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29 June 2009

Hello, I am an idiot. Albeit a very lucky, cancer-free idiot. [More:]

This is a story about ruling out malignant melanoma.

It all started on Memorial Day weekend, when I stubbed my toe quite badly -- so badly that it bled. (Middle toe, right foot, for the record.) Because it bled, I spent some quality observation time with said foot that week, consisting of a daily regimen of band-aid changing and inspection.

Fast forward a week. I'm sitting with my feet up on the coffee table and happen to look down at the wounded foot. Right there on my tiny little pinky toe, there's what looks to be a scab. "Hmm, that's weird," I thought to myself. "I don't remember hitting that toe as well. How'd I get a blood blister?"

After several days, it hadn't changed any. I picked at it a little bit, but it didn't really feel like a blood blister. I soaked it, but nothing happened. I couldn't examine it very closely. Why, you might ask. Well, I challenge you thusly: YOU try getting your eyes close enough to the tip of your pinky toe to focus on it, then report back. Ask me 'why' then.

So anyway, I tried to put it out of my mind.

And here's some important back story: About five years ago, I had a mole removed from between two toes on the same foot. The biopsy proved it to be normal, but the dermatologist counseled me to be vigilant, and to take anything on the feet seriously for the rest of my life. Did you know that "foot melanoma" is the deadliest form of cancer? Neither did I, until the dermatologist put the fear of god (and feet) into me.

So. Last week, it became pretty clear that the blood blister wasn't a blood blister, but was a mole. I went to the doctor -- pretty huge, because I hate going to the doctor. I explained that I had thought it was a blood blister until it didn't go away. She pushed on it, said that it didn't "blanch" (i.e., fill with blood after being depressed), which indicated that it wasn't being fed by capillaries. Which indicated that it was indeed a mole.

She wanted me to go to the dermatologist the very next morning to have it looked at, to "rule out malignant melanoma." Whoa, that was scary. I couldn't do it that morning, though, and had to settle for the week-long wait.

So I'm sitting in the exam room this morning, waiting for the dermatologist, and trying not to puke from anxiety. The RN came in to prep my foot for the excision. He sat down and looked at my toe and said, "Huh. That looks like a blood blister." And I'm like, "THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT!" and told him the story of the mole's appearance.

"Did you try to take it off?" he asked.

"Uh, no," I said. "The doctor told me it might be malignant. I was afraid to pick at it."

"Okay," he said breezily. "We'll just have the doctor take a look at it."

So a few minutes later, the doctor came in and said "Hey, that's a blood blister." And she scraped at it with a tongue depressor, and it was gone.

And that, my friends, is the story of the benign, $30 blood blister.
I am relieved. And you are decidedly not an idiot. At every point, you did what you needed to do, esp. with that earlier scare.

posted by danf 29 June | 15:23
Oh, I'm so glad it turned out ok!

Also, if the first doctor didn't diagnose it correctly, then I think you're off the hook for your own so-called idiocy.
posted by occhiblu 29 June | 15:44
Hey, all's well that ends well. Good for you, mudpuppie.
posted by NucleophilicAttack 29 June | 16:18
Phew! Good job at overcoming the scary and going in anyway.
posted by Stewriffic 29 June | 16:25
I see no idiocy here, except for maybe on behalf of the first doctor freaking you out like that. Glad to hear it was just a blister.
posted by sperose 29 June | 16:37
You're not an idiot! You handled it exactly right, given what you knew and had been told.

Congrats on the cancer-free pinky toe.
posted by BoringPostcards 29 June | 17:17
No idiocy here! Picking at moles is bad. Getting something odd checked out good.
posted by gomichild 29 June | 18:05
You did exactly right.

Your first doc, on the other hand...
posted by bunnyfire 29 June | 18:19
You ARE an idiot!

Nah, just kidding, I felt like you were getting a pretty free ride is all. In all sincerity, I can totally see why you did what you did and it makes total sense to me. And I'm relieved on your behalf. So there.
posted by richat 29 June | 18:48
Glad it turned out ok. Take care of them feetsies.
posted by chewatadistance 29 June | 19:33
You did the right thing. Skin cancer isn't something to put off or take lightly, particularly if you have a history of it.

I've never heard that about skin cancer and feet, but it makes sense. I've gotten some fierce sunburns when out in sandals, and know others who have too. It's an often forgotten place to apply sunblock, even for those of us who are usually vigilant about it.
posted by kellydamnit 29 June | 21:45
You're not an idiot; not going to the doc would be idiotic.

Glad your footers are fine.
posted by deborah 29 June | 23:09
EEEE mups! Glad you're ok.

My dad has to get pre-cancers burned off about ten times a year. The advice pediatricians were giving parents in the 30's was "give the baby lots of sun"...and Gramma LOVED the beach.
posted by brujita 29 June | 23:16
The $30 Blood Blister sounds like a novel. Glad to hear your feet are healthy and good on you for being vigilant.
posted by Luminous Phenomena 30 June | 03:19
What a relief. I think Bob Marley died of the foot cancer.
posted by LoriFLA 30 June | 08:53
Good news!

Man, your foot is such a drama queen! Next time it gives you grief, you should totally threaten to take out one of the toes with the nail clippers.
posted by Atom Eyes 30 June | 10:37
Whew! Thank goodness it was just a blood blister!

My sister's godmother had the foot melanoma; initially the docs gave her 6 months to live, but she held on for five years. (Which reminds me, I should do a scan of my zillion moles.)
posted by epersonae 30 June | 10:44
Does anyone want to edit this sentence for me? || So,