergies. What works for you?
Perhaps the greatest country baritone since George Jones is confined to a wheelchair by cerebral palsy and has a day job at a nuclear power plant. Read more...
Is this sexist of me?
They just can't help themselves. "Warner Bros. has announced a sequel to Watchmen, based on events caused by the discovery of Rorschach's diary." Gaah.Read more...
The great thing about announcing a pregnancy

31 March 2009

When real life meets cyberspace
Do You Ever Get That Kicked in the Gut Feeling? Read more...
I can't believe you just said that.
…and thanks for all the fish
post by: dg at: 15:31 | 38 comments
Do you ever use your municipality's GIS maps?
My regular doctor (not my cardiologist) has personally answered the phone the last two times I called his office, and he said he is not currently making new appointments. When pressed, he said someone would get back to me, but I have not received any calls. I think he may have laid off his staff.
Garth Marenghi's Darkplace I'm three episodes in, and it's a masterpiece. Maybe the best TV show ever.
Skelewags. Awesome. Higher resolution pics here.
She'll always be the Countess The Real Housewives of New York City's LuAnn de Lesseps may have been dumped by e-mail. But at least she'll get to keep her beloved title.
Fourth time's the charm? A redolent performance?
Kenney Wagner's Surrender I've been listening to this song a lot. What have you been listening to a lot lately?
OMG! Squirret! On B3ta so may become NSFW at some point.
Andy Hallett 1975-2009 : Best known as Krevlornswath of the Deathwok Clan in the last four seasons of Angel, he was 33.Read more...
Twitter comment costs team owner $25,000 Let's see -- divide $25,000 by 140, that's . . .

30 March 2009

People shouldn't get a solitary pet if they're going to lock them out of their bedroom every night because they don't want them in their bed.

That is all.
Getting things done with Delores This is a thread to motivate me... and you can motivate yourselves too!Read more...
Help me load up my grandmother's iPod... ...because she demands it be awesome.Read more...
Grandma Swan's Potato Donuts I've had some requests for my grandmother's potato donut recipe, so here it is. Watch out, though, as they are insanely addictive. I don't make them very often (once a year at most) because I simply can't leave them alone until they're gone.Read more...
Earth hour (in pics) click the pictures to see them face. cool!
Dr. Phil: Vanguard yeah.
Orange Swan's Laws of Home Renovation You're all familiar with Murphy's Law, of course. Well, here are Orange Swan’s Laws of Home Renovation.

Local food favorites. Including eskimo "ice cream" and spam sushi.
What is geographically interesting about your area? I was in Maine once in a town that was "exactly halfway between the North Pole and the Equator." Read more...
White Trash - a fitting spot for this particular sentiment, so I thought.

29 March 2009

Foundling Yesterday, on the way home from taking my son out for birthday sushi, I spotted a little black dot staggering right on the white painted line of the freeway.Read more...
Why do the smart folks at Mozilla do this? Read more...
The new Sam Raimi movie looks AWESOME. I'm so glad to see him getting back to what he does best.
Why won't Willie Nelson and iTunes play nice with each other? I was incredibly excited to find the new 4-disc Willie Nelson set used (so therefore at half price!) last night. All the discs play fine on my car CD player. But iTunes is a whole 'nother story...Read more...
Ask Bunnies: What's the thing you hate most about your job? There's mine - event planning. HATE it. Hate hate hatey hate chilli flavoured HATORADE the hate HATE.

What's yours?
Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic It was good. Seriously good.
Is the World Bank a Good institution?

28 March 2009

So, this Earth Hour thing... oops
So, uh, Spring, eh? When I woke up this morning it was raining. Within the hour, it turned into snow.Read more...
Your favorite Whodunit, Crime-thriller movies please.
OMG Kitty!!1!! The Spousal Unit and I were hiking on Tiger Mountain when she spotted the paw print in the mud. Very, very, very fresh.
This is a plea for a sensible standard audio level for all internet media. Srsly, I want to adjust my volume once and leave it and it will play at a reasonable level. I am tired of having my ears blasted out going from one video to another. Thank you.
Missed this last summer. Nearly 1 out of 5 couples who marrried in 2006-07 met online. For people ages 45 to 54, it's almost one in three. "Wanting to get married and not going online will soon be seen as equivalent to trying to find an address by driving around randomly, rather than using a map."
I can't stop laughing Man, I thought tween Dora was bad enough...
Turn Me On, Blow My Mind, Or Gross Me Out....
Weekend plans?
When was the last time you saw the sun-rise, I mean really saw it? Read more...

27 March 2009

I'm lovin' the Prince love around here today. But I hate that Warner Bros. has done such a good job of scrubbing YouTube free of all of his videos.Read more...
Curious about Kebabs
You don't have to cry
Which president talking about which war? "I am announcing a comprehensive new strategy. ... Many people in the United States -- and many in partner countries that have sacrificed so much -- have a simple question: What is our purpose... After so many years, they ask, why do our men and women still fight and die there? They deserve a straightforward answer. ... At the same time, we will shift the emphasis of our mission to training and increasing the size of *****, so that they can eventually take the lead in securing their country. That is how we will prepare ***** to take responsibility for their security, and how we will ultimately be able to bring our own troops home."
You know you're ____ when ______
Ask MeCha Suggestions for playlist of songs that are (1) sexy and (2) related to the color purple. ??? (Hope this is not too hard)Read more...
If this sentence makes you shudder:
"This is Nic Cage as the Sorcerer in Jerry Bruckheimer’s live-action version of Disney’s The Sorcerer’s Apprentice."
then please, whatever you do, DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK!!
What should I do in DC? I'm in DC this evening and don't really have any plans after dinner. Any ideas? (I would have tried to organize a meetup but just couldn't get it done in time, and it seems like there was one earlier this week anyway.)
Best. Pet. Name. Ever. Floppy Pickles.
Facebook Surprises or, what actually happened to so-and-so from American Lit? This is a thread for the surprises that Facebook throws our way and shocking discoveries you've made about people from your past.Read more...
The Archies: "Sugar Sugar" from their 1969 Saturday morning cartoon show. Bonus Archies: "Jingle Jangle." I'm currently reading a great book called "Bubblegum Music Is The Naked Truth," so we're listening to a lot of this around the BP Estate lately.
Dear New York Times: We know you're maybe a little obsessed with us, but please stop stalking us. Love, Portland, OR
FTD Fun. So it's been a few years since I have sent flowers to my mom for her b-dayRead more...
post by: danf at: 10:36 | 1 comment
Fun at the dentist's Last night I had a root canal. They put me on gas and used a topical anesthetic and then gave me three needles, which “took”, so it wasn’t too horrible discomfort-wise. (With my first root canal about seven years ago it took 10 to 12 needles before I was finally frozen enough.) The worst thing was having to listen to the dentist sing along, in an off-key falsetto, to the Michael Jackson CD that was playing. Read more...
Since we have some Photoshoppers in the mood from the hat thread... I posted this Photoshopping project last weekend and perhaps many of you missed it. Have fun.
Photo Friday. Silly Hats!
Go ahead - laugh... So our cheapo wooden toilet seat makes a creaking noise when you sit on it but the other nightRead more...

26 March 2009

You know what kind of sucks?
What? Huh? Who are the deaf and hard of hearing people here? Where do you find subtitled media online?Read more...
I got the car Thanks for the advice everyone! The lower offer was accepted and I'm now the proud owner of a pretty darn nice Grand Am! (and I have pics!)
Little weird things that have happened to you
Is this too shady So I'm going to look at a car tonight. If the ad is even 75% accurate I'll buy it on the spot. If he's asking $1800 would it be shady to have $1500 in an envelope ready to go and then $300 in my purse if he won't take the lower offer?Read more...
This is a WOW thread.
The MetaChat word of the day is:
How are you today?
Oh, yum. I'm sitting here having my first cup of AeroPress cappuccino. It finally arrived! The package looks as though the Hounds of Hell played fetch with it for a century or two, and the paddle (stirrer) was broken in half, but never mind - the coffee really is super numnumgood. Do you have an AeroPress? Any special tips? Read more...
post by: taz at: 07:07 | 3 comments

25 March 2009

Photo album sharing site recs? I have about 300 photos I need to share with a group (and no Flickr Pro). Anyone have a good pick for a site that makes this easy and is free? I have a Snapfish login but wondered if there's anything newer/better.
Have got the first few pages of my book down. Read more...
I just watched this Frontline episode, and I am completely and utterly pissed off. Read more...
OK... Three Stooges movie... WTF? I would have loved to see a sincere biopic about the men. Their lives provided plenty of material for a dramatist to work with.

But actually casting new "Stooges"? Are they out of their goddamned minds? We don't even need to consider the question of whether Penn and Del Toro will reveal heretofore hidden gifts in comedy. Recasting iconic comedy roles is virtually impossible. Just look at the Steve Martin Pink Panther movies to see how ghastly the results can be.
Wow. Check out her wittle ittle eyebrows. I hope she grows up okay. They need a lot of maternal contact and can become neurotic without it.
American Shakespeare fans, set your DVRs! The Trevor Nunn production of King Lear with Ian McKellan is on Great Performances tonight.Read more...
Do I friend this person? Facebook etiquette question.
Come in and share something good happening in your life Read more...
My Little Office A friend of mine works in the Ontario civil service. Some months back the Ministry in which she works was undergoing an accommodations shuffle and “furniture refresh”, one of the results of which was that all the managers on one floor were reassigned to new offices. Then a manager had the bright idea to come in to her workplace one weekend and paint her office. Read more...
Whooo-hooo Let me be the first to congratulate The Beard (ahem, eamondaly) for reaching the $5,000 goal.

now, to find a way to make it to the final lift!
Ethical navigation help, please. Long.

24 March 2009

Sometimes, it's like....
50 Reasons Why Return of the Jedi Sucked "How intensely were the Ewoks marketed? Consider this: "Ewok" is a household word, despite the fact that it's never once spoken in the film."
If that is true, it's really kind of mind-blowing.
Who's your favourite out-of-tune-singer?
[Thing you like to do] butters no parsnips. I'm looking for mean-spirited, snippy proverbs and sayings.Read more...
Not sure if anyone here has been playing fallout 3 But if you set your xbox to download the newest expansion this morning before leaving DO NOT play it when you get home. Read more...
I saw a lone cherry blossom.
MeFiTV If there were a Metafilter TV channel, what would you do to contribute your bit to programming? I want to do a craft show and be on a book discussion panel show.
These are the best bands I caught at SXSW this year...
The Thermals: a great hook in every song; rollicking good fun
St. Vincent: beautiful songs with some raunchy guitar licks thrown in
Wildbirds & Peacedrums: just drums and a singer, but it kicked my ass repeatedly
Lyrics game! These shouldn't tax you too much

23 March 2009

DeadAt YourAge.Com is a handy website that tells you about people who died at your exact age to the day. In my case: Dimebag Darrell. Yeesh.
How many verbs can you think of that ONLY work with plural subjects? Subjects like "we" or "they" (or "you" plural). I can only think of two. They're inside with a spoiler warning, 'cuz this is obviously such a fun game and you'll all want to play ;-) Read more...
i am jealous of all my pakistani friends they all have big families and are really close to each other and throw big parties all the time.Read more...
It's MP3 player shuffle time again!
post by: dg at: 16:59 | 32 comments
Resumes Post your list of jobs here. I think we did this once before but it was a long long time ago and it's always interesting to see the weird jobs people have had. Read more...
Come Dancing! Hadn't heard this for quite awhile when it came up on the ol' ipod this morning, which reminded me of the charming video that MTV showed all the time in 1983 (and how much I love the power chord at 2:27). Whilst nosing around, I found a couple other Kinks videos I'd never seen...Read more...
Colony collapse disorder Bees are essential for pollinating an astounding number of human food crops, and in the past few years, their dramatic disappearance from commercial hives has been alarming, with significant impact predicted for mankind's food supplies.

Diana Cox-Foster and Dennis vanEngelsdorp survey for Scientific American the latest understanding of this complicated disorder.
Thanks For The Kindly Greetings Folks ! a Vancouver coup ? hmmmmmmmm This is Only My Firts Week Here, But I Think Emily Post Says That You Should Wait At Least Three Posts Before One Starts Planning Violent Social Upheaval (But It Did Give Me An Idea For Future Post)Read more...
Fill-in ShowFilter: Need Suggestions For Rock Show at the Station.... Read more...
Looking for a late-'70s/early-'80s children's sex-ed book
What is the craziest thing you've ever thought of doing, and done? Read more...

22 March 2009

do you ever have dreams about someone not your SO? do you tell your SO?Read more...
car hunt frustration I'm really having a hard time finding a realistically priced car. People are asking 1/3 OR MORE of the original msrp for cars from the early to mid 90s on craigslist here. am I being unreasonable? To me, a decade and a half old economy car isn't worth $3500 no matter how good the condition is.
DRAMA UPDATE! I'm sure you've all been hitting refresh waiting for this...Read more...
'Cos Lifts are overrated. Who needs lifts when you can walk up 8 flights of stairs in a Hospital!
Sidewalk Pimpin' (my life is EXACTLY like this; literally, metaphorically, the whole thing!)
Its Sunday in Vancouver . Almost Time For the The Rockers Show Its Vancouver's Longest Running Radio Program And A Great Place to Get Your Reggae On . From My Favourite Online Radio Statio @ the University of British columbia

This is My First Post Here. Nice To Meet Ya
Job-hunt quandary
Sunday 3-point update
The Big Takeover - infuriating read.

21 March 2009

Beyonce Meets Andy Griffith We heard this last night at the monthly BootieNYC party. Worth the price of admission.
Bunny! OMG! Could a bunny be more disapproving?
One for the Photoshoppers - Make me a clown. Here's your chance to do something for sick kids. And for those who find me an irritating boor to take out your aggressions. Read more...
A London pub was evacuated after water company engineers found an object they took for a grenade. A bomb disposal team was called in. After nearly an hour of examination, they counted to three. No more. No less. Three was the number they counted, and the number they counted was three. Four they did not count, nor two, except to proceed to three. Five was right out. Once the number three had been reached, being the third number, they declared that the grenade was actually a copy of the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. [via]
Celebrity underpants for charity "It's the most embarrassing thing I've ever done. For six months I have emailed/texted/stalked celebrities for their underwear. Sample message: 'Hi Jarvis, I want your pants and I want them now. Please give me a ring.' Not surprisingly, I didn't get many calls."
Lemonade I slightly burned both the channa masala *and* the rice that I made this morning. Read more...
Evidence of Love in a Case of Abandonment: One Daughter’s Personal Account (Audio) I liked this BSFA nominated short story. Shades of The Handmaiden's Tale. I run the possibilty of starting "that" conversation going again, but I think it's worth the risk.

