Hi bunnies, Miko's and mudpuppie's recent posts made me realise that I never told you that I got a new job as well.
→[More:] I had known by February that I was not getting funding renewed in my former job after June and was having a terrible time finding a new gig. After a gazillion applications, I got offered a job only 4 days before my former one ran out. New job is awesome. I'm working (via a contractor) for the National Library of Medicine, indexing medical articles. I had to go down to DC for two weeks and do a full-on course learning how to index (and that was just the basics, I then have a phonecall training session 2 or 3 times a week for the next 6 months) and now work at home in front of my two gigantic monitors.
I really love the work, it's super challenging and weirdly creative in a way I can't really explain. It's like doing a cross between logic puzzles and haiku. But with SCIENCE! I think after all this time I found my niche.