Ask MeCha: Amateur electrician version!
Consider these facts:
- Portable washing machine draws power, but agitates weakly. Comes on long enough for one spin, then seems unable to kick into refill mode. Makes humming noise.
- Lights on the same outlet as above work.
- Stove burner indicator lights come on when knobs are turned, but burners don't heat up.
- Neither oven indicator light nor oven itself will turn on.
- Kitchen overhead light dims slightly
when oven knob is turned on.
- There seems to be hot water, but I'm not sure if the heater is still heating, or if the hot water is just remaining in the tank.
- Fridge/freezer is humming normally and seems cold; light comes on when door is opened.
- Baseboard heaters don't heat.
- Lights, TV and computer all work.
- All fuses appear to be okay (clear). None are obviously blown (dark).
- Hydro company says no other complaints have been made in my area.
- Others in my building aren't home, so I don't know if anyone else sees something weird.
- It's -3 and falling; getting cold in here. :(