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30 April 2009

WOO HOO! The cat just managed to hit the tile floor while puking, rather than the white carpeting! [More:]That is seriously the highlight of my otherwise completely useless week so far.
Well, ok, mostly not on the white carpeting.
posted by occhiblu 30 April | 19:34
Pets are so good at vomiting on the things that vomit are the hardest to get out of. Luckily, my dog does enough of a warning dance that I can usually grab her and hold her over something easy to clean.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 30 April | 19:37
Pets are so good at vomiting on the things that vomit are the hardest to get out of.

Indeed. Plus, she's horking up grass, which means it leaves grass stains as well if I scrub too hard when trying to clean it up.
posted by occhiblu 30 April | 19:40
I used to live in a house that was 90% tile. The cat would invariably throw up in the one carpeted room. Now that my house is all carpet, he will usually try to puke on an important document.
posted by Twiggy 30 April | 19:44
I miss the sound of our cat puking.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 30 April | 21:29
One of my cats is a very creative and theatrical vomiter. In her latest episode, she started retching on top of the freezer then leaned over the side so that her vomit managed to hit the freezer handle, the washing machine lid, the side of a shelf AND the rug that I had just washed.

It all happened so fast, I didn't even have time to react and/or try to move her. When it was all over, she just looked at me like "Wow, did you see what I did?"
posted by amyms 30 April | 21:30
occhiblu, what do you use? I've found that Shout spray carpet cleaner gets every bit of cat puke, including occasional grass stains, out of my grey low-pile carpet.
posted by maudlin 30 April | 21:31
I had the same thought as LT. Ah, the memories of being awoken during the wee hours and leaping to grab the cat and place her onto a hardwood surface before the puking began.

It's all part of the cat thing.

amyms: that is a cat with some serious puking finesse.
posted by Miko 30 April | 21:35
When it was all over, she just looked at me like "Wow, did you see what I did?"


maudlin, I'm finding the most effective thing I have on hand is lots of water and a bit of Dr. Bronner's soap, but I want to pick up some CitraSolv, because it's been really good in the past.

I haven't tried Shout, though.
posted by occhiblu 30 April | 22:14
"Wow, did you see what I did?"

I think the other cat reaction is to look at the offending product, sniff, and walk away. Implied: "Where on earth did this vile substance come from? Who is responsible for this? It should be removed IMMEDIATELY. Inform me when the task is done."
posted by Miko 30 April | 22:32
I think the other cat reaction is to look at the offending product, sniff, and walk away. Implied: "Where on earth did this vile substance come from? Who is responsible for this? It should be removed IMMEDIATELY. Inform me when the task is done."
posted by Miko

Then there's the dogs' reaction when the offending substance is found before I can clean it up, which is "Yay! A treat!" (which makes ME want to retch)
posted by amyms 30 April | 22:49
Abigail is hilarious when she barfs. It's urp, urp, urp and then spew. As she's spewing she leaps backwards several feet at the same time. She has this OMG WHAT IS HAPPENING horrified look on her face. I hate cat puke but it kills me every time I see her do it.
posted by deborah 01 May | 00:18
So far this morning (it's 9am here) I have scrubbed cat vomit out of the cream rug AND discarded a partially eviscerated mouse. Both offences committed while we were asleep, though the mouse was deposited at the foot of the bed so we'd find it in the morning.

Moulting/hairball season and increased hunting instinct run in parallel, it would seem.
posted by altolinguistic 01 May | 03:09
Sounds like the cat was puking from a great height! Stunt vomit.
posted by rainbaby 01 May | 07:42
Wow. That's some mad stunt vomiting skillz.

I had the unmitigated joy of starting my morning by cleaning an astounding amount of cat shit out of our carpet. Which had been left under the computer chair. Which I found with my foot as I settled in for my morning internet session, and which also smeared all over the hem of my cozy pjs. God, how I miss cleaning up simple puke. (Luckily for me, BOP is usually on poo detail since they're not my cats, and I bless him for that every single day.)
posted by elizard 01 May | 07:48
My kittens aren't old enough for hairballs yet, but I'm kinda looking forward to it in a weird way. But only for SCIENCE!

See, my big cat and little Cosa were (are?) both orange tabbies. Now I have two other colors to add to the mix. So I think that I'll probably be able to tell who puked in the middle of the night simply by the color of the puddle. I realize that I'm going to have an exponentially greater amount of cat vomit to clean up in coming months, but I'm still kind of looking forward to seeing what color it'll be.

And in other cat vomit news, big cat's been working on getting up a hairball for the last couple days. When Zuzu discovers his leavings, she very sweetly tries to bury it for him, using the carpet.
posted by mudpuppie 01 May | 10:34
I am "lucky" enough to have a semi-long haired white cat who yowls in a distinct way before he pukes - usually. Time enough to grab him off the couch, and position him either over the garbage can or the linoleum.

I'm sure others on here have experienced finding old coughed up hairballs in unexpected places. Our most unexpected place was the top of the kitchen cabinets. At least when it's petrified, it's much easier to clean!
posted by redvixen 01 May | 20:51
Do I have the pig flu? || zombie swine flu?? seriously?