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12 February 2009

Weird houseguests... [More:]Last night the husband worked really late and must have been called en route home by one of his old bandmates for a place to crash while friend traveled. Said friend is really a nice guy, but terribly terribly weird. He always has been odd and not in that 'doing it for attention' way but genuinely off from the rest of humanity.

I think maybe it was from their really wild days in the previous decade, and I admit I'm fairly straight-laced but last night was just BIZARRO. They came home and he immediately took a couple of tours around our one-bedroom apartment (which he has been in before a few times) then proceeded to get naked, get in the shower, get out of the shower, walk around our kitchen naked (the husband of course sequestered a voluntary me in the living room while he sorted himself out). Houseguest then would not stop telling the same story for the 20 minutes as I politely listened while his cloths didn't quite make it on completely. When I excused myself to go to bed, he attempted another tour of the apartment (as my husband corralled him back to the living room and futon).

This morning I woke up with all kinds of weird items organized in the most bizarre ways. Beer bottles (taken from our fridge without asking, which I don't mind) under the portable dishwasher and around the living room in groupings. A serious amount of money (not ours) orgazined on our kitchen counter in a fan-like manner. The cookie sheet from my cabinet laid out next to salad dressing and other items from the fridge in the kitchen. Odd electronic batteries from god knows what, small pilings of bric-a-brac that I would never think anyone would pull out. It's a good thing I pulled our mail and my purse into the bedroom because I'm sure he would have pulled stuff out and organized it too. Not that I think he would have taken anything, but just pulled it out to look at it and place it to his liking. WEIRD!

I'm sure he must be on some kind of medication, but I'm partially afraid of cleaning for the weekend for the things I may yet find.

Every had a houseguest like that or even close?
Was his name Spike by any chance?
posted by trinity8-director 12 February | 19:57
Yeah, that's the weirdest story I've heard for awhile. Bizarre... He still there?
posted by jonathanstrange 12 February | 20:05
Yep, I'd say there were drugs involved. The kind that are only fun when everyone's on them. The kind I'm too old to mess with any more.
posted by elizard 12 February | 20:07
no, he left this morning for a 2 day bus trip to florida. he dislikes any other mode of travel... even more bizarre since his wife is in Holland. i'm always curious to ask how he manages to visit her every year.
posted by eatdonuts 12 February | 20:08
why spike?
posted by eatdonuts 12 February | 20:13
Ah, "Notting Hill" reference to the most interesting character in the movie.
posted by trinity8-director 12 February | 20:25
Although your guy was weirder than Spike.
posted by trinity8-director 12 February | 20:26
Sounds like a cross OCD and anxiety, perhaps more pronounced if he's travelling alone from place to place and isn't settled (and maybe on drugs). The money is what he thought his stay was worth, played out in a reasonable structure. Bric-a-brac is a man's playroom. The groupings of things suggest either drugs (acid or E), or just finding the best possible place for them in the best possible structure. Maybe nudity is the best possible structure for him :)
posted by urbanwhaleshark 12 February | 20:39
Except the naked part, you pretty much described me in my acid days, oh so many decades ago. I couldn't watch TV (both boring and beyond my control), but I loved playing with things. However, I did know a few people who only felt comfortable naked when they were peaking.
posted by Ardiril 12 February | 21:16
I would call your story "the 90's" for me. We were the house that everybody ended up at in those days, and once you decided that the new arrival wasn't going to set himself or the house on fire, you went to bed.
posted by BoringPostcards 12 February | 22:07
Also, Ardiril could probably name every one of our strange arrivals for the last two decades, but he's such a gentleman that he probably won't.
posted by BoringPostcards 12 February | 22:10
Several of whom ended up renting rooms from me.
posted by Ardiril 12 February | 22:45
Once in my misspent youth, a friend and I went over to hang at her boyfriend's apartment. We proceeded to get trashed, and she and the boyfriend staggered off to get it on in the bedroom closet he called home (oooh so punk rock). As the hours passed, I became increasingly bored and annoyed at being stranded alone in this scuzzy apartment by her hormones (this was in a neck of the woods without public transport). I decided to exact a creative "revenge" by taking the roll of duct tape on the table and duct-taping EVERY SINGLE LOOSE ITEM IN THE HOUSE to the wall. Stuffed animals, empty beer cans, boxes of cereal, hair products, you name it. Fortunately, he and his roommates were very amused by this (I was wise enough to leave the electric guitar alone.

So yeah, I guess I have BEEN that house guest before.
posted by evilcupcakes 12 February | 22:56
Several of whom ended up renting rooms from me.

True dat.
posted by BoringPostcards 12 February | 23:09
Years ago I knew a young schizophrenic woman that would arrange objects just as you describe....
posted by bunnyfire 13 February | 00:36
Schizophrenic was my take too bunnyfire.
posted by arse_hat 13 February | 00:38
My thought as well. Could be a few things (drugs mimicking mental illness), but definitely out there.
posted by Miko 13 February | 00:42
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