Polaroid is dead. Long live Poladroid. So, Polaroid no longer makes instant film
(though you can still find it for sale at the moment).
→[More:] Luckily, we now have
Poladroid (available free for PC and Mac, though the creator will accept donations) to give your digital pics chunky white paper borders, colors that are slightly off, occasional streaks, and that weird retro charm.
The program puts an image of a Polaroid camera on your desktop, and then you just drop an image file onto it. Then, you wait for it to develop. (You can even shake the photo, which, just like in real life, does nothing!) If you like how it looks at some point during the development process, you can grab a still of it as it looks at that moment, then let it finish developing.
The colors can come out a little bit random, so sometimes it's worth running the same image through the program several times and deciding which result you like best. You can also toggle on "damage" to the photo, like fingerprints and smudges.
There's a
Flickr group for Poladroids, of course, and
here are some I've made so far.
(I'll post a couple in a comment for folks who have trouble connecting to Flickr)
So if any of my fellow photographers out there decide to play with this, and you really should, post your results here!