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Comment Feed:


12 June 2009

It's time to claim your Facebook username! Quick, run and get what you want before somebody else does!
I call dibs on "mullacc".
posted by Eideteker 12 June | 23:13
Now I gotta figure out how to use it.
posted by Ardiril 12 June | 23:26
Actually, I'm still trying to figure out how to even work Facebook into my online life.
posted by Ardiril 12 June | 23:27
My account was disabled because I used WolfDaddy as my "real" name for, like, ever and then they apparently decided that was a no-no, so now I can't log into my account. Whateva.
posted by WolfDaddy 12 June | 23:29
We've had a lot of fun coming up with totally disgusting and hilarious Facebook names that somehow are allowed. Like "dickpie." It's still available, so hurry!
posted by kyleg 12 June | 23:30
Heh, there is a guy named "Richard Pie"... maybe he'd like it.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 12 June | 23:33
I'm boring; I just claimed my real name.
posted by deborah 12 June | 23:37
Whoa, I'm actually glad for the heads-up on this. /rachel was not available, but the next-best was.
posted by notquitemaryann 12 June | 23:38
Yay, mine was still there. There doesn't seem to be too many sperose's in the interwebs.
posted by sperose 12 June | 23:38
deborah: That's not boring, that's edgy!
posted by Ardiril 12 June | 23:39
The ones I wanted were either 1) unavailable, or 2) not long enough. So screw 'em.
posted by casarkos 12 June | 23:51
mrmoonpie, boyeeee!

I was tempted to grab johnkennethfisher, like I did with gmail. I have absolutely nothing against that metafilter user, but the name has always cracked me up. I eventually emailed him and gave him the rights, at least. I think he was a bit freaked out.
posted by mrmoonpie 12 June | 23:52
I guess I'm lame, I used my real name.
I was considering going with rmless, but I don't want everyone there to know me on mecha and mefi...
posted by rmless2 12 June | 23:55
Wait, so you can register a pseudonym with them now? You don't have to give real information? Or do you have to have a real name behind it, so the marketers to whom facebook sell all your info know yet another level of everything about their users?

Sorry, I'm sure if I was a registered facebook user I'd be able to see what the link is all about, but I'm trapped in enough machines as it is. Name, rank serial number, blood type, collar size, sexual history, no thanks.
posted by Hugh Janus 13 June | 00:10
No, they still want real information for your profile. This just regards the link that leads to your profile.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 13 June | 00:14
I'd resist the urge to tie my online handle to my real name in a place as public as facebook, but then again, I'm too paranoid to even join in the first place.

posted by Hugh Janus 13 June | 00:39
You could also just email your info directly to the CIA.

(Not endorsing this theory, BTW, but it is kind of intriguing.)
posted by BoringPostcards 13 June | 00:45
If someone already claimed /valette like the form tells me, why can't I go to
posted by rhapsodie 13 June | 01:14
Used my real name, too. Facebook doesn't bother me much because I've always kept a profile there that I wouldn't mind anyone knowing my real name (including potential employers) seeing. Even my photo is a boring, conservative headshot. Friends have added a couple of others, but nothing remotely embarrassing. Having a hyphenated and thereby almost unique name gives a person a sort of built-in wariness about what they'll allow to be linked to them but also a sense of resignation that if someone wants to find you, they will, I guess.
posted by notquitemaryann 13 June | 01:27
So it begins...

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by fiendishthingy 13 June | 03:41
Every single time I'm reminded of how common my name is (not John Smith common, but pretty common), I'm surprised. I got longformoffirstnamelastname, though, which is okay, I guess, though I don't know that I'll ever use it for anything.

Outside of Myspace users, it seems like most less tech-savvy folks are about as comfortable with 'type my name in the Facebook search bar' than they are with 'go to'
posted by box 13 June | 07:11
I got lastname.firstname. I also have a common name...
posted by Stewriffic 13 June | 08:29
Me too. My name is not that common, but there are people on Facebook who have it, so I'm glad I snagged it. Thanks for the heads up, TPS.
posted by Orange Swan 13 June | 08:33
Insanely, this has prompted me to actually join Facebook. Except I seem to be stuck with an hourglass cursor on that tab.
posted by dhartung 13 June | 10:32
Ah, multiple iterations of Noscript tweaks and I'm through the captcha. I do know I won't be able to sign up for any version of my name right away. But, what now?
posted by dhartung 13 June | 10:48
I also felt bizarrely tempted to join facebook and grab my url, since there are about thirty people on there with my real name and no-one's got it yet.

But I shall stay strong!
posted by TheophileEscargot 13 June | 10:49
I have a common name, but I got sthomson06, which is ok because I mostly use facebook to catch up with college friends (and we graduated in '06).

I thought about "muddgirl" but sometimes it gives people the wrong idea...
posted by muddgirl 13 June | 11:03
There are roughly a dozen Facebook users under my real name, and I can see all of us.

(Actually, though Facebook lists me under my chosen name complete with my preferred initial, it elides the initial on my user-side profile page. What the heck? Surely if it can display my preferred name to others, it can display it to me, right? What am I missing?)
posted by Elsa 13 June | 11:03
OK, I guess I found the MeCha and MeFi groups, and I was happy to find my ex wasn't listed under my church back in Evanston. These tricky questions of netiquette.
posted by dhartung 13 June | 11:04
Oh, I just logged in for the first time a coupla months, and evidently I'm wrong about that; Facebook must have rejected my initial, so I went without. (I'm positive I attempted to put in my display name --- I always use it.)
posted by Elsa 13 June | 11:15
I got my real name too. Was tempted to throw my maiden name in there but people from my past manage to find me without it, so whatever.

posted by bunnyfire 13 June | 11:40
My first instinct was to just take my last name (which was available), but then I felt like that would be jerky to the other people with my last name on FB (they are all relatives). So, I did first initial and last name. No one else in my family has my first initial. Well, no one else on FB, anyway. There are a couple of little kids that may be irritated in about 10 years.
posted by amro 13 June | 12:28
I'm guessing Obie Fernandez is a wee bit pissed off. Oh well, you snooze you looze.

I don't really use Facebook; I signed up because everyone else did (I'm such a follower). I've thought about deleting it, but once in a while there's a link to Facebook I want to follow and wouldn't be able to read it if I had an inactive account.
posted by deborah 13 June | 13:18
Are you comfortable? || Basement cat has taken up residence in my front yard.