Wednesday 3-point update →[More:]
1. Still without heat, but kind of enjoying it so far. Fireplace is fun!
2. Getting really excited for my trip to Alaska over the holidays. Whee! Not as excited about figuring out gifts for my family.
3. Also need a plumber to fix the outdoor faucet (spigot? I'm not sure what I call the outdoors ones), which my stepdad kind of broke while trying to replace the hardware. The threading was all messed up, which causes the hose to not seal well. PITA. Stepdad did all sorts of other awesome work, though. Cleaned the gutters, caulked and washed all the windows, etc.
4. Whoops! There's a fourth today. Car heat is being wonky, so I have to figure that out, too. Heat works when I'm driving the car, but blows cold when I'm stopped. Scared it's something to do with the radiator. I just paid the car off, and just purchased tires. So sad.