Started Lucid Dreaming For The First Time Last Night..... →[More:]
Epic strangeness. Here are the highlights:
Part One: Joel Silver had produced a new reality show where semi-naked hotties get the chance to run a Bed Bath and Beyond-style retail chain.
LT in Part One: "this can't be real. Am I dreaming, or awake. I know - I'll ask Hottie A where she went to high school. If she can tell me, it's reality.
HOTTIE A: "High school? *giggle, giggle, giggle*
LT: "AHA! I KNOW where I went to high school - I must be dreaming!"
Part Two: Scene shifts to Austin, TX. But Austin TX has been completely covered in that fuzzy Photoshop filter, like the lead-in screen for Half-Life 2.
LT in Part Two: "What the Christ? Austin, TX doesn't have a Photoshop Filter all over it - I must be dreaming this!"
And so on.
First time I've ever been conscious of self in a dream before.