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30 August 2009

Who's ticklish? A survey. Me only sometimes.

Your turn!
not me. nuh uh. don't even think about it.
But I know someone who is. Not at liberty to share her username but I can safely say that it starts with a g and end with omi.
posted by special-k 30 August | 20:43
OK, ok, then I have to say I know someone who is, too. And he's a cereal. No, not Trix.
posted by Stewriffic 30 August | 20:43
*puts on kevlar suit*
posted by gomichild 30 August | 20:44
quote from #bunnies - special-k: stop it. I'm quite ticklish
posted by gomichild 30 August | 20:47
I have done blood-drawing* violence when tickled in the past, so ticklish am I.

*Okay, not intentionally, but still.
posted by notquitemaryann 30 August | 21:11
it depends upon whos doing the tickling .
posted by rollick 30 August | 21:13
A bit. It depends on the skill of the tickler. If they're one of those aggravating fucks that goes for the hard pinch/strength tickle--I'm likely to just punch them in the face instead of getting the skin giggles.
posted by sperose 30 August | 21:41
I am very ticklish. . .to the extent that I have reacted inappropriately in situations where no harm was meant. . .

My sister and her friends used to hold me down and tickle me and it was torture. . .very abusive. . .so since then I have no patience with anyone who wants to play at it.
posted by danf 30 August | 21:58
I hear ya danf. Personal boundaries on these things get very weird. I'm too ticklish to let anyone go for more than a handful seconds.

PS. Stew is too much of a lady to add the mandatory WHERE part to this question. For me the sides are pretty bad!
posted by Firas 30 August | 23:06
Not at all.
posted by arse_hat 31 August | 00:13
I think I'm less ticklish than a lot of people. If I concentrate hard enough, I can stay calm while being tickled, which means people usually think I'm not ticklish at all.
posted by unsurprising 31 August | 00:53
Very ticklish, particularly feet and sides. My husband doesn't get that it's NOT FUNNY IN FACT IT'S VERY UNPLEASANT when he tickles my feet. I foresee a semi-accidental kick to the private parts in his future.
posted by altolinguistic 31 August | 03:08
My sister could torment me terribly when I was a kid - I was really sensitive. Since then there hasn't been anyone to really put it to the test. Just the occasional nose.
posted by Wolfdog 31 August | 05:55
What unsurprising said, pretty much.
posted by box 31 August | 09:29
Don't touch me, ever. Potential boyfriends who think it's cute or funny to tickle me will be out the door so fast they won't know what hit them. And, what danf said.
posted by Melismata 31 August | 09:39
Yep, very ticklish on my sides and feet.
posted by deborah 31 August | 13:19
Teehee! No, not there NOT THERE aaaaaaggghghghghghg stoppleasenow
posted by dhartung 31 August | 13:54
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