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12 June 2009

LT and Jessamyn Meet A Kitteh! [More:]

Last night Jessamyn was in town to do some liberry presentin' at our local Regional Liberry here in Portsmouth, so we got a chance to hang and eat yummy Mexican food.

On our way back, we found a lovely kitteh who was all kinds of friendly.

The link is me, LT, making his acquaintance. I believe this fellow might be the Mayor of Cat Town.

That cat is so soft, his face is blurry.
posted by rmless2 12 June | 20:52
I demand to be petted!
posted by brujita 13 June | 00:14
rmless2, same goes for the kitten.
posted by dhartung 13 June | 10:49
Don't you understand! the cat was trying to warn you of an invasion of Negakind! It walked through the walls of time and space to deliver it's message but then you had to pet it and make it's brain so all fuzzy-wuzzy whoisalittlekitteh! You Fool!
posted by The Whelk 13 June | 10:55
"So it goes."
posted by Ardiril 13 June | 10:58
That cat was so friendly, sweet and soft it was like petting an orgasm.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 13 June | 11:38
Oh my god, LT, you've gone all Hamptons on us. Is that actually a sweater tied around your shoulders? Tell me it isn't Ralph Lauren.
posted by mudpuppie 13 June | 14:56
HA! Puppanoodles - FAR FROM IT.

What you're looking at in this photo is me wearing a gold cardigan of Miko's.

Over that is my Blue Ocean Society hoodie, made from recycled cotton. I only had it on because the weather predicted thunderstorms for the day and I wanted to be prepared.

posted by Lipstick Thespian 13 June | 17:57
Oh my god, LT, you've gone all Hamptons on us.

You can rest assured that's not the case (though the jauntily draped navy sweater does give one that impression). LT's look these days ranges between what you might call "Grandpa Rockabilly" and "NASA Space Farmer, circa 1960."

In a good way!
posted by Miko 13 June | 23:38
By the way, LT, is that the same orange kitty you rescued the other night? Or different one?
posted by Miko 13 June | 23:39
Different one! The one I rescued the other night was way more of a spaz than this little guy. This kitteh was really mellow and all kinds of droopy and floppy.

He was cool with being held, so much so that he just kind of blended into your shoulder - it was like holding a warm pat of butter that kept licking your face.

The Rescue Cat was bright orange with stripes, and was all wriggly and eager to head-butt and roll around on the ground and mess with leaves.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 14 June | 07:55
Anyone going to Readercon? || Askme crosspost: what mushrooms are growing in my houseplant and what to do?