Do You Ever Get That Kicked in the Gut Feeling? →[More:]
Just in case you didn't know, I have diabetes. I also have diabetic retinopathy. I go through a series of three eye specialist appointments every six months. Today was the last in this current series.
In a cross section a healthy retina looks like two low mounds meeting in the middle in a slight dip (centre of vision area). My left eye is perfectly fine. My right eye, however, looks like an exploding volcano where the dip should be.
Laser surgery has worked for me twice before in both eyes. I'm not so lucky this time. Because the damage is in the centre of my vision the doc can't use a laser because it will cause permanent vision loss.
At this point my only option is getting
Avastin* injection(s) in my eye. This may also cause permanent vision loss. It's also considered experimental when used in eyes and that, of course, means insurance (at least, my insurance) won't cover it. It's expensive; much more expensive than mentioned in the Wiki article.
If I don't do anything I will have vision loss. I'll eventually go blind.
In essence, I feel as devastated as when I was first diagnosed with diabetes. I think this is a good thing. Hopefully I'll keep that mental picture of a volcano in my eye and do what I need to do to limit more damage.
*Avast(in)! As in Pirates. As in eye patches. Could it be any more ironic?