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02 December 2009

Wednesday 3-point update [More:]

1. Still without heat, but kind of enjoying it so far. Fireplace is fun!

2. Getting really excited for my trip to Alaska over the holidays. Whee! Not as excited about figuring out gifts for my family.

3. Also need a plumber to fix the outdoor faucet (spigot? I'm not sure what I call the outdoors ones), which my stepdad kind of broke while trying to replace the hardware. The threading was all messed up, which causes the hose to not seal well. PITA. Stepdad did all sorts of other awesome work, though. Cleaned the gutters, caulked and washed all the windows, etc.

4. Whoops! There's a fourth today. Car heat is being wonky, so I have to figure that out, too. Heat works when I'm driving the car, but blows cold when I'm stopped. Scared it's something to do with the radiator. I just paid the car off, and just purchased tires. So sad.
1. Teaching after all in the Winter Semester, so scrambling to get my syllabus back in order and catch myself back up in my materials.
2. Cocktails for charity tonight, woo!
3. My temporarily absent sister gets home this weekend, woo!
posted by crush-onastick 02 December | 10:18
Stewie, it's probably not a big expensive deal with car heater... check out this thread at the Straight Dope message boards.

(First thing to check: coolant level)

How do I know this? Well, I'm ashamed to admit it... but we are a split household. V. reads the Straight Dope boards, and I read MeFi - which occasionally leads to funny conversations. The other day:

V: oh, hah! I love this (SDB) user name, 'runningwithscissors'

me: ...
posted by taz 02 December | 10:45
1. Yay, just got an email from a friend I haven't seen in months, and we are going to have lunch next week.

2. Two steps forward, one back with my running. I can't get to 5km consistently. 4km is about my fitness limit at the moment. Ah well, another run today and we will see where we are at. At least I live right by Central Park.

3. I never, ever, ever had body-image issues until post-pregnancy. Sigh.
posted by gaspode 02 December | 10:45
(oh! and so asked him abut the car heater thing, and he was like, oh! I just saw something about this at the Straight Dope...)
posted by taz 02 December | 10:47
taz: yeah, that's actually what i was thinking, based on a friend of mine who knows motors. However, I decided to catastrophize (very helpful, I know). In my mind I determined that it wasn't just low coolant, but also due to a leak that was going to cost $$$ to fix, that it was the head gasket ($$$$$), and that my car would soon blow up. Ha.

I can't quite find my radiator, for some reason. I suspect it may be hidden under a plastic cover. I'll go out and check it again in a moment.

Thanks for the heads-up!
posted by Stewriffic 02 December | 10:56
1. I'm a ball of anxiety and nerves and freaking out-ness since I have to travel on a plane all by myself and navigate around a completely unknown city tomorrow. (I've Streetviewed as much as I can stand, but still--EEP! This is my first time flying somewhere and then navigating on my own. Can you tell I don't get out much?)

2. I really want more dance DVDs and money so I buy pretty silk veils and stuff. I suppose I should be pleased that this hobby seems to be wanting to stick around and that it's something productive instead of sitting on my ass refreshing tabs on the tubes.

3. I have zero motivation to do anything at work, which is a problem when my personal goal is to have my keytag drawings done before the December holiday season. I keep telling myself to be thankful that I even have a job, but damn, I need something to change because I'm going batshit.
posted by sperose 02 December | 11:10
1. Money situation does not look good. Jan-Feb going to be *lean*. Eeek. Ramen will be my friend. :(
2. Upcoming travel anxieties as well - not quite ready to head down to Geneseo, NY tomorrow a.m. and then back to Toronto in time to go to Ottawa. Short trips no less stressful.
3. Feel good though about leaving my assistant in charge of the youth program while I am gone after a good meeting last night.
posted by typewriter 02 December | 11:14
1. Arguing with brother, whose birthday it is tomorrow. This makes me want to get him some kind of evil passive/aggressive gift, but I'm going to resist. I think.

2. Son has had bad sore throat for over a week. Doctor says it is nothing. Based on experience over last couple of years, have begun to suspect that you could go to that doctor with blood spurting from the stump of a missing limb and he would say it is nothing - and give his patented speech: statistics show us that everyone feels like shit for a couple of days every month. This is your chance to tough it out. Still he is cheap, so, well.

