Be careful what you wish for. Ask mecha after the jump: →[More:] This is
my question, and this is
me with my new girl. We wanted a loving, sweet and loyal dog, and boy did we get one. Everything is going swimmingly save one very important issue: she won't leave my side. When she can, she is literally, right on. Top. Of. Me. If I leave her sight for even a few seconds she starts to wail and bark herself into a frenzy. Her ability to self-sooth seems nil.
We love our little poochie, and I know it's only been a few days, and I have spent pretty much every minute by her side. I have actually been sleeping on our downstairs couch because she won't even let me go to bed, and my husband is adamant that our bedroom is one place she will not be allowed (for the record, I agree). But, oh, the crying! We have no idea what her life was like before we got her, other than the fact that someone obviously trained her well.
Experiences, tips, suggestions? We are seeing a vet tomorrow, so he might be able to help...pharmaceutically, but that isn't a good long term solution. Is it okay to let her cry? My husband says we should try to "Ferberize" her (i.e., cry it out), but nowhere do I see that as a successful or even recommended behavioral modification training procedure for pound dogs. Crate training also seems to be controversial, and perhaps ineffective.
I think my dog is awesome, and she is my little seventy pound sunbeam, but I want to sleep in my own bed without her having a complete meltdown! Please bunnies, to the rescue!?