31 December 2011
Happy birthday to me! Apparently I don't have it written on MeCha anywhere. Oops.
As we mark time passing... a Gallery of the Fabulously Aging →Read more...
Almost the New Year in the UK.
Preemptive strike!
Double Yolk! I maded you a video.
Seattle Move : Game over. I won! #shitgoesboom Now what?!
MetaChat, I am so sorry! I've been kind of a lame holiday MetaChatter. My cards are late and I missed my Dec 25th Giftstravaganza contribution. Inside are a few New Year's gifts to make up for it (I hope). It's been that kind of year. Sorry for all the dropped balls, just glad to have made it to tonight in good health and hopeful.
Since I am close to 50k favorites and working on a new story And cause favorites are amusingly pointless, the username that grants the 50kth favorite will be worked into this draft somehow.
December Musical Giftstravaganza, Day 31. Some sweet sweet 70s sentiment for you from Barry Manilow. Plus a bonus.
December Musical Giftstravaganza, Day 30: Marian Call, Good Morning Moon→Read more...
30 December 2011
#4, but not on the floor. Remember on Dec 8 that after I mopped the kitchen floor...
MLP: Fighting is Magic is either a really cool idea or a really great troll site.
End of the year POINTS! →
Photo Friday: Wrapped, covered, shrouded, draped
29 December 2011
"Salesman" is a documentary released in 1968 and was the first
feature film by the Maysles brothers and Charlotte Zweirin, who would go on to make the documentary
Gimme Shelter a few years later about the Rolling Stones' ill-fated concert at Altamont. I just watched
Salesman today, and was absolutely blown away by it.
Question in video form Answers? (Need not be in video form)
December Musical Giftstravaganza, Day 29: "Winter Love," by Robyn Hitchcock.
David Sedaris' diary entries If you want to listen to something hysterical for 23 minutes, this is worth it just for a fascinating look into heretofore unknown aspects of poop culture, at least to me.
Things are great! Really great! If you're in South Carolina! Oh, brother.
28 December 2011
Photo Friday Advance: Wrapped, covered, shrouded, draped - suggested by flapjax at midnite
Midweek post-Christmas 3-point update →
Your recommendations It's the time of year I try to make the vain attempt to catch up on everything I've missed so far: music, books, movies, comics, sites, games, food, shows, etc.
Is there a list of [blank] you highly recommend or do you have a personal list of what's not to be missed?
It doesn't even necessarily have to be from this year, as long as you enjoyed it this year. I want to hear your recommendations and bests of the year.
27 December 2011
Rabbit advocate, Amy Sedaris Bunnywise, it seemed neglectful not to have her here. So enjoy
some rabbit related Amy Sedaris fun.
Show us yer pudding then! Did we indulge ourselves over the holidays? Cook something special?
Mobile Firefox (for Android, specifically). Do people use it rather than the default browser? Do you like it?
Just wondering about ambulance backboards Why is there, or there used to be,a sharpish thing on the backboard paramedics use that digs into the base of your skull? If it's because you're short, that makes no sense because then it should dig in near the top of your skull or above your skull if the sharp thing, whatever it is, is in the proper place for most people, which would I guess be the neck because there's less body weight there. Really, there is no good place for a sharp thing to dig in. What's that about?
Need Guinness. Could mean the beer, but I will settle for an animal status report. What be the state of the creatures ye care for? Yes, humans count. And while you are at it, how are you?
nponzi! shneggdellac hwol. kjhjdi?
December Musical Giftstranza, December 27th: Bob Rivers Edition →
26 December 2011
DJ Earworm's United State of Pop 2011: A mashup of the top 25 pop songs of 2011 on the U.S. charts.
(Found via WolfDaddy on Twitter.)→
Methinks Sookie and I have found a new home. I meet the owner tomorrow afternoon and we should be able to move in on Friday. Stay tuned.
for Boxing Day (a little late - hope you had a good one and the holiday spirit kept on)
December Giftstravaganza: Day 26 I don't have the most sophisticated of musical tastes, but here are 3 tracks from Trans-Siberian Orchestra off their "The Lost Christmas Eve" album.
25 December 2011
Interrupting Mac Migration Assistant First of all Merry (holiday or non-holiday of your choice) Bunnies!
Online holiday hooha So flickr is snowing pink snowflakes and busting lights.
Google, of course, has its animated bit that's been up since yesterday. Can we list all the celebratory trinkets and toys out there?
MERRY CHRISTMAS, BUNNIES!!! Was Santa good to you? Do tell.
Santa tracking by NORAD These folks are way cool. A few years back I posted this to Metafilter and Santa had just left Toronto
24 December 2011
Festivus is NOT for the rest of us, but if you're looking for an alternative holiday on December 25th, there is
Newtonmas, the documented birthday of Isaac Newton*. Or...
The Five Deadlies Grooves of 2011 From NPR, which is weird, as I haven't thought of NPR as the curator of beats. But it's not holiday music, if you need to take a breather.
White Wine In The Sun I posted
this song from Australian musician/comedian Tim Minchin last year as part of the Musical Giftstravaganza, but here it is again this year, both for those in the southern hemisphere who celebrate Christmas in the summertime, and for those of us who love the holiday as a chance to spend time with loved ones, even without religious belief.
Merry Trippy Christmas, everyone! It's already Christmas in my timezone, and this seemed suitably Christmas-y to me. Enjoy!
Santa Claus is still coming to town in this time zone And I love this 33 year old version, which arrived in my email recently.
Traditional Boys Choir - I didn't sign up for the music extravaganza but, thanks to Mefi, I ran across a couple videos that fans of childrens' choirs may enjoy:
Carol of the Bells and
O Holy Night.
Christmas Music Day 24 BONUS. Ho, Ho,
Fireplace (beta). A cozy, 8-bit fire can fill your home with low-res holiday cheer. (Type words to interact with the fire.)
Creating the Cocktail for the New Year The Challenge - Incorporate the fig vodka someone gave me as a gift. I'm thinking Pomegranate juice aaaaand?
Christmas Eve 3-point update →
Christmas Music Day 24. We're going Mid Century Christmas today, with music from an album my parents played every year.
Today's the day when we give whuffles and hugs to mightshould - so whuffle away!
Card Love! Where we say thank-you to TPS for organizing the card exchange and say thank-you to each other for all the cardy goodness!
23 December 2011
Travelling with cat! Help? →
I just did a Google image search on "computer cat". It was fun.
Ooh ooh ooh Can we talk about all this stuff now? So many possible discussions and chats, if I can keep the Bees off the keyboard.
They never made it out →
December Musical Giftstravaganza! - Day 23! Getting close! I'll going to throw a few songs into the mix, so check inside
Hope me, bunnies! Do you know of someone who'd like a quick one-off job designing/building a small, simple gallery website over the next two weeks?
I know it's a bit late for an Advent Calendar but ... →Read more...
Photo Friday: Flash/No Flash
22 December 2011
10 things you (probably) didn't know about me. Bringing back another old MeCha tradition.
The December Musical Giftstravaganza, Day 22 brings you "
Christmas Lights," by the late lamented band from Austin by way of San Francisco,
J Church.
apple cider what's up mecha! I wanted to know about this spiced warm apple cider thing. what exactly is apple cider like can it be made at home? the non alcoholic type? I'm pretty confused on whether it's just squeezed apples or something else
Animals Sing "12 Days of Christmas" Kind of long for what it is but it's amusing and Jupiter and Rory are my favorites.
21 December 2011
December Musical Giftstranza, December 21 edition My google fu failed me in finding the origin of this gorgeous piece, Nou is Yole Comen but it is sure some nice singing by the Portland Revels.
Getting in the mood Just found out
Auntie Mame is streaming on Netflix. Trying to get festive but it's a struggle.
What works for you?
Is the answer is drug-fueled orgy? Are there an assortment of twinkling lights?
The Politics of Breast Cancer. . . I have recently been in touch with someone I last knew in high school (a rare thank-you to Facebook). She is working for an organization called Breast Cancer Action,
Photo Friday Advance: Flash/no flash, suggested by rainbaby
Have you bought yourself a Christmas gift this year? →Read more...
A Wild Year at Banff National Park an awesome video compiled from a years worth of pictures taken by a motion activated camera out in the woods. Also, let me direct your attention to
this great post on the blue where jimmythefish
originally posted this link.
Changed Vets. . .Old One Not Happy We have had the same veterinarian for over 30 years. She is a "housecall" vet who comes and provides services at people's homes.
A brief holiday film My 7yo daughter wrote and directed a film about a Latin girl finding out about how Christmas is celebrated in America and she asked me to film it. It was too funny not to share it.
20 December 2011
An update on our cat Guinness (with pics!) →
This is not the Christmas music you were looking for. 21 minutes of silly happy hardcore holiday songs. Your welcome, or I'm sorry, you pick.
The Rise of the Singing Christmas Tree. As someone who thinks the best part of the holidays is all the tacky, wretched excess, I'm a fan of those towering cones of singing people.
19 December 2011
In which the December Musical Giftsravaganza gets hosed by the Int'l Date Line. Here's day 19 (hey, it's still the 19th where I am). My gift for you all today is
"I Want a Monkey For Christmas" by
The Barbary Coasters.
December Musical Giftravaganza - Day 20 In which I act in a completely predictable manner ...
ask MeCha - tips/ideas for small-ish solstice party? →
Youtube -> mp3 converter? Anyone know if a free service that will allow me to convert a Youtube video to mp3
and download the file? There are plenty that offer an on-line service, but I can't find one that will let me grab the resulting output.
So, drama, all kinds of drama. Any drama you can name. It's the holidays and things are ramped up for :DRAMA!
Vent away.
Dub a dub a dum dum Dub a dub a dum Dub a dum dum dub a dub Dub a dub a dum I don't know if this song is well known outside the UK, but it's played on the radio all the time at Christmas here.
Happy birthday, amro!! Big hugs to you, lady.
The Campaign for Real Snowflakes would like for you to know that snowflakes can only have 6, 3 or 12 sides.
18 December 2011
I just have nights where I need to laugh and laugh. Thank you Robin Williams.
December Musical Giftstravaganza, Day 17 on Day 18 Ooop! Holiday brain caused me to miss my appointed day. Inside we have:
MeFi/MeCha Fantasy NBA league We still have 3 spots left!
It's a league on Yahoo, and the draft is on Thursday at 8.30pm CST. If you can't draft in person, feel free to set pre-ranks.
The league password is green.
December Musical Giftstravaganza, Bearwife edition Because this song cracks me up every holiday season . . . despite being a bit dated now.
