I hates, Hate, hate, HATE Music on Hold, and voicemail queues. →[More:]crikey! !@$@$#%**()+&*_) and fargin bastidges, and oh my sweet holy mother of the googly wonder, I have just battled through voicemail queues, been on hold with the most obscene excuse for "music" blaring in my ear, and finally, thank you, I got to Renee, who freaking knew what I needed, and was cheerful and competent.
There's a special hell for people who implement long voicemail sessions, with a bland voice saying
"First let me tell you about our product, and recommend that you visit our website, aitchteeteepeecolonslashslashwww.Q7b4hyphensomething.product.vendor.comSlashsomethingelse, which will be full of incredibly slow-loading flash animations showing our wonderfulness, and not having any useful information whatsoever, but, hey, have some slippery menus while we're at it.
If you want this thing that supports that other thing, press 2.
If you want to die a slow, lingering death of boiling frustration, press 8 now. You'll get another lengthy message and then maybe you can talk to Suzen in Support, who will transfer you and drop the call. Have a Nice Day!
I need beer, and I need it soon.