What do you do to create serendipity? I was bemoaning my sorry professional state to my oldest friend this weekend and we ended up talking about the random events which always seem to be the best and only source of good jobs.
→[More:] For instance, he got his new (awesome job) because a series of minor errors prevented him from ever getting a building pass which led to him cracking a joke to the person who could and did hire him for something better for which he needed an entirely different sort of building pass. I got my first (and awesome) job after law school because I woman I knew only casually heard me remark to someone that I didn't have an offer yet right after she had gotten off the phone with her sister (a judge) who had happened to mention she hadn't hired a clerk yet.
You can't plan these things but they seem to be the only way (particularly in an 18% unemployment market) to get desirable work. So what do you do to encourage these sorts of happenings? How do you recognize them?