things I learned today Comparing Susan Sontag's
diary to your diary can be rather damaging to one's self-esteem.
Sontag at 15: "Immersing myself in Gide again—what clarity and precision! Truly it is the man himself who is incomparable."
Firas at 15: 'Akeel also just gave me a VCD: "The World Is Not Enough".'
Sontag at 16: "Today, a wonderful opportunity was offered me—to do some research work for a soc instructor named Philip Rieff… At last the chance to really involve myself in one area with competent guidance."
Firas at 16: "You know, most of life goes to waste. I mean, what lives after a person—genius? I mean, I just read in the Lit book about this woman who committed suicide after writing a series of poems—collected as Ariel… I guess ppl are lucky to have anything survive @ all."
Sontag at 17: "I marry Philip with full consciousness + fear of my will toward self-destructiveness."
Firas at 17: "Yeah, I know", I said, smiling indignantly. … Rarely have I had a better excuse to shoot someone."
(What do you do when you feel immensely undereducated?)