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12 February 2009

New Bun for Pie and Sakura! So, we're getting excited! The roommate is on good terms again, but is moving out on the first of April.

So, of course, we're adopting another bun once we have her room. :)[More:]

We have the resources to help a bun with special needs, and I really want a BIG bun to play with my little bun.

Alice has been great around other buns and kitties, so we're thinking of fostering as well.

I'm waiting to hear back from Jewel's current foster home about the price of filing her teeth. Anyone here have experience with that? Alice's teeth are managed on cardboard and carrots.
and I forgot the more tag...again...
posted by sakura 12 February | 23:15
Note sure if it is the same with pigs and buns, but might be somewhat similar.
My guinea pig needed teeth trimming. The front incisors are not too bad if they can be done with going under. Some animals are pretty wiggly. The back molars eventually ended up being a serious problem with my guinea pig that despite regular attention to them could not save him. The procedures to deal with the back molars were costly. Very costly.
posted by typewriter 12 February | 23:18
Are we talking hundreds, or thousands? A hundred or so once a year is something I will save for.
posted by sakura 12 February | 23:26
The incisors were about a hundred. The back molars, because the pig had to go under (so essentially, surgery) was the other one. I can't even bear to type it out. I know the vet that I went to was especially pricey, but specialized in exotics.
posted by typewriter 12 February | 23:53
OUCH. Well, apparently, Jewel has been getting this done for some time. I'll let you know when the foster mama gets back with pricing.

btw - I really respect that you were so kind to a little Guinea. I've had some very sweet babies before myself. When you really love them, the money doesn't matter, but I don't want to take on Jewel if someone else can take better care.
posted by sakura 12 February | 23:57
Oh, wee pig. I'm not sure if I would've done anything differently since that little pig had so much spunk and bounced right back each time. At the same time, it was a lot of money and I am feeling that pinch now. Good luck with your decision!
posted by typewriter 13 February | 00:20
Yay for new bunnies!
I constantly debate getting Senator a friend, but he is a diva and I think it might not be right for him. He hasn't really been around other bunnies though, so I am not sure.

It would be fun to get the bunny with the side-flip button.
Senator does that sometimes when I'm petting him or when he wants to attract my attention, but I wish he'd do it more!
posted by rmless2 13 February | 00:57
squee! the side flip! We call it a "flop". This was the first sign of affection I got from Alice, and I hold it so dear. :)

We have a friend with a normal size bun. Alice didn't just accept her, she totally ignored her, like a piece of furniture. After all, Alice's obviously a human. :)
posted by sakura 13 February | 01:01
There's an excellent reference here for rabbit dental care. It looks like it's an ongoing and quite probably financially onerous responsibility, though, to take on a bun with molar problems.
posted by essexjan 13 February | 07:33
Yay for rescues!
posted by deborah 13 February | 14:02
The bun in essexjan's link is named TAZ!!!
posted by typewriter 14 February | 17:01
GET YOUR BUTT TO #BUNNIES RIGHT NOW || I Played Bass In A Band Tonight and Even Sang!