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25 August 2009

Ouch ouch OUCH! [More:] So, I was doing the normal bicycle ride into work this morning. I was at a red light, and when it turned green I went to stand on the pedals to accelerate and ZOUNDZ something popped/slipped/snapped in my back, just above the tail bone.

I was suddenly wracked with pain. I sat down into the seat and pushed on through the pain. I was about halfway to work and decided to just continue on. My back was very tender and hurt like hell if I didn't move right.

I got into work and could barely climb off the bike (dismounting meaning I had to swing my leg over the seat--- OUCH!)

I took Advil after changing into my work clothes; I could barely move for the first couple hours, but after that I was just very sore.

My back is still messed up; I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow. Hopefully this won't keep me off the bike too long.
posted by Ardiril 25 August | 21:47
Whoa! Ouch!

Yikes. Hope it's not serious - maybe just a muscle spasm or something?
posted by Miko 25 August | 22:18
Ouch indeed! Whenever I have a back issue I find my chiropractor more help than my MD.
posted by arse_hat 25 August | 22:31
Ouch! Hope it's nothing too major!
posted by gomichild 25 August | 22:46
Ouch! Hope you're OK soon.
posted by jason's_planet 25 August | 22:54
yikes. Brave man. Hope it clears up soon.
posted by Firas 25 August | 22:57
EEEEE, Doohickie! Get thee to a chiro/physical therapist (whichever will do ultrasound) pronto.
posted by brujita 25 August | 23:35
Ouch indeedy. Be well...
posted by Stewriffic 26 August | 07:38
Ouchie ouch! Yeah, I had a bit of a thing with an ankle about 10 days back, kept me off my bike, but it went away pretty quickly. Good luck.
posted by dhartung 26 August | 09:35
Update: Diagnosis was simple strained back (ligaments/muscles). It's feeling better already, although today was worse than yesterday. I'm blaming the anti-inflammatory my doctor gave me; I think good ol' Advil works better than Naproxin Sodium, at least for me.

I'm figuring a few more days to a week off the bike, but we'll see how things go.

Tuesday was the most painful day I've had in a long, long time. I'm just glad it wasn't something more serious.

When it first happened, I was convinced I had done something Truly Terrible to my spine. I told the doctor it was exactly centered, but on closer questioning I realized that the left side was a little worse than my right. Today it is clearly sore on my left side; the right is almost okay in terms of bending, moving, etc. Doing stuff with the left leg is still ouch ouch ouch.

At this point, though, I'll take what I got and be thankful it wasn't something worse.
posted by Doohickie 27 August | 20:24
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