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Comment Feed:


27 May 2011

Teacher gifts [More:]It's a silly thing that I'm thinking about too much. I need some advice.

I bought my kids' classroom teachers gift cards to Wal-Mart. It's not an exciting gift. I know they shop there and I thought it would be useful.

They have two music teachers that oversee and teach two after-school music programs that my kids are a part of. I think they are awesome and I wanted to get them a little something to show my appreciation for their dedication and hard work. I don't want to go overboard and I don't want it to be inappropriate. I told my kids that I wanted to get them a little something and they asked me to "please don't." What do you think? I have already thanked them in-person for a great year.
I have some pics of their last performance of the year and I was thinking of sending them some pics in an email with a thank-you greeting. Dumb? I know I am over-analyzing this. It's not a huge problem. The nicest thing would be if I had the boys write them a card but it's too late for that. Today is last day of school.
posted by LoriFLA 27 May | 10:06
I think a gift certificate is a great idea. A teacher friend of mine ended up with 27 glass paperweights after a local gift store got rid of its unsold stock by labelling them 'Ideal Gift for Teacher'.
posted by Senyar 27 May | 10:06
Yes, I was thinking of gift card to Starbucks or Ulta. I know they are inundated with mugs or ornaments that say #1 Teacher or Teachers Make a Difference.

I've seen one of the music teachers in Ulta. I only know her very casually, because she is my kids music teacher. Would it be slightly strange if I got her an Ulta card after I saw her in Ulta one time last summer?

Thinking too much... Need to get outside.
posted by LoriFLA 27 May | 10:13
Gift cards are great. My wife is a high school math teacher, and she spends her own money on supplies and copying when the school runs out or when the copier isn't being reliable. It's not a ton of money, but it adds up, so gift cards are handy and appreciated.

I also like the email of thanks with pictures. I think it's rare that teachers get too much thanks from parents =)
posted by filthy light thief 27 May | 10:14
Thanks senyar and filthy light thief. I might get Target gift cards. It's safe.
posted by LoriFLA 27 May | 10:16
I used to be a teacher and, I'll be honest, I really enjoyed small gifts. It is a nice way to feel some appreciation coming back for what is a hard and all-consuming job. Also, I was broke all the time and appreciated the lagniappe.

You're correct that every teacher on earth has more than enough "#1 Teacher!" junk and things with apples on them. And mugs. No more mugs!

I most appreciated gift certificates, and the kind you name are great - small luxuries, like coffee, bath supplies, cosmetics, bakeries. Also, consumables are nice - nice smelling candles, fancy cookies, really nice loose tea.

Personally, if it's a gift, I'd rather it was honestly for me to use and enjoy and not just a way for parents to subsidize a too-small supplies budget. Where that is a problem, what I would appreciate more is a gift from the family directly to the school or parent fund to boost up this supplies budget, along with a note that you're concerned it's so low. There's an institutional solution to that, and it's really so sad that teachers spend so much of their own money to outfit their classrooms. It's something unimaginable in the business world and the only way to solve it is to be vocal about it and shore up the resources somehow. I know it's a reality but I'd rather have a lovely card as my gift, and have the parent mention they contributed to the supply budget in my honor. That would be more direct and send a message.
posted by Miko 27 May | 10:33
I know it's a reality but I'd rather have a lovely card as my gift, and have the parent mention they contributed to the supply budget in my honor. That would be more direct and send a message.

That is a really nice idea, Miko. I will use this next year. I have bought actual gifts in the past -- tea, cashmere blend throws, stuff like that. I have been doing gift cards lately.
posