Eighties rock ballads and other mood killers A former manager who worked at my company, named "Bryan", had this story to tell, and I'm relaying it to you. When he and his brother were still living at home years ago his brother used to try to disguise the fact that he was getting it on with his girlfriend in his room by playing eighties rock ballads. They’d disappear into the room, shut the door, and crank up the music...
I WANNA KNOW WHAT LOVE IS… AND I WANT YOU TO SHOW ME”.... Bryan used to take his backpack and leave the house, because he couldn’t stand it. But it really got funny when Bryan’s mother finally figured out what was going on. She would hammer on Bryan’s brother’s door and yell, in her West Indian accent, “Do not have sex in there! Go have sex in your own house!”. I’ve got to think that was a
major mood killer.