20 March 2009

battlestar finale... no spoilers
Speaking of childhood memories... My Dad grew up in this house. When I was six weeks old, my parents, older sister, and I moved into this house.Read more...
Bunnies! OMG! Let them out!
LT Fights Power, Provides Powerful Quotes.....
Animal Kingdom Mascot Matchup! International intersport interleague interdivisional competition... animal mascots vie for World Ultrachamp!Read more...
Institutional breakdown.
Bizarre coincidence filter: I was on the phone with the vet's office (which is a rare event), when Cosa's vet called with her autopsy report.Read more...
Daddy-O (1961) is a TV Pilot that never got picked up. It was ahead of it's time, almost disturbingly so.
Friday Lyrics Challenge: Punk Rock Edition (some lyrics contain strong languageRead more...
so who's home sick today? not homesick, at home while sick.Read more...
Happy Equinox!
Give me one random, brief anecdote from your childhood. Read more...
So tell me about eyebrow waxing Mainly, does it hurt?Read more...
Photo Firday : The theme is PhotoLiterate Post a picture you've taken to illustrate a scene from a favourite piece of literature.
Out of the ordinary. I can't see my eyes. Read more...

19 March 2009

Veggie Garden: How the heck do I do it?
Is there any value in debunking the myths that coworkers might believe? Read more...
I think maybe I should be pissed off? Sorry, this is going to get long. Read more...
@deborah: you asked for it!
'Tis the season for movies I don't understand. *SPOILERS* Read more...
METALLO! METALLO! "I have to admit I was a little dubious about the project at first."
Salon tipping question. Is it still standard in the U.S. that one does not tip the owner of a salon for services? I've started going to a woman who runs a one-woman operation, and it feels weird not to add a tip. Read more...
Twitter unveils premium accounts. I like the sound of that EmbellishTwit service, myself.
This will scare the crap outta you!! Srsly...You've been warned!

18 March 2009

Natasha Richardson died. Damn. She and her husband Liam Neeson have two sons, aged 13 and 12. Her accident really resonates for me, because my wife once slipped on the ice and fractured her skull. They had to do emergency surgery and I didn't know whether she was going to make it. Fortunately, she recovered fine. I do wonder whether a helmet could have saved Natasha Richardson's life.
Victory is ours! "Breaking News: Brian Hartman of ABC News’ The Note filed a report today that confirms that there will be a veggie garden on the White House Lawn."Read more...
Future Imprefect - There's a passage in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy where Ford Prefect describes videotaping sand running out of a conical bathtub, and then watching such in reverse. Surely this video must be on the internet somewhere, made by an enterprising fan with some video equipment and some time on his hands. I mean, c'mon! It's the future already!
Carbonated water: Good or bad for plants?
I'm making this soup right now It's very yummy. I made it to great acclaim last year when I had my friends over for corned beef and cabbage. Read more...
where have I seen this before why... it looks so FAMILIAR.
MeCha Bracket Challenge! It's March Madness, time to fill out your bracket! Read more...
Photo Friday Advance Notice! If you want to take part in this week's Photo Friday, you will need to ...Read more...
Wouldn't it be cool if ....

17 March 2009

Cereal Mascot Therapy Session (from (cusswords and drug references make this one NSFW if you have an especially uptight employer.)
What did you have for dinner tonight? (or lunch or breakfast, or what are you going to have if dinner isn't ready?)Read more...
Menstrual Nomenclature What do you call your period?
Saw Will Ferrell's "You're Welcome, America" on HBO and boy, was it great!Read more...
Saw the movie Z today and boy, did it suck. Read more...
For the Anniversary of my Death.
things I learned today a fresh pair of socks can be absurdly pleasurable. (on your *feet*.)
Broken Picture Telephone in case you missed it elsewhere.
So I just got a call about a job and I'm a bit apprehensive since I don't know if I actually want it, after doing a bit of reading. Help me!Read more...
iphone hooray! Finally, my fancy phone will be able to accomplish the same basic things the free phone I used to have did.Read more...
Celebrity spotting? Is that Saunter Cat???
Three-point Tuesday update, BAD/GOOD/TRIVIAL edition
The MetaChat Movie Channel: Imagine we've been given our own cable TV channel, for showing old movies and TV shows. Your job is to program one 24-hour block; what will we see? Read more...
Happy St Patrick's Day! And also, my apologies in advance.Read more...

16 March 2009

Obama's No Socialist. I Should Know. (Normally, I do not do political posts or participate in political posts here and elsewhere in the MetaVerse. But I happened upon an editorial in a mainstream newspaper that I ACTUALLY AGREED WITH, amazingly enough. So I decided to share it here.)
Who do you miss?
"This thread is worthless without pictures." Just a friendly suggestion: if you have a home emergency/repair/remodeling question, post a picture or two as soon you can.
I HAVE HEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My solution to the "distribution of fruit in jello" problem Read more...
A game from the archives Let's go on an imaginary shopping trip. Rules of the game: You have $10 to buy a present for the person who posted above you in the thread. GO!
............... ............. :(
Help help help, my bathroom is locked shut I don't know what happened, but I need in!Read more...
Great Carolyn Hax column, this one really has me thinking. Read more...
So, Like, What Are You Wearing to the Prom? - Duct tape, duh!
The Rockford Files. Neglected genius or Brilliance ignored? Discuss.
OMG! Kitten! - Bubees moves.
The littlest dinner guest Recently I had a friend of mine, her husband, and their 3.5 year old son to my place to dinner. I thought the story of how the little guy behaved was somewhat entertaining.Read more...
Do any of you blog?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TURTLEGIRL!! Today is my wonderful, amazing, kind wife's birthday. Please join me in wishing her a happy day!
I am in need of awesome internet radio Some nice electronica would be perfect. I like bands like Mum, for instance. having many thanks in advance. :)
I am undertaking stealth ointment application. The cat is having an allergic reaction that has caused her to lick or bite off large patches of fur. Read more...
Rescue Jim Cramer!!! "These days, Jim Cramer is fending off attacks from all comers. It’s time he fought back."

15 March 2009

I licked a baseball bat in a hole because Big Bird said to and he's my leader. Read more...
Whuffles please! I am worried about getting my rabbit neutered tomorrow. Read more...
Space Shuttle Discovery
Fried butter balls? (via epersonae on mefi
Another one bites the dust I have joined the list of bunnies who've been let go during the GFC.Read more...
City Council Fart (via Damn. Why can't my city council be this entertaining?
Please to be explaining this reminescence Why shouldn't investment bankers say thank you?
LumpInThroatFilter: This I Believe essay on the Beatles, by a 12-year-old, from this morning's Weekend Edition. Simple, beautifully layered, and moving.
Up and at 'em! Let's motivate each other to get shit done that we don't wanna do. Read more...
Do you like fancy dress? My favourite costume is a pirate outfit on the top and clown shoes on the bottom, but you can wear whatever you want.
Father Guido Sarducci. "you have to pay for your sins... Masturbation is 35 cents (it doesn't seem like much, but it adds up)". I remember him from Saturday Night Live but apparently he was part of Laugh In and the Smothers Brothers Hour. He also worked for Leo Burnett and was the author of the Lazlo Toth letters and at some point was a producer of SCTV. He wrote a never produced script with John Belushi. Read more...

14 March 2009

Model Mayhem! An open casting call for the reality television program “America’s Next Top Model” turned into mayhem on Saturday afternoon in Midtown Manhattan. Fights broke out, three people were arrested and at least six others suffered minor injuries after they were pushed down in a crush of thousands of aspiring models waiting in line to be discovered. And I had been there all day!!!Read more...
Cleaning can be good Cleaned the whole house today. As a result I found a $15 iTunes gift card from Christmas that I thought I'd lost. I'd like to use it to buy up some of those standalone-amazing single tracks you don't need the whole album for, but are sort-of essentials. What do you suggest? (have 12 left)
Glass Block Walls I want to make a half wall - about 32" tall - out of glass block. Have any of y'all ever done it? How hard is it really? Read more...
Milk - Straight to DVD? Did it get anything approaching a general release to theatres?
woke up to an awful phone call this morning Read more...
Boston Herald does not seem to understand the poling! " 51 percent said Chris Brown was responsible for the incident, 46 percent said Rihanna was responsible and 52 percent said both were to blame" Wha, 149%? Still, "a significant number said Rihanna was destroying Chris Brown’s career. Women blamed Rihanna as much as men did." If that has a grounding in reality that is scary. I still think it's a publicity stunt gone way wrong.

13 March 2009

Oh for God's sake.....
I must be charmed Every time I visit Seattle, I show up on the one day that it doesn't rain.Read more...
Office superstitions In honor of Friday the 13th, I present the Office of Death.Read more...
Sharper? Clearer?
Ask MeCha: Amateur electrician version!
DOH! Son had his first wreck today. Rear-ended someone in the rain. Totally avoidable. GRRRRRR
Photo Critique -- How did this shot go wrong? OK, a couple of nights ago, I was walking along Avenue A and I tried to get a shot ofRead more...
Another thematic lyrics challenge
What is something you do when you feel like you want to treat yourself? Not super-expensive things, just nice 'had a rough day' type mini-treats.
Bunny! OMG! Feeeetz!!!
My heart was just moved by (of all things) a game show. Read more...
Friday Lyrics Challenge I thought I'd give one of these a go. This one is for the old folks and even has a hidden theme.Read more...
How's the weather?
Thalia Zedek - "1926"
A great song for a dreary, rainy Friday.
Stella Artois Is it PBR for yuppies? Is there anything wrong with that?

Unrelatedly, Miley Cyrus is going to ruin Radiohead.
Photo Friday : Weather

12 March 2009

NYPD Starts Screening Facebook and MySpace Pages The NYPD is requiring police recruits who have MySpace or Facebook pages to watch as an investigator sifts through their most private postings
Is it just me, or...
I have a new song! It's writing itself. Whatver module in my brain writes songs does so without much intervention from me.Read more...
The Isolation of Unemployment. From the wellness blog on the nytimes. I found the reader comments particularly interesting.Read more...
When did the twenty-first century start for you? When did it start to feel as if we had crossed over into a new age? (if ever) Read more...
Small Good Newsfilter: New Slot at Station!
Argh. (Assorted grunts, groans, moans, and sighs.)
The "One-Eyed Daffodil" Song. Well. That's what I call it, anyway. Do you have any interesting song lyrics that you just can't hear any other way than your own deranged version?
post by: taz at: 12:40 | 8 comments
Help me find this iPod case...
So I was expecting more action on my fantasy baseball league... If anyone here wants in on my NL-only fantasy league, MeMail me (or send an email to the address in my mefi profile if you're MeMail-less). There will be prizes! Also, good times! Also, no A-Rod, even after he recovers from surgery! You gotta like that.

Also, drezdn and mkultra are hosting leagues--I'm not sure how full theirs are. I can take 7 more players as of right now.
A frog in a string I went into my closet this morning and found this. I climbed up and freed him from his trap, and hid him in my daughter's rain boot. Before Froggy was hanging in my closet my son found him resting between the tines of the dishwasher rack about two weeks ago.

I've heard that other families do this. Do y'all play hide and find?
US singer/songwriter world famous in the Netherlands I wonder what's up with Dayna Kurtz. Read more...

11 March 2009

Your big member in pants will not be transient it will be permanent. My favorite recent spam line. Yours?
BP & mygothlaundry in Atlanta! I got to hang out and have dinner and beers with MGL and some of her friends here in Atlanta on Monday night, before they all went to see the Pogues (I was invited but couldn't go, %^#$?!).

We had a great time and a decent dinner, though! Also, beer. My pics, her pics.
The foot saga (the (hopefully) Final Chapter)
A Cinderella Story. The Dutch (!?!?!) eliminate the Dominican Republic, who were favored to win it all, from the World Baseball Classic. I think I'm seeing orange!
Lyrics Game...with a theme! I'm not going to spell out the theme...but it shouldn't be too hard to spot.Read more...
The Everyman Photo Contest, an 8 year old internet tradition, is a very popular amateur photography contest that awards cold, hard cash as prizes. Not wanting to leave out the professionals, there is now the Everyman Professional Photo Contest.
New iPod Shuffle - Wow.... I know this is just another rollout, but I'm starting to get that "woah, the future is really here now" hit from the size of this thing. Plus, it holds twice as much and has a voice-over feature telling you what you're listening to.
I call it the Quick-and-Easy-Not-Quite-as-Bad-for-You Chocolate Cake that takes me around 10 minutes to make (not counting baking). Other people call it the Six-Minute Vegan Chocolate Cake. Moist and tasty nearly-instant gratification, and you probably have all the ingredients sitting around. Read more...
post by: taz at: 10:07 | 7 comments
weird I wonder why mayors sound so much smarter than national-level reps and senators? maybe it's an administrative vs. executive thing, i.e. people in executive positions always sound vaguer and dumber.
This makes me so happy. The men of Alpha Delta Phi fraternity welcome Westboro Baptist Church to Chicago on Monday. (The good part starts around :40)
Three Point Wednesday Update I have become an office drone. I go in with the other office drones and my Blackberry and my iPod nano for 9am and leave with them at 5.Read more...
Thru You This is amazing.

10 March 2009

When, and how did you make peace with your Dad. Read more...
MOMA has brand new website pretty neat in spots. Doesn't play nice w/my browser all the time though.
I'm back(ish)! Rejoicing or bemoaning herein!
Unsettling Purim costumes
Michael Polllan Seeks 'food rules' ...your folk wisdom about food. Got any?
Apparel Advice.
Lyrics challenge!
Dear god (or whomever)

09 March 2009

Photo internship? Does such a thing exist, for magazines? Read more...
I Just Saw The Movie Easy Rider......
This week on Cops Why do I torture myself like this?Read more...
"So, son, how was your day?" I asked.
OMG! Lynx & Kittah! To take the edge off Mudpuppie's post!
This.... There are no words for this. (Not a happy story. Don't click if you're expecting cuteness.)
Today, I got bored & restless and wen't wandering through the neighborhood. I found myself hungry and stopped in at this place for a buffet lunch.Read more...
Kangaroo! OMG! "My initial thought when I was half awake was: it's a lunatic ninja coming through the window," Beat Ettlin told the AAP news agency. "It seems about as likely as a kangaroo breaking in."
Viking Graffitti: Greece Runestones todays wiki article talks about the Greece runstones. Runestones are generally memorials to deceased men,
but can even be a pre-"Kilroy was here" tagging, found even as far away as Italy on the Piraeus Lion. Modern Runecarvers still do stones, Eriksson will even do your bike if you like.
President Obama Disses Economics Blogs (Another sentence that would be gibberish in the 1980s?) That the President of the USA actually acknowledges the debates taking place on the blogosphere, even in a dismissive reference, is pretty telling.
Dead Critter Update
MeCha Meal Planners: Travelin' breakfasts for a crowd?
Laid-Off Bunnies: What Are You Doing To Stay Motivated and Healthy? Read more...
Minor rant about being an interviewer: I get sort of angry when exceptional candidates have mediocre (or worse) resumes!Read more...
Gardening for idiots Can any of you green-fingered or aspiring green-fingered folks recommend a book/resource for someone who knows absolutely nothing about gardening, but who has two little beds in her garden that she'd like to do something with?Read more...
hey jonmc how is your foot?
Does one *have* to refer to Saudi Arabia as "the kingdom"? i.e.

It seems like a show-offy punctiliousness to me. You never hear people referring to Thailand that way.
Monday 3-point update.
Yes, No, or Maybe?
Maroc Around the Clock Here are some photos from my trip to Morocco a few weeks ago! They're on Facebook but are viewable by non-members too.
Goode night everyone! I'm heading to bed and checking this thread in the morning. Sweet dreams!

