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Comment Feed:


06 August 2009

RIP John Hughes I am stunned.
No one/nothing else represents my early adolescence as well as his work does. I'm betting a lot of other people my age will say the same.
posted by mudpuppie 06 August | 16:45
The North Shore mourns.
posted by dhartung 06 August | 16:47
posted by Hugh Janus 06 August | 16:52
No one/nothing else represents my early adolescence as well as his work does. I'm betting a lot of other people my age will say the same.

Hughes was OK (and obviously, I'm sad to see him go) but some might say that the work of Tim Hunter, Kevin Smith and Todd Solondz capture adolescence far more accurately.
posted by jonmc 06 August | 17:12
Don't You Forget About Me ...
posted by essexjan 06 August | 17:14
I'm not saying his was an accurate depiction of adolescence, but that they're representative of that period in my life.
posted by mudpuppie 06 August | 17:37
Naked blonde walks into a bar with a poodle under one arm, and a two-foot salami under the other. The bartender says, I guess you won't be needing a drink. Naked lady says...
posted by getoffmylawn 06 August | 17:44
While Hughes movies didn't really reflect the specifics of my own adolescence, I think he did an excellent job of finding and exploring the commonalities, or essential truths or something, about adolescence in general. They don't call 'em coming-of-age movies for nothin'.

And jon, I think you forgot Larry Clark.
posted by box 06 August | 17:45
I've only actually seen Breakfast Club, which I hated, but he seems to have a lot of fans. To me he just represents the eighties which I hated. It's probably not fair to identify him with Ronald Reagan but I have a hard time separating them.
posted by octothorpe 06 August | 19:22
59? Way too young. Definitely sad about this; the Breakfast Club is one of my favourite movies.
posted by deborah 06 August | 20:21
"Planes, Trains, & Automobiles" is one of my favorite comedies of all time. Great from start to finish.
posted by Ike_Arumba 06 August | 20:44
Except for "The Breakfast Club," I sort of hated his movies back in the day. It was only later that I realized what a time capsule they were, and that they really are a strange little body of work that's unique to him. He had a vision, and he got to work it out on screen, and people used to come see him do it. Good for him. RIP, Mr. Hughes.

(Also, "Uncle Buck." That movie was the perfect vehicle for John Candy, and I'm so glad that movie happened, because it was hilarious.)
posted by BoringPostcards 06 August | 21:34
Also, yeah, while I'm not crazy about Hughes' teen movies (though I liked a lot of 'em when I was a teen), I think that a lot of his comedies are pretty brilliant.
posted by box 06 August | 21:56
I'm not saying his was an accurate depiction of adolescence, but that they're representative of that period in my life.

posted by gaspode 07 August | 00:08
I'm not saying his was an accurate depiction of adolescence, but that they're representative of that period in my life.


That article is horribly written... Hughes wrote and exec produced Ringwald starrer "Pretty in Pink," which felt of a piece with his directing projects,
posted by Specklet 07 August | 07:13
I found THIS super's a blog post from a kid who was his pen pal eventually. It's really a great story, and also retells how Hughes blamed the Hollywood machine for John Candy's death, and how that was partly what led him to leave Hollywood.
posted by richat 07 August | 09:43
I think Ferris Bueller is the only one of his movies I saw in first release, in the movie theatre, and I liked it primarily because we were living outside LA, and hadn't been home to Chicago in forEVER. I know I did not like Pretty in Pink or Some Kind of Wonderful when I saw them.

Hughes' sense of humor is nothing like mine, so other than my not finding his writing funny, what BoPo said.
posted by crush-onastick 07 August | 10:06
Wow, richat, that blog post is amazing.
posted by essexjan 07 August | 10:09
@richat: Sonuvabitch. That totally made me cry.
posted by TrishaLynn 07 August | 10:54
Yeah, I'd be lying if I didn't say it made me well up some. Which was a little weird while in the midst of getting the girls out the door this morning.
posted by richat 07 August | 11:09
Wow Rich, thanks for sharing that. I loved Hughes' movies, and that makes him seem more real somehow...less hollywood, more human. Thanks.
posted by Dejah 07 August | 12:33
Rich, thanks. So sweet... some kind of wonderful, even.
posted by scody 07 August | 13:40
Hugging you for that, richat.
posted by mudpuppie 07 August | 13:56
I couldn't read richat's link yesterday, I needed some distance. I read it today; waiting a day didn't help, dammit.

Thanks, richat.
posted by deborah 07 August | 20:32
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