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Comment Feed:


23 February 2009

Spree, Rampage, Bender, Adventure - Who's in? Ideas? [More:] I'm in the mood to just run amok somehow. Entertain me with possible plans - the more misguided the better.

It's a little early here for Spring Fever, but what the heck.
Can we start with the bender, move on to the spree, then maybe rampage a little bit afterwards? I find it works better for me in that order. I guess that means I'll only be in for this little caper if we can do it in that order. Sorry to be difficult.
posted by msali 23 February | 10:22
I'd like to start with the Adventure! Wheee, a spree! Any excuse to run amok is fine with me...Heck, it's spring insofar as my daffodils are starting to come up!
posted by redvixen 23 February | 10:30
If it involves a road trip in a convertible, tequila, gunplay, and terrorizing sleepy desert towns with our loud music and aura of danger, I'm in.
posted by BoringPostcards 23 February | 10:34
I'm SO in for a rampage. Perhaps a spree. I'm so tired of being bored.
posted by richat 23 February | 10:34
*Sits in unmarked car, down the block and waits until rainbaby leaves for work. Walks casually up to her house. Rings her doorbell. Runs.*

Hey can I get in on this?
posted by danf 23 February | 10:45
That's the idea, BoringPostcards. No offense, but you're not driving. You can ride shotgun and be in charge of the music and the tequila, redvixen at the wheel, richat and I in charge of IMPOSING CHAOS. msali, sounds like you're sleeping somewhere, and danf, stay by the phone. We'll call you if and when we need bail.

posted by rainbaby 23 February | 11:04
oh god yes. I've been working far too hard and still seem to be broke. I'm in the mood for a long raucous train journey, wherein we take possession of a carriage and drink from London to Aberdeen. Who's in?

Road trip also sounds good but you can't go far enough on this little island.
posted by altolinguistic 23 February | 11:09
Imposing CHAOS eh? Yeah, I'd be into that. Especially from the back of a convertible...hassling the squares. The squares have it coming, and they KNOW it.
posted by richat 23 February | 11:24
First we steal a zamboni ...
posted by Claudia_SF 23 February | 11:35
Is that some sort of Canadian crack? Hmmm? That's it...trouble FOR YOU.
posted by richat 23 February | 11:47
Is it possible to 'limp amok?'
posted by jonmc 23 February | 11:49
I suggest we hit up a pet store and 'liberate' all the animals. On a zamboni. After we get drunk on tequila. Wait, I don't like tequila. Can I have gin?
posted by msali 23 February | 11:51
You really can't do much on a zamboni. Those things are SLOW.
posted by richat 23 February | 12:00
Zambonis, you say??? (I know these guys. Good band, nice fellas)
posted by jonmc 23 February | 12:14
I am the token Sweet Innocent Kid you pick up in Small Town, USA who goes on to learn Valuable Life Lessons and has His Worldview Expanded, and who then Goes On To Narrate The Voice-Over.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 23 February | 12:40
I had a lovely bender this weekend, so I'm ready for an adventure.
posted by sperose 23 February | 13:06
I'm up for a glass of wine and a snuggle, and that's about it. Have fun rampagin'.
posted by Specklet 23 February | 13:20
jon, the amok is way the more important part. Hey, we've got quite a nice little I-95 corridor gang shaping up! Richat, get a Van of Chaos and head South. Claudia_SF and danf will give you directions from secret headquarters.
posted by rainbaby 23 February | 13:45
SWEET. I will have to arrange for child care of course. I might be a little delayed. Feel free to commit random acts of violence while you wait.
posted by richat 23 February | 13:57
Pick me up on the way, richat! I'm particularly up for a spree.
posted by gaspode 23 February | 15:06
Hey, I'm a couple hours off I-95. Can I bribe you to make a detour w/ the amok-bus? I'll bring cheese-wiz and moon pies and RC colas.
posted by mightshould 23 February | 15:23
Detours are completely OK, so long as some mayhem may be spread. Really, some warm-up rampaging couldn't hurt.
posted by richat 23 February | 19:12
You guys are all way too wild! Who's up for some good scriptures and some mountain dew? Mountain dew gets me completely crazy if I have too much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by eekacat 23 February | 19:15
I'm in! Just swing by ad pick me up, will you? I could use some adventure.
posted by dg 23 February | 22:31
I will be recovering from my Boston spree for a couple more days. I noticed yesterday that the Boston-Charlotte flight continues on to Vegas. I was sorely tempted.
posted by Ardiril 24 February | 06:41
posted by danostuporstar 24 February | 14:31
How about a Monday morning lyrics challenge? || This Is Adorable And Catchy And Adorable Again!