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Comment Feed:


30 August 2009

So! Michael Cera! What career-changing role should he take to break the "George Micheal" typecasting?


I'll go first.

A FTM transman with anger issues.

A Con-Man using the dopey twee-heart schick as a cover.

A violent serial killer who targets magic pixie dream girls.
High-school quarterback with anger issues and a secret addiction

Bloodthirsty soldier out for revenge

George Michael (the singer, in a Wham! biopic)
posted by kyleg 30 August | 11:57
Hardnosed wunderkind Wall St. type, climbing over his elders and betters to reach success.

Pensive bookish cub reporter on the trail of a particularly grisly killer. It turns out that --- gasp! --- he is the killer!

Rainman remake: he plays both parts.
posted by Elsa 30 August | 12:46
He could play the same stereotype over and over again for the rest of his career, and I'd never stop loving it. Also: Clark and Michael.
posted by ColdChef 30 August | 13:06
He should play ColdChef in "ColdChef: The Movie".
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 30 August | 14:25
I read his wikipedia entry and I still don't really know who he is. I figure I am about ten years behind the times before the good stuff pops up on my netflix radar.
posted by Ardiril 30 August | 14:55
Me, too. It's great to be old.
posted by jonmc 30 August | 14:59
He should play ColdChef in "ColdChef: The Movie".

Seth Rogen has gotten too skinny to play my fat ass.
posted by ColdChef 30 August | 15:05
OMG the role I want to see him play is totally the character from ColdChef's link!

BTW, I may be old enough to be his mother, but I still have a movie star crush on the guy. Michael Cera, not ColdChef. Sorry, ColdChef.
posted by evilcupcakes 30 August | 15:53

really? he looks like his balls haven't dropped yet.
posted by jonmc 30 August | 16:12
I read his wikipedia entry and I still don't really know who he is. I figure I am about ten years behind the times before the good stuff pops up on my netflix radar.

what he said. of course, I also didn't know who Hannah Montana was until this year.
posted by desjardins 30 August | 16:17
He should play a woman.
posted by fuq 30 August | 17:16
a woman what?
posted by jonmc 30 August | 18:11
He could apprentice to Dexter. . .
posted by danf 30 August | 21:56
He could apprentice to Dexter. . .

You can just hear it, can;t you?

"I like, when it's red."


"the blood. When the blood is red-red like that. It means they're healthy. Dark blood is diseased, or, or bad, inside. And black blood is from the ..the stomach. It's been digested. I like it when it's red. Feels cleaner. Better."

posted by The Whelk 30 August | 22:26
I wish Michael Cera would stop making movies altogether. I wanted to slap the shit out of him in Juno, and he's making me pine for Wiley Wiggins, whom I loathe with a white-hot passion.*

*all hyperbole about current actors and how much I loathe them is simply hyperbole meant to ironically indicate how much I don't enjoy their films.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 31 August | 18:13
Impossible is the Opposite of Possible

I'm looking forward to his new movie with Edgar Wright
posted by fiendishthingy 01 September | 21:07
Giant inflatable banana (mildly nsfw) || Bunny! OMG!