08 March 2009

Celine Dion This is your brain on drugs. Honey, them pins will never match Tina's. Celine seems like a very sweet lady but why does she cover others? Read more...
This Thread Is For Sentences That Would Have Been Gibberish 20 Years Ago... Read more...
We just watched this. Does anybody have any holy water?Read more...
Remakes We Love thread
Do Not Forget Metachat Eye This is a public service announcement. I know I keep forgetting about it so today I added some pictures. Y'all should do so as well.
Kobayashi Porcelain? Let's play the Keyser Soze game! Quick, look at the bottom of your coffee/tea cup and tell us what what you see, and a bit of your life story. Read more...
I miss Capn's bad advice days Does anyone know if he's ok?Read more...

07 March 2009

Wings. An incredible photoset on Flickr.
Waaaaah! I finished all the Half-Life games and I want more! Hope me game-playing bunnies! What will help abate my desire to live again as Gordon Freeman?
Yay! Beach Cleanup Day Happened!
Question for computer savvy MeChas...
American, Canadian and Mexican bunnies ...
Whiny post. So the crappy economy finally affected me.
Thirty-five counties accounted for more than half of all foreclosures in 2008 (Also in the article: eight counties accounted for a quarter of all foreclosures.)
I am looking for a small headphone case. It needs to be TINY and easy to use, so I actually carry it everywhere and use it! Handmade and/or leather is nice. doesnt need to be precisely for headphones so long as it'll work.
Googly Fish-Eyed Bunny OMG! If you can't handle sideways googly bunny eyes, don't look!
Anyone got computer parts lying around?
Organic or Normal - which will Hammy like best?
Let's find out.

Watch the outtakes for extra hammy cuteness and misbehaviour.
From the Department of Incomprehensible Lists... This morning I found this list, in my own handwriting, in an old-ish tablet: Read more...
Something died in our crawl space.
I need a mailing favor from a UK person! NEED FURMINATOR! (info here), but we haz a problem. Read more...

06 March 2009

LoriFLA, and other Florida folks: Did you guys hear that Kepler launch tonight? NASA has just launched the Kepler probe (at 10:48 p.m. Eastern Time). I just wondered if you guys watched the launch or could hear it from your homes.
The pictures post by essexjan got me thinking.
The Week in Wildlife. Fantastic series of galleries from The Guardian.
Is thirty quid too much to spend on a boss gift? It is her birthday, she's really done amazing things to change my life for the better, and we TRUST EACH OTHER. I wanna get her an iPod shuffle, it comes in her favourite green and everything! Is thirty quid too much to spend on this boss gift?
Jazz Fest this year?
Quitting Smoking Thread Day Two: by my standards I'm being a big ass online but not in person yet, I'm laying low in the real world.

I saw the "Watchmen" last night, And I liked it. Please validate me!
Coffee has become boring. Ideas?
Since I Do Not Have MOFB. . .
Ask MeCha (HTML edition) Is there a way to center paragraphs to a fixed-width in HTML without the use of a style sheet?Read more...
Yaay! I didn't get the job!
Last Night I Dreamt I was Obama's Body Man, Like Charlie From West Wing... Read more...
Do you ever prolong joy?
Photo Friday : Projects We're Proud Of
Have fun with your beaver. Take care of your beaver. Kotex ads from Australia. This dude is offended.

05 March 2009

Hope me MeCha Two hours until holidays, and I've finished all my work. Nothing to do. Nothing. PLEASE entertain me, PLEASE!
I'm going to a urologist tomorow and I'm scaaaared! Read more...
So I've had a temp drafter working with me the last few days and I just found out today...Read more...
Very Mild Superpowers [youtube silliness]
Lyrics game!
Theme ideas for Photo Friday.
"I have to get out of bed every day to make something happen." An interview with British filmmaker Mike Leigh.
I am dumb. And now I am pissed. I did something stupid in February, and didn't save a file properly. I didn't notice until now. A few days work that I deleted. Crap.
Russian Synchronized Bridge Jumping Does what it says on the tin.
Is there any other way to snag old copies of the NY Times? I know about this place, but I think that the price is a little steep. I need copies of the issue that has this story in it.
TeaTalk. Hey, long time, no tea talk, eh?
One day I'll stop talking about Neko Case, but not today Her new record, Middle Cyclone, is out and it's really, really good. One song is murdering me with it's beauty...and I looked up the lyrics today. Read all together, they are pretty wicked too. A little timely as well, personally. And I want to share. Oh, and she's just announced some new tour dates, including Portland and Seattle...for you West Coasters! Lyrics and a link inside.Read more...
WTF Windows update KB967715? So this same f**king update comes up every day to download and install, which I do. WTF???

Size: 960 KB - 3.0 MB
Install this update to resolve an issue in which AutoRun features were not correctly disabled. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.
things I realized today Watching this clip of Tonya Harding whining about Barack Obama: maybe sometimes the person shoving the camera in another person's face, despite the fact that the subject wants to talk on record, is doing the subject a disservice.Read more...
Which was your favourite day you've had in a long time? Read more...
Site functionality questions

04 March 2009

Awesome cube game from the past? Hey guys and gals, can anybody point me in the direction of an awesome flash/java puzzle game that was posted to the blue some years ago? It was like a giant black and colored cube with multiple rooms that you had to solve puzzles in order to navigate. Thanks!
Etiquette a question/rant and a rant
WOOOT! 206 lbs. with clothes on!
Free gadget idea So, you and the dog are on a walk and here you have a real estate sign. For Sale! The house you want in the spot you want it. But how much does it cost and what do the innards look like?Read more...
Finally! I had my first cardio-rehab session today.
We've got it all here in New York We even have gangs of teen transvestite muggers.
Hey, do you want to see a sleepwalking dog? (Or, more accurately: sleeprunning.)
Calling all Seattle Bunnies - Calling out a Meet-up! Pie and I will be in Seattle from April 10-12 for an anime convention.

We'd like to meet the bunnies IRL. Suggestions for date, time and place gladly accepted. One note, I do not want to move my car, so near the convention center would be awesome.

Van Morrison leaving iTunes "very soon" Short version: iTunes sucks and modern music sucks.

Just remember... he's Van Morrison and you're not.
So ... I had my interview today.
Picky, pedantic question: I have to use some #2 pencils at a civil service test on Sunday. Last night, I bought some #2 pencils. But they were marked "HD" Would these still count? Is there any difference between HD #2s and plain vanilla #2s? Thanks in advance.
The Geography of Recession (from the New York Times) Mackinac County, Michigan -- 24.2% unemployment, Colusa County, California -- 21.6% unemployment, Haskell County, Kansas -- 2.2%, Philadelphia, PA -- 8.2%
Alcoholics Unanimous: new song and video from Art Brut. The album Art Brut vs. Satan comes out next month, and was produced by Frank Black of the Pixies.
Oh, man... DO NOT miss this MeFi post. You may be tempted to say, "Well, see here, I'm a rebel, and I'm not clicking that thing. I won't do it." but that would be wrong, wrong, wrong. So wrong. Just clicky. You do it now.

03 March 2009

Which is the one 7 Wonder of the World you'd like to see before you die? Read more...
I'm sure this was already posted, but attn: Essexjan Read more...
how good were the Stones in 1969? Listen for yourself.

When I do, picturing this man drawling a song as lyrically pitch black as "Stray Cat Blues", I wish I had been there.

If you're interested, you'd best download it immediately. Stuff I link to from Metafilter tends to get yanked.
Who is the leader? I think this ad is really effective.
post by: box at: 20:08 | 8 comments
Random Roles: Margot Kidder (A.V. Club) On filming Tribulation Force:
"I didn’t even know it was a Christian movie. Me and Howie Mandel were sitting there going 'What happened to my character?'...And they went 'Well, straight up in the Rapture.' And I went 'The what?' And they explained the Rapture and the end times to me, and I went 'Oh shit. I’m in one of these movies.'" A thoroughly entertaining interview.
This TV ad about "clean coal" has been cracking me up, but I only found out today that it was directed by the Coen Brothers.
I have been bested by an office supply. Please help me open this binder. Can't figure it out for the life of me.
Ask MeCha: Music at work. Help me find something online to listen to. Read more...
three point tuesday update - SEMI SHOUTEY Rosemary P. Cat is a round little piglet! Nomnomnomnom *crunch* *slurp*Read more...
Mmmm....ravioli...., or, too much time on my hands? I found a pasta maker the other day, and thought I'd try my hand at making ravioli. Because, you know, buying the stuff is too damned easy. Do you make pasta? Any tips/tricks/tales of hilarity/favourite recipes/recipes you've always wanted to try but didn't because you didn't have a day to spend fiddling about with bits of dough?
Timberrrrrrr! I have an old and large Manitoba maple tree in my backyard that is very close to my back fence and that is leaning over my garden shed and my neighbour’s garage at a 45 degree angle. I want that tree taken down before I put the garden in this spring, so I need start the process. Last night I began to research ways and means. This is when the fun began.Read more...
Ouch! Damn! These may be ever so slightly NSFW
I apologise but I just can't not post a link to this real estate listing. Read more...
Happy (belated) birthday special-k!
Can some parent-types or child-ed types give me a reality check here? What's reasonable content (in terms of tv, books, movies) on the paranormal for a 9-year-old? Read more...
A nice place close by to your house?

02 March 2009

I'm renaming the cat Pukezilla. Or, possibly, Pukearella. I've no idea how she managed it, but today's surprise was on a window ledge FFS!Read more...
Need Whuffles, plz *sigh*. Just one of those days.
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! He is best known as a children's book writer but he was also an ad man and a propagandist.
What to do with a kitten who has 8 canine teeth (and uses them)? Read more...
Musicians whose best album came unusually late in their career? The Velvet Underground made four good albums - as did The Ramones. But in each case, they probably peaked with the first album - as did The New York Dolls, Television, etc, etc.Read more...
Peeps, when you go to the doctor, you might wanna ..... Google those diagnostic codes when you get home...because sometimes they screw up....Read more...
DRAMA! AskMeCha: need some dating help...
Really Really Really Really Real What's that Van Morrison song with the line about how something or other is 'really really really really real'? There might be more or fewer 'really's in there.
post by: box at: 10:12 | 4 comments
Taste Great! Ugh, no... OK, I have just learned that chewing Wrigley's Spearmint gum then taking a drink of coffee, (after spitting out the gum) makes the coffee taste really disgusting. I mean really, it is nasty.

I just thought I would share that with you. That is all.
Gorgeous B&W photos of Miami in 1962. Neon, tailfins, and oh-so-glamorous women.
OMG EGG BUNNY My second attempt at making bento. I splurged a whole 100 yen on a bunny shaped egg press. I hope my husband's coworkers are amused tomorrow on the construction site.

Do you bento?
bouncy stripey weird fish Ignore the women on the right, hit play on the left movie and watch that weird fish.
Please laugh at my weekend please! And, post your own wierd weekend stories too!Read more...
The apartment that time forgot It's a real shame that they don't show the kitchen and bath as from the description I understand it's from the thirties. What a combo, me wants! I'm off to play the lotto, since despite it being cheap it's way too pricey for me.
MeFi Slow? Has MetaFilter been slow for anyone else, since the server change?Read more...
Films (scary) that you would never show your kids? Read more...

01 March 2009

hahahaha! some inadvertant humor from the candy rack at the store.
Baby hates her dad!! Crossposting from Askme - i could do with the bunny perspective too!! Thanks in advance.
Bunny candy dishes! They are kind of ugly but that doesn't stop me wanting them.
So why does this article have to be illustrated with the drawing they used? Read more...
Taz's Invalid Rice She was kind enough to share this with me on my flu thread and it's too good to keep to myself:Read more...
I just awoke from a dream with a pastel pink and blue bunny with a poodle cut. This is an omen. Of what?
Go it Charlie! [pic] In case you thought Darwin actually *learned* anything at Cambridge.
If you can, go see Coraline in 3D! Gorgeous film. I never thought 3D would be anything more than gimmick until I saw it. This is the first 3D film I've seen that grasps the medium as a truly unique medium.
Songs from films which made you feel glad to be alive. Read more...

28 February 2009

Hey, what do you call that red chicken on a skewer? Read more...
Thirsty koalas. That is all.
Sita Sings the Blues finally all online to watch! got an hour and a half? treat yourself to this amazing, beautiful, funny and entertaining indie animated film this weekend!

Can anyone tell me why No Fun, by the Stooges, reminds me of The Doors? It's really bugging me. In case you aren't sure which song I mean.
Retail humor: Amazon is selling the complete "Get Smart!" series on DVD for... $86.99.
I gotz flu... ...remediez pleez?
Jim the Realtor, via troy at MeFi. Post is here. I'm not really self-aware enough to understand why I heart Jim and his videos so much, I just do. Read more...
post by: taz at: 07:02 | 5 comments
aaargh... where's that "Google Search thinks I'm an Idiot" post/thread? That was here, wasn't it? I meant to bookmark, but I've lost it. GOOGLE IS DRIVING ME NUTS. [testicle steering wheel here] Read more...

27 February 2009

awesome find on netflix..... Anyone Else Here Ever Watch The 10th Kingdom Series?

I Chanced It On Netflix And Am Loving It!

Head-Banging Trolls! Princes In Labrador Form!

Very, Very Cool.

hi Mudpuppie.
Little Things I had written a whole long grumpy post complaining but decided not post it. Who wants to hear gripes? This thread is for being thankful for the little things.Read more...
Making an offer I want to buy my Saucy Goose Press domain name back and am in contact with a domain reseller.Read more...
Friday lyrics game I started this, so you totally have to play my one... it shouldn't be too difficultRead more...
Bunny! Cilantro! OMG! Or, is there something in mah teefs?
Pencil/Ink: a Comic Book Artists Blog I've been enjoying the hell out this blog lately. The author is into a lot of artists I enjoyed in my 1980's comic collecting days.
"Short Fuse": cool song with a retro-looking, animated video, by Atlanta's own The Black Lips.Read more...
Photo Friday : Pictures that show "The real you." Self-portrait or artsy pic.
Guess what?
MetaFilter Interactive Fiction Contest Registration is now active for the interactive fiction (i.e. text adventure games ala Infocom) contest/writing marathon. It begins March 1st and continues through March 31st, then the judging. More details at MeTa.
Okay.... Facebook. Should I make my husband a page? Is it helpful for business things? I'm woefully turnip about facebook; I just haven't paid that much attention, except for getting a bad impression about some things like facebook-spread viruses, that weird rights issue, etc. So, I really don't know the ins and outs of facebook, but now things are getting a little hairy, and maybe it would help to have a presence there? I explain inside. Read more...

26 February 2009

Can someone help me understand what a DOM is and why it matters? I've read the wikipedia page. I've been using the web since the beginning. I've been designing for the web for several years now. I know some html. I know what CSS is and does. I know what Javascript is and does. What the fuck is DOM?Read more...
First World Woes My pearls pinch.

Anyone want two dogs? Husband left their crate open this morning. They accidentally the whole house.
rupaul's drag race anyone watch it? I just discovered they have it on, so I may make friends with it this evening.
Pylon Guitarist Randy Bewley Dies (another-part-of-my-youth-is-gone-filter)
As one of my favorite bloggers would say, teaspoons! Although I thought it would be a contentious issue, my employee representative committee just voted unanimously to recommend that our company offer insurance benefits to domestic partners of employees.Read more...
Bunny! OMG! With smokey eyeliner, for rmless.
Whose Post Is This Anyway? Game
Dan's First Lyrics Contest Guess early and often!
Yesterday, I watched my DVD of The Departed and last night in my dreams, everybody spoke with those 'retahded' Bahstan accents. It was terrifying.
F*** My Life. I love the little stories in here. Rude, crude and hilarious. Be careful though - it's a bit of a time suck.

25 February 2009

ChangeFilter: Tonight I Made Good On A Promise I Made To Myself! Read more...
DISCLAIMER: The World Famous Vick Dog Chew Toy™ is a fictional character. It's use is not intended to harm anyone living or dead. (embedded youtube video)
We're just $120 away from a 20 pound beard-lift this Friday on the WGN Morning News! Part of me hopes we can do it-- part of me hopes we can't. The cutoff is midnight tonight, so if you were waiting for a special moment to make a donation, this is it! AIEEEEEEEEEE!
If you suffer from SAD, come stand in my bathroom for a while. I had to buy some new CFL light bulbs for the fixture over the sink, Read more...
What NOT to do on Facebook....
i am so tired i am working nearly all the time now, all the time, even when i am at home.
odd the internet dislikes me. for some reason I'm not able to display stylesheets for a few pages (but not all) at the moment.

semi-related. I've never been able to get tinyurl to work. :(
Apparently it takes 1 year to go from this to this. Happy Birthday Otto!
Mary Gaitskill - Love her? Hate her?
Great, another day on the TV and another plane crash, but at least their were no death's on this one, except maybe one unconfirmed at this time.
OMG mad kitty So Fry was perfectly placid the night beforeRead more...

24 February 2009

My faith in teh intarwebs is justified I was googling up the "It's a trap!" pic of Admiral Ackbar and started thinkingRead more...
LT's New Show onna Radio!
Hey, it's National Pancake Day. Free Pancakes at IHOP. This bunny likes pancakes
I need help waking up. Are there any bunnies out there who have figured out how to wake up quickly and efficiently in the morning?

I'm hoping to hear from people who really had a horrible time getting out of bed and figured it out.

My job depends on this!! fyi - I've already tried the put the alarm clock at a distance method. I'll sleep right through it.
Carbs! For all USA bunnies: Today is free pancake day at IHOP!
You can get a free short stack.
Three-point Tuesday update.
My dryer smells. How do I fix it?
You know you're out of shape when just blowing up your fitness ball with the hand pump leaves you sweaty, gasping for air, and ready for a nap.
wherein i protest too much So I'm listening to Countdown and some dude mentions how the Oscar viewership is mostly "women and gay men". Is there any sphere of life that a man can be interested in that isn't being claimed for gay people now?Read more...
From the "Solid Pair of Brass Ones" File: Microsoft demands return of severance pay from laid-off employees.

23 February 2009

What is it about Larry King guests? Jon Podesta looks green. Kermit-y.
Hi, I'm sick and it's really depressing me
What does "payment reversed" mean? We just got our Verizon bill and it shows us as being overdue. Now, we made the last payment on-time. The odd part of the bill is that it shows our last payment marked "payment reversed" and did not apply to the balance. This almost looks like a returned check, but we have overdraft protection, so that couldn't have happened.

We're puzzled. What does "payment reversed" mean in a case like this?
The Distillation of the Current Republican Strategy for Regaining Power and Relevance Apologies to non-USians and Republicans here. But this just pisses me off SO much.Read more...
Today I found out that there's a professional hockey team called the Botany Swarm. This makes me smile.
The first single from "supergroup" Tinted Windows.
Spree, Rampage, Bender, Adventure - Who's in? Ideas?
How about a Monday morning lyrics challenge?

22 February 2009

This Is The Official Oscar-Watching Post!
Yay! I didn't kill Ardiril! Tried my darndest though, but the fact that he forgot his umbrella--that was his own fault.Read more...
OscarsFilter Redux: Can We Watch On The 'Net?
Man does this depress me.
Pony Request Form. I'm going to use uservoice for monitoring metachat change and bug requests. If there's something you want from the site, can you follow the link, vote and make your suggestions. Thank You.
Greetings from Morocco! Having a wonderful time despite the AZERTY keyboards.Read more...
OscarsFilter: Milk Is Best Picture IMHO - Your Thoughts? Read more...
I might be doing some work on metachat. If you notice anything weird happening - it's probably me. If it's still happening in an hours time, it's me and I did something wrong. And you need to tell me. Thank you.
What are you like when you're sick? What is your SO like?
Bragging goes here... So I'm not bragging about something I did, but some friends just released this song, and I think it's the bees knees. I have talented friends.
It's the lyrics game kids.

21 February 2009

Juárez police chief quits "Juárez police chief Roberto Orduña Cruz resigned Friday after the drug cartel killed six city police officers this week... After each attack, cartel operatives left signs threatening to kill a police officer every 48 hours unless Orduña quit the force." I find this quite frightening; it means that the inmates are running the asylum, and drug traffickers can even control the makeup of the police.Read more...
What does sex smell like? In a few books and movies, I hear characters (often disapproving mothers), saying, "You smell like sex".

What is the exact nature of the smell being referred to?
Stay at Home Dad Reposted from FB, where a couple of my friends who are stay-at-home dads were big fans.
Ironworkers at hospital paint the names of kids with cancer on steel beams (I realize that doesn't make a lot of sense, but just click the link and your heart will be warmed.)
So, how's your weekend going? Mine's been good so far.

What's up with Cute Overload? I am beginning to suffer greatly from lack of cuteness.
Nigerian Scammers Hit Citibank for Eight Figures You know all those goofy 419 scams that are sitting in your spam folder? The instantly recognizable pleas to wire your account info for riches untold? Well, those guys just scammed Citibank out of twenty-seven million dollars.
Podiatric Update.
Metafilter is down, yes? Not just me, right?
Ask mecha: Do you know anything about this portrait? Identity of artist or subject? Read more...
I loooove Dolly (but) she is looking really weird on Larry King. I think she needs to put down the facelift. (But I'll always love her.)

20 February 2009

I have invented two new cocktails.
My mom died on Wednesday. She was 67 and happy. I looked at her for the last time a few hours ago. I feel pretty lost.
Free range organic wifi
"Watching a Dying Reality Star" UK bunnies, is everyone over there really transfixed with this, as the article suggests? It seems like The Truman Show taken to its logical (and horrible) extreme. Read more...
Holy crap today's my last day.
I have an interview for another department here monday. They had 30 "critical" positions open that they were saving for post-layoffs, to give us a chance at them.

it would be a subsantial raise.

Survey: What's the dorkiest t-shirt you own?
The cutest thing you'll see all week. Alternative uses for a Mobile Phone.
It's Announced! Now for the logistics
What a heel This is a rather silly question, but do any female bunnies have problems with the heel on some shoes slanting/curving in too much? I seem to run into this fairly often — if the heel on shoes curves in a little rather than being almost straight up and down, and if I make the mistake of buying them, they chew up my heels. It happens most often with flats, but it's also happened with a pair of running shoes. I’m wondering if I have abnormal heels or something, so it would be reassuring to hear I’m not the only woman this ever happens to.
Happy Birthday TheDonF!!! Yaaaaaaaay!
So. Whedon's Dollhouse. What are we thinking so far?
Photo Friday : Black and White Pictures
catan-ites? I don't suppose anyone in PDX likes playing Settlers of Catan, do you?

Or maybe even Scattergories?

19 February 2009

The BUNS are home! Alice made it home just fine, much to my relief. She is acting completely normal, though a bit slow. She's still pretty doped up. I'm a bit pissed about the size of her incision, but I'll get over it...(my cat had bigger organs and a smaller wound...grrrr)Read more...
Tales From a Flower Shop: Episode II-Men Can Be Stupid.Read more...
To people concerned about Internet privacy (Facebook, etc) I'm sincerely curious - what types of things do you not want people/corporations to know about you, and why not?Read more...
Sappy stuff within
Israeli Parody of Hitler Infuriates Holocaust Survivors Damn. Even the Master Race has problems finding a parking spot. Who knew?
A bit of mojo please? I'm going on a job interview* tomorrow around 11 am Eastern; send mojo, please?Read more...
I am in need of whuffles. So I went to the lease signing for this awesome* studio that I found all by myself...Read more...
MeFi Interactive Fiction Contest The official site for the contest is up. I'm looking for some beta testers to check out the contest webpage and offer feedback. I should have it up by Monday or so, so if you're interested basically you'd be going in, trying to sign up, and trying to submit a fake story.
Snugglie (Slanket) Pub Crawl We like to live on the edge here in NYC.
Lyrics quiz!
Alice is getting spayed today.
This is a movie I liked recently. This is a movie I did not like recently. Read more...
I have tingly arms and legs and my right eye lid is twitching wtf? seriously.
Coming out of the closet I’d like some advice on reconstructing a closet.Read more...
Soliciting Advice on OTC Meds
Happy Birthday, mullacc!!
Silly request. I wanted to look at the color-coordinated inter-species pics. Like, when there's an orange chicken and an orange kitten. I know I saw it here ...
Lease Purchase? Preforeclosure? The bf and I are looking to move in the near future. We are wanting to rent a house(NOT an apartment, we both agree on that). Looking through Craigslist I keep seeing ads that refer to lease purchasing etc. So basically, it sounds like a "rent to own" plan for a house going into foreclosure? Does anyone know anything about these deals? Are they good? Bad? Bogus? How can you tell? Read more...

18 February 2009

Impromptu meetup: welcome Ardiril to Boston Fri. night! He'll be in Copley Square on the 20th, and will probably want dinner.Read more...
The Nose Flute Man - By day he's a mild mannered consultant who goes from cube farm to cube farm telling people how to deal with changes in their job and work environment.

By night he's a crazy dude with a nose flute. Keep your eyes open, because you'll never know who'll drive up next to you on the highway.
It's wacked off. My hair, that is.
Techie help.
I'm frustrated! Please pictures of frustrated animals to keep me company in my crankiness. thxby.
Soothing, supportive thought of the day. From a book (originally a lecture) by Pema Chödrön:
How to fight Self-defense video on how to avoid being hurt by sociopaths who have no regard for human life. (seek to 00:25 for the good part)
For all of the unemployed people out there. Companies are paying people to have their ads tattooed on their bodies.
Another Lyrics Game? Hmmm? Lots of older stuff in this one!Read more...
Bunny! OMG! (Or is that a halibut?)
AskMecha: Any suggestions on a good way to merge multiple MP3s into one single MP3? I want to post a few mix discs as a single downloadable (or streamable) file, but I can't figure out how. Read more...
Lunch at the Drugstore An excellent set of photos of mostly 1950s-60s lunch-counter culture. Read more...

17 February 2009

So I never know what the diff is between tooting one's own horn and bragging. I finally finished a kitchen & a photographer came today to shoot it.Read more...
Download Neko Case's new song, "People Got a Lot of Nerve." For free.

Every time a link to the download is posted on a blog (like it's posted now on Metachat), the group Anti- will donate $5 to the Best Friends Animal Society. (Their website doesn't seem to be working, so here's their Wiki link.) Yay, we just raised $5 for da animulls! Read more...
Heyoka Strikes Again!
I need some new non-fiction books to read What have you read lately that's been good?
Kind of sad. (But also kind of funny.)
College kid misses first question on Who Wants to be a Millionaire.Read more...
I just had an AWESOME dinner.
AskMe Crosspost: Whooping Cough or Tall Tale? I was going to post it here but thought maybe I should query a larger audience. You guys have any ideas?
What is the best Metafilter thread you've read recently... ? Read more...
oh great they just announced 300 layoffs at my company today. I don't yet know if I'm among them.
pardon me while I shake and try not to cry.
Happy birthday loiseau!
Disposable IRC. (example)
For when you just want to chat easily with someone.
Funny book cover of the day

16 February 2009

w00t w00t w00t! Son #2 just got his first college acceptance letter, from Texas Wesleyan University here in Fort Worth. Yay yay yay!!!!!

*does happy dance* =)
Who else likes to eat raw potatoes? I see there are some out there like me who like to eat raw potatoes. Anyone?
mumbly-grumbly self-pitying gripey thread. : (((((((((
Some of these look delicious to me but it's very likely that I will just throw up before becoming fat.
Squeeeeee!!! I know this was on the blue the other day, but in case you missed it (or aren't 'over there') this video delivers enough kyoot to cause mass head asplosions.
The audio has been disabled. This video contains an audio track that has not been authorized by WMG. Lame.
Hope Me Please Mecha Weird as hell internet connection trouble here at work.Read more...
Happy Birthday, Terrapin! Show us your postcards, Mister!
Stoic philosophy makes me want to cry. I've been going through this course on my commute, and looking through The Golden Sayings Of Epictetus.Read more...

15 February 2009

OMG happy birthday scody!!
Tour of California Filter, personal edition
OMG going to (Berlin and) Morocco tomorrow! For the rest of the month!Read more...
Wow. Just wow. I read her biography over and over when it came out in the late 80s.Read more...
Hello everybody. I've fallen through the fingers of god & ended up in Huntington Beach, CA. Read more...
What are you doing today?
Speaking of Facebook ... Could we have a MetaChat group? Or is that too un-cool for words? In the alternative -- if anyone wants to Facebook friend me, please do! (
Happy Birthday scody! Hope you have an awesome day. I'll share my cake with you.
Where did the Internet go? jrun and 503 blues.
Your new sidebar art has been brought to you by the tart and saucy citrusfreak12, the languid and dreamy exlotuseater, the rare and delicious chuckdarwin, the clever and glamorous gomichild (top to bottom on the left), and the dappled and delightful specklet (on the right). Please throw flowers and paper money as they say the coins tend to bruise them.

14 February 2009

I survived Valentine hell.
Ok, folks. Let's get a move on. We need to step up Valentine production. Everybody deserves some whuffles!
I just had a Wazoo. The name alone assured I'd at least give it a try. It's an unnaturally colored two layered sweettarts flavored 3 Musketeers with some Nerds sprinkled on top. In a good way.
Is it "free rein," or "free reign"?
Making-your-own-clothes-chat: argh, patterns!
Hope me with my chocolate chip replacement surgery? I'm going to try this recipe today, but as I've whined about many times in the past, I can't get chocolate chips. My plan is to just melt the same amount of sweet dark chocolate (from a bar) and add to the other ingredients. That should be okay, right?
The Consortium of Pub-going, Loose and Forward Women. Women! Walk to the nearest pub and buy a drink on Valentine's Day! Funny but not really so funny.
Happy Valentine's Day, bunnies! For your whuffling pleasure, Metachat's own cupid, chrismear, once again brings us Bunnylove secret Valentines, so gather your rosebuds while ye may!
Dear Metachat: I like you. You are nice. So here is the NY Public Library's online vintage valentine collection. And if you sit with me at lunch I will give you my orange.

