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Comment Feed:


19 August 2009

Where is everybody? Oh, right.
Last time I was welcome in #bunnies was more than two years back. We talked about this before and I get in one time and then I am banned again.
posted by arse_hat 19 August | 23:37
arse_hat, you're not on the ban list. try this? chat via browser
posted by Firas 19 August | 23:43
Have you tried the webclient?

If you really want in, we'll make this happen.
posted by Eideteker 19 August | 23:43
We have done this before. I can connect to any other irc chat room. I have tried to connect to #bunnies with Opera, mIrc, a java client, the slashnet web client, that sad turd called ChatZilla, and several other clients.

So yes I am somehow banned. We (Eideteker and I) have been down this road before. He gets me online again and a few days later I am banned again.
posted by arse_hat 20 August | 00:29
Well, you can choose to look at it as a technical problem or you can choose to be all defeatist and "I'm not welcome" about it. Mixing the two isn't really helping give you perspective on the issue.

Have you tried connecting from other networks/machines?
posted by Firas 20 August | 00:37
Yes Firas I have tried other networks/machines, and as I have said repeatedly, I have no issues with any other room but #bunnies. That's my point.

I got tired of the whole process and left off a couple of years back, but that said, no I don't want to be all defeatist and "I'm not welcome" about it so lets let the whole thing drop.

Thanks and take care.
posted by arse_hat 20 August | 00:48
Alright arse_hat. I'm not sure how you can ban someone who's another machine especially if they're using another nickname. That said, it's your prerogative to decide whether to bother about the issue or not. I just wanted to confirm that you're not on the actual ban list. (And from what can tell from what you've said, you're not k-lined from the whole slashnet server either right.) Take care.
posted by Firas 20 August | 01:07
posted by arse_hat 20 August | 01:12
This is a callout post. || Hello. How are you?