I just wanted to share with you a photo my friend, Jose, took with his iPhone through the sunroof of his car as he drove past 30 Rockefeller Plaza. (see inside)
50 years I'm beginning to find it amazing when people say it's been 50 years since [the civil rights act/colonialism/whatever] get over it. Damn. I'm over half of 50 and I barely have my life together much less an ability to build a society/country/etc.
More food! OK, I cannot resist sharing this easy recipe for chili-lime pecans
"Don't Believe In Christmas" cuz I didn't get nothin' last year. - The Sonics
cat yawns the way they should sound.
17 December 2011
Final exams are all finished! Watching ponies now. Happy Hearth's Warming Eve!
Xmas Tunes I missed the sign up for songs of xmas thing, but i did stumble across this blog with quite a few zip files full of holiday MP3s
A Pair of Queens I've been watching a lot of opera on Youtube lately, and specifically Mozart's "Die Zauberflote"
The door is ajar! The game is afoot!
16 December 2011
So our cat Guinness is going to lose one of his legs. Not a great night here.
Easy Food Gift →
Who would you want to look like if you were the opposite gender? →Read more...
December Musical Giftstravaganza Day 16: The horror! The horror! Sorry so late in the game, folks (interview, which went very well!) -- here are five "classics" from my home to yours!
I got (wait for it) →
Coping with Perfectionism. How do you do it? Today, I am trying to summon memories of times I've failed, but that things have worked out all right or better than I could have anticipated (especially the latter).
Christopher Hitchens dead at 62. Damn this makes me sad in a week full of sadness.
Photo Friday: Coffee cups/mugs
15 December 2011
Why actuated signals are bad for pedestrians. I had no idea that they were called "actuated signals" until I read this article, but I have been hating them for quite a while for all the reasons he lists. There's really no reason a pedestrian should *have* to press a button to get a Walk sign at most intersections.
Everything Everything - Photoshop Handsome (Disclosure Edit) - the latest tune stuck in my ear. More variations on the song inside.
Bless me, Metachat, for I have sinned. Come inside and confess with me.... →Read more...
December Musical Giftstravaganza Day 15 We are going back to the early '50s in this one.
Spike Jones was a hard-to-classify bandleader, known for screwing around with popular song. This screwing around took some pretty impeccable musicianship, though.
Singing Christmas Hedgehogs! Choose which one you want to sing.
14 December 2011
December Musical Giftstravaganza day 14 Emergency stand in addition. richat is feeling really ill. Send him some warm thoughts.
Dancing teddy bears + breakfast cereal + dubstep = this commercial.
Who are today's best lyricists? The Bob Dylans and the Bernie Taupins?
Everyone has six names... →
Shit, fan, timing. So, I knew this was coming, but where to start? Here goes
DMG Day 13, Special Day-Late Delivery →
Photo Friday Advance: Coffee cups/mugs, suggested by buzzman
The Man Who Broke the Record on 'Let It Bleed': An interesting article about the designer who came up with the iconic album cover. (The original artwork is going up for auction tomorrow.)
New Ideas for leftover steak? So I made steak last night but I made too much and now I've got a zipper bag of tasty steak bits to use.
ONE PIG. An album of a pig from birth to food. More
13 December 2011
The Skinny House - A short video from the woman who owns the narrowest house in Boston. It was built as a
Spite House.
Squirrel Jail: This is my new favorite commercial.
Led by the child who simply knew: a story about an amazing family in Maine and their twin children, one of whom is transgender.
open source intelligence & forecasting I don't have a lot of deep thoughts about this right now but after signing up for weekly emails from
Stratfor and
IHS Global Insight I find that I learn a lot more from 500-2000 words from them about geopolitical or economic policy issues than from days and days of "journalism". Newspapers seem to focus a lot more on the daily back and forth whereas there's a type of content that's a lot more useful in figuring out "hey what is this about?"
12 December 2011
DMG Day 12! It's a Loungey Christmas →
Soup of the evening, beautiful soup... So every week I take part in a pub trivia game at a local bar.
May I trouble the you for an opinion? Tonight while talking to my brother I floated the idea of sending some of my photos in nice frames to my aunt and uncle for Christmas, and he said he'd like that too. And now I have no idea what I'd even send and what people would even like on their walls.
So if I may, I'd like to post a few pictures and get your esteemed opinions, basically a yea or nay.
11 December 2011
Everything old is new again? After seeing Young Adult last night, has anyone ever hooked up with a high school sweetheart? Say, 10 or more years after graduation.
The 12 All Time Ugliest Christmas Sweaters Does what it says on the box. Although, I bet there are uglier ones out there.
Musical Giftstravaganza Day 11! A salacious holiday to you with
Back Door Santa from soul man
Clarence Carter. The horn section from this song was sampled for
another Christmas tune.
some snark and some awesomeness for your holiday pleasure reading →Read more...
10 December 2011
Mecha cards! i could post about so many things, and probably will in this thread, but i love the mecha cards i have gotten so far!
I am trying to describe the crowd in my local bar... they're not regulars, but they are very uniform. It's not the Santa Con people, they're wearing outfits and playing pool...
A brass band playing Walking on the Air Walking through town today there seemed to be a brass band at every turn!
In honor of my own birthday (tomorrow), I ask: How do my fellow introverts and/or loners spend their birthdays?
09 December 2011
School Portrait (video, 2 mins).
I have to bake cookies for a cookie exchange party on Sunday, but what kind? Chocolate chip and sugar cookies are verboten!
Friday, Saturday, Sunday 3-point plans. →
The Periodic Table of Swearing. It's interactive! And it's a thing of beauty.
December Musical Giftstravaganza Day 9! →
John Lennon—Where were you when you heard of his death, what were you doing? →Read more...
Photo Friday: Ordinary/Mundane
So how would you indicate your movie is set in the 90s? Based on a discussion on Mefi, what would be the 90s equivalent of the
Mister Sandman Sequence (
08 December 2011
Cold War neon from Poland. All photos are apparently from
this book. You can click the photos (in the original link) to make them larger, then the "expand" icon in the upper-right to make them huge. So beautiful.
December Musical Giftstravaganza Day Eight You're getting two days in a row of Stevie Wonder, because I couldn't imagine not putting up my favorite Christmas song,
Stevie Wonder's "One Little Christmas Tree" →
07 December 2011
This thread is about stuff: An AskMe
crosspost, a bit of an update, and some griping. Hi, guys!
Photo Friday Advance: Ordinary/Mundane, suggested by Kronos_to_Earth
Musical Giftstravaganza Day 7! Let's take a road trip to Motown ...
06 December 2011
Cheese food Is that white cheese they will put on nachos and fresh potato chips, etc. actually a purchasable, identifiable cheese, or a processed cheese food as I suspect?
A segment of the 1980s tabloid show "Hard Copy" about the disappearance of Harriet Vanger, the mystery recounted in
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.
Holiday Music-A-Go-Go, Day 6: I give you THREE, count 'em, THREE works of choral delight -- two performed by yours truly!
05 December 2011
Every year, the Calgary Hitmen host a Bear Toss at one of their games. Fans wait until the Hitmen score their 1st goal of the night and....well,
just watch.
The 75 Best Songs of 2011, according to Popmatters.com. I was happy to see folks like Washed Out, The Antlers, Girls, and M83 find a place on the list; also, I found over a half-dozen songs I'd never heard before and really liked.
Demza 5: There must be an angel The Bulgarian State Television Female Vocal Choir throw down some angelic harmonies for your delectation on day five of the Giftravaganza. Never fails to stop me in my tracks.
There are a bunch of movies that I want to see this season. Saw Hugo yesterday and loved it. Who'd have thought that Scorsese could do a kid's movie so well?
04 December 2011
DMG, Day 4: Mashup Fun! DJ McFly's
Party Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree (LMFAO vs Brenda Lee) from the
Santastic Six: 100% Holiday Mashups and Remixes album. I listened to the album on my way down the interstate yesterday and it was impossible for me to not love this song.
Question for a Sunday morning. You ain't no grammar Nazi and I'm not one too. But some things just grate on me. If your memo, or worse, your presentation uses
impactful or
dialoguing →
03 December 2011
Sookie is back with me again after her visit with the kids. All I need now is my box of clothes.
December Musical Giftstravaganza! I almost missed my day, sorry!
All I want for Christmas is to learn how to dance like this.
It's Like That! In Soviet Russia, you gonna get served.
02 December 2011
My Friday soundtrack is also the soundtrack to
a 2010 novel of "weird noir, set in contemporary Johannesburg, featuring an ex-junkie protagonist named Zinzi December and her magic sloth. The unconvential pair is caught in a web of intrigue involving murder, 419 email scams, and a missing kwaito/afropop teen star." I am
so intrigued.
DMG, Day 2! Today's offering in the
December Musical Giftstravaganza is "
Come On Christmas, Christmas Come On" by that drum-banging Beatle, Ringo Starr. It's a really fun, glitter-rock styled stomper. (Sequined Santa hat and light-up reindeer not included.) Ho ho ho!
Happy birfday Specklet! Yay! This year you are officially 27!
Photo Friday: Running/Walking
01 December 2011
Sauce shoutouts →
December Musical Giftstravaganza! It's December 1, and today's selection is in honor of the whole month - though it's titled
The Twenty-Fifth Day of December, it's also known as The Last Month of the Year, by the
Middle Georgia Four, a group assembled for a
folk festival in the 1940s at a black teachers' college. Here's a more recent version by the
Blind Boys of Alabama. It's a toe-tapper.
Seattle Move: Achievement unlocked. Now what? Gotta find a place to live, preferably just a nice isolated room in someone's basement or over their garage.
AskMe Cross Post Long Shot How can you tell where water came from?
OMG *not* a bunny, even though it's eating a carrot: "Adventurer Mark Moffett has found the world's biggest insect - which is so huge it can eat carrots."
Slayer Goes To Church [youtube, hilarious, slightly offensive to the religious]
30 November 2011
Is Adele cool? I can never tell, since I'm so out of touch.
New sidebar art: thanks to our photographers rhapsodie, plinth, youngergirl44, misteraitch, Senyar, and ufez!
December Musical Giftstravaganza! This thread is the official info-n-archive thread
Photo Friday Advance: Walking/running, suggested by flapjax at midnite
29 November 2011
Seattle Move: All lights green. I just have to get to the check-in gate with Sookie in her carrier. This cat's share of the plane ride came to $318. Thank you to everyone for your assistance and concern.
The cornball wholesome fun post in which we share songs that do what it says on the tin
I'll start this off with . . .
