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06 October 2009

THREE POINT STATUS UPDATE FOR THE BUNNEH PEOPLE 1) I am on new happy pills, they seem to be working! ;P[More:]
2) Happy pills cause entirely new sides of one's personality to come out
3) Reading a lot of science fiction and fantasy helps to prepare one for being a walking science experiment.
1. Received a malware e-mail in my in-box this morning that was so poorly worded and presented that it bordered on e-mail performance art.

2. My skin is so stressed from looking for work that I now resemble something from Fallout 3.

3. I celebrated my 3rd year Anniversary of Moving to New England yesterday by toddling around in a new pair of ankle boots I had forgotten I once purchased off two years ago.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 06 October | 07:00
1. Got a really nice email from my new boss, saying what a good job I'm doing. That started the day off well.

2. Very much enjoyed meeting danf and Vicki the other day.

3. Starting to make plans for the winter holidays. This is my favourite time of year. Halloween, thanksgiving, a lot of my friends' birthdays, My birthday, Maddie's birthday, our wedding anniversary, Christmas, New Year... Hells, no wonder I get fat :)
posted by gaspode 06 October | 08:05
1. Dieting and eating a lot of fish in connection with same. I seem to have more energy, could it be the fish? I don't usually eat much of it.
2. Constant undercurrent of stress is, well, stressing me out.

3. Saw Zombieland last night. Love Woody Harrelson but just can't stand Jesse Eisenberg.
posted by amro 06 October | 09:05
1. I'm back from a week long vacation in Northern California camping, seeing some of the places I used to hang out, live, etc. Was quite nice and relaxing, and the dogs got to experience the ocean for the first time in their lives.

2. Back to work tomorrow, and the main thing I'm dreading is waking up in the morning. Job itself is going pretty great, so I don't mind going back.

3. I have playoff tickets for the series against Philadelphia. WOOT!
posted by eekacat 06 October | 09:08
(Happy to hear the happy pills are working, BTGOG)
1. Don't get too close to the monitor to read this, I am contagious. I have been sick since last Thursday. I have been SO sick (How sick are you?), that I have taken to sleeping in the guest room in order to spare my poor (surprisingly healthy) husband from my gurgles and snorts in the middle of the night when I gasp for air.
2. Hence, I have basically lost the last five days of my life, which is quite frustrating, but I hope it is "my flu, my one and only", and I have gotten it out of the way for the next five to ten years.
3. The fever dreams have been pretty cool, though.
posted by msali 06 October | 09:24
1. Have finally begun seriously using my cell phone, so I'm trying to upgrade from a pay-as-you-go el cheapo.

2. Am bewildered by the options.

3. Am sighing at the monthly fees.
posted by JanetLand 06 October | 09:24
1. am trying to crank things out at work after a bit of sloth.

2. have begun being better at cooking dinner rather than just eating cheese and crackers. i like it.

3. am debating whether to vote in today's municipal primaries. there are only two races with a primary (city council slots), and frankly i support none of the candidates, from what i can see. i'm glad i know enough about politics to read in between the lines of what they've said, and i'm glad i know my city well enough to be aware of the issues. The candidates' positions as stated on our local independent weekly's questionnaires helped inform me. Still, I'm feeling some empathy for people who don't vote when they like none of their options.
posted by Stewriffic 06 October | 09:42
(I was also happy to meet Danf and Vicki!)
1. Meeting this guy today (not shopping, it's something else). Oh yes, I am excited.
2. Interviews, interviews, interviews, blah blah blah.
3. I'm in a wedding in MA in 3 weeks, and this weekend is the bachelorette party. I want to go, but it looks like I can't (see #2 for why). Boooo. Hope the bride will forgive me.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 06 October | 09:58
1. In an hour I will be making my way with Dilya to The Inn at Mazatlan. Luxury resort! Dilya meets my dad!

2. Burma seems to be in limbo, might not happen, so my next work will be in Korea. Grumble, grumble.

3. On Saturday I will be in excellent Amsterdamsterdam, hooray! Hooray for Amsterdamsterdam!!!
posted by Meatbomb 06 October | 10:00
1. Feeling a little down and at sea since a very creative and productive time has passed. Trying to get motivated to do admin-y type things for my youth program.

2. Glad to have found a tenant for my basement apartment.

3. A bit disappointed my crush didn't email me back. :/
posted by typewriter 06 October | 10:36
1. Finally paid off my credit card, which means I can treat myself to the new picture frames and tilt mechanism for my broken bedroom blinds that I've saved up for. Of course, that would mean my credit card company would have to GET OFF THEIR ASS and mail me my new card (since mine expired at the end of September). Apparently, it went out on Monday and I should expect it within 5-7 business days.

2. Still feeling really down and depressed, but a wee bit of my appetite seems to be returning. Of course, I have no food prepared and so have been eating fairly crappily. I also am lacking in the fruit department SINCE I CAN'T GET TO THE FUCKING STORE.

3. Still contemplating burning some vacay time. Unfortunately, I don't really have the money to go anywhere or do anything and plus, I've got the oh-so-fucking-joyous holiday/end of semester season coming up, so taking vacation would be a bad idea right about now. (Of course, how much of that fear is real and how much is just my parents' bitching ingrained in my head is up to much discussion.)
posted by sperose 06 October | 10:58
1- Also on new happy pills, or at least stay awake pills
2- Awaiting a new pair of boots from Zappos
3- Trying to figure out how to lower my scary high triglyceride levels (I'm all ready on a diabetic diet, I'm guessing my enemy is too much cheese).
posted by doctor_negative 06 October | 11:44
And oh god, point 3-A:

The ex-boyfriend is coming over right now to pick up some mail. Oh god.
posted by typewriter 06 October | 12:10
1. Transitioning to fall is a bitch, but I seem to be aware of my body's betraying symptoms, and getting past them, so that's good.

2. Not looking forward to my annual physical this week.

3. Starting the hat thing with the knitting circle this week. I'm helping kids knit caps for the "Tree of Warmth" the church does every year.
posted by lysdexic 06 October | 12:14
1. First day back at work, with a body full of jetlag and a brain full of mush. Thankfully no major crises to attend to.

2. My manager endorses my view that one of my trainees is an airhead who is unlikely to make the grade.

3. I'm about to catch up on 'Real Housewives of New Jersey'. I'm now up to speed on Project Runway, ANTM and could not believe Brandon won 'Make Me A Supermodel'
posted by essexjan 06 October | 12:23
1. Got an email from a local reporter to interview me about a new coffee shop opening up in the neighborhood but she was from the Tribune-Review which is owned by Richard Mellon Scaife and I just couldn't contribute even in a tiny way to that evil bastard's enterprise.

2. Almost finished the trim carpentry/painting project in the powder room, just a little paint on the baseboards to go. It will be the only nice looking room out of 8 in the house.

3. Christmas is coming too soon and there's huge amount of work to do to prepare for the xmas house tour in the neighborhood.
posted by octothorpe 06 October | 12:30
1. The mister is suffering through prep day for his colonoscopy tomorrow.

2. Crappy, crappy sleep last night - tossing and turning, horrible dreams, tinnitus.

3. Tinnitus continuing this morning. It's usually a humming or whooshing sound and I can deal with that. Last night and today it sounds like wee jingle bells off in the distance. It's driving me bonkers.

PS: Yay for happy pills, (((Grace))).
posted by deborah 06 October | 13:04
1) I am too angry to comment on my situation.
2) A self-rightous vegan is bitching about where I run my broilers.
3) Fuck yuppies with a condo directly in their view.
posted by stet 06 October | 13:10
1. My back is still kerflooey. I can do very little, though I'm gently pushing those limits a little more ever day --- partly to test my flexibility and strength, and partly from sheer freaking boredom.

2. We have friends coming over tonight. We cancelled once already and rescheduled, expecting that I'd be recovered. No such luck.

3. The Fella, who is taking care of virtually everything, has decided it is BURRITO NIGHT. He's pretty excited... so excited that he demands BURRITO NIGHT be in all caps, even when spoken aloud.
posted by Elsa 06 October | 14:10
1. Enjoying this so-beautiful weather. My favorite time of year!!

2. Doing some deep soul searching, but cannot find THE ANSWER. I wish someone would just tell me what to do, and give me the strength to do it.

3. Visited a cemetery and found the grave of the boy killed in the 1916 shark attacks here in NJ. The shark actually swam inland into a creek! Poor kid.
posted by redvixen 06 October | 14:55
1) Woke up at 6:30, got the kid to school
2) Slept in until 11:30 to fight off the ten-day congestion, and then went to work.
3) Buying a paintball marker tonight! Pew pew pew!
posted by not_on_display 06 October | 15:13
1. Feeling crappy, crappy, crappy.

2. Rejoined old string group. Would not allow myself to do so for more than a year, telling myself that I should spend the time and energy instead searching for boyfriends, online and otherwise. Then realized that 1) I've been spending almost zero time actually doing this and 2) My chances of finding one don't really depend on whether I join the string group or not.

3. What redvixen said in #2.
posted by Melismata 06 October | 16:54
1) Took two trains out to The Ghetto of Nowhere to get fingerprinted for my new job. They just called me and said my prints got rejected and I have to go back out there and retake them. I have very small hands and I wash my hands frequently. This will not wendell.

2) Despite washing my hands frequently, I am sick.

3) I am making unauthentic sambusa tonight, based on one of my favorite Ask cooking threads. I'm cooking red lentils in coconut milk/onion/garlic/cumin, folding in fresh cilantro, wrapping in wonton wrappers and frying. If I have leftover wrappers I'm thinking about making a little fried pocket filled with a puree of cream cheese, queso fresco, lime juice, sour cream, and lots of chipotles.
posted by Juliet Banana 06 October | 17:51
What a great thread Juliet Banana! Thanks!
posted by typewriter 06 October | 18:21
1. Aching everywhere from cleaning most of the day yesterday. My floors, they shine.

2. Did I just get counter-offered by the department I was leaving? Less than a week before my new start date? I genuinely don't know what to do now. Really, really don't.

3. The changing leaves are beautiful but fill me with dread.
posted by notquitemaryann 06 October | 21:16
1. The contractor told me he wanted to come in to refinish the floors when I was in the Carolinas, but hasn't responded to my email to confirm this.
2. Would have liked to have had more of a chance to talk to danf and ms danf at the meetup...but my earlier thing that night didn't start on time.
3.Do NOT like the way I look in photos. The bike at the gym isn't enough.
posted by brujita 07 October | 01:13
Let's hear your plumbing nightmare stories || Snow globes of doom!