Why do I keep getting sent to the Google homepage? Ikkyu2 is a saint, and he just installed a new hard drive for me after mine crashed rather spectacularly. Everything seems to be working fine, except that about one out of four times, Firefox is giving me either 404 error pages or routing me to the Google homepage rather than to the URL I typed in. Why, and how to fix?
* The URLs I'm typing are correct; some are even autofilled bookmarked pages. Metachat is among them; the navigation bar says "http://www.metachat.org", the title bar will say "MetaChat," the little bunny icon even appears, but the page loaded is the Google homepage.
* I have tried flushing the Windows DNS cache and disabling the FireFox DNS cache. I thought it helped, but then it stopped helping.
* Shift-refresh sometimes makes the page load correctly after it has loaded incorrectly.
* I have privoxy running, if that makes any difference.