"The trouble begins with a design philosophy that equates 'more options' with 'greater freedom.'" Brian Eno on why simpler tools are often better tools, in spite of (or even because of) their limitations.
28 November 2011
The Card Exchange is upon us! Step in if you are participating.
so I'm in the shower thinking about King Arthur (no snickering) and I wonder, are medieval legends anachronistic?
Candi Staton - Victim (8:35, YouTube;
1978) Random shot of disco for your whatever today is wherever you are.
Bummer. Another
Wide World of Sports superstar of my youth has gone.
Not-Worth-An-AskMe-Filter: How do I figure out what music from my ginormous iTunes supply to put on my mobile device?
As a public service to the MetaChat community, I present a Cyber Monday rundown of (IMO) the better (and under $25US) Printed T-Shirts With Bunnies (OMG):
So, until this year I haven't had to buy much in the way of Christmas gifts for a while, and I have a question: Are Cyber Monday sales today only, generally? Or do they last for days?
27 November 2011
It's almost December and you know what that means... the
December Musical Giftstravaganza! If you'd like to take part in a MeCha Musical Festivus, enter in...
Looked at my window and saw . . . →Read more...
Let's talk about size: a cool comparison of planets near us, and some stars. Some BIG BIG stars.
26 November 2011
Alabama Shakes are completely kicking my ass tonight. I implore you to watch the following YouTube clips so they can do the same for you: "
Hold On" :: "
I Found You" :: "
You Ain't Alone"
"Extreme Measures. With Trevor Eve. Friday at nine. On BBC One."
Some funny deleted scenes from
The Trip, with Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon.
25 November 2011
Seeking Couch to Surf Early Dec. A friend of mine in Oakland passed away a few weeks ago,
Downside of fall. Spent three hours raking and bagging leaves and then put away all the planters and wind chimes. Upside
UK Versus US Terms - I got 42/45 and the three I missed were the last three because I ran out of time.
Photo Friday: Hands and Feet
Weekend plans in 3 points →
24 November 2011
We're at the casino! →
Drive-By Truckers, "The Thanksgiving Filter." LYRICS DBT sing about the coping mechanisms we need sometimes when getting together with family.
Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone →
Anyone found a good place to livestream the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade?
23 November 2011
Food help! Does anyone know how I can incorporate
these suspiros into my sweet potato recipe?
Photo Friday Advance: Hands and Feet - thanks to workerant!
I'm a beta tester for Diablo III! ...and here's a playlist of videos I've made of gameplay during the last week or so.
If there's any bunnies that like video games and yet don't know about
MeFight Club ... well now, you do!
Happy gobbling for those doing that tomorrow.
The Popovich Movie "Popovich is a 5th generation Circus performer living in a junkyard in Las Vegas with his 2 best friends: Rex and Sebastian, a dog and a cat respectively."
Giving Thanks for all the folks in
#bunnies, who are awesome.
Happy birthday to jonathanstrange!! W00T!!!
#ShitGoesBoom →
I baked my first cheesecake! What have you done lately that you're proud of? It was a red velvet
cheesecake I decided to bake for my father's birthday. I'm especially proud of it because my dad loves baking cheesecakes and thus the bar is set pretty high.
What have you done lately that you feel really great about?
22 November 2011
The History of the English Language in 10 fairly entertaining minutes.
The results of the MetaChat Minecraft giveaway are in... →Read more...
Puppies of Fire (via the fluffington post)
Thinking of doing podcasts I'm only fairly recently into podcasts and while I don't have time right now to get into the details (as I gotta run, but I'll be back soon), any one have any podcast related comments? Suggested podcasts, doing podcasts, opinions, what is lacking, what works, what doesn't-- go for it.
David Bowie on "The Dinah Shore Show" in 1976. Part 2 of the complete show, and
Part 3. Also on the show: Henry Winkler and Nancy Walker.
Inseparable: a dog's seeing eye dog.
21 November 2011
On the Epic XKCD 'Money' Infographic, why is the "annual cost of rabbit ownership" ($730) higher than a dog ($695) or cat ($670)? (especially since 'small mammal' is just $300?) Evidence of Anti-Bunny Bias?
Pups at play (i.e., let's play with the new phone instead of being productive)
What do Bunnies do at Thanksgiving Time? (I.e., what are your plans?)
wherein my idiot harasser discovers my info look at this unrelenting f***ery
20 November 2011
Charlie My sister called me an hour or so ago to tell me that our youngest brother Charlie died this morning of a massive heart attack. He was 42.
Rebecca Black's Friday meets Black Friday at Kohl's. Two terrible things that are even worser together. (with high likelihood you'll see it if you watch 'regular TV' this week. eek.)
Is it pinky's birthday too? If so a very happy birthday to you!
Poster girl I have an old chest of drawers I'd like to spruce up by painting and découpaging a poster on the front. I've chosen
"Summer" by Alphonse Mucha as the poster, but as with a gorgeous gay gay, the orientation is wrong for my purposes.
What are you doing? How about some nice refreshing
19 November 2011
It's civic election day in Vancover. Candidate
Harley Jaimes Rose aka dubgee makes his feeling about the local police
known. Soundcloud song NSFW.
In an attempt to persuade YoungerGirl44 that owls are adorable... →Read more...
The Official MetaChat Minecraft Giveaway Thread. In honor of
Minecraft finally leaving beta and getting its
official release, we're having TWO giveaways on MetaChat: one for a copy of the game itself, the other for some cool
Minecraft stickers.
To do! To do! Whatcha gonna do? Up and at 'em! What's on your chore list?
18 November 2011
It's time once again for the 4th annual Mecha Holiday Card Exchange! Signups are open now through November 27th.
17 November 2011
Matt Taibbi wonders 'Was Steve Jobs an asshole?' Even just thinking about posting this to Mefi kinda scares me.
New Kate Bush Album (Winter-themed) streaming on NPR first listen. I know she has a few fans here so thought I'd share.
MeFi trouble? Anyone else having trouble connecting to the
mothership this afternoon?
A Very Young Dancer. If you, like me, were obsessed with
this book as a child, you might enjoy this article about what happened to Stephanie later in life, and how tough the ballet world is.
Quince? A Turkish friend has given us a Quince fruit, with instructions to cut it in small pieces
and let it rust (?) for awhile and then eat it. "Quincy" has now been chopped and stowed in a ziplock bag in the refrigerator. Any tips to encourage me as to interesting uses, rather than discreetly throwing it away in about a week?
"Mound," by Allison Schulnik. A beautiful, crazily inventive piece of stop-motion animation.
Bunny Shirt! Woot's write-ups are the best
16 November 2011
hope this isn't abusing metachat, but very small IRL support network i think i need to leave my boyfriend and i posted about it within the last week about on askme so i can't post again. im kinda going crazy in my head and just need some friendly eyes and maybe advice
Photo Friday Advance: Cold, suggested by rainbaby and fancyoats
Our new sidebar art... and, a giveaway! In honor of
Minecon, the event in Las Vegas where the game
Minecraft finally gets its official, non-beta release this weekend, our new sidebar art consists of in-game screenshots taken by mygothlaundry, octothorpe, and yours truly. Also this weekend, we're going to hold a drawing and give some stuff away!
Midweek 3-point update →
Did you really watch "The Wire?" Or did you just browse the Wikipedia entry so you could sound like one of the cool kids? The US government wants to make it
15 November 2011
Two soundtracks, one video - Original:
IRC dance movement; Rescored: with
a remixed Burial soundtrack→
Good fences make good neighbours. And sometimes live ones. Late Sunday night, perhaps at eleven or twelve, I heard something crash outside.
14 November 2011
Bunny sugar cubes! Eeeeeek I'm melting, melllllting...
Monday 3-point update →
eBay rating advice? I have a silly question, y'all. →Read more...
musing summarizing magazine info I used to think about this (and even do it a bit) when reading Vanity Fair some years ago
13 November 2011
Miss Teenage Riot. I love this photo.
12 November 2011
Ask MeCha: fashion question. Can I wear this shirt with poofy sleeves?
Queen Bitch. This is one of my favorite Bowie songs, and this live version from a US concert in 1976 may be the best one I've ever heard.
I had a date today. It was ... →
11 November 2011
yaaaaaay! what's good in your world? Two weeks of work!
Question for a Friday Night. Who was your first celebrity crush?
Best journal abstract ever, or how to make your ideas clear.
This made my day, which is something that I could never say about a TED talk before. (12 minutes)
Photo Friday: Livin' The Dream
Stuck in traffic on the Major Deegan. And we both have to pee. Entertain Us.
Thank you, veterans! In celebration of Veteran's Day, here are some dogs being reunited with their servicemen owners.
24 hours of photos uploaded to Flickr, printed out and put into a single room.
update so
this person I mentioned messing with my comments
Why can't I eat just three. Or nine. Best candy ever. Physically incapable of not eating a remotely reasonable number of them and therefore cannot buy them. Does anyone else love them as much?
10 November 2011
Bunnies like carrots So doing a lazy search to find where
this picture was from
Somniloquy. →
09 November 2011
Chatty chatty chat chat. I am in a chatty mood and my husband is not. Be chatty with me!
Bam! Kapow! Slap! - Both the mister and I have hit the other while sleeping. I smacked him in the shoulder last night waking up us both. He admitted to punching me in the back a couple weeks ago. He was very surprised I didn't wake up.
Don't. Wanna. Work. Kick me in the ass to get to work or advocate my slack assed motherfuckerness for the rest of the day. They are equally valid choices, so far as I can tell. Tired, taxing but effective day vs. things come due. Help prod my indecision.
Photo Friday Advance: Livin' the dream, suggested by rainbaby
A Brief Rant On The Future Of Interaction Design. This is a great piece about how technology designers of the moment seem to forget about hands and how they work.
I like this guy's presentation style, too.
08 November 2011
I sold my synth on eBay for my Buy It Now price. Now planning on how best to get my ass to Seattle with Sookie. Yay!
Songs about sex specifically sexual disorders, fetishes, GID, etc. Besides Walk on the Wild Side and maybe some Pulp, what can you think of? Extremely NSFW or offensive stuff probably won't make the cut, but all suggestions are welcome.
Apparently I can't even give away 1st Editions any more. →Read more...
07 November 2011
An abundance of sharp cheddar. Made mac and cheese and froze some. Had grilled cheese tonight. Suggestions?
Photos of the secret train platform beneath New York's Waldorf-Astoria hotel.
If you're not sick to death of Muppet promotiana yet, check out
Kermit being interviewed live by some-Canadian-with-a-Greek-name-longer-than-the-zeroes-on-the-Greek-debt.
What do you want? The me of 10 years ago had some ideas.
Monday 3-Point Status Update →
06 November 2011
Considering an addition to my Geek wardrobe, as I realized I have NO Doctor Who-themed t-shirts. I want something with the iconic TARDIS/Blue Box, but there are so many to choose from...
Oh, Andy. It's not a good week for famous guys named Andy. To this one I say: Hang in there. You're the best.
Solved a catbox mystery. Now to find a solution. [grossness spoilers]
05 November 2011
"I've got to find the flaming nipple!" 50 minutes of deleted scenes from
Blue Velvet found, to be issued on DVD.
A Question for New Yorkers What the hell is flying through the air in this/last week's NYer cover? Tax bills?
Cage the Elephant's Aberdeen This is the most depressing video I've seen in ages. Poor misunderstood dragon :o(
A while back I heard a "New Country" song or whatever they call it these days. Shit I can't tolerate but something was off with it. I heard it again and yes it was off kilter.
04 November 2011
Not sure I want to know. . . . . .I sent my daughter that MeFi link about the Portland artist and the distasteful thing she did with a horse, so my daughter had to send me a strange Eugene horse-related thing. . .
Good news/Bad news →
Help me learn how to smile again. [Snowflake advisory.]
The Human Slingshot. I totally want one.
Sometimes the 21st Century Mad Men come up with advertising that's just WRONG. And even worse when it's PSAs for an institution with a long but checkered history. (talk about 'photoshopped to hell')
Photo Friday: Photoshopped to Hell
So I saw M83 on Halloween night, and I'm still sort of feeling the buzz from it. It was a great show, the crowd was beyond pumped, and half the crowd were wearing costumes, which just made it that much more beautiful. During the song
"Reunion" the entire sold-out crowd of 1,000 people were jumping up and down in unison,
03 November 2011
I am stuck in Fresno indefinitely. →
Go to Google -> Type: "Do a barrel roll"
The Cooper Union Is In Trouble (NYT) The famously highly selective but tuition free institution has been hit hard by the crash. The students
printed out a list of their own ideas on how to fix the budget.
I keep seeing copy directed at men with the word "pampering". What do you guys (of any gender) think? It doesn't really resonate with me, this word
02 November 2011
How do I post my profile here? I just changed it for the first time since my sleep deprived ass asked you people to help me pick a picture. Lord, I need a better picture. I want feedback, since I'm making the effort.
Photo Friday Advance: Photoshopped to hell - flapjax at midnite
Owls can exhibit a remarkable head stability during angular movement of the body about any axis.
Christmas cards already? Marketing is on full onslaught! Wacky. I wonder how many cards I need. We are doing it again this year, right?
01 November 2011
A question for anyone with an answer. How should I go about mailing cornbread? Should I just wrap it in clingwrap or put it in a plastic bag then wrap in tin foil and put in a box? It doesn't feel like this question would fit on AskMe, so here it is. I've never mailed food before. Also, how fast of shipping does cornbread need?
JKRowling wimped out on killing off Ron Weasley. Oh, what could have been? Ron would have been my first choice to die so as to push Harry and Hermione closer. Who would you axe?
Puppy Saved from the TOP of a Moving Train - What did they name her? Boxcar, of course!
Amadna Palmer, Moby, Stephen Meritt and Neil Gaiman on Criag's Ferguston's show covering "Science Fiction Double Feature".
Rejected Halloween candy. The kids have been piling their unwanted candy on my desk, and I've been eating too much of it. Twizzlers, Skittles, Swedish Fish, Dots, Nerds, Sweetarts.
OMGWTFBBQ! Tech moments with younger folks. Sometime after my wife left, my oldest son, me, and my younger son were at my dad's place. My oldest came to me and asked if he could call his mom.
31 October 2011
The Last Mortician - "a stark vision of a future in which one of humanity’s oldest professions is no longer essential."
Dog Update Several weeks ago, I mentioned in one of the 3-point updates about our dog.
Bee says happy halloween Despite the
expression on her face, she is still willing to wander around in drag for your amusement. Enjoy.
A Closed World is a Flash game.
BOO! You can send your fellow MeChazens a spooky and anonymous Halloween greeting...
(Now it's your turn.)
Your Madonna Top Three: Back during the last Dr. Sketchy Con, we came up with the Top Madonna Three, your three favorite Madonna songs and how they reveal your personality.
30 October 2011
Anti-Theft Lunch Bags If your lunch keeps disappearing from the office fridge, this may be the solution you've been looking for.
Dawn of the Ted Happy Halloween !
Sunday 3-point update →
29 October 2011
Help me get over this painful breakup I'm all blue and weepy. It all seemed to be going so well when he suddenly told me that he's just not feeling it any more and has been feeling less into this relationship for the past two months. We'd been dating for six. A short relationship in the scheme of things, but it was intense and wonderful and I genuinely liked him (and still like him).
I don't know what to do with myself. And I must focus because I have a conference coming up in two weeks!
Ask Metachat: Can I eat it? It's been more than a decade since . . . →Read more...
28 October 2011
Cosby Nightmarez. Just in time for Halloween.
musing about web publishing I've been feeling inspired looking at things online and kinda wondering about what I can do (lots below)…
Museum Poll I have two questions for all of you that will help me with a project at work. Would love any answers you are interested in providing. 1) What you do NOT like about visiting art museums? And (2) What kind of museum would you build if you had complete freedom and control to construct a museum of your own?
What's your number? There are around 7 billion people on the planet today.
According to this site, when I was born, I was the 3,308,901,131st person alive on Earth.
Photo Friday: Handwriting
27 October 2011
Cats Ready To Kill You and the inevitable sequel with
Dogs. (lots of pics, may take forever to load)
Somebody should inform the keeper of that site of OMG BUNNIES
Passive voice: did they teach you it was bad and evil? Or polite and objective?
It was 20 years ago today I first used the Internet. Feels much longer.
Ask Mecha: What's a good anonymous email remailing program?
Wedding Photos. Since you asked...
26 October 2011
Mini-GAGA: "Most short people are at boobie or neck range" with other patrons in the clubs, she explains. "I'm at ass range."
Ask Mecha: Are there easy shorthand ways to determine whether the employees of a restaurant or bar earn a living wage?
Photo Friday Advance: Handwriting - suggested by lonefrontranger
legal/political philosophy/policy types come in here something about this whole Occupy Wall Street thing just flummoxes me. Why do you need to disperse peaceful crowds?
What's got you smiling lately? →
25 October 2011
AskMeCha: How long do you keep your weblogs? I don't mean your blogs. I mean the log files for a website.
It's a rule because I say so →
Feeling good thread! Tell me one thing you really like about yourself today.
The Best Explanation of "Bronies" I've Seen Yet "Bronies" being grown-or-almost-grown men fans of "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic".
Ever get a call from Ashford Talk Radio? →
Let me just say this: My son-in-law is complete and utter awesome. My granddaughter has been watching old cartoons with her Dad on Netflix. See what happened next.
AskMeCha: what do you think "fulsome" means? →
My earworm of the day, let me share it with you: "
Honey Bunny," by the band Girls.
24 October 2011
This weekend I went to an Indian wedding and I participated in the mehndi and sangeet ceremony and got really pretty henna on my hand.
My landlord just died. When Crosbie and I went out for our walk this morning there were a couple of police cars parked out front.
My Neighbor's Cat Marley keeps bringing me rats. I know this is a sign of affection but...
Time for another Napster names music thread! Share your hilariously mislabeled tracks here.
Funny things are happening. A veritable pushcart war is about to erupt on my block.
23 October 2011
Why are car colors so boring now? This is something that I've wondered about for a while. I grew up in the '70s with all kinds of green, yellow, purple cars and today's cars are all pretty numbingly dull in comparison.
"More than 200 Indian girls whose names mean 'unwanted' in Hindi
chose new names Saturday for a fresh start in life."
That shuffle thread reminds me, I haven't done any MP3Mancy in a while! You know the rules, ask a question and hit shuffle, the song will be the answer.
22 October 2011
oh my gawd i bought some jewellery alas pretty inexpensive things but you have to start with what's practical→
Beep Beep. Well Well. Just some amazing music from Athens, GA in 1983. (That isn't R.E.M.)
Married, Mad-style. And Boardwalk Empire-style. I thought some of you might take a little interest in seeing a set of wedding photos from August 1962. It's all about the hats, the white gloves, and the tightly knotted ties.
I have no idea what you're talking about, so here is a man, dressed like a nun,
driving a piano.
POSTAL! I hate dealing with the lousy post office. Rant rant#%@*$&# ! Lazy a$$ mailperson, all I expect is for you to do your job and deliver my mail! It's not that hard!
21 October 2011
Music shuffle, anyone? →
Does anyone know where I recently saw a funny drawing about the serial comma? I thought it was here, but searching for "serial comma" is not helping. The drawing had, I think, a man preening in an unexpected way.
You know how when you're moving, there's a point at which you're trying to get ready to go before that last major big moving day, and 80% of your stuff is in boxes, and you don't know where anything is, and you absolutely hate all your stuff and never want to see it again, and everything you once thought you wanted looks tatty and gross, and the place is full of dust and old coins and weird odds and ends and you can no longer even make decisions about what to keep and what to throw away or possibly remember why in the hell you ever bought that crappy stuff in the first place, and you've misspent your whole life and just want to put everything out on the curb and go live in a VW camper for the rest of your life with your only possessions a tin enamelware cup, a woolly sweater, and a transistor radio?
That's about where I am right now.
Eyes for Christmas. All year Christmas. Eyes for everything.
New sidebar art: thank you to our photographers workerant, DarkForest, lysdexic, and Senyar!
Fictitious Landscapes: "Kim Keever's large-scale photographs are created by meticulously constructing miniature topographies in a 200-gallon tank, which is then filled with water. These dioramas of fictitious environments are brought to life with colored lights and the dispersal of pigment, producing ephemeral atmospheres that he must quickly capture with his large-format camera." The results look almost like landscape paintings...
this one's my favorite.
Photo Friday: This Doesn't Belong Here
20 October 2011
Jack Drew My Jet Pack Jackass! I didn't see this until just the other night, but my drawing went live a few months ago!
New events in SF this weekend? Unexpectedly in town for the weekend, anything fun going on?
Two cool covers from the upcoming 20th-anniversary
tribute to U2's
Achtung Baby:
Damien Rice's "One," and
Jack White's "Love Is Blindness."
Cool guitar. Also: Tetris.