3. Very close friendship of 3 - 4 years seems to have disintegrated without warning or reason about 3 - 4 weeks ago. Have racked brain trying to figure out what I did wrong. Have come up with nothing. Therefore have decided not to worry about it. Failing on last point.
posted by mygothlaundry 02 December | 11:17
1. Thanksgiving Day, while my wife and I were out walking, we ran into an old friend that we had not seen in awhile. Hurrying past us, she mentioned that her partner had died a couple weeks ago. . .and that if we didn't know, it was our problem. . .But it was a huge shock.

1a. My wife and I had a 2.5 year separation, and during that time, this person and I had a friends with benefits thing going (that term did not exist then) that did not end well and was never mentioned again. My wife is unaware, but we were both going out with people then and it just has never come up. But that sort of complicates my feelings now.

2. Gaining weight. . .have to stop it. Since Sept. I have had this or that place on my body stitched up due to the melanoma, biopsies, MOHS, and such, and I think healing kept weight off but that's all done for now and my body does not have that extra thing going on so I can't eat as much anymore. Damn.

3. Icy fog here all week. The most depressing weather imaginable. Dreary, cold. (If the Ducks to to the Rose Bowl, my little bro might be able to score a ticket or two from So Cal people that are used to USC going every year. That would get me in some nice weather for a few days! Not a sure thing though.)
posted by danf 02 December | 11:18
1. Many things up in the air (funding for next year, other career related stuff). I feel surprisingly calm about all of this. I really really hope a big shit storm aint brewing.

2. Excited to see old friends and drink and ski over the holidays.

3. Right now I am drinking delicious coffee at this coffee shop where everyone knows me and the dogs love me. Also, two [newish] puppy friends got super excited just seeing me at the end of the block. Life could be worse.
posted by special-k 02 December | 11:29
1. dark, forbidding, low-hanging clouds this morning, so

2. I took the dog out for a walk as soon as I could get away from metachat radio - in order to avoid the encroaching drencher

3. Which we did avoid, barely - but it had rained during the night so it was really wet out - and once we got home, well, her little paws are like four incredibly absorbent wash cloths that soak up every bit of wet and mud. So I spent quite a while cleaning them with hand wipes... only to then feel under her belly, which was like a BountyTM spatter guard, utterly drenched and bespackled. V. asked what was taking so long, and I answered, well, she's totally soaked underneath. She's... she's... she's a Low Rider! (with proper War accentuation) And then we giggled a lot.

4. Making very delicious chick pea stew for the nasty weather. mmmmm!
posted by taz 02 December | 11:29
1. I hate having to shop for Christmas presents for other adults. What's the point? Some people adore shopping and wrapping; I do not. Might post an AskMe about this.

2. Had nice visit with sister and nephew in Washington state. Feel bad for her situation though (no money and a few other things).

3. Yucky dreams last night, something about being in a boat that was sinking, didn't sleep well.
posted by Melismata 02 December | 11:32
1) Annoyed
2) annoyed
3) somewhat annoyed.
posted by richat 02 December | 11:43
4. I found an old Jan and Dean cassette in the street. Surf City, Dead Man's Curve, Little Deuce Coup, etc.

posted by danf 02 December | 11:52
danf - ooof to #1.

richat - XMAS THE SHIT OUT OF SOMETHING to sweep those annoyances away.

1 - Also dealing with weight issues. Last dream of the morning was that I had gained 14 pounds from the previous morning. Somehow the scale only reading point four pounds higher today did not cheer me, by contrast. This morning have brilliant idea to kick nasty sunflower seed sucking habit in the hopes of de-sodiuming myself some, because surely, I am retaining water.

2 - New costumer (costumer, not customer, or the rest will read wierd) called me at work. Sat right here and told her my stats. I've never mastered the "cube whisper speak" so I'm sure all my co-workers know my weight - "1XX, should be 1XX" and bra size "36C I think, that's what I buy, I've not been fitted." Charming and appropriate.

3 - Dreary/Rainy/Cold.
posted by rainbaby 02 December | 11:53
1. Cats were at the vet today for the annual checkup and jabs. When we arrived it was clear that it was Big Dog Day. Mastiffs, Boxers, German Shepherds, Rottweilers, even a Pyrenean Mountain Dog. And my two cats. They are still very cross with me. There was a long wait, during which time all the Big Dogs left. Yay. They were replaced, one by one, by Little Yappy Dogs. Boo! The Big Dogs all had to be dragged and pushed, trembling with fear, into the examining room. The Little Yappy Dogs all tried to go for the vet's throat.

2. The cats are both well. Bailey's heart murmur hasn't changed in years. Unless she loses weight, she will always have problems cleaning her arse. (This is common in 'cobby' cats who have short legs and thick, wide bodies.) She has diet cat food in limited portions. She doesn't have treats or people food. No dairy, just water. She's just a chunky monkey. Anyway, being a good cat mommy, cleaning her bum is my job now, once a week, disposable gloves, baby wipes, warm water + Cetaphil and one of those cheap, cheap cellulose sponges (49p for 8) that gets thrown away after a single use. She's used to it now and doesn't fight me any more.

3. Working from home today, just about to sign off, and vegging in front of the TV tonight (Project Runway - yay!)
posted by essexjan 02 December | 12:30
1. It's the mister's and my 9th wedding anniversary!

2. Going out later to buy cards [anniversary, birthday, xmas, get well (aunt who has cancer)] and tell library the dvd they're showing I still have was returned three or four days after I checked it out. Hmph.

3. I let all of mine and the mister's FarmVille crops die due to a bad headache yesterday. I feel oddly guilty.
posted by deborah 02 December | 12:44
1. DEBT!
2. Job?
3. crap.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 02 December | 12:56
1. Pinched nerve in my foot means I have to stay off my feet. Bad back requires me to walk as much as possible. Am trapped between two maladies.

2. We went couch-shopping yesterday with pretty low expectations, but I thiiiiiiink we found a couch we both like, for a good deal less than I feared spending. It's a color, model, and style I would never have anticipated choosing, but I really really like it and am already reorganizing the entire room in my head.

3. Had vegetarian chilaquiles at the newish taco place last night, and it was goooooooood! Am already looking forward to our next trip!
posted by Elsa 02 December | 13:41
1. I was great until about 8:20 this morning, which is when my intestines decided to tie themselves in knots. You know, no reason, just thought we'd try this for a while.

2. So I'm home, sipping chamomile and lavender tea, hoping my innards will behave as I have to WORK tomorrow. Truly half the department is out sick.

3. Since there was nothing else I was up for, I finished a long blog post.
posted by lysdexic 02 December | 13:53
1. I'm sick. I have a bad cold/sore throat/fuzzy head. I also have pinkeye in my right eye. Nice. Thankfully I had some drops left over.

2. I have to run a support group at work tomorrow. I'm nervous about that because I am sick and not on top of things.

3. I cannot wait until the holiday break. I look forward to having down time.
posted by LoriFLA 02 December | 14:15
1. Had to run over to the city parking authority customer service window to renew our yearly parking street passes for 2010 (which started yesterday for some reason) so that I can park in front of my house legally. It's only $20/car/year but I always forget to send in the check on time and have to run down to the office.

2. Christmas is coming way too fast, not ready at all.

3. Cold and rainy for the near future.
posted by octothorpe 02 December | 14:15
1. 100% success on the reference desk this morning.

2. Shopping for holiday card materials tonight.

3. Thankful that I can listen to music at work.
posted by initapplette 02 December | 14:54
2. THE
posted by WolfDaddy 02 December | 15:44
1. It is pissing rain
2. Bawled my damn eyes out when I watched this video
3. Waiting for the call.
posted by msali 02 December | 17:03
1. This cold rainy weather sucks, and makes me (to say the very least) a bit crabby, but on the other hand
2. I have a so-soft puppy sleeping under my chair, and
3. I had a heap of piping hot mashed potatoes on my supper plate.
posted by Wolfdog 02 December | 18:13
1. Waiting on folks back home to get some essential legal stuff sorted out - and a date I need to be home. The date's needed to be set down for ages and today or tomorrow it'll happen and I'll have some closure on the horizon.

