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Comment Feed:


02 February 2009

Which glasses/spectacls do you have--which would you recommend I'd buy? I want something that are not too expensive, and ones that look good on the face. Black would be a nice colour, but I'm also open to Red and Golden.[More:]

What are the best brands out there, and what should I be looking out for?

My size is 1.5 in one eye, and .75 in the other. But they've gone up since, so I have to get them checked as well.
Oops, forgot to put that part in the More Inside page.
posted by hadjiboy 02 February | 23:01
Thanks Taz, or whoever I have to thank for that input--it wasn't looking nice on the front page to tell you the truth.

Oh, and I tried to post this on MetaTalk but couldn't (the date was already over--my fault) but the cydonian was in town recently (and still is until the night of the eighth) and we were talking about you. Along with nicky of course, and infini, flapjax-at-midnite and ArtW.

Good times were had by all, mainly the two of us, and he was a great guy coming all the way down here.
posted by hadjiboy 02 February | 23:14
I have CK frames. I don't think there any "worse" than the full on calvin kleins... but they were about $300 less. I like them.
I have plastic frames. After having my last pair I don't know if I'll ever go back to metal. Plastic is just SO much more comfy. I don't even notice I have them on. No nose pinch at all. No red marks there when i take them off, either.
(plus, since there's no teensy nosepads there's nowhere for the oils from your skin to gather and cause breakouts and so on- way easier to just wipe these down at night and keep them clean. I don't get zits on my nose since switching to plastic frames.)
posted by kellydamnit 03 February | 00:30
I'm wearing the cheap black plastic frames I got as a free second pair the last time I bought glasses. I ended up preferring them to the 'designer' metal ones I'd picked out as my first choice.
posted by misteraitch 03 February | 04:08
I have a very small nose so can't wear plastic frames - I need the little nosepads so the specs don't fall off! YMMV.

I've got two pairs of metal frames - one dark green and a kind of flattened hexagon in shape, and one dark red and more like rectangles (both have rounded edges, so not as geometric as the description makes them sound).
posted by altolinguistic 03 February | 09:14
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