If it's three things at a time, I'm toast. 1) Imminent separation on the part of my two best friends; 2) cat has to have major dental work; 3)? landslide? because that's what I'm expecting.
When I say my two best friends, I mean like imagine your twin married to your best friend. The fact that they are separating and that divorce is a real possibility is like a punch in the stomach and a death in the family all at the same time. We were supposed to all get old together! And they're both hurting. It's unbearable. At least no one is "at fault." I can't blog about it because they both know of my blog, and besides, it's not my life. I hate people who appropriate others' grief, but this is so, so close. And I can't do a damn thing other than listen and watch. And, because TODAY IS MY DAY, PEOPLE, my cat,
my sweet little boy, is going to have to have about five teeth out including a canine, and apparently has very bad tooth issues for a cat his age (5 years), which may be related to his shelter life before we adopted him and his sister. Which means I have no one and also myself to blame, which is a barrel of monkeys. #3 will be that my car has to be replaced of that the vet bill goes into the thousands. Sigh. Stay tuned.