2. I had such a busy day I didn't sit at my desk for more than 10 minutes at a time - and I was at work for almost 10 hours today.

3. Tortilla Española this evening from an old "The Splendid Table" weekly e-mail newsletter - it's awesome and I find the recipes easy and adaptable. Yum.
posted by mdonley 02 December | 18:18
1. Also dealing with weight issues- somehow, some extra pounds snuck up on me and they're not disappearing as fast as I'd like. Is it that time of year? That said, I still don't want to go to the gym, I just want to sit here and be laaaaazy.
2. Sad New York didn't pass the gay marriage bill. Sadder still that our state senator was one of the Democrats who voted No.
3. Church Christmas sale on Saturday! What sort of fabulous junk awaits me there, I don't know, but I intend to come armed with some dollars!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 02 December | 19:25
1. Hoping, hoping, hoping that the "incentive" check we were promised with our new contract will come this week. Christmas is coming too fast!

2. Rainy weather; bad for my car, which as something wrong with the distributor wires. It gets wet - car runs very badly. Can't afford to get it fixed at this point in time.

3. Yesterday, I started the paperwork to divorce Mr. V. Very mixed emotions. I hate having to do this, but I can't be in a marriage alone. Logically, I know it's for the best...but my heart isn't logical. It's broken.
posted by redvixen 02 December | 20:42
posted by lysdexic 02 December | 23:48
1. Celebrated birthday with Redboxed Star Trek. I do like the reboot, mostly -- the actors got the character notes just right and so it's like visiting old friends. Or seeing old movies of old friends before you knew them. They forgot to make the Enterprise a character in the film, though.

2. A bit of a weight thing for me, too, which means ... yikes ... blood sugar spiking like crazy. I am not making progress, I have to lose more to stave off complications, and when I feel headachey and lousy from the glucose I can't accomplish anything either, which doesn't help my morale. At least I am learning how to live with this.

3. Working on getting concrete footing in before the ground freezes. Running out of time, fast, although it shouldn't normally be this warm in December anyway. Too much to do as usual.
posted by dhartung 02 December | 23:54
1. Work work work work work.

2. Campari and seltzer is my new favorite drink.

3. Thought the bf might be planning to propose on our romantic trip to the beach for New Year's. He just invited his sister to come along. Sigh.
posted by Twiggy 03 December | 00:25
4. Hilarious. Bf just said getting married is like joining the Yakuza and you might as well just slice a digit off instead of getting a wedding ring.
posted by Twiggy 03 December | 00:50
1. work has been weird this week, but had a really good and productive day today, so feel better about things.
2. Am off to cabaret tonight to see a friend perform. I have a huge friend crush on her... she's lovely
3. bumped into an old friend last night. He'd been on my mind that day - i thought about calling him and inviting him to something, but decided not to, because I'd called and left a few messages and he had never responded, so I guessed that was that. It was nice to see him though. He says he'll call on Monday and we'll chat properly then. I doubt it, somehow, but that's ok. Besides, he's one of those friends who only ever gets in touch if he doesn't have a girlfriend. (er, not that our friendship is or was romantic at all!)
posted by jonathanstrange 03 December | 03:52
1. New job is hard and am yet to get first grossly inflated paycheque to make up for it
2. Old person in job clearly gave up caring some time before leaving and didn't give me much of a clue to what's been going on, so having to think on my feet a lot
3. Two weeks down, six to go, then I go back to my warm, comfy familiar job.
posted by dg 03 December | 06:40
1. visited with toddler #1, now we hear he has pinkeye. Invited to birthday party for toddler #2 on Saturday, she currently has pinkeye. I DO NOT WANT MY KID TO GET PINKEYE.

2. living in a transient town is getting me down. I feel like I spent all my time trying to make new friends to make up for the ones that move away, and my desire to fake extroversion is waning fast. I need a BFF. With a kid. Who naps at the same time as my kid. That would be perfect :-)

3. I am currently deleting all photos that contain me in them. I can't even deal with myself right now.
posted by pinky.p 03 December | 19:59
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