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Comment Feed:


28 August 2009

Hey guys! TGIF (LOL amirite?) What are you up to this weekend?
Goodbye events at church for our interim pastor (who is off to Romania), a Fringe show, and rest.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 28 August | 16:25
New lady friend gave me a very ambiguous non-answer, so guess I am going to continue working on my new manuscript. Might watch Cold Souls (despite the fact that it doesn't have great reviews) and hike around Big Basin for a few hours at some point over the weekend.

Other regular weekend things: beer, Sunday NYT, farmer's market, beer, run, beer, maybe go to a party up in Bonny Doon, beer.
posted by special-k 28 August | 16:32
Show tonight, benefit show tomorrow, possible killing of bermuda grass if it doesn't rain, possible poolside frolic, possible shopping/pedi with a friend. Busy.
posted by Stewriffic 28 August | 16:42
Man, today was one hassle after the other. Glad it's over.
posted by chillmost 28 August | 17:06
In-laws just arrived, and I am cooking up some good old Southern shrimp and grits for dinner, to be consumed along with copious amounts of wine and beer. Prolly just do yard work this weekend, which is what my father in law likes to do... FOR FUN!!
Hopefully a cookout on Sunday.
posted by msali 28 August | 17:06
It's a Bank Holiday weekend here, and I also had a half-day today, so it's a lovely long weekend. But the weather has been very changeable, so my plans will depend to some extent on that.

Tomorrow, a haircut, then the tube up to Oxford St and John Lewis, where I plan on spending the last of my birthday gift vouchers. Saturday night will be spent in front of the TV - the BBC is showing the entire first series of The Office. I'm a massive fan of the American version but have never seen the UK one, so this'll be a chance to compare and contrast.

Sunday, not sure, probably watch football, maybe take some stuff down to the council dump.

Monday, if the weather's good, a trip to North Weald Market. If it's bad, I probably won't go too far.

At some point this weekend I plan on putting together my first ever internet dating profile. This terrifies me.
posted by essexjan 28 August | 17:15
Tomorrow morning I'm going to our church's men's breakfast, then donate blood, then lay. Flat. On. My. Back. Hopefully for an extended period. (I wrenched my back on Tuesday and it's still ouch ouch ouch.)
posted by Doohickie 28 August | 18:08
I'm putting an offer in on a 8 minutes! So, I'm nervous. This place is almost exactly what I've been looking for. It's in the neighbourhood I'd hoped for, has the space I need, and isn't a raging shithole like lots of the places I've looked at. So...EEP.
posted by richat 28 August | 18:38
Good luck, richat!
posted by halonine 28 August | 19:02
Hope it works out, richat. Sending good thought ...
posted by Kangaroo 28 August | 19:11
Still waiting....I'm optimistic, but waiting sucks!
posted by richat 28 August | 19:14
I got the place! Woohoo!
posted by richat 28 August | 19:26
^^ woohoo!
posted by special-k 28 August | 19:26
YAY RICHAT!! Congrats!
posted by Stewriffic 28 August | 19:33
Waaaaaaaah! I went to take a shower, and my left eye is goopy and green. Sadly, I decided to stay in tonight, in case it's pinkeye. I really hope it's not pinkeye. That will mess up my weekend. :-(
posted by Stewriffic 28 August | 19:56

I have no idea what's up for this weekend.
posted by deborah 28 August | 20:12
yay richat!!

my weekend's prolly gonna look like this if this cold keeps me from riding:

*coff..coffcoffcoff...coffcoff...* (to infinity)

*incessant yapping from next door neighbours dogs*

*domestic squabble #eleventy-five (for this week) @ the end of the cul-de-sac, wailing kids, possible sirens*

*string trimmers / lawn mowers / leaf blowers*

*shoots self*

have i mentioned I really fucking hate the suburbs? cos I do...
posted by lonefrontranger 28 August | 20:18
Sort of depends on the weather, but I want to go for hike. Otherwise no plans (if that qualifies as a plan). Tonight I've got porter to enjoy.
posted by kodama 28 August | 20:29
Saturday night will be spent in front of the TV - the BBC is showing the entire first series of The Office. I'm a massive fan of the American version but have never seen the UK one, so this'll be a chance to compare and contrast.

The UK version is so much better. Enjoy, essexjan!

Good luck, richat.

Tomorrow morning is jamboree, a double-header, and a practice. Late Saturday afternoon, if I can still stand up after a day of baseball with two kids in the Florida heat, I will go to yoga.

Saturday night is open. Sunday is open. I hope to clean a little and watch movies with my husband.
posted by LoriFLA 28 August | 20:36
My in-laws are coming tomorrow. Sigh.
Going to make sure the sprout gets lots of time playing outside, after the past 3 days of rain. He's happy just to poke around and wander a bit.
Going out for dinner with hubby's friends. It's a long shlep downtown but I have to do it and seem happy about it.
It's not shaping up to be much of a "me" day.
That's what happens when you're the mom.
posted by Kangaroo 28 August | 20:44
Hurray Richat!!!!

Went to gym, then to apt building to drop off dirty clothes. Elevator out of service (paneling replacement) so I had to leave them in package room. Wanted blueberries, but the farmer's market only had peaches. Bought some. Went to synagogue. Rabbi not there, but new cantor led the service. Like her better than the earlier one. Had so-so Italian at new place. Midnight screening of we live in public---thought guy was creepy.
posted by brujita 29 August | 02:05
Doing the Bridge to Brisbane on Sunday. Aiming for 50 minutes. Perhaps I'll die.
posted by dg 29 August | 06:15
Ex-GF wants to cook dinner for me Saturday night.

This weekend I need to finish a color photo section for a book (both the photo selection and layout). I also need to finish the book's title page design, something I usually spend way too many hours obsessing over.
posted by D.C. 29 August | 08:17
Birthday Triple Header! || I hates, Hate, hate, HATE Music on Hold, and voicemail queues.