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Anal on technique - HELP! Please HELP advice is greatly appreciated b4 i give up! I do love teaching Group fitness and BP, Obviously in non choeographed 'freestyle' classes i teach at a pace that i see most members get the move/technique b4 moving on, however iam just finished teaching my lunchtime BP class and memebers technique was really unsafe. ...(several looong unpunctuated sentences redacted) ... This 'technique' issue has got anally worse after getting qualified in pilates, i understand that i cannot get everyone to have great tecnique, but were do we draw the line between memebers coming to BP for results without the burden of getting injured or hurt in the process, pluse making it a positive fitness experience without thinking that they are doing it all bad if CRCing them on more than a few occassions for their own benefit - or...... These kinesthetic learners i know need to physically feel the right technique, sometimes with hands on approach - but how can we do this mid flow of the squat / back / lunge ...tracks?
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