I Gave Birth To My Inner Child Last Night In A Dream.... →[More:]
Last night I dreamt I fathered a little boy who looked exactly like me, and who could speak full sentences and walk after only being two weeks old.
There was some kind of hitch involved, though, because the woman I'd fathered him with kept changing in the dream. Or it wasn't made clear who she was, except a lot of them seemed to be old girlfriends or good friends of mine.
Anyway, the mom decided she didn't want to tell him I was his father, but needed my financial support, so she wanted to let me have visitation rights.
So during one of these, I came over and said to this little boy, "you do know I'm your father, right?" and then he and I totally bonded and did everything together. He ran around calling me Dad.
Someone in the dream gave me this special necklace with a little symbol on it, that was meant to signify I was a new father to everyone who saw it.
So I put it around my neck, and me and this little kid went zooming off to the grocery store in a go-cart.
I have never dreamt about fathering any children before in my life, ever, and I think this post will never do justice to how profound and amazing this dream felt and how powerful it is to think about upon waking.