Doggy IQ Test. According to this, our Sky is a bloomin' genius. She got the highest score in every exercise (usually faster than the high scoring example dog), and actually proved herself smarter than us.
On the hide-the-treat-under-the-towel test we thought she flubbed it as she was appearing to try to get to the treat
through the towel (nosing/mouthing the towel). So I lifted the towel to retrieve the treat to give to her - and it was gone! She had snarfed it from under the towel so fast we didn't even see it, and was just snuffling 'round to make sure there wasn't any more of the same stuck in there somewhere.
I also found
Cat and
Dog IQ quizzes at Parade.
She also got a "Canine-stein" score on the Parade test - 86-90, depending on how I interpret the questions, but it's not a great test. She definitely knows more than five words, for example, but maybe not more than 12... though she knows most words in both English and Greek, so I figure that's got to bring it up to at least 12...
Suitcase? She doesn't know from suitcases, in terms of "something about to happen," but she gets very excited when I put on lipstick, because it means we're probably going... OUTSIDE!!1OMG!! She gets excited if I change clothes, but not if I put on any of the things I wear for pajamas. If I change shoes she gets happy, but not if I'm changing into slippers. She's alert but not assuming too much if I put on sandals.
She's a maniac for sniffing
everything, but doesn't roll in shit... She's actually very dainty, does a good bit of self-cleaning, and hates to get her paws muddy, for example (plus, I imagine she's smart enough to know that getting stinky will mean a bath, which is
not her favorite activity). She doesn't know the names of her toys (which don't have names), because she's not into toys too much - but she knew "bunny" back when her dearly-departed bunny was still with us. I don't say "here's your Kong" for example, or "here's this star-shaped-plushy-thing." So, some questions aren't that great for what the test-makers are hoping to determine.
Anyway, I think I need to get her some clever doggy puzzle toys... no wonder she's totally bored by "
go get the ball!" She's like, "wellll... maybe
once. If it will make you happy." :)