3-point, foot-up-in-yo-ass update!!! →[More:]
this is a list of individuals who I am currently contemplating putting a foot so far up their ass, they can taste my shoelaces:
1) nimrod at the city building who "lost" the permit that will allow us to rip out the shitty, ramshackle add-on back porch so we can make useful glorious sunroom space out of it.
2) Driver who cut me off to turn right this morning-- yeah your stupid useless vehicle would look so much better with a bike-print tattoo on the ass end but I value my face too much.
3) colleague who habitually runs out to the mfg plant for hours on end, leaving their Nextel on the desk, at full volume, to repeatedly make the paging-beep sound echo through the entire office. Oops, I don't know HOW that got flushed down the crapper...
(feel free to use thread for distribution of feet up asses, fist bumps, whuffles, or any old thing you like)