Thank you… →[More:]to those who responded to me
that day, and then again at the buffoonery that I invariably committed by asking you all to do
this. You were right. I was being an ass. A humongous ass. I did a lot of thinking since then. I consulted my therapist and told her how much of a problem I was having with my Bi polar disorder, that it was making me insane going on constant highs where everything seems to be perfect, and then the inevitable lows that would follow. She said it was time to change track and put me on another medication which has shown a lot of good results with people who are on it. Lithium. It’s almost been a month and the only episode of depression I’ve had was a minor attack which lasted for quite a long gap this time. Otherwise the down side usually lasts for 4 to 5 days, and then the upside takes over and it stays for another couple of days and it would usually last like this until I’d get tired of running between the two phases. But this time there was something different, my low phase was quite minor compared to what I usually go through (Mom, kill me, please kill me). And my high phase? It took me seven days in bed without having that “Oh my god, I just have to do this thing right now” feeling to realize that I was feeling like a normal person again. And that it was okay to feel like that. Only downside is that I have to get myself tested every month, and have shivering reactions to the pills.