Comment Feed:
Posts about or links to Metafilter are usually fine unless:So I think this is fine.
* You want to bring some drama to our attention.
* You want us to laugh at someone you think is an idiot.
* You feel you've been on the receiving end of some injustice either from Matt or Jess or another user. MetaFilter issues belong on Metatalk, and will be deleted here.
* "Wouldn't it be cool if we all went to Mefi and did X?" No. No it wouldn't.
Many Metachat users also use Metafilter which has a self-policing policy - that is, users are encouraged to publicly call attention to poor quality posts, doubles, self-linking, etc. usually within the thread.
This is heavily discouraged in Metachat.
Metachat's policy is so loose that no user should ever feel the need to admonish another user for not meeting the guidelines.
If you see a post or comment that you think should be deleted or edited then e-mail the mods and they'll deal with it.
So, just chill out, enjoy yourself and leave all that crap to someone else.