Ask MeCha: Time is of the essence. Seeking help dealing with home warranty company. So, I've been without heat since November 26...
My home warranty people hooked me up with an HVAC company that has not been able to fix the furnace. They've tried to replace the motor twice now, and have told me that they'd have no idea what else it could be.
I called and raised holy hell yesterday with the home warranty company, and they said they'd call a different company to reassess whether to replace the unit.
I'm concerned that a new HVAC company will feel like it's a challenge (because they'll be all "That other company sucks and we're awesome, clearly!") and say they can fix it, rather than recommend replacement.
Should I call the home warranty company back and insist on the first people who have been dealing with the furnace? Since I'm pretty sure they don't have any idea what the problem is and would recommend replacement.
Difficulty level: I leave for two weeks tomorrow. The unit is outside, so I don't think they have to access the inside, but in the meanwhile I risk pipes freezing if I leave the heat off or else an outrageous bill if I keep using the emergency heat.