Space Shuttle Discovery →[More:]Sorry I don't have pictures. My battery was dead. Tonight we drove down to Titusville to see the launch. Around 5 o'clock I was driving home from the beach and my sister called and said, "Let's go see the shuttle!" We all drove down with the dogs. I couldn't believe we found a parking space. We got there around 10 minutes before it went up.
To jason's_planet: There is sound. I don't know how I forgot about the sound but there is rumbling once it's in the sky. You don't hear it until 5-10 seconds after the launch because it has to travel across the water. I guess I forgot about the sound because I usually watch it go up in my town. The last time I was in the Cape area was two years ago. I guess I forgot about the rumbling because all of the cheering.
Of course there were a million people there and it took us forever to get home. I'm glad we went, though. It was spectacular as usual and the kids love it.