13 February 2009

Ask a Brit a stupid question. Here in North America we drive on the right and over there you drive on the left. I've noticed that when people approach Read more...
My Valentines gift to you all: Rusted Root's "Food and Creative Love". Hmm maybe I'll have Read more...
I just saw a life-changing film.
Help me! I've just made oatmeal and I'm about to make rice. LOL. No, really: I made the oatmeal in a kettle that I recently totally toasted. I turned the wrong burner on and nearly caught the empty stainless steel pot on fire. Now it's discolored and looks slightly rusty inside when I cook w/ it. And there was some weird white stuff, only on the outside, around the seams. Is it safe to use?
This is maybe two miles from where I'm sitting now it's pretty surreal. I happened to see the governor's motorcade on my way to work. one of my coworkers was supposed to be on there- but she missed the plane last night.
Exploding Head Syndrome, I Haz It A tale of surreal neurology...
Abe Lincoln on Facebook (via)
Last status update:
"Abe is headed for the theater."
So I was thinking of getting a Kindle, but... There is NO 3G support in my area and no plans to add it anytime soon. Seriously, it's like a 45 minute drive to the nearest area. I know it should still work with 2G, but I'd like to know if any of you guys have experience with using the Kindle on a 2G network. especially speed.
Beautiful Electric Guitars: here are a couple sites. First Harden (they're intended for rockabilly -- the Bottlerockets play through some Harden equipment); then Girl Brand guitars, unfortunately many of the photo links are dead but these Telecaster clones are anything but clones. Enjoy.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out. sorry if it's been posted already )
I assume they've already checked Baker Street. Apparently musician Gerry Rafferty (famous for the aforementioned 'Baker Street' and 'Stuck In The Middle With You' from his days in the band Stealer's Wheel, made famous by appearance in Reservoir Dogs. He also was briefly in a band with comedian Billy Connoly called the Humblebums)has been missing since last August, I learned on Wikipedia today. Strange.
I just realized that the Richard Harris who played Dumbledore in the first two Harry Potter movies is the same Richard Harris who recorded MacArthur Park. I had never made that connection before.Read more...
Banned from #bunnies?
What subjects have you gotten way into lately? Wikipedia wanderers, unite!Read more...
Village news. Last night I went to the Raleigh twestival, a benefit to raise $ for clean water access globally. I was a sponsor, too. :) Starting to get into the twitter community, which I never thought I'd say.

Also, our new, FREE, hybrid bus begins running its downtown loop tomorrow. Comes right by my house, too. Yay!
Photo Friday - Our Youthful Grandmothers
Facebook Virus/Spamming app If you get a notification that you have been tagged in a PICTURE (instead of a photo), do not click the link!Read more...
I Played Bass In A Band Tonight and Even Sang! Read more...

12 February 2009

New Bun for Pie and Sakura! So, we're getting excited! The roommate is on good terms again, but is moving out on the first of April.

So, of course, we're adopting another bun once we have her room. :)Read more...
This is a post to celebrate Greek yoghurt!
Weird houseguests...
Baby Gorilla Just a dose of daily cuteness
Photoshop Help? I just upgraded from CS2 to CS4. How do I import things like brushes, color swatches, etc to the new program from the old?
Reactance (live) @Lipstick Thespian, here is that synth solo. File it under "trance electronica". No, your amp is not frying at 7:30.Read more...
20 Minute Loop is a band with some free albums available for download. I'm listening to Famous People Marry Famous People right now, and it's cool... kind of New Pornographers-ish. Read more...
Swingin' 60s Superhero Cartoon Theme Songs
Iron Man
The Hulk
Spider Man
Captain America
My first post on MeFi. Does it count if it's about me, rather than by me?
Stay-at-home Valentine's Day ideas? Anyone got any ideas for a couple who wants to stay home and avoid the craziness this weekend? Beyond renting movies, that is? Read more...
Don't read that shit! Are there books or genres that, when people let you know they're into, you recoil in horror?Read more...
Brooklyn jury summons emergency! I wanted to post this on AskMe, but I used my question up for this week.Read more...
surgery! People have deaths from complications from surgery all the time.. my boss died last week and he'd just had a cataract surgery..and of course the sad loss of ColdChef's dad. I didn't realise how dangerous it was! It makes me very wary of ever going under the knife again.
What was the last book you read that you would award 4-5 stars out of 5? I ask because I just finished one - "Alias Grace" by Margaret Atwood, a fictionalization of the real-life story of Grace Marks, 19th century convicted murderess. Read more...
It's 4.30am and I haven't gone to bed!
This is my story...what's yours? Slater, male model and captain of the infamous ship Calypso and a renowned seducer of women, has just walked into the one tavern in all of the unknown reaches of Mars he should have avoided.Read more...

11 February 2009

Tomorrow is a very special birthday (at least to me) Read more...
Instructions for my father's funeral. On Monday, my father died. When my brother and sisters and I pulled his pre-need folder to make his funeral arrangements, we found (among the elaborate plans he'd laid out for us) these handwritten notes for how his services were to be conducted. He wrote these over 18 years ago. Read more...
Holy crap, today was weird... ..right in the middle of a busy day at work a woman runs in, screaming bloody murder, clutching her eyes and totally, TOTALLY hysterical..Read more...
*snivel* So I just spent 1/4 of my monthly income on medical bills to find out...
Updates go here... So I haven't felt like I've been around at all this week. I feel out of the loop, so thought I'd update you on my life at this end...Read more...
AskMetachat: "Blog" software that doesn't require a MySQL server? Read more...
I have a sticker on my back! A magical physio-prototype sticker! Read more...
Your man Bruce posted something on his blog a journal about playing at the Super Bowl.
A theological question:
Only an hour left in the day, but.... How about some more song lyrics? I've tried to come up with LESS obscure ones!Read more...
Worst Article Summary EVER....
Boo! Yay! thread. I'll start.

The Places We Live by Jonas Bendiksen is an interactive Magnum photo essay about slums.
I got to visit with Exene Cervenka yesterday! She needed to borrow a cello from me. She's in town here recording an album with this guy I'm in a band with. He is a magnet for working with artists with strong critic cred, as he has produced albums for the likes of Jonathon Richman and WILCO. Read more...
Medicare or Social Security -- Which is more screwed up? I spent 3 hours on the phone trying to correct basic information like address, tel #, and yes, my SSN plus other info at both agencies. Yet I just know that somewhere is a system that did not get updated, and once again the incorrect information will migrate and infect those that are correct.
Me, too Just got 90 days notice that my job is ending.Read more...
"I Am A Kitten." This Momus song, about a cat who's in love/lust with the woman who owns him and wishes he was human, was stuck in my head this morning when I woke up. So now I share it with you.

10 February 2009

500th Post! A Post About Pride - Let's Roar! Read more...
Another another song lyrics game All hip-hop. Potentially NSFW due to language.
Another song lyrics game: geared to the late boomer / Gen X demographic. Nothing extremely obscure.Read more...
Slade Epie. c.1992 - February 10, 2009.
Argentina on my mind. This probably isn't worth an AskMe question because the responses would most likely all be "Google! do you speak it?!" and deservedly so. I do speak Google, but here's what's been on my mind while watching our (American -- [not foreignist] --) economy collapse.Read more...
Bad dog! ... oh wait ... She didn't do anything wrong, so why is she acting like she did? Read more...
Sugar glider Rescued A fire fighter comforts a rescued sugar glider from the Victorian bushfires.

09 February 2009

Nice! I just watched a friend of mine win on Jeopardy!
I have an ICD, an implanted cardiac defibrillator. These things are expensive as hell and I was wondering if I could donate it once I die. Probably not for human reuse, but veterinary perhaps? I am not finding anything via Google.
Patrick and Ray
There's a story here . . .
This is pretty cool - SMS based bus schedules I'm about to re-join the commuting hordes and noticed that our local transit agency is testing a phone text schedule system. Each bus stop has a sign telling you what code to text to the Port Authority which then texts you back telling you which and how soon the next bus is coming.Read more...
Anyone have ideas on where I can get some css templates? Read more...
New York Times Article on Larger Families In 1976, census data show, 59 percent of women ages 40 to 44 had three or more children, 20 percent had five or more and 6 percent had seven or more. By 2006, four decades after the Supreme Court declared a constitutional right to use birth control (and the last year available from census studies), 28 percent of women ages 40 to 44 had three or more children, 4 percent had five or more and just 0.5 percent had seven or more.
Fill in the blank You know a friend is getting into the clutches of MLM schemes when…Read more...
On being offended. Nice article about offensive language and race. (via dodgygeezer)
The greatest part of virtue lies in the absence of opportunity for vice. A nice piece on Fabergé (and Fauxbergé) eggs, from the LRB.

08 February 2009

How did you wish life was going to turn out when you were younger? Has anybody's life turned out the way they had imagined?? I'm trying to get snippets of how I can deal with this when my time comes. Crying is not an option, so that's gone.
Happy Birthday BoringPostcards!!!!!
Zorba, the Veiled Male ...The Man Driven to Be A Belly Dancer is a Driven Man Indeed!
What are you NOT doing for Valentine's Day? With apologies to the partnered-but-don't-want-to-be folks.
What are you doing for Valentine's Day? With apologies to the single-but-don't-want-to-be folks.Read more...
Holy Sh--!! 56-year-old becomes 1st woman to swim Atlantic
Are all the Aussie bunnies ok? I was just reading about Victoria.
"Slave Leia" on Flickr. From funny to terrifying.
Doggy Rule of Food #1: Everything that you find to eat on the floor is delicious... even if you wouldn't eat it if you found it in your bowl. Read more...
Star Wars Acapella Unfortunately you need to be a Facebook member to see this. The YouTube version was removed due to copyright claims.
Brekky/closest meal Gosh I love food.
Everyone has a favourite place a place that brings back childhood memories. That encapsulates your past, where you grew up, where you learnt about yourself. That place for me just went up in smoke. Literally.Read more...
If Martha Stewart lived in Northern Michigan. You've heard of tuna melts and patty melts; why not squirrel melts? From the Huntress TV show that appeared on The Outdoor Channel.
Just saw Black Keys at Terminal 5. The Heartless Bastards opened.Read more...
What sound does a laughing dolphin make?

07 February 2009

Ok, spill it: raise your hand if you had a Furbee.
Italian tourist in Fallujah "held for his own safety". Where's the most "dangerous" place you've ever been? And was it actually as dangerous as it was purported to be?Read more...
3-point Saturday update
Dusty's Trail. I was tooling around around Internet Archive and discovered this. I swear i remember seeing this somewhere, although when it was aired i was about 2. It's pretty bad, a transparent rewrite of Gilligan's Island in the Old West poorly executed, with Gilligan himself and Sgt. O'Rourke from F Troop. Dunno where i remember it from, though.
Apparently, aliens have been visiting me. They should come tomorrow - I'm making minestrone.
post by: taz at: 14:24 | 2 comments
Bacon & Bourbon Expo '09 Hey New Yorkers! Did anyone go to the Bacon & Bourbon Expo? Anyone have any reports from the front lines?

06 February 2009

i hope my car is ok >_<
A contest can be fun or boring. Announcing the upcoming MeFi Interactive Fiction contest. Okay, so I brought up the idea of a MetaFilter interactive fiction game contest and there was some interest in it, and so it's happening starting March 1st. Basically it is one of those "do ??? in a month" contests, so you have to start March 1st and submit by midnight MeFi time on March 31st. Everyone who competes is a "winner" but apparently there will be prizes.
Best ever one-hit wonders My choice is linked. What's yours?
OMG David Suchet! Poirot on Youtube! Week, month, year: made.
Happy Truck Day! Only in Boston do we celebrate a truck.Read more...
Some vintage Geisha postcards from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. On flickr.
Ask MeCha: Lemon squeezing. I need to get something to help me get juice from lemons occasionally. On Amazon, I see this Lemon squeezer and this citrus juicer. I also have a $16.34 gift card for Macy's, where this citrus press is available for $18.94 after shipping. Added is that I have some wrist injuries, so I'd like something easy on the wrists. What would you do? (And if I don't spend the Macy's gift card here, I have to figure out somewhere else to spend it.)
Do you like the exit row seat? Are you "capable of assisting the crew in the event of an emergency?"Read more...
How about another of gaspode's song lyrics games? I'll give it a shot. Let's have some fun?Read more...
Netbook Navigator I think I want to buy a netbook. But I'm not sure which one I want to buy. I'm also not sure if I want to buy one at all. Help, please. Experiences, resources, recommendations--I'm pretty much starting from scratch.
Speaking of performances... I just wanted to put this up for youse before I went to work. Feel free to evaluate it, or put up your own favorite live stuff, or just reminisce over shows past. A bientôt.
It's performance evaluation time!
I would like to bitch and whine a little bit if that's OK. Read more...
OMG it's pizza night I'm so excited! What you gonna eat?
Syrup smell in NYC solved! Mayor Bloomberg reveals to all why parts of New York occasionally smell like an IHOP
Photo Friday. Kids with Pets

05 February 2009

Question about converting DVDs to AVIs... My boyfriend is currently converting most of his DVDs to AVIs so we can have a central media server and clear out some space in the house (no, it's not for redistribution or file sharing of any kind). Read more...
I Want To Hear About Your Positive Milestones So Far This Year... Read more...
I will be in Boston the weekend of 2/21. Anyone want to do a supper meetup Sunday afternoon? Anything interesting happening that weekend? What should I not miss?
There was a kid on the bus this evening who was sporting -- and I am not making this up -- pinstripes and a fedora. The fedora had a white hat band. A battered brown briefcase completed the ensemble.Read more...
been there. done that. bit the mayor of new york city on the hand. bought the t-shirt.
anyone got a good creative commons or otherwise free image of a schoolhouse, or a chalkboard, or a pencil or something? or know where i should look?Read more...
OMG Internet at home!
Epoch time countdown On Friday, February 13th 2009, 23:31:30 GMT, epoch time will be 1234567890. Enjoy the countdown here. Better with unicorns, probably.
Shopping for wallpaper I’ve been wallpaper shopping online, looking for hallway paper. And I think I found it.Read more...
Renter Bunnies: How often is your rent raised?
Another song lyrics game for a slow Thursday
The flying snake home page. They don't need no plane.
Opposite gender name? Your folks ever tell you?
This thread is about PIZZA.
Things you're embarrassed about?

04 February 2009

Peter Sellers in "The Party" Makes me snort laughing. Which even has it's touching moments. Of course, all you "Nom Nom" folks are way behind the times. Nothing new under the sun.
Alleged Goat Has Been Apprehended Thanks to police, Buddy the goat is back home. Most heart-warming jailed goat story you'll read today.
Who's had King Cake yet?
Chocolate Banana Cookies Snow day in Asheville: I made cookies last night and they are so good I am giving you the recipe.Read more...
Best Complaint Letter Ever Man flies. Man does not like experience. Man complains.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEWRIFFIC! Hope you have a great day!
Is there a virgin left in America to replace Daschle? Michael Phelps, maybe? Healthcare reform is probably a dead issue for a few years now.
Her Morning Elegance A wonderful stop motion video for the song by Oren Lavie.
Kate Micucci was the guest ukelele player on "Scrubs" tonight If you liked her as much as I did, make sure to check out her videos. She's adorable.

03 February 2009

Chicago meetup tomorrow!
Anyone else thinking about getting a .tel address? So, the landrush period for the new .tel domain started today.

