I'm going to a urologist tomorow and I'm scaaaared! →[More:]
I posted about how I've had a UTI for three weeks. Now it's been over a month, I'm on my fourth cycle of antibiotics, and come to realize my GP isn't cutting it.
So tomorrow I go to a urologist! Anybody ever been? Is it scary? Will I die? I might definitely die, right? My left kidney feels weird but I really can't tell what I'm inventing in my head and what's real. I'm far too prone to self-effacement and it's been a big struggle taking myself and this illness seriously. But it's serious! I don't want to feel like crap anymore!
What can be wrong with me? Kidney stones? Dead kidneys? Ugggh, I shudder to find out. Unless it ends in complete resolving of all symptoms and aches and pains, and a good night's sleep. In which case, I will take whatever diagnosis is being offered!
But still, I'm scared. Did I mention that? Scared! Halp!