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Comment Feed:


26 July 2009

posted by occhiblu 26 July | 18:14
In honor of the occasion, I have opened a page on the Mefi Wiki to celebrate couples that have met because of Metafilter! Sadly I'm failing miserably at adding links. occhiblu, perhaps you'd like to add yourself? :D

posted by ThePinkSuperhero 26 July | 18:16
occhiblu, perhaps you'd like to add yourself? :D

Only if we add a "#IHookedUpWithAMefiteAndThenLeftMetafilter" to the tags. :-)
posted by occhiblu 26 July | 18:21
If it's fine by Twitter, it's fine by me :D
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 26 July | 18:26
Congatulations, BOP and elizard!
posted by lilywing13 26 July | 19:18
Hey cool. Congratulations both!

But will BOP stay bitter once he's happily married? SanguineContentedOldPunk just doesn't have the same ring.
posted by octothorpe 26 July | 19:19
So fucking awesome!
posted by special-k 26 July | 19:53
posted by jason's_planet 26 July | 20:05
Yay, but as a member of the Southern Regional Mecha Cabal, I knerw already.
posted by Ardiril 26 July | 20:07
*does happy dance*

I'll raise a bourbon to you both tomorrow night. if my in-laws have bourbon in their house. hrmmmm
posted by gaspode 26 July | 20:09
Thanks, everybody! Though I suspect elizarde is only doing it to get access to our state-of-the-art healthcare system and booming economy.
posted by BitterOldPunk 26 July | 20:28
Congratulations! I hope you have the best day ever!
posted by MonkeyButter 26 July | 20:40
Awesome! Congratulations to you both. Y'all should come out to Vegas with us the week of August 16th for a prehoneymoon honeymoon. Jon might even dress up like Elvis.
posted by Pips 26 July | 21:27
But will BOP stay bitter once he's happily married? SanguineContentedOldPunk just doesn't have the same ring.

He will once I put my nefarious plan into action. Mwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Damn. Shouldn't have announced that until tomorrow night.

Thanks for all the good wishes, everyone, and thanks to MetaChat for introducing us in the first place.
posted by elizard 26 July | 21:48
And I promise to remain as profane and grumpy as ever.
posted by BitterOldPunk 26 July | 21:51
Anything on couples that have divorced because of MetaFilter?

"But wait! Someone is wrong on the internet!"

Belatedly wishes he'd taken up a certain somebody's offer. Carpe diem, kids.
posted by dhartung 26 July | 22:02
Mazel Tov!.....FWIW, my acerbic (also bitter) step-uncle mellowed A LOT after his marriage, but he STILL scares the shit out of people.
posted by brujita 26 July | 22:48
Wooo-hoo! Congratulations! G&Ts all 'round!
posted by Triode 26 July | 23:57
Yay! Here's to many happy years together!
posted by casarkos 27 July | 04:17
posted by terrapin 27 July | 06:29
Wow! Yowza! Wonderful!
posted by mightshould 27 July | 07:15
Congratulations, you two!
posted by Orange Swan 27 July | 07:40
*big grinnnn*
posted by rainbaby 27 July | 07:48
Wowsa!! Big congrats!
posted by danostuporstar 27 July | 08:07
I wanna hear about the proposal. Is this something I'd need to understand twitter to understand?
posted by danostuporstar 27 July | 08:10
Wow - awesome. As a member of the "I Met My Dream Girl On Metachatfilter," my name is Lipstick Thespian and I approve this message.

posted by Lipstick Thespian 27 July | 08:14
Oh, this day just keeps getting better and better! Congrats, you two!!
posted by initapplette 27 July | 08:50
Anything on couples that have divorced because of MetaFilter?

Hey, I don't see why not - it could all go on the MeFi-Enabled Relationships page. It's totally self-nominating, so as long as both parties are OK with it, seems fine to me.
posted by Miko 27 July | 08:51
My sincere best wishes to you both. You have married a formidable woman. . .(a good thing)
posted by danf 27 July | 10:06
Yay :D
posted by sperose 27 July | 10:20
I met my maker on MetaFilter.
Yay! Fantastic news!

Is there a section for "IHookedUpWithAMeFiteAlthoughWeveNowSplitUpButAreStillFriends"?
posted by essexjan 27 July | 10:53
is there a section for "I'veOnlyMetOneMefiteAndNoMechazens"?

Congratulations and best wishes to you both.
posted by altolinguistic 27 July | 11:11
posted by rmless2 27 July | 11:31
posted by Stewriffic 27 July | 11:51
That's great! Congratulations!
posted by box 27 July | 12:02
Is it a coincidence that I decided to look at MetaChat after a long time away, just in time to see this news? Congratulations and big hugs and whuffles!!!
posted by matildaben 27 July | 12:49
So BOP can get Canadian benefits too or has elizard been sucked into the US?
Wacky kids getting all married and such.
posted by ethylene 27 July | 15:56
posted by safetyfork 27 July | 16:32
Awesomeness! Congratulations you crazy kids! Yay!
posted by TheDonF 27 July | 16:37
Awww, you guys. Shucks.

We've got responsibilities here so we'll be staying for the foreseeable. Unfortunately, this also means we won't be going to Vegas with Pips & jonmc, which would be way fun and which otherwise we'd leap at so thanks for the invite. I'm looking forward to showing him Canada, my Canada when we're able, though.
posted by elizard 27 July | 17:19
When punks get married:

≡ Click to see image ≡

More pics.

It was incredibly cool, and I felt so honored to be a part of it. I know they must be sick of it by now, but here one's last *HUG!!* to the bride & groom! :)
posted by BoringPostcards 27 July | 18:48
posted by special-k 27 July | 18:55
I feel that somewhere I've congratulated you two, but now I'm not sure, and hell, I would hate to think that the absence of my well-wishing might mar your otherwise wonderful day, so....

Enjoy some sincere wishing of well from this canuckian sonofabitch. All the best you two!
posted by richat 27 July | 20:22
Awww, bittersweet. Congratulations and every happiness to you both!
posted by notquitemaryann 27 July | 23:14
Awwwwwww, congratulations, y'all! That's great news!
posted by Elsa 28 July | 09:34
Dontcha just love LOVE??? :o)
posted by Jose Famoso 28 July | 11:50
posted by redvixen 28 July | 14:08
Cool -- and here I thought it was just the engagement. Mazel Tov you two, and happy honeymooning!
posted by Pips 28 July | 20:48
Ooooh, congratulations guys!!!
posted by ramix 17 August | 11:46
Wow ramix. . .you are late getting to this thread. . .no one told you about the divorce yet?

just kidding
posted by danf 17 August | 11:48
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