Anyone else thinking of getting one of these domains? Anyone already gotten one?
Will "Fringe" satisfy my "X-Files" jones? I have not watched a single episode, and I'm thinking of going back and watching them. Worth it?
Yummy! I made this dish tonight—along with brownies for dessert—for my wonderful wife. What did you do for someone you care about? ... including yourself.
OMG Unicorns and Rainbows. Click Repeatedly >>> Cornify
She thought she could sneak it by. Happy birthday, fluffy battle kitten.
As an antidote to all that pottymouth here's unicorns and rainbows!. Drag the link to your bookmarks bar, visit a site, keep pressing the link. Instant joy!
Guess who is having a hissyfit (it is someone quite famous) - also, the man cusses like nothing else so NSFW and ears that like the F-bomb dropped constantly. Reveal inside! Read more...
The Muesli Cometh Yes! I have discovered the goodness that is muesli and wish to hear your tips, tricks, and recipes.Read more...
Where is the muesli? Someone said there would be muesli!
I thought this was an amusing albeit unofficial commercial for Trader Joe's but if that didn't make you smile, maybe this T-Mobile dance ad will?
Tell me 10 things about you that people should know. Read more...
I Can Haz Volunteer Opportunity!
Look At This Cat need your pictures of awesome cats. Because cats are awesome.Read more...
Facebook screwing up. Can't seem to write on anyone's wall. Any ideas?Read more...
I am proud of myself! I just got a message from someone who was an absolute bitch to me on a foreign exchange I did several years ago: "I hope you havr grow up!"Read more...
From the Bureau of Imaginative Explanations.
Call to action: Birthday postcards for terrapin! Heya Bunnies. terrapin's birthday is coming up on February 16th, and what he'd love more than anything else in the whole wide world is to get some strange, beautiful and awesome postcards. Read more...
50 years ago today, Buddy Holly boarded a plane in Iowa with Ritchie Valens and the Big Bopper, and died when that plane crashed shortly after takeoff. I contend the music didn't die, though...
"Not Fade Away"
"That'll Be The Day"

Also, here's a live performance of "Peggy Sue" on American Bandstand, from 1958. I love the very proper lady's introduction at the start of it.
Reply-All Strikes Again So today I (and the rest of the school) get an email from my college's enrollment services. It was sent, obviously, to the URI student listserv ( more...
OMG Read-Only Kitty! Metafilter is on the move, but we can haz cat!

02 February 2009

Does anyone have a name that confounds expectations? Is it an asset or a liability? Read more...
Which glasses/spectacls do you have--which would you recommend I'd buy? I want something that are not too expensive, and ones that look good on the face. Black would be a nice colour, but I'm also open to Red and Golden.Read more...
The internet has concluded its broadcast day. Thank you for tuning in. Please join us again tomorrow when the internet resumes it's regularly scheduled programming.

A thing I made... All CSS and HTML. Scalable and works in every browser I know.
Sick day music! I caught a nasty virus and I'm home sick. What is getting me through the day?Read more...
Ozzie Osborne dies! No not THAT Ozzie. The other one.
Looks like I owe the IRS $20.000 for becoming disabled. Read more...
I Can Haz Massive Immunosuppression!
How do you feel about STUFF?
This video contains a nearly dangerous amount of awesomeness: David Byrne and the Balanescu Quartet performing a string quartet-plus-theremin rendition of Kraftwerk's "The Model." Read more...
Snow in London, city at standstill So in an astonishing turn of events, frozen water has fallen from the sky over England. The ENTIRE London bus network has been closed, as are a couple of the airports. Some bits of the Tube are running.Read more...
Happythread! - my new server handled 1) being on the blue 2) being free for all during the bowl really well. :) yeay! Traffic not quite as mad as previous years, but still! What's your happy update lately?
Cream of Chicken Soup, the Update.
post by: taz at: 01:08 | 8 comments

01 February 2009

This is a cynical thread. What to do with idealism in the midst?Read more...
Music videos of our current favorite artists live.
Here'a a Superbowl Question. Y'know how at the end of the game there's always the interview segment in the winning team's locker room where they're all wearing "[insert team] -Super Bowl XLIII Champions" caps? Read more...
Requiem by John Updike
I'm ashamed of it. I know I'll be a pariah when people realize, but .... Read more...
Stay cool jonathanstrange
Yes, I am poaching funny photos from Metafilter comments. This one goes out to all the parents. Read more...

31 January 2009

Can has cat update! Two weeks ago I adopted a Romanian speaking, middle-aged cat, and posted about it here... just to followup, I'm so happy with her, and she seems to like living with me as well. She sleeps on my feet, plays adorably with her toys, and has taken to telling me when to go to bed (seriously, around 10:30 every night she starts meowing in a bullying way to remind me that it's time to sit in bed and read while she purrs beside me). Link is to FB album, which I hope works (I can fix the permissions if necessary).

Yes, I have become the kind of person who, now that my son is grown and moved away, is posting pictures of my cat on the internet. Sigh.
Cello Scrotum exposed as a hoax. Guitar nipple apparently fake as well.
I have an admirer, it seems.
Bored Saturday evening open thread.
CHRONIC PAIN WHINE ugh, I hate to be one of *those people* who complains about (relatively minor) medical issues, but...Read more...
404 Post Not Found The post you requested was not found on this server.
Handy Vet Blog Just found this and it's already answered some questions; therefore, I share.
Kitty bed!!! I totally want to make this kitty bed. Sometimes IKEA Hacker actually has tempting ideas.Read more...
403 Forbidden The authorization request failed or you do not have permission to view this thread.
Why is Google telling me "This site may harm your computer" about every website, and not letting me go straight there?
Was I wrong to take her side? [long post ahead] Read more...

30 January 2009

So Cute, It's ... something, Anyway, really cute. Really
So It Sucks to be a Grownup Once in Awhile. . . So I had a gripe about some asshat behavior on the part of a drama teacher Read more...
I need something to do/read for the next 2 hours.
Facebook people. So I reluctantly joined Facebook to help out a friend. I'm trying to make sense of the fine print.Read more...
The problem with these Brinks Home Security commercials (well, one of several problems) is Read more...
A Special Request for JonMC Or Anyone Here With Quality R&B Jones... Read more...
I was too tired to wash my hair. I put it under a headband and it looks better than it did yesterday. Argh! What were you too tired to do today?
Photo Friday : Macros
woowoo! I have a can of cream of chicken soup! Now... what to do with it? It seems like half the recipes I find while searching for pretty much anything include "a can of cream of chicken soup" - and I don't usually find these readily available here. But I just happened across this at my little grocery... Read more...
When did you no longer have to post on Mefi... ? When were you ok, you know, not having to post, every other day, or as soon as you could?
Just another day in the D. An article from Charlie LeDuff. Sort of a follow-up to this post. This has been a very ugly winter here.
Her Morning Elegance is a really sweet and awesome video.Read more...

29 January 2009

ooh, ooh! How do you read vividly? Tell me about this. I'm fascinated with this topic. Read more...
post by: taz at: 23:43 | 5 comments
Remember "weretable & the undead chairs"? He's posted some fantastic photos of the current ice storm in Arkansas, over on Flickr.
My father's lover letters. by Yusef Komunyakaa is a great poem. Thought I'd share.
Doing a Happy Dance I just found out. . .although I could be the last to know about those things.
post by: danf at: 18:09 | 1 comment
Conan O'Brien on the Jon Stewart Show (c.1994) I remember, like it was yesterday, when Conan took over Late Night hosting duties from David Letterman—it was right when I started my freshman year at college. Read more...
7 Deadly Glasses Seven custom-made goblets, each one representing one of the seven deadly sins. Yummy. Read more...
POW! HOW YA LIKE ME NOW? What do you have to brag about today?
New Zealand Inmates Foil Own Escape using the story device from about 10 different 1970's sitcoms.
I think it will be difficult for me to have real friends for a while. *Not* a "Poor Me" post!Read more...

28 January 2009

I know that there are many facets to this and I don't have an alternative solution to offer (fortunately, not my job). But. Schwarzenegger is a dick.
things I learned today Comparing Susan Sontag's diary to your diary can be rather damaging to one's self-esteem.Read more...
I interrupt my minor sneezing fir to bring you... awesome long-exposure photos
Northern Hemispherians: Please tell me how cold you are Is it snowing where you are? Are there icicles hanging from the branches outside? Maybe there's rain and thunder and artic winds - please tell me about it and send us overcooked Southern Hemispheriods some lovely chilly vibes. Read more...
Favorite recipes with couscous! Ready GO!
Funny recut of Obama's speech for those of you not yet sick of it
The Boring And Predictable Internet Outrage Thread Coming soon to the comments section of a blog near youRead more...
AskMeCha: I need help coming up with a fake movie title So I'm involved with a local carnivorous plant society and we have an annual show. Their past promotional posters/flyers have been pretty dull and I'd like to do something fun for them this year (this is also known as me procrastinating on a somewhat boring but for-pay project for a different client).Read more...
Rat Update - I've just submitted my application to adopt these two cuties:

Boy #1 and Boy #2

*crosses every extremity possible*
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Anyone want to hazard a guess as to what an excerpt might sound like?
Happy Birthday to rhapsodie!
four point status update I have to go voter IDing with a cold, fever and chills. Nurofen Plus to the rescue.Read more...
Think you've got it bad in this recession?
This Thread Is For Chatting About How Absolutely Amazing Shirley Maclaine Is.... Read more...
This is what a feminist looks like Check out the cover of the next Ms. Magazine.
Crazy, changing times. These two stories are unironically right next to each other on the SF Chronicle's site.Read more...
So what do you think's going to happen? With our reactions to the economy, I mean.Read more...
Ask MeCha: I have a question about people of the Baha'i faith. Read more...
Say Happy Birthday to Meatbomb!!!!! Explosive device o' meat is 41 today. :)
Oh fuggin sheeit! I've got the flu again.
I just heard, found, trapped, and released into the wild a cricket that was burrowed under some laundry in a corner of my room.

You touch-a my ______________ , I break-a you _________________

27 January 2009

Trying to come up with stuff for !@#$ing profile. To quote Weird Al, I'd rather rip out my intestines with a fork than try to answer some of their questions!!Read more...
Let Me Take My Chances on the Wall of Death Read more...
Last night, I came home to this.

Tonight, I came home to
Turkish Superman and, for your added pleasure, the high production values of Turkish cheap knock-off Rambo.
Here, play this. LT, you especially.
No shit, Sherlock ...aka a Report from the Institute of Stating The Bleedin' Obvious.
LT Got Laid Off, Too!
We found 84 Restaurants that sound like they got a rodent problem: Just, FYI. Watchout for these restaurants in my home town. Some of them have been cooking racoon meat, human flesh, etc. These restaurants sound like they might be keeping herds of angry cats in the kitchen!
OMG, have you seen these? Have you? You probably have, haven't you. I bet everyone knows about this but me. (Via this AskMe question.)
Crap - They're changing my email address from to Myfairpoint? WTF!Read more...
Hilarious Durex condom ad. Featuring cute little balloon animals. The sound effects are what cracked me up.
(Do I even need to say it's probably NSFW? No, I didn't think so.)
Do you like superbowl ads? I know. I'm ad-damaged but if you watch the game for the ads like me, you might want to follow twitter tag #superads09, & #sb43ads and sneak peak the ads as they arrive here.
Just a reminder... let's be careful out there. Lots of ugly floating around lately, so make sure your antivirus program is up to date and your Windows updates are installed, plus, just say no to I.E., don't be lazy with the no script, and turn off auto run. Etc. I also installed malwarebytes, which is getting a lot of good word-of-mouth lately. You can use the free version to do a deep scan any time, but be sure to update it every time. The paid version has auto updates and real time monitoring. Read more...

26 January 2009

What do you do to wind down after work? Read more...
Bizarrely hypnotizing. And useful, in case the NSA is after you.
Metafilter's Down (And So I Hit F5) - this weekend as musical lament.
Polaroid is dead. Long live Poladroid. So, Polaroid no longer makes instant film (though you can still find it for sale at the moment). Read more...
Best Sandwich of 2008! Woot!
A Loooooooooove attack I hope I'm not addicted - to Fabio's 'music'.
Someone explain Super Bowl betting to me? I always forget what the "line" and the "spread" are.Read more...
I got my stuff from my evacuation from Georgia finally. Read more...
whisper shouty thread
i had my first day of my new job today and had a bad cold, and still have a cold, and am still working but at home now since its seven oclock, and have to go to edinburgh tomorrow, with my cold. Read more...
AskMecha: So how do I cook a kidney, anyway? Last night, I was at the supermarket when I decided to . . . live dangerously! And become who I am!Read more...
Today, I believe in...
So I'm sitting on my laptop with my back to a huge window when I hear a series of explosions.Read more...
WE MISD YOU. HISD TEH, LOLCATS. (video) This straddles the divide between insane genius and awesome annoyance. If you've just woken up, I suggest you leave it a couple of hours. You have been warned.
insomnia insight?
You Suck At Craigslist Providing adequate commentary since 2008. (Some language may not be appropriate for work.)
Can has wuffles, pls?

25 January 2009

My cat "gets" Wuthering Heights! The gap between feline and human has finally been bridged. My cat Cinnamon is a Wuthering Heights fan.Read more...
I saw season 1 of This American Life this weekend (no spoilers, com'on in) Read more...
Best Google Street View Picture Ever (SFW) Man, I should have joined MetaChat ages ago. I run across stuff like this all the time.
Don't let that recession/depression cramp your style! (LAist goes looking for the most expensive t-shirt in Los Angeles.)
Ask MeCha. How do I heat plates for serving? Can I stick any old ceramic plate into the oven? For how long and at what temperature? I saw a suggestion on the internets to stick the plate in the dishwasher and put it on the heat dry cycle, but there always seem to be a few dirty dishes in the dishwasher when I want to do this. If that's a much better way, I guess I could always remove the dirty dishes.
Grow Tower A new game in the "Grow" series. Only five choices this time, but it took me a couple hours to beat it. Some of the various "wrong" combinations are almost as much fun as the right one.
Cheap travel advice - warm climate
Last night I learned how to use one of these, and now I'm hooked. (Here's one in action.) It's strangely mesmerising, but I can see why people didn't have many sets of clothing before the spinning wheel. It led me to wonder: I know we have many knitters here at MeCha, but how many spinners do we have?
OMG THERE IS A MEATBOMB IN #bunnies And it's too big a job for me to entertain him all by myself. Please come and help to occupy the Meatbomb!
Happiness is... Getting drunk off your ass at a drag (as in queen) show and your boyfriend buys you chocolate without being asked.

it's like he read my mind!

Ask Me Answer Junkies, can you answer me this? Where is this place [see inside]? I cut this photo out of a magazine at some point (bad quality, so I guess it was some sort of Sunday newspaper magazine supplement or something), and I'd love to know more about this fish door churchy place and find out who built it. Read more...
post by: taz at: 00:06 | 9 comments

24 January 2009

Good night, John Boy.
Metafilter / Metachat Chili Cookoff, the hacked edition.
For those who have ever quit smoking, try limiting your sodium intake to less than 500 mg a day. Not only is just about everything processed out, you also have to watch vegetable portions, especially spinach. Even vegetarians would find the going difficult. Anyone know a good hypnotist?
From MetaChat to my table. I had seconds.
Who's watching Miss America?
ChatFilter re Hollywood and women and weight Is Hollywood's weight obsession for females supported by $ data or are they just neurotic assholes?

Okay, let me explain. I kind of extra-like a TV show when a main female character is not a skinny minnie. Read more...
What is/was for dinner?
That's it, I am fed up and I'm going to let you have it! Read more...
what netbook should i get? was thinking an acer aspire one..Read more...
Mac networking question Here's the situation:

Currently there is a wireless network running off a Linksys WRT54G Router that's plugged into a cable modemRead more...
So, have any of you bunnies tried tweetdeck yet? Twitter with added steroids. Has turned my husband into a total Twitter fiend...
It Really Can't hurt to hang out in #bunnies while MeFi is down. Read more...
Current "Run Away and Join the Circus" fantasy? I have an idle desire to go be a concierge at a five-star hotel in Las Vegas. I'd get to solve concrete problems for people, use my organizational skills to good advantage, and there's something pleasant to me about being all scripted-polite. It just seems so... smooth, somehow. What's your current alternate job/life daydream?
Hi! Hey, if you're just checking the place out 'cause MeFi is down, welcome. Get you a drink? And regulars, what's your poison?
Grandma's turning 90. Help me figure out a meaningful gift, plz? Read more...
Unexpected bounty of the credit crunch
Looks like MeFi has been hacked You can read about it in MetaTalk while it is still up, but I wouldn't visit for now unless you are sure your browser setup is secure. This is a sad day.
"It's like being punched in the eyes by tiny taunting monkeys wearing professorial cardigans." So, Sitegeist at Metafilter posted a game called Blocks With Letters On [Jay is Games Review here] back in October and if you are a masochistic puzzler like I am, you'll find that this is one the great ones. But wait! There's More! Read more...

23 January 2009

Doohickie plays jonmc and defends the indefensible: Blood, Sweat & Tears. Read more...
OMG creepy !!!1!!!one!!! especially the middle one.
Awesome: "I have an extra comp ticket for Drive By Truckers tomorrow, wanna go? Read more...
THIS IS A SHOUTING THREAD! aka "Why this week was the worst possible week to quit smoking"Read more...
Times in the last few hours I've realized I'm weird He tells me he sells transformersRead more...
Totally Amazing Learn-Hawaiian-By-Distance-Learning Video from 1994. I watched Lesson One, which plays in RealPlayer (low and high bandwidth).

The kumu (teacher), a joyous woman who makes me want to move to Hawaii tomorrow, is the probably the greatest TV teacher I've ever seen: she's right here! She's so close to us! She is also one of the happiest people I've ever seen, and radiates energy.Read more...
Make your own HOPE poster! A site for making DIY Shepard Fairey style posters.
Help! I've lost control! I'm overdosing on instruments! Will my brain explode?Read more...
High school musicals - what part did you play? Read more...
It is raining in January In Orem, Utah. Raining. 42 degrees. The Sundance ski resort Nordic Center is closed. Read more...
Who here has seen Slumdog Millionaire? [spoilers] I'm just about half-way through it, and yes: that's India for you, in all it's lovely colours. Danny did an excellent job in capturing it, and not holding anything back--your thoughts--reactions.
Photo Friday: Stripes! Post your stripetease shots here! :)
Got my notice My position is officially terminated June 30th. It's almost a relief - I've had 6-monthly scrambles for funding for the past couple of years now. But holy shit! I gotta find a job for reals.
Looking for a few good HIV, Cancer or Hepatits sites. I've been charged with designing a website for a foundation that gives medicine to people with HIV, Hepatitis, Cancer and other diseases. Said foundation is composed of idealistic, activist people.
And you thought Intercourse was bad nytimes link. Sorry. I know it's evil.

22 January 2009

LolBots 'cause robots are the new kitties.
Yay job! So, a couple hours after the dancing sausages incident...Read more...
Why Obama Won Could I have half a minute of your time? Above is a succinct, clear and true explanation of Obama's victory.
Ask Metachat: Stoved Finger & Silly Office Thing
Bunny! OMG! *Runs, hides*
Hey I know that Biden's got plenty keep busy with, but. . . I can see a great SNL skitRead more...
What is your very favorite vegetarian stuffed mushroom recipe?
It's the five-ingredient dish game. Person one gives an ingredient. Person two adds another. So does person three. Et cetera. Person five finishes up. Voila – a five-ingredient dish. Repeat.Read more...
Kraftwurst -- We Are Pork Products "I'm ze op-er-a-tor with my pork-et cal-cu-la-tor."
Quotes from Books thread
Three point Thursday
The trouble with being a day laborer is that when there's no work to be done, there's no work to be had.Read more...
conversational analysis, aka wherein i concern myself with useless things so I was watching Analyze That, a sequel which starts off with a good title but goes downhill from thereRead more...
You may have seen some of the photos from the meetup stewriffic, Ardiril, and I had last weekend, but what you didn't see was just how far ahead of the fashion curve we all were.Read more...
ooooh, idea for a photo friday theme...
post by: taz at: 05:06 | 4 comments
If essexjan hasn't posted this before, omg I'll be an unkie's monkle. nomnomnom. Read more...
post by: taz at: 03:25 | 3 comments
Nutella Ricotta Dessert

21 January 2009

OMG Kitteh! Iz Wurking Gurl! So apparently there are now "cat cafes" in Japan where you can pay a few dollars and soak up some kitteh love.
Baby Lemur! OMG Clutching a teddybear "mother."
I Love Fruitcake My local grocery store was clearing them out at $1.25... I bought three. I can't understand why fruitcake is so unpopular. This dish sounds like something that people in heaven would eat.
Right ulnar neuropathy
I feel like I've just finished a particularly difficult quest I just tracked down a book I've been looking for (by every avenue I could think of, and I thought of practically everything).Read more...
Pull yourself together!
"To: 44, From: 43." So what did that note say?
Well. Hm. This is quite the biography for Florence Harding at Wikipedia. Not a case of wiki vandalism... just, well - have a look. Here's a rather kinder bio of the former first lady.
Groove Is In The Black Hole Sun -- Dee-Lite vs. Soundgarden (Automatic Download) You know that line about the thin line between the ridiculous and the sublime? I haven't figured out which side of the line this is on. Maybe you can help me with this one. Enjoy!
Thoughts on why we grieve (warning: intense post) I was wondering just now why do we grieve, rather than love people either a little or very much, but only while they're alive. After all, why not love people while they're there to appreciate it, and just get on with life after they're gone? Read more...
What's wrong with Metachat?
You could call these guys very lucky or very unlucky. Works both ways.
heavy, heavy hangs over our heads... Just back from a budgeting-crisis meeting. Half-mil deficit; we're going to have to cut. Not just cut, restructure. Don't know what it means yet. I wish we could save people's jobs (mine included) we don't know. Yuckity yuck, hard times come home.
Song lyrics game Like the movie quotes game but for song lyrics.Read more...

20 January 2009

The Blue Hits A Home Run over at MetaFilter, chunking express posted a wonderfully written, vivid account of life in the dying American city of Detroit. I know that many of you don't frequent The Blue, but this is totally worth your while.
I'm home!
Forget Venus and Mars and meet Ms Mover and Shaker and Mr. Bob and Floater One of my closest friends is having a horrible time with her marriage and I’d like to be able to offer her some helpful advice. But I’m out of advice, so I’m turning to you people in the hopes that maybe some of you will have a fresh perspective. Be warned… there’s a truckload of back story to this.Read more...
Please to explain today's XKCD.
Inauguration Day! If you're watching, listening to, streaming, twittering or otherwise observing this historic day, come chat about it here!
Is anybody getting married? Why yes, yes they are. Read more...
argh anyone have low res links to the inauguration? so far, msnbc, cspan, and abc news isn't really working for me.
Is anybody getting married? I'm not usually much into wedding dresses, but this is beautiful... Read more...
Finding Dawn The mother of someone I know is missing. Please come home, Dawn.
Harpy . Monster Manual Comix seem to be Lore Sjöberg's current thing. I liked Vampire too.
Going through my worst breakup EVER
What are you having for lunch today? I'm planning to have, that is my mother is cooking Chicken Biryani for me today... it's very big here, and only cooked on special occasions. Yum... :)
If Obama had my ... then ...
Surreal post inspired by taz.

19 January 2009

Things I Am LESS Interested In Now Than I Used To Be: Read more...
Ask not what your country can do for you etc etc etc... Read more...
Fuck Yeah! Ryan Gosling A truly inspired (fan?) site.
So with the time difference... today is the 20th of January.Read more...
your easy ingredient home recipes plz! share yours here! Read more...
Remember that episode of Friends, the one with the freebie list? They make a list of celebrities they can sleep with without their significant other getting upset. So who's on your list?
Unexpected day off is unexpected.
I'm so far past caring ,
Things I Am More Interested In Now Than I Used To Be Read more...

18 January 2009

Mini-meetup in Atlanta! I just got home from hanging out with Stewriffic and Ardiril, feasting on many varieties of pasta and drinking Yuengling. It was fantastic. Some photos in the thread.
Snowing - It's snowing pretty hard.
Inauguration concert! Up 'til now I haven't exactly had inauguration fever...but I'm listening to the concert live on NPR and it's quite a show. Great readings and quotes and historical interludes, great music (including Springsteen).Read more...
Liquor Consumption in Virginia - sort of interesting sales data from the Roanoke times, but perhaps someone clever can tell me what advantage the "unreadable cluster of randomly arranged bubbles" chart form offers over, for example, a simple list in text form.
Booooobies! A Metachat Dream most of us can get in front of. Read more...
Why are there not many more Supermen? Do you know any Supermen?? I was watching the original film today, with Christopher Reeve, the only guy who was meant to be Superman... he was fabulous in that film???

But why can't we be more like that--honest and righteous and forgiving... what's happened to us, and will we ever get back to the way we were--considering we were ever like that.Read more...
Ask Mecha: So I Have These New Chairs and I would like any info y'all can find on them. Read more...

17 January 2009

I can has cat. To my surprise, I've offered a home to a middle-aged cat. Advice? Read more...
Schadenfreude: I just saw the funniest thing... I was out buying groceries and in a completely foul mood (hot sweaty weather and PMT are a bad combo) when I saw this pair of young chikky-babes prancing along in short dresses and high-heels. In a supermarket, mind you. Read more...
OMG dik-dik! (No, really.)
Pows and Wows
If you like old Dream Theatre you'll probably like Tűzmadár (try this one to start, perhaps). Most of their stuff is available to download free.
I can has trip to Washington? As of yesterday, I have some unexpected free time. Laid off earlier than expected from yet another temp job, due at least partly to the high cost of hiring a temp through an agency and not (I keep telling myself over and over again) because I suck or the company completely sucks. Read more...
I have moved! To a new host! Remember the crashing server? Well that got me so sad I decided to go all out and get a bigger faster and badder machine over in the states and offer 37 years of Superbowl commercials free for all.Read more...
Snapshot Saturday — ’Post your favourite photo(s) since the last Photo Friday, some time in November.’

16 January 2009

The people next door are having a kind of loud party. Oddly, I can only really hear the bustle of voices and laughter when I'm in the bathroom sitting on the toilet, which is a kin dof surreal experience. I may bang my crutch on the wall and say "You kids pipe down! There's a sick man who needs his rest in here!"

That would be a Life Milestone of a sort, I guess.
Dangerous Southern Goodness If you can buy this sweet tea flavored vodka, I highly recommend it.Read more...
Post Three!
This music video freaks me out: "Batcat," by Mogwai. Worth watching in high quality. Read more...
In what may be the fishiest case of shoplifting ever, a Long Island man stole a shark from a pet store's tank by putting it under his coat and sneaking away, cops said yesterday.
Halp! My favorite jeans are ripping! I don't know anything about sewing or repairing clothes. What do I do?Read more...
Mefi's tenth anniversary Whenever there's been mention of MeFi's tenth anniversary meetup it has always seemed that the main North American meetup will be in New Orleans. Assuming that proves to be the case, will any of you go to it? (I'm tentatively planning on it.) Or what will you do for the big 1-0 (as I'm sure there will be lots of meetups going on in different places).
Ask MeCha. Fix my car and keep it or trade it in?Read more...
That cool red-and-blue Obama poster created by Shepard Fairey was based on a Reuters photo of Obama. Interestingly, the poster is actually a mirror image of Obama, flipped left-to-right. Read more...
Where is the Love? 21 Days of fighting in Israel. Thousands dead, even more injured--when will it stop??
Griping about small town mindsets.

15 January 2009

True Crime Story
Plane crash lands into the Hudson Taken just after it landed. You can see people on the wing.

This was 20 minutes ago. Plane has almost sunk now but tail is still above the water. Controlled landing. Water temperature is 43 degrees.
OMG Bugs! This wonderful blog has been linked to at least once on Metafilter. Today's post has some great insect illustrations by Edward J. Detmold. If you are a fan comic book, science fiction or illustration art you can get lost for hours in Golden Age Comic Book Stories.
So, yesterday I mentioned that I was channel surfing and noticed how many makeover transformation shows there are on.Read more...
Chances are you are in close proximity to a paper clip. So I ask you: Have you ever smelled a paper clip before? Read more...
What kinds of food do you eat for health? The doctor over here, along with my mom, feed me a good and healthy diet, which is usually strong on figs.
DON'T MURDER SEA KITTENS!!1! (PETA Based silliness)
Why can't I stop killing my own doodz? Open the pod bay door, HAL.
post by: taz at: 02:51 | 9 comments
Photo Friday will be Snapshot Saturday (this week, at least). The theme: yay, it's back! Starting Saturday, post your favourite photo(s) since the last Photo Friday, some time in November. Discussion/suggestions/themes welcome within.Read more...
Khaaaaaaaaaaaaan! May you be buried in fine Corinthian leather my friend.

14 January 2009

Boy howdy! It's colder than a witch's monkey in a brass sh*thouse! Or something like that. I'm making tostadas and staying indoors. How are you staying warm tonight?
Pie will soon be a l33t haxxor
Halp, my dog was sprayed by a skunk! He probably thought it was his beloved black and white kitty, but it wasn't. Read more...
Eighties rock ballads and other mood killers A former manager who worked at my company, named "Bryan", had this story to tell, and I'm relaying it to you. When he and his brother were still living at home years ago his brother used to try to disguise the fact that he was getting it on with his girlfriend in his room by playing eighties rock ballads. They’d disappear into the room, shut the door, and crank up the music... Read more...
Among rap videos based on folk tales, featuring hand puppets, and having an average rate of around 6 syllables per second, this is probably my favorite.
There is nothing, NOTHING I tell you, like dry, warm socks! That is all.
Stir Crazy is setting in. I can't go anyplace, it's too cold to sit outside on the porch, and I'm sick of everything on TV and the internet.
Scraping around for lunch What do you think canned salmon mashed with avocado would taste like?
Pissing Contest: Whose will freeze first?
Something I made for my dog that you might want to eat. Read more...
Alright Tit A moving, funny, sad, and blunt look at breast cancer from someone in her 20's.Read more...

13 January 2009

Animal Collective is a Band Created By/For/On the Internet. A ridiculously dense satire on youth culture vis-à-vis music blogs.
Remember this item? I actually wrote to the guy, using the info in the MeFi thread...Read more...
Sitting Here Getting Sorted For My Radio Show....
AskMeCha: Bridal shower gift for honeymoon
Happy Birthday, Kyleg!
Just back from the sawbones, and he says that my gam is healing well, but that I'll still be on the disabled list till Feb. 5. *gibbers, sings 200 choruses of 'Hello Walls'*
Leveraging some assholishness By my friend Nate's count, I have 27 more days in which I am allowed to be an asshole...Read more...
Waiting for a recruiter to call/email I got an email yesterday from the recruiter for a job that I'm up for saying, "We're about to make a decision, send me your salary range". So now I can't do anything but sit here and obsessively check my email, waiting to find out. It's only the second job interview that I've gotten in two and a half months; jobs are really, really tight here.Read more...
Sore Throat is Sore Honey and lemon? A swift kick to the trachea? How to soothe this thing when my profession is talking to people all day? Aaaargh.
PC games via Mac VMWare Hey, stop laughing! I got Left4Dead to play reasonably well.Read more...

12 January 2009

I'm goth, but I don't really want to be. So, I was tired of the auburn shade I've been colouring my hair for the past few years, and besides, it didn't seem to stick to the grey at the roots near my face. (The middle and ends of my hair were always nice and dark, but then I had light reddish wash grey at the top, where it's most noticable.)

So I picked a darker shade, looking for a change. Read more...
I love this song from Slumdog Millionaire.
post by: krix at: 21:48 | 1 comment
I had this dream last night about a new kind of fundraiser event. I wonder if it would be a good idea. Details inside.Read more...
This was my favorite Judas Priest song. But this is better, actually.
Fallout 3 Question: Will My Video Card Stand Up? Read more...
Whoa. Why does this freak me out so much?
Can I whine about trivial things? (Feel free to add non-trivial whining and I will share the whuffles)Read more...
Amazing Origami from Robert J. Lang. Smithsonian Magazine article here.
Oh dear. So, I have decided to turn in my resignation for the job that I hate on Thursday. I just found out that another employee is resigning today. We are a five-person company. Oh, dear.
Ok I'm getting the wow's and excites from O's inaugural blog. For some reason I've always loved the behind the scenes prep more than the actual show. But I ain't missing this one. I'm gonna bawl, I think. It is HUGE.
Two things. One: Here are my new kittens. Two: Here is a question about my new kittens.

Carry on.
Amy Bennett makes oil paintings of suburban scenes that look like dioramas, or dollhouses. Scenes that looks serene at first turn out, at second glance, to have something darker going on.Read more...
Things you think are cool. Me? Onsite auto glass replacement. You don't need to take your car in!
Ranty. Bewildered. If you live in a country other than the U.S., you've probably had some access issues with various sites from time to time. For whatever reason, some sites don't want you to see their precious words or images if you're not a yanqui, and use a variety of redirection methods to thwart your yearning mind. Whevs, right? Assholes. But, here's one that breaks my tiny brain... Read more...
post by: taz at: 02:42 | 9 comments

11 January 2009

I'm sorry to bug you guys again with another question bout creative commons if you know a web board or somewhere i should ask it that would be awesome.. google searching seems less and less effective for me over the years.Read more...
Bunny-oh, my! My own husband put this on my fridge.Read more...
ask bunnies: If somethin's creative commons licensed in the US, can I use it in the UK? Or do I have to ask? I'm pretty sure I have to ask. I'm also pretty sure that if something in the UK is creative commons licensed that license doesn't apply to Scotland b/c we have a different legal system here. Am I right?Read more...
MeCha meetup New Sarepta, AB! So I managed to find a bunny in New Sarepta who wanted to meet up...Read more...
My dumplings are like hockey pucks. Please hope me! Read more...
So, what happened to Photo Friday? I didn't get the memo. Now that the holiday madness is over, will it be back?

10 January 2009

I Wish To Have Slumber Party With Metachat Tonighty... Read more...
How late in the day is too late for a nap for you? Assume standard sleep time of 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. +/- an hour or so.Read more...
Petty things that make you hate the world.
does anybody ever get sick on big brother? how can they do this stuff where they don't give them food and stuff? what do they do if someone gets a cold or whatever?
Little Bo Peep. This video contains your Recommended Daily Allowance of one-man-band banjo playing.
Yes Pecan! Ben & Jerry's announces their inauguration themed flavor.Read more...
What do you say? Kinda inspired by some recent events...Read more...
What do you love? I love the chance I get to talk to you guys... it really brings a smile to my face.:)

And the guys to meet on this list is all of you, except the cydonian and John, who I hope to keep on meeting again and again...
Hedwig or Rocky Horror?

09 January 2009

"At age eleven I worked at Disneyland. I sold guidebooks at the park from 1956 to about 1958. I am as positive as one can be that I appear about 20:20 into your film, low in the frame, dressed in a top hat, vest, and striped pink shirt...”
Steve Martin spots himself in a 1956 home movie that was recently inducted into the National Film Registry
Happy birthday, viachicago!
3 pt - Some things I feel I am "supposed" to like, but can't fully get behind. Read more...
Someone's pooping on the white chicken.
I had a really good sandwich yesterday
I'm Getting Reports Out Here That Seattle Is Underwater.....Check-in, Please! Read more...
Ask MeCha I have some flexible plastic cutting boards. After months of use (and automatic dishwashing) they are now curled into a permanent U shape. Attempts to reflatten by putting them under cookbooks overnight have not worked. Suggestions?
My husband has to lay off two of his employees today. Read more...
What do you do when you get depressed? How do you un-depress your self.
Ardiril regrets he won't be able to make his NYC/New England trip next week, but thanks everyone for their help in planning it. Read more...
An odd little story about my dog... My dog is not a cat chaser, or a cat lover, or a cat hater. She basically has no opinion about cats. Read more...
So no takers on Calgary or Ottawa, but how's about New Sarepta? C'mon, there's got to be at least one bunny there, no?
I am officially old. or the world has gone mad. or stupid. or something. Read more...

08 January 2009

Dealing with Your Racist Clientele ...and yes, that was a Belle and Sebastian reference.

If, in your line of work, you frequently encounter customers/clients/patients who are vocally racist or offensive, how do you deal with it?
I'm cutting my hair tomorrow. VERY short. Help me find a style.
Who here jaiku's - and if not why not? So, Jaiku is the often down google-version of twitter, but with the added feature of actual threaded conversations. I know you plurk, so why not jaiku? All these sites! So many. I'm confused, where should we b hanging out?
Auto-ImmuneFilter: Enbrel Users Here?
That truck that rear-ended mrs chewie? Possible total. It's at $6k & counting. Ours so far is about $485 unless more is uncovered when they take the bumper & door panel off. The other dude's nickel, of course. Fun with estimates!
Jus' wondrin' -- Are many website developers considering iPhones and other phone browsers yet? Any admins seeing any significant traffic? If phone brwsers do gain significantly, what happens to style sheet conventions?
Oh, wow, wow... A Metatalk request to find an old Mefi post led me to 100 x 100 (photo gallery of 100 people in their 10 foot x 10 foot apartments in Hong Kong), which I had managed to miss back when. I'm pointing it out in case you missed it, too, because it's just fascinating. Read more...
9 become 9 ... weee! a really awesome short film Read more...
Ask MeCha: IT Edition My boss has a presentation in less than 2 hours and she had a question that I can't answer, and somehow neither can our I.T. guys right now.Read more...
Fab way to start the day!
A friend of my sister's just saw the face of the Prophet (Muhammad) and Allah on the side of the moon last night (posted on Mefi about Muharram). And she happens to be non-muslim... so, what have you seen on the moon at night lately, or anywhere else for that matter?
Remember these frozen soap bubbles? I tried photographing some tonight, and it ain't easy.Read more...

07 January 2009

Meetup this Saturday in Barre, VT. I'm sure there are some upper New England folk who don't read MeTa... you should come drink with us!
For Hugh Janus...
Scientology just emailed me
Ask Mecha :Help! with wedding venue Long Post is Long...Read more...
One week in, how's the new year treating you? (Multipoint update.) Read more...
Hey, we were just talking about this! jonathanstrange and sarabeth, didn't we just propose this idea? Read more...
State-By-State Teenage Birth Per 1,000 (interactive map at bottom of the page)
Style Question My boss wants to put a dash in grade level references: i.e. 5th-grade, 2nd-graders, etc. I think this is stupid and looks weird and I vote for just 5th grade, 2nd graders. Help finding citations to either uphold my case or teach me my place?
I need help planning my NYC/New England itinerary starting next Thursday or so. Read more...
So last night around 3am, pips and I were awakened by strange sounds. Read more...
Maybe it's just that I've been awake since 5am but this is one of the sweetest inter-species camaraderie I've seen.
I am posting this from the bus :)
Remember when you were little and everything was amazing?
Anybunny wanna meet up in Calgary or Ottawa?

06 January 2009

Should I keep the girl home from school on Inauguration Day? Read more...
Ask Mecha I can't decide...
Tales from A Flower Shop: or, why I'd like to be a fly on the wall at one particular funeral tomorrow....Read more...
I like prunes. They taste so good, and are really versatile, too.
Any NY bunnies going to Exene/John Doe on the 10th?
In all the diodes down my right side... My right arm has been numb for about three days now. Read more...
Little Cosa was put out of her pain yesterday. Read more...
All Is Full Of Love: a music video made with The Sims 2.
From the Things You Take For Granted Dept. - Showers. Read more...
If it's three things at a time, I'm toast. 1) Imminent separation on the part of my two best friends; 2) cat has to have major dental work; 3)? landslide? because that's what I'm expecting. Read more...
Clueless CV question Hi guys, I'm applying for a job and I don't really know what to do with my CV!Read more...
Happy birthday scarabic!
Penis fire suspect charged 21st century Bobbit?
If you were able to write one post on Mefi, what would it be? Ever since I got back, and was able to post, Ive been crushing myself on what to--but no go. I'm thinking it's just a temporary lapse, and I'll be back to my old self in no time, hey?
"It has that same sort of acrid sweetness of death." "It's got this evilness to it." NPR explores why some people hate cilantro.
According to YouTube, I am . . .

05 January 2009

Twelve song (about me) Guys, this is fun - a swedish blog-meme asks people to list twelve songs that say something about them. I lined mine up from lifechanging moments (?) and general oh-god-i-listened to this one fivehundred bazillion times. What are your twelve songs?Read more...
Help me remember this song I can't even remember any of the lyrics but it has a bridge that sounds somewhat like this on the guitar:Read more...
It's -21.6°C/-6.88°F right now in Toruń. Toruń is the dot immediately below the "o" in Bydgoszcz. Please to be sending duvets!
Four point status update... - one that picks you up and brings ya down.....Read more...
Know of a HUD house? i think i want it.Read more...
Signs of economic life I know that we're in a recession, that all the indicators show us rolling downhill rapidly. Read more...
I couldn't find a bunny that was cute enough for a Bunny! OMG! today ... Read more...
A bunny apologizes...
Movies I have seen this Holiday Season -- spoilers. . . . Read more...
Our first new sidebar art of the new year has been brought to you by our lovely and fluffy members rhapsodie, BoringPostcards, and Marxchivist top to bottom on the left, and haunted by Leonard Cohen on the right. The theme is obviously "Maybe you can live on the moon in next century."

04 January 2009

Date from Hell Well... that might be overstating it a littleRead more...
Taking down the tree So tonight I have so far stripped the tree of most of the ornaments. They sit in a pile, individually wrapped but not yet boxed up. It is a bit of a melancholy exercise. The Christmas holiday is over. Work tomorrow, school for the kids. Nina Simone is purring in the background. That adds to the melancholy, but also makes it OK. Happy New Year, I guess.
Relatives, facebook and the arab israeli conflict So I am a big ol' Palestine activist, have been since I was about 16. I'm Jewish and I've got relatives in Israel, big Zionists all, some of whom have friended me on facebook.Read more...
Garden people! The MeFi Seed Exchange is here! Direct link.
Supper is in the oven - I stumbled on that recipe today and couldn't get it out of my mind.
Long-ass Cosa update...
Nothing to fear
My father just tells me that they've put 300 tanks into Gaza. I've been watching this since it started, and it's just been getting worse and worse. All I can think about is the poor kids, may they rest in peace.
I hate making big decisions. I have to make a big decision today, like the kind of "should I stay or move away" decision, and I'm really split right down the middle. Don't you hate it when all the usual tricks like flipping a coin and listing the pros and cons don't help? Grrrr.
Bubba's acting all weird. What's up? My housemate's dog is being really bizarre this morning.Read more...
Frozen Soap Bubbles It's very cold tonight, so we played with bubbles.Read more...
Drunk driver NYE crashes into my best friend's kid story... Read more...

03 January 2009

Louis Quatorze. He's all about the excess.
hadjiboy has had a terrible driving accident, almost died
I shouldn't complain but guh man *rolls eyes* Warning whingeing inside.
CHRISTMAS PARCEL: ARRIVED! Mom sent me mole sauce! Yay!
UP and at 'em! What have you been putting off, and/or what about your living space affects your mood positively or negatively?Read more...

02 January 2009

I Just Saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and.... Read more...
Are shoe boxes still cool?
Baby, it's cold outside – and I ran out of heating oil. Is it safe to have an electric oven on continuously as a space heater?Read more...
What are you doing? I'm eating chili-infused chocolate, listening to CBC Radio 2 Jazz and reading about the Cottingley Fairies, which I'd never heard about before. Productivity? Feh!
Frustrated and upset at myself (warning: whiny)
Was a replacement soup warranted?
Audio Question By stereo receiver (the box that has the radio and audio controls) may be belly up.Read more...
post by: danf at: 18:27 | 1 comment
murals, frescoes etc. Basically I was thinking about whether it would be nice to have them on your walls in an apartment or house alright? Like if you had a bottomless checkbook.Read more...
WTF AirTran Airways "Once authorities determined there was no threat, it was up to the airline whether to allow the family to reboard".
What is/was/will be your first book of 2009?
Another Kitten Update Remember that stray kitten my husband and I found, starving and freezing nearly to death? And she recovered well but turned out to be feral?Read more...
The Muppets on the Tonight Show (1965) One of their earliest TV appearances. (via)
Nature Red In Tooth And Claw This is a short (minute and a half) video of a monkey taunting some tiger cubs. Safe For Work. (And safe for your stomachs, I promise.)
Okay, y'all, need some good kitty mojo sent over this way, please. Read more...
Fragnabbit! I just learned that because of my congestive heart failure Read more...
"The Theme from Shaft" performed by the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain.
Worst-ever one-hit wonders.

01 January 2009

steamed bunny, that's me... Got a cigarette lighter thrown at me by some young miscreants at the grocery store parking lot after they'd made very rude and lewd comments about my daughter. (Yes, I'd growled at them. Mama bear kicked right in.) Read more...
Coffin & Cradle An idea from the local Unitarian church. It's a New Year's ceremony where they place out a symbolic cradle and coffin, and invite participants to place one object in each one to symbolize something you would like to bring forth in the New Year, and something you'd like to lay to rest. What are yours?Read more...
My Beloved iPod Didn't Make It To 2009....
One of the fun things I get to do in algebra is talk about finite fields and the game of Peg Solitaire. If you're spending a cozy day inside today, here's a treasure trove of solitaire problems to tangle with. (For some reason I particularly like this implementation of the game, and the same site has a good implementation of Lights Out, which is another great thing to talk about in algebra.)
First drunk post of the year for me.
Well, good night then.