In which I announce my return from Norfolk, and my gratitude that Twitter exists. Got up there Sunday afternoon to see Grandbun 2.0...and less than 24 hours later mom of the Grandbuns was readmitted to the hospital.
She'd woken up shaking like a dang aspen leaf in a hurricane and instead of calling the doc then they decided to wait till they took the baby in for the routine newborn assessment (which thankfully took place in the Portsmouth Naval Hospital.) They took one look at her and sent us all trouping over to the obgyn clinic, where they did NOT pass go, did NOT collect 200 dollars, but sent us directly to a mother/infant wing. Since the baby was not a patient, it was necessary that someone stay with her as the hospital, though more than willing to have what they termed a "boarder baby" would not be responsible for care of said infant and would be requiring someone to stay with them to do so. Naturally I volunteered. Thank God I had my phone AND my phone charger in my purse. Got on twitter (which was linked to my facebook status) and was able to update what was going on and ask for prayer support (which we got in spades.) My son-in-law took charge of The Original Grandbun and proceeded to feed him with such delicacies as powdered doughnuts and gummi worms which naturally ratcheted up normal two year old behaviour to warp speed. Heh.
Two days later (on Wednesday morning) we escaped the hospital and went back to their house where we managed to have a good visit the rest of the time.
Whilst in this hospital we did notice that all the nurses, doctors and med students appeared to be about 18 years old. Except for the one med student who came to ask her about ten rather obvious and silly questions-he looked about twelve. I will say that the hospital food was....let us not speak of it. But the personnel were all wonderful. Even if every single stinking doctor gave her a different answer about her estimated time to be discharged, etc.
We never did hear what caused the mysterious infection. They assumed it was childbirth fever. Ugh.
The worst part of the trip was the drive thru the Norfolk tunnels but I lived.
OH, and I have to work tomorrow and the house looks like a bachelor lives here but I assume there will be pictures at some point this weekend. The baby is totally adorable, and I cannot wait to prove it.