So It Sucks to be a Grownup Once in Awhile. . . So I had a gripe about some asshat behavior on the part of a drama teacher
→[More:]and went to see the high school principal about how this guy is letting his students grind metal backstage and the sparks flying on every sort of combustible material piled around.
Walked in the office, and something is obviously going on. Crying kids. . everyone seemingly in shock. Turned out that morning a sophomore girl (very popular, pretty, athletic, etc.) got dumped by bf and went home called each of her parents at work to say she loved them, then shot herself. . .
So obviously my problem could wait. So I left without talking to him.
I have read that most people who survive jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge have this epiphany on the way down that this is a big mistake and nothing worth taking your life over. I wonder if, in the microsecond, this girl had that thought.
I can't imagine being one of those parents, or even a teacher of that girl. (And how did she have a gun available?) I did not know her, but if stuff like this can happen I feel like a failure as an adult.