I don't have answers for you dawg my re-entry into wider personal networking is being thwarted by the fact that I'm not really useful.
19 October 2011
Wear purple tomorrow for LGBTQ solidarity and the It Gets Better project.
Bored? Try this It will kill a few minutes. My highest score is 2400 so far.
Photo Friday Advance: This doesn't belong here, suggested by workerant
Sorry, bunny... that's a banana, not a plunger.
NYC Meetup Crosspost! Maybe everyone's just away, but I feel like we can give kjs4 a warmer welcome than this!
18 October 2011
OMG BUNNY! WANT! If you don't quite understand the special appeal of that ball of fluff, let me explain...
Morning mini-rant: It seems to me that if you write an article about parenting and keep talking about how "fathers" can help "mothers," and link that article to a page on your website titled "Help for Fathers," it's great that you see parenting in mixed-gender partnerships as a team sport BUT you really can't claim -- in a footnote! -- that you "acknowledge the diversity of families" because you suggest that "at any point ‘partner’ and ‘she’ can be substituted" for "father" and "he."
The Billboard Magazine Wayback Machine. Move the sliders at the top to a beginning and end date, and see what songs were most popular in the Billboard charts during that span of time.
I knew it I called it what'd I tell you an year ago I posted Justin Bieber freestyling to a beat and said it was probably ghostwritten
There's No Such Thing As Aliens An Alien Dr. Who-Sparks pan UK tribute.
17 October 2011
50 GB of free cloud storage for iOS users →Read more...
Every Girl's Dream? Even after the correction and the correction to the correction, I don't think they got it right. But then, I'm not every girl. Any suggestions?
You ever get a paper cut? Hurts like a SOB right? Well trust me it really hurts when it's on your
twiiiiittterr So...I'm sure there's a bunch o' you out there on teh twitterz that I'm not following, and I wanna be.
16 October 2011
I think I just wrote a decent few female-friends have talks not about men scenes! They sound like humans! I think! Maybe!
15 October 2011
Just saw Contagion and now I'm thinking about everything that I've touched today. →Read more...
The Walking Dead - Opinions Please I see that AMC is running the entire first season before the season two opener . should I set up the DVR ?
Scandal! Intrigue! What will happen? So today I found out about this situation and I want all the opinions I can get on it. It involves psychopaths, universities and fraud
Happy birthday workerant! Have a great 40th!
Bunnies! Bunny! Bunny! Bunny!
I also like the
gangster kitties. And
this kitty is oh so right about Neville (but I liked him before he was hot ;o). And
this is me.
Weekend plans? I'm waiting to board my Chicago flight, on my way to Ohio. How about you?
14 October 2011
Ask the Bunnies - Please help me make the right choice/decision in a complicated situation.
First line of this story gave me sniffles: Brigham and Women's Hospital Performs Double Hand Transplant:
A Massachusetts man who had a double hand transplant says the first thing he wants to do is touch his grandsons’ faces and stroke their hair.
What is up with these replies to my Craigslist ads? →Read more...
First World problems →
Cyndi Lauper sings the theme from "
Electra Woman & Dyna Girl."
Photo Friday: Extreme Agriculture & Horticulture
13 October 2011
Anyone else read Gibson's Zero History? Just finished it and thought it was much better than Spook Country but still no where as good as Pattern Recognition.
Daily affirmations: You are
Good Enough!
"The Lottery," by Shirley Jackson A brief history of how the creepy story came to be written; also includes links (on YouTube:
part 1,
part 2) to the short film version that messed with many a schoolkid's head in the 1970s and 80s.
12 October 2011
Ubiquitous Meme: Ten Years Ago, We Had Bob Hope, Johnny Cash And Steve Jobs. Now We Have No Jobs, No Cash And No Hope. But...
Elizabeth and Hazel - A follow-up to what happened to the two women in that infamous photo.
something seems off to me when I see my 'online spaces' explode with stuff related to Netflix or Apple Updates etc. I'm not sure what...
Photo Friday Advance: Extreme Agriculture & Horticulture - Suggested by taz.
I've been posting it everywhere else so why not here the Occupy Wall Street folks said they needed board games, so I got them one.
This Is Kinda Cool I just may go out and try it
Humpday 3-point update →
These Russian album covers are like looking into a parallel-universe version of the 1960s, 70s and 80s.
11 October 2011
two fragrance related videos Nose knows (montage of people musing the nature of scents) and
perfumer Mathilde Laurent talking about her Lily-based scent [both promotional videos but evocative and fun]. Some thoughts on fragrances below
Snow came early this year.... I used to get three and a half channels on my TV. Recently I realized I now get nothing but snow. I'm not going to get cable, but I am thinking of investing in a cable box. I know nothing of technological gadgets. Anyone got any advice for me?
MTV's Liquid Television archives are
online! Lots of cool stuff in there, including the weird
Aeon Flux shorts where the heroine dies in every episode.
10 October 2011
Those new Hersheys chocolates freak me the hell out. Saw these on TV earlier today and the cutaway shot makes me skin crawl. (Fellow
tryptophobes beware.)
The Epic Hero Doohickie celebrating his birthday, with a chicken on his head.
What do you remember having in your lunch in elementary school? Me: sandwich, apple, carob/wheat germ cookies.
Tips for ensuring a kick-ass day? →
Ridiculous Tips for a Miserable Sex Life I'm not sure how it's taken me this long to come across these, but I have been giggling at them all day.
I've Been Robbed, a Rant →
Qwikster is dead already? "Netflix Inc., reacting to customer anger, retreated from a decision to split its mail-order DVD service from its Internet streaming and will continue to run both from a single website"
Three Ways of Looking at the 'Breaking Bad' Season Finale From
Alan Sepinwall,
Donna Bowman and
Tim Goodman (many, many spoilers inside).
BOO! A "haunted house" attraction in Niagara Falls has a
Flickr stream full of photos of visitors, taken right as they're being spooked by a loud noise or something, and the
resulting pics are
09 October 2011
Sunday Night Of A Holiday Weekend Three-Point Status Update →Read more...
So does anyone here remember the site that you can search for an image on the internets?
Pick up the closet book to you and close your eyes, open to a random page and read the first complete sentence.
It will tell you your future.
08 October 2011
Colour film of the 1939 New York World's Fair set to the music of Brian Eno's Baby's On Fire.
I am Bird Gerhl. Thank you, Humanity, that will be all. You won't get much more beautiful.
Advice for selling on Craigslist If you've sold things (especially big-ticket items) via Craigslist before, I'd like to hear your positive stories.
07 October 2011
OMGAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! RABBIDS! Coming to your non-game-equipped TV. Referring to these
Bunnies (very useful) Scientific Facts (remember #2, 'Bunnies Don't Do Vacuum Cleaning', You're welcome.)
Kitty Cat is not a happy camper, after 2 nights alone. →Read more...
How many different places have you lived? I count at least 21.
damn they make leather out of anything Manta Ray?!
06 October 2011
Everything is a Remix takes on the plot and visual influences in The Matrix I especially liked the connections with the speech by Philip K. Dick. The Wachowskis probably never saw that speech but definitely borrowed more than a few tropes from his stories.
Beauty. Richard Feynman on beauty and the scientific outlook. The video is, itself, really beautiful.
05 October 2011
Common: Blue Sky ← Greatest thing I've heard in ages. This is like beauty dripped right onto my nerve cells. I can't believe Bill O'Reilly's dumb ass was bloviating on TV trying to take this away from us
How to open a door - an educational Finnish video from 1979, with some nice music. Little did I know, I've been doing it wrong all this time.
Photo Friday Advance: Still life, suggested by ethylene
Good news, bad news. →
Meetup Crosspost! I'm performing! Don't miss a chance to laugh with/at me! Especially if you're anywhere within driving distance of NYC.
PUPPY DREAMS , for when the world is too much.
Complementary Flavors Chart via
Information is Beautiful. I think that, printed out nicely, this would make killer kitchen art.
Keep me company... So the Chef got his visa approved today! WHEE! FUCKING AWESOME! and he's coming home to me... but I'm waiting on hold for the airline to organise his flights back home to MEEEee!
Baby Gorilla has a bath! OMG! From a Pathé newsreel dating from the mid-1960s.
04 October 2011
New Simon's Cat video in which that annoying cat himself gets annoyed by a kitten.
not to act like a 13 year old Jane Austen fanboy mainly because I haven't read anything besides Pride & Prejudice when I was 13, but whatever happened to Virtue?
Photos of the Overlook Hotel, "from 1921."
Pillows! Yay, new place! Yay, room for guests! Have forest green futon and looking on etsy for cute cushion covers to go with. No idea what color would look nice with forest green. Ideas? Know any etsy stores that have cool pillow covers?
Giant "mermaid" is creepy. Not only creepy, but not really a mermaid.
We find a striking concentration of attention on Twitter ---roughly 50% of tweets consumed are generated by just 20K elite users
Personally, I tend to use Twitter as a read-only medium since I'm too shy to push thoughts under my own name out into the general internets.
03 October 2011
omg BABY RED PANDAS! They're having a naming contest...
Points. The special
Video of a 4-year-old boy seeing
The Empire Strikes Back for the first time, during Darth Vader's big surprise reveal.
Points- TV Trope Edition: Smash All Your Pretty Things! →Read more...
Tablet owners! Tell me your experiences please... →
MetaChat Creative Power, Activate! I'm planning an event for this month which will feature many classic Surrealist games (like found poetry, exquisite corpse, and
Cubomania). But everything is pretty much 2D, and I'd like to include a 3D art form. Do you have any good ideas for a way to have a drop-in table where people can do
Surrealist sculpture?
02 October 2011
This music video by the band Five Finger Death Punch shows how hard it is to parody music video conventions in 2011.
(It's also possibly NSFW due to some music-video booty-shakin'.)→
Trying to locate recent-ish post about Journaling techniques Hi Mefites, I remember there being a great AskMe or possibly a FPP about a blog that was chock full of great, creative journaling techniques. I've been combing the sites, but I can't find it for the life of me.
Points! - I, somehow, managed to win so it's my turn to torture you all!
X on Letterman in 1983 Needed something to wake me up on this dreary Sunday AM.
01 October 2011
How's your weekend been so far? →
Skills you have that you didn't train for I am apparently good at sight detecting false jewels, emeralds in particular. I have no idea why.
We No Speak Americano as performed and choreographed by Suzanne Cleary & Peter Harding...
glitchscape: start drawing squares and rectangles to create sounds.
Question for fellow Fringe fans... I watched last night's episode, and have a continuity question...
30 September 2011
Best object you've ever seen in a museum? I'm thinking about a Tumblrblog for this and wondering what objects you would nominate. What grabbed you on a museum visit at any time in your life?
Annoyed by Zentangle It's possibly nobody here cares (totally understandable), but I just don't understand this whole "Zentangle" thing and I wondered if anyone had any thoughts on it.
It's the Friday Night Question, chosen at random from
The Book of Questions...
Snappy the Crocodile ate something strange, and turned himself orange. OMG ORANGE CROCODILE@!
Decaying old Victorian houses built out of LEGO.
Points. 3 points for each time you (sincerely) apologized to someone in the past week. (an extra point if it was face to face.)
AskMecha: How can I see how many wireless connections a router can handle? Hey folks. I know this is simple question but I can't seem to figure it out (yay for not knowing hardware). Is there an easy way to see if the router I have can handle 50 wireless connections? I know the usual is 25 but I don't know how to verify that or not. The router is a netgear wireless-N300, wnr2000. And bonus question: what mbps should such a router be connected to?
I'm moving to Seattle in February. That is the target month. I may have to board Sookie for the first month or so, but that seems to be the greatest unknown for now.
Puppy vs Step! OMG! (Hope this makes up for yesterday's "bunny" post.)
Sounds like the worst casserole ever? (Right there in the first sentence.)
Photo Friday: Up on the roof...
29 September 2011
There are two kinds of mall shopping experiences. →
Early Rising Points! Today you can get Points! for
AskMecha: Meeting with the boss' boss tomorrow...to talk about the boss. Advice? →Read more...
28 September 2011
The Smart Set is an art-culture-ideas site from Drexel U which has a lot to offer.
This revisiting of one of my top 5 books, Catch-22, was very good.
Ask MeCha: What the dating? As part of our
continuing series in helping social misfits understand the mating rituals of their species.
Photo Friday Advance: Roof/rooves, suggested by julen
I am curious to hear our collective opinions on
the first track from the Lou Reed / Metallica collaboration.
27 September 2011
Coudal Partners I had forgotten. This site is about as old as MetaFilter and was always a great place to go idea hunting.
Highlight of today's snailmail delivery: The announcement of a one-day Social Media Marketing Conference here in little San Luis Obispo.
Ever wondered before what would happen to legal notices once newspapers die? No, me neither. However, a discussion of King's plotting of
Pet Sematary somehow led to this question.
It's my 27th Birthday! And it's the 27th Day! That's neat!
Any plans to humiliate your dog for Halloween? The Internet can help! (Don't most of these dogs look embarrassed to you?)
Points! I'm reviving the game.
26 September 2011
Ask MeCha: What sort of ... →
"Escape From The Black Lodge" is an Atari 2600-style game available for free. The link also includes an
awesome video clip of the game.
I have so much to retweet! too much good stuff on the interwebz! I would just go ahead and do it but I purposely avoid the 'firehose' style. I think I'm going to start queuing them up (I already queue up personal tweets to like 1-2 a day max, lots of draft tweets/statuses sitting around)
SuperBall! Won't you do me the honor of being my guest(s) for the MetaChat SuperBall? It's a soirée par excellence...
The World According To Maynard G. Krebs. Short clips on How To Live Life from one of my favorite early television heroes.
"The Doors of Perspection" is a cool experimental film short by Vicki Bennett. She takes scenes from Hollywood (and a few foreign) films, and rotoscopes them in a larger frame so that long pans and zooms will move the frame, instead of the viewer.
Um, it's hard to describe, but when you watch it it makes sense.
25 September 2011
Mimicry Pet Lop Ear Bunny! Much much nicer than the
cockroach backpack which is giving me flashbacks to Kafka and will likely result in nightmares tonight.
Bunny! OMG! To infinity - and beyond!
What have you forgotten to do lately? I was supposed to renew the registration on my car in August. Poopy.
MOBA - The Museum Of Bad Art OMG! The giant orange cat will eat us all!
24 September 2011
Yay me! I've been dating the same woman for five years today (and she even knows it!).
New sidebar art! Thanks to our photographers gc, eekacat, Rhaomi, and mygothlaundry! (One of my pics is in there, too.)
Formula for a Saturday evening in: →
Warning, me in underpants. Post pillow fight victory during the Week In Hell
What's currently stuck in your head? For me, it's
23 September 2011
So good... Gang of Four playing "Anthrax" in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1980.
I have an accent? It's been pointed out by a few people over the past year that I have slowly adopted a strange RP-British-Midwestern American accent that's thick enough to cause people to ask where I'm from.
Ironclaw: A Bestiary Artist Chris Goodwin was commissioned to produce art for the anthropomorphic roleplaying game,
Ironclaw. He collected those works into a book called "
Ironclaw: A Bestiary." Inside, accompanying dozens of gorgeous pictures, are imaginative profiles of each species in the game.
Watch more than 1600 documentaries. "Documentary Heaven was set up early July 2009 to provide the public with a vast collection of documentaries spanning across every genre out there."
The Friday Night Question, as chosen from
The Book Of Questions...
When has the time come to stop looking for something you may have never owned? In this thread, we are drunks at a bar. Write the script one or two lines of dialog at a time. Stage dressing and direction welcome. Have fun.
Time for another something cool! In case you don't
remember, something cool threads are for sharing your own personal awesome with us in bite-sized doses.
The last time Woot sold a bunny-themed shirt, I bought it and wore it to a Meetup. So I guess that means it's time for another SLO-town Meetup, right? And yet, I still don't have a car (he hinted).
22 September 2011
maybe Aldous Huxley, Edgar Allen Poe, etc were just absurdly overeducated for their eventual claims to fame in short story writing? Either that or characters in their eras/settings actually talked that way.
Permanent Record. Report cards from a girl's trade school in NYC during the early half of the 20th century. If you like Shorpy but have wished for more background story you will like this.
In the southwestern corner of Colorado, where the Uncompahgre Plateau descends through spruce forest and scrubland toward the Utah border, there is a region of more than four thousand square miles which has no hospitals, no department stores, and only one pharmacy. The pharmacist is Don Colcord, who lives in the town of Nucla.
Maurice Sendak's interview on "Fresh Air" Did anyone else hear this earlier this week? It was very good, and extremely emotional. Sendak sounds like a guy whose emotions run very, very deep.
(If you're having trouble placing who Sendak is, he wrote this much-loved book, among others.)
It's J.F.J. Day! (warning: link has sound. Hard. Rocking. Sound. As it should.) Joan Fucking Jett is Fifty Fucking Three years old today.
21 September 2011
Stop 'Schweddy Balls' Effort Begins Really, some people have
A: too much time
B: No sense of humor
C: Need to worry about something meaningful
D: All of the above.
Photo Friday Advance: Symmetry, suggested by flapjax at midnite
Ask MeCha: How do you do dating? Yeah, I'm in my 30s and I'm realizing I've never really
What current TV shows are you following now? (international edition)
Human and
animal eyes in closeup.
Midweek 3-point update →
20 September 2011
When Kevin Wins, The Planet Loses! is a cool tumblr blog of original 8-bit and 16-bit pixel art, by some guy possibly named Kevin.
(contains a few flashing/strobing images)→
My household Gods are nice and all, but they don't really do writer's block Suggestions on new ones to help lift the veil?
This is a grumpy thread. →
19 September 2011
The colour of your top ... →
Why does every company I like have to devolve into some evil parody of itself? Now if you want Netflix DVD/BluRay rental along with streaming, you have to have two separate accounts and maintain two different queues.
18 September 2011
Timeless Light (SLYT) My sister-in-law made this (the photos are my brother's)
Unicorny.com claims to be
the World's #1 Unicorn Ambush Site, and I see no obvious grounds to dispute that.
narratives of transformation I really think the binary “let me write a book about this” modality of “I was doing the wrong thing, then I changed, and started doing the right thing” is a somewhat lacking way to approach personal change.
17 September 2011
Me with two friends. The running joke is that we all alike enough to be siblings and this was the first time we were all in the same room with a camera. Is it true? Is the Celtic gene pool truly that shallow?
3 point weekend →
MeCha Announcement: Changing of the BunnyGuard Hi all! Beginning today, I end my just-short-of-2-year stint as a MeCha co-Admin, (along with my pal and co-conspirator Boring Postcards), and hand over the official co-Admin scepter, crown, and pooper scooper to the ever-lovin', ever-loyal
gaspode. BP will remain in place as the 2nd co-Admin, so you should experience no interruption in the fine service to which you are accustomed. Thanks podey, and BP, and modly crew, and everyone!
I need to initiate a dialog. →
16 September 2011
We've lost a Bunny It is with a heavy heart that I come to let everyone know that we've lost a Bunny. Puke & Cry passed away earlier in the week.
Help me annoy my friend! I'd love some help coming up with stupid answers to the question "what do homework and hummus have in common?"
It's the Friday Night Question! Taken at random from
The Book of Questions.
Whatcha reading? Quote a paragraph.
NTT. Since LJ is kinda dying, I'm going to move my Name That Tune game over here.
What nice thing can I send my aunt, who's having a bad time? →Read more...
Photo Friday: Dreams and Nightmares
15 September 2011
A roundup of, and welcome to all the new users! Summer has slunk past without me doing a welcome new users post. Bad pode! So inside please welcome the new users that have signed up from July or so onwards. And if you've signed up but haven't commented yet, then by all means introduce yourselves in here.
"The Pig With The Froggy Tattoo" is a parody trailer for the (very real) upcoming movie
The Muppets, done in the style of another recent, well-known
In Our Time is back! →
14 September 2011
What is the best book you have ever read and why do you like it so much?
Humpday 3-point update →
Photo Friday Advance: Dreams and Nightmares, suggested by Kronos_to_Earth
Film Still Field Day Does anybody else collect film stills? I watch most of my movies on my computer, and sometimes I pause a flick and take a snapshot of particularly beautiful or amusing frames.
Nervous and frustrated →
I'm Back! It's been a long, strange, and somewhat scary journey.
Driving back home from an overnight stay in Valparaiso, IN, I felt a sort of itchy area on the right side of my neck. I didn't think much of it, except that the next morning, I woke up with the right side of my neck looking like I was half-Cardassian. Overnight, it started to really hurt, and I got a walk-in appointment the next morning at my VA Clinic.
The nurse practitioner took one look at me and said "Oh, you must be in pain!"
D'oh! I felt like my right side was on fire.
13 September 2011
Live in France for free? This person is looking for a cat-sitter in the south of France. For six months.
Here's info!
food and/or italian-speaking people what is
this? Billed as some sort of pesto, label says "crema de pomodori secchi", lady at the deli is like this will work if you want something spicy but it tastes overwhelmingly oily to me. Is it supposed to be a concentrate or something?
Danf and Mrs. Danf on TV Last Night We were just walking by and got caught up. Very fun. My wife will be mortified that we got on TV (a coworker saw it). Her mortification makes is all the better. . .*smile*
Anybody want a lesson how to write sitcoms? (live conference call Q&A at 6PM Pacific Time tonight - 2 hours away)
My Grammy is the bestest!
George Lucas doesn't give a shit about you. I'm not a
Star Wars fan, but having grown up in the whole
Star Wars era, and as a fan of movies in general, I think this is interesting. Has there ever been a successful film director who was less interested in storytelling?
What is your cellphone provider, and why? We have gone with ATT forever, since my first cellphone (the Motorola brick) was provided my my employer,
Good Documentary of Andy Warhol available online? and not the BBC Modern Masters....
12 September 2011
Chatty chatty chat chat Fill me with the quotidian details of your day. Me, this Monday, I felt the need for a transitional cocktail.
My roommate and I decided our door needed a little something. Yes, it plays a certain favorite tune of ours when opened. I just thought I'd share. :D
Ideas for improving frozen veggies? →
"Blue Jeans" by Lana Del Rey is a wonderful, haunting song with an equally excellent video. Her first song and video, called
"Video Games," are pretty great as well.
Happy Birthday ColdChef!!!!
11 September 2011
Hiccup cures now please help help
I think I'd be a good... →
The World's Population, Concentrated A cool infographic showing how large a city would be formed if the entire population of the world were grouped together at various densities.
aw man some senile weirdo has been commenting randomly on my blog for a while
Meetup cross posts! I'm traveling to Palo Alto and San Francisco next week, and have scheduled
two meetups! Hope you can make it.
Tell me your 9/11 stories. Here's mine. →
10 September 2011
Jessie's Girl by Rick Springfield (from 1981) may be one of the best pop songs ever written, but the video is... less than great.
Back to the Future Artist invites people to recreate their vintage photos.
My New Camera!!! I ordered this direct from China, and it's all kinds of awesome.
Recipe for Insomia Cole Slaw →
09 September 2011
I just listened to Errol Morris on the Sound of Young America and did you know he makes the worlds most amazing
Time for another Friday Night Question, chosen at random from
The Book Of Questions...
Juuust a taste, he said... →
6.7 (6.4?) Earthquake off of Vancouver Island - The mister and I didn't feel it, but it was felt all the way out where we are 343KM from the
epicentre and even farther (San Francisco?!). Did any PNW bunnies feel it?
I need opinions from you nice bunnies. →
Weekend plans 3-point report →
Who's up for a little MP3 Shuffle-a-gogo? You know the drill. MP3 player set on shuffle, first 10 songs, post 'em here.
Harry Winston update fail! no jewelery from them out here yet, just watches [
previous thread]
Clever anti-alcohol PSA Mouseover for a sober view (mildly NSFW in places)
08 September 2011
Everyone! Let's make Hateku happen A poem containing three lines of of 17 syllables at a pattern of 5, 7 and 5 containing a seasonal reference and a vicious insult
Looks like we made it! Thanks for all the well wishes folks, me and my puppy made it safely to the Southern Hemisphere!
Drunk Swedish elk found in apple tree near Gothenburg.
A 'Sign of Civilization Collapsing' Rant: As you may or may not know, I used to write about TV for a "major media website" but have stopped. I do still get a daily email newsletter about 'the biz' which I skim through to remind me WHY I stopped writing about TV.
I want to do something stupid. What should I do?
Hi, everyone! I'm new to Metachat, though I've been lurking for a while, so I just wanted to pop in and say hello.
07 September 2011
I'd rather be... →
Photo Friday Advance: Friends, suggested by lysdexic
Moving countries/continents/hemispheres today bunnies. Nothing I haven't done before, but the first time I am doing it with Beloved Canine.
Some good moving vibes would be much welcomed.
Musical comfort food. Do you have songs that feel like musical comfort food to you? They make you feel warm and fuzzy even when you're down? Here's one of mine...
Northeast corner of Manhattan St and Liverpool St., Manchester (Pittsburgh) I love the collision of place names here. Cute street too, if a little run-down.
06 September 2011
You're challenged to a duel. Choose your weapon. →
I have decided to retire from arguing online I'm gonna be on the interwebz like
this bear.
Iggy & the Stooges performing at Farmington High School in Oakland County, MI on December 5, 1970
(photos, no video or audio, unfortunately!)
05 September 2011
"Let Me Shine For You" is a free, downloadable EP
(5 tracks) of chillwave music based on samples from/reinterpretations of Lindsay Lohan songs.
brilliant productivity epiphany i swear this sounds simple but i've been using it to motivate myself and it totally works! I'm like if I'm going to take enough time out to do something _anyway_, I might as well do difficult things at full capacity. If you're just treading water you might as well be sleeping or going out or watching TV etc anyway
Happy birthday to Raquel Welch too →
My visit to the Shawangunks earlier this month Earlier in the month, I took a bus upstate to New Paltz and from there, headed to Minnewaska State Park where I took these pictures. Enjoy!
04 September 2011
03 September 2011
Anyone use an IWORD program with an IPAD together with an air printer? I would love to stop using my computer and only use my IPAD. But I need a word processing program compatible with Microsoft word. Also, I need a printer that would print at least 300 pages from the IPAD with 1 cartridge. Has anyone used IWORD with the IPAD?
Has anyone used an air printer?
The beer archaeologist "It’s just after dawn at the Dogfish Head brewpub in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, where the ambition for the morning is to resurrect an Egyptian ale whose recipe dates back thousands of years."
Weekend chore lists Have at 'em!
02 September 2011
It's the Friday Night Question, chosen at random from
The Book of Questions...
Bring teh funnay, pls. I'm flat on my back with the worst case of shingles anyone at the VA has ever seen. (Not safe-for-the-squeamish pic,
I am as miserable as I have ever been in my life and could use some funny or caring voices right now.
Bed Rest For Angry Ankle : Ask The Whelk Anything
Where's Sallie Mae gone? →
Hey ColdChef ... →
01 September 2011
This is a RANTY RANTING RANT thread! →
Techie Bunnies, reassure me please. →
January 22, 1909. Tifton, Georgia. "Family working in the Tifton Cotton Mill. Mrs. A.J. Young works in mill and at home. Nell (oldest girl) alternates in mill with mother. Mammy (next girl) runs 2 sides. Mary (next) runs 1½ sides.
What little tricks did you learn the hard way? There are things even the magazines for simpletons don't tell you, and you learn by doing. Especially regarding simply getting dressed in the morning.
(To) When Do You Retire? You are a time-traveler, capable of visiting any period in the past...
Reassure me that I am paranoid! All of my stuff had to be put in a storage
pod in my driveway after the hurricane (my apartment is currently down to the studs). It occurred to me last night that maybe I should be worried about bed bugs living in the pod (before it came to me) and infesting my stuff.
31 August 2011
Photo Friday Advance: Unfinished Thanks to fancyoats for the suggestion!
Freaking out. I think I spent the hours of 10 to 2:20 in the grips of a white hot anxiety. My god it was painful to endure, I thought my head would explode. Could two cups of coffee do this? I use to drink a lot of coffee.
Woman punches bear to save her dog. Local news for me; this occurred about a mile and a half from my house.
Has anyone ever used the live chat on
bleepingcomputer.com? I've got some virus, but even the most updated program won't get rid of it...
How does your email closing line come off? I am usually at a loss, but whenever somebody uses "Cheers", I find it hard to resist replying with "Cheers, Frasier and The Tortellis"...
We haven't done Two Truths and a Lie recently. I'll begin...
If you liked MTV in the 80s, here's a fun way to spend an hour or so:
"20 Unsung Music Videos from the 1980s"
It's time again for some... OMG BUNNIES! BUNNIES! BU-uh-DUCK! (okay, the Bunny Food Tumblr has a lot of
other animals...) And
"Jus Hoppin'" has PUNNY BUNNIES!
30 August 2011
Your oldest possession →
How has your day been awesome? Pour out all your awesome here so others may marvel in its glory.
29 August 2011
Congratulations Stewriffic! The grant came through. Whoohoo!
Happy Birthday, youngergirl44!!
people I am going to the Harry Winston store and I don't want to be shuffled out quickly.
explain to me how to fake it so I get taken seriously (i.e. shown a range of stuff over a good half hour or so)
The Dinner Party As Religious Ritual. Bear with me now, this is long
28 August 2011
Another happy birthday to mudpuppie!
How do you get out of a dumpster? →
I don't know why I often survey all the newspaper comics and features at gocomics.com, but then I find something unintentionally funny like
27 August 2011
reporting in after Irene is past here
Stuck Inside! What's everyone doing to pass the day today?
Weekend Swap Meet →
26 August 2011
It's the Friday Night Question, chosen at random from
The Book of Questions...
Fantasy Football Reminder: Our draft is set for 5PM Eastern/4PM Central (etc) tomorrow evening.
Overflow (see what I did there?) Hurricane Thread Just in case you haven't had enough of worrying about the incoming hurricane.
Hurricane Food I figure I'll go grocery shopping to supply us with food in the not-unlikely event we have a power outage over the stormy weekend. Fortunately I have a gas stove. What's some good hurricane food?
Three Point Weekend Plans Update →
Shake it like a polaroid picture. (warning: may contain kitties and doggies)
25 August 2011
Hooooooope meeeeeee I work in technical support. I just had a phone call with someone where I said & spelled the name of a website, i.e. site.metachat.org no less than 30 times, and the caller just.could.not get it. He brought up Bing(no, use the *address* bar, that's the *search* bar) and searched it, he mistyped it, he typed site.com, metachat.org, metasite.org and I don't know what else. I was calm, patient, and did not say what I wanted to say, which is
A free, 3-hour mix from James Murphy of LCD Soundsystem available for download.
Does anyone have a Pinterest invite to share? I requested one from the site ages ago but haven't received one yet.
Leftover buttermilk? SORBET!!! If anyone tries this, let us know. The earliest I can get buttermilk is next month. I cannot begin to imagine what this tastes like.
24 August 2011
WTF? It's
Time for
Lion!! LION!!! →
Was I wrong? →
Photo Friday Advance: Vivid, suggested by filthy light thief
MeCha Dream, Starring Wolfdog!
I like you. You're important. You matter. →
Ask MeCha cross-post Tell me about your steam cleaner.
The Itsy Bitsy Spider So we have this spider that built a web on our deck. It rained and his web was destroyed. We were afraid he was gone, but he reappeared this morning.
There are no pictures in this thread!→
23 August 2011
(Yet another) blanket apology - I just realized I am having cognitive issues again related to heart failure, and this means I most likely pissed someone off unintentionally in the past couple weeks. So, please accept my apologies.
MP3MANCY - the rules are a bit different. You set your player to shuffle and then ask it a question and then we all analyze the result
Irene Please pay attention to this one, bunnies. Esp. DC - Boston folks - if they say go, go. It's not going to be any kind of fun like a blizzard or some such. Bad feeling. Perhaps too much weather channel, but seriously.
Look at some art. A little Basquiat is refreshing.
East Coast Earthquake! Any other bunnies feel it? Our building shook like hell for what seemed like a few minutes.
New school year →
Got a phone? Want to help me charm/annoy my aunt on her birthday?
22 August 2011
If you have both a pet and a significant human other, please read on. . . →Read more...
In response to school started today School is so crowded that my most stressful moment is finding a parking spot. 2 of my students are children of former students. When I start teaching the grandchildren of former pupils, I'll know I'm really ancient. I've started teaching literature by Native Americans and hope I can dispel many prejudices against first nation people.
What would you do if you were president of the United States?
Making jewelry? I have just semi-randomly decided that making jewelry might be a fun thing to learn. Has anyone here done so? Did you take classes or teach yourself?
What makes you feel the most free, that you can do the most often?
School starts today and I feel the need for optimism, I'm running very low. From the merely positive to the escapistly delightful, gimme what you got that can give you a moment's lift.
Imelda May - "Mayhem" ,
"Johnny's Got A Boom Boom",
"Train Kept A Rolling". Don't be surprised that the irish can rock out some rockabilly. The rock came from the blues, but the billy largely came from transplanted irish folk music as they had already settled large sections of the Appalachians well before the Revolutionary War.
21 August 2011
Orqestra Buena Vista Social Club. Which is the band my wife took me to see last night at a club in Denver. Really really great. What I noticed most is while every musician in the band has effortless talent, they don't show it unless it's their turn to shine. It's obvious that the oldsters are handing off the baton to the youngsters, but the oldsters really can knock your socks off without appearing to try.
I made this I did it! I finally finished this embroidery that I've been working on for, oh, six fucking years!
Spoof dating
videos from all-female sketch comedy show
Smack the Pony. There are
many many more.
20 August 2011
Mad Lib experiment →
19 August 2011
It's the Friday Night Question, and also, a note about the future of the FNQ.
It's Opposite Day! MeFi's Own Lore guy, usually a web-based satirist,
makes the best explanation for the "Patent Mess" I've seen, while serious economist guy Robert Reich sticks his tongue in his cheek and a fish in his pants to
explain Credit Downgrading.
The little things What are some little things you do that make you very happy? I'm talking tiny stuff like
Friday 3-point update →
18 August 2011
GRRRRARRRRRR Paperwork Shouting Thread →
jalapeno-stuffed olive pickles I just got a hold of some and they are doing things to my brain that I'm not sure I'm comfortable having foodstuffs do. i am just going to declare this a balanced meal and eat them all day
Let's Play A Game! Match the actress to her Simpsons' guest spot.
The Jokers “Bruce Davidson’s 1959 project Brooklyn Gang is an intimate photographic study of a rebellious Brooklyn teenage gang, who called themselves The Jokers.
Summery vodka cocktails Your recipes, I need them.
17 August 2011
Photo Friday Advance: Cities, suggested by mygothlaundry
Strip-mining Nostalgia: The AV Club looks to yesterday for the potential franchises of tomorrow.
How Frank Darabont got fired from "The Walking Dead." My expectations for season 2 are suddenly very, very low.
16 August 2011
Stephanie Nielson update 3 years ago today she was seriously burned in a plane crash. Today, she announces she is pregnant!
Favorite Summer Recipes? →
15 August 2011
MetaChat Raffle Winner! I really enjoyed running this raffle, and the story is contained in this linked set.
Creepy! "Bicycle Built For 2,000 is comprised of 2,088 voice recordings collected via Amazon's Mechanical Turk web service. Workers were prompted to listen to a short sound clip, then record themselves imitating what they heard.... They were not given additional information."
Dear Photograph This was already on MeFi so I'm late to the party, but it's great, so I thought I'd share it here too.
Grrr. We are antsy to move and found a new place. The old landlord's hinting he's not going to work with us on prorating and so we might have to pay rent on 2 places for one month. I just want to say grrrr about that.
Self-link on the riots Wrote this 4,000 word article about causes of and responses to the English riots a couple of days ago.
14 August 2011
Self Cross Post Cause I Love It Style Like U talks about fashion and image in relation to identity and ego
The Shakes, "Be Mine" I posted this to Google+ earlier, and now I'm reposting it here, because it makes me very very happy.
Happy birthday to gomichild!
Happy Birthday Orange Swan!
13 August 2011
The main stage collapsed at the Sugarland Concert at the Indiana State Fair I'm worried about friends who were performing today at the fair. Please keep them in your thoughts. I haven't heard anything yet, and I'm feeling sick.
It is raffle time! Seeing as we haven't had one in a while and my boyfriend and I are starting a pack-up of his apartment now, I'm going to hold a raffle of the items he doesn't want to keep or sell!
I killed a bird today :-( →
AskMecha: What does this sentence mean? - Scholarship Application Edition →Read more...
12 August 2011
Unattainable Body Ideal-A-GoGo →
Time for another Friday Night Question, chosen at random from
The Book Of Questions...
I've never been to a conference, is this something I should check out? I know that A List Apart gets recommended a lot, so maybe this is a good excuse to go to DC AND learn something?
What aren't you doing this weekend? This is the post where you post your completely made-up weekend plans.
UK English question about fairground games! Your Britannic Majesties,
Do you guys have
whack-a-mole machines?
Jesus Christ. Doesn't a burst appendix kill you? My co-worker is in the hospital.
Speak to us of washers and dryers. →
Photo Friday: Games & Play Suggested by workerant and fancyoats
Help desk hell. Ugh, I'm on call at work this week, and I have a call in to our IT partner.
11 August 2011
Is there a self-hosted version of something like Flavors.me? →Read more...
Georges Cziffra plays Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody No. 8 in F sharp minor "Capriccio."
My wife quit her job yesterday. →
Gee, how do we always know whose birthday it is? Before there was facebook, there was
the MeCha Wiki.
Last day at the cabin I want a nice meat appetizer for the veggie pasta. Ideas?
Phosphorescent's "Mermaid Parade" - this record has been growing on me a lot, and I thought I'd share a song.
Maybe it was just me →
10 August 2011
Photo Friday Advance: Play & Games
Wuh-wuh-wuh-Wednesday three-point update →
What would you save if your house were on fire? →Read more...
09 August 2011
Live! From a New/Used Laptop in Beautiful Sam Looey Nabisco California... it's another attempt at a
Google+ Hangout! Join the fun, and don't say you can't, I've already posted
my 150 invitations, of which only 11 have been taken.
Having a brain fart, need help airing it out So, what's the name of that thing that goes in large binders that helps you keep papers from getting wrinkled?
I like this way too much-- not to share it with you all.
New video from Cee Lo Green: don't look at the comments
(always a sound idea on YouTube) and see how long it takes to figure out who the actor in the video is.
"The need to represent with discretion" Sadly, they don't seem to make girl's shirts. Still, I'm looking to pick something out or submit designs.
08 August 2011
what to do? I am upset, and am probably going to have to suck it up.
MeCha Progressive Dinner - what will we be eating at your place?
I would like to temporarily give my black dog a
rainbow mane for racing events without actually messing his coat up and making him unshowable. Any ideas?
Rock, Paper, Scissors This gave me a chuckle
Hoppy Burfday, redvixen!!
07 August 2011
[Gerund] like a [Noun] -- Your favorite colorful comparison →Read more...
Hey, Londoners, are you OK? Word on the Internet is that Tottenham and neighboring areas are on fire and out of control. Are you guys OK?
In the interests of food porn envy... And because it's raining and I'm alone just right now, here is everything I have eaten on my honeymoon so far...
This is why guinea pigs can't have nice things.
06 August 2011
pearl testing [self-link] so Nucleo and I were talking about whether cultured vs natural pearls can be identified in analysis, so.. I did some research and wrote this up. Fun.
Behold! The Photo Friday Wiki Every Photo Friday from inception in 2006 through last Friday has been listed, linked, and organized for your viewing pleasure.
G+ Hangout Time! We're not starting quite so late this time!
w00t! Free Pumpkin Any fruit or vegetables over your side of the fence is fair game, right?
Terry Gilliam's Do It Yourself Animation Show Gilliam shows how he did his singular brand of animation (briefly NSFW) (
A writer for Ars Technica loses his phone in a cab, but
tracks it and recovers it from several states away, with the help of a geolocating app, the assistance of several strangers, and a little luck.
For Bunnies who have not yet gotten into Google+ →Read more...
For heard a Blood Sweat & Tears song this morning and decided to look them up. You have to admit this is an interesting band history. And look at the sheer number of names of people who have been in this band. At some point it's no longer a band, it's light industry.
05 August 2011
It's the Friday Night Question, chosen at random from
The Book of Questions...
OMG Bunny Phone! Warning- autoplay techno music
Friday 3-point update. 1. I had Botox today.
How do you keep Firefox or Explorer on the screen at the same time as MS Word →Read more...
I'm thinking of posting in missed connections If you were making a fake ad for craigslist missed connections, what would it say?
I know we have video-game-playing women here on MeCha... one of y'all has to get
these earrings.
I find this interesting site SugarLaws.com while googling for a recipe.. and it took me a minute to figure out what was going on there but it strikes me as pretty intruiging
Who's for not studying? It's the most satisfying feeling, freedom from relentless reading and reviews and exercises. Glorious time stretches before you, unmeasured and unhurried.
Thirties's era baked goods? A friend of mine is hosting a thirties theme party to celebrate his recent acquistion of a vintage phonograph. I've offered to take some baked goodies. Does anyone have any inspired ideas as to what I could make for this party? I thought maybe a batch of mashed potato cookies would do, because people just had to use what they had in the thirties, but maybe some of you have better ideas?
OMFG BUNNY! (may be too intense for some viewers)
Photo Friday: Color combinations or pairs
04 August 2011
What are your two or three Go-To cookbooks? What do you find yourself consulting again and again?