A Question for the Gift Listers out there. →[More:] Some people tend to be hot, some people tend to be cold. Some are introverted, some are extroverted. Some really really really want you to tell them what you want as a hoiday gift, and some are almost incapable of doing this.
I have a lister asking this non-lister for a list. Sounds crazy to me, but she doesn't like to do gift cards, because she likes to see people open stuff. . .that they know they are getting. . .I don't understand, but she says it's easier, please, please, she needs ease this year. . .
So I come up with this: A pair of athletic shoes from brand X, Y, or Z, size 8, designed specifically for running.
A lister friend of mine says this is missing the whole point of the thing, because she'll still have to find and decide on the shoe, and that I should send her a link or something to exactly what I want.
I was thinking that I don't really care down to a specific shoe, and this way she has some flexibility in price or availability.
What do you listers think? Is my agonizingly torn from my brain holiday wish something that will drive the person who always wants to know "What do you WANT!" up the wall?
Other non-listers, how do you deal with list pressure? As I mentioned, gift cards, my default answer, is frowned upon. Donation to a charity in my name also frowned upon, for the same reason - and opening presents fetish.