Comment Feed:
coffin: busted marriage [:'(] Clutter, both of my S.A.D. issues.
cradle: fitness in all aspects of my life: physical, mental, relational, financial
Coffin: Cancer. Fuck cancer. I know I haven't got the authority to put it there, but figuratively I want to throw it all the way back to hell. And to paraphrase Eidetaker from last year, put that hell in the cradle, then in the coffin, and throw it down a deep well and blow it to kingdom come; then take the remains of that blown up well and throw it down an even DEEPER well and blow that one to hell, too.
Coffin: Self doubt, insecurity, and worries. Whatever will be will be. I need to remember that no matter what life hurls at me, I will be able to handle it.
Cradle: Improved communication skills. I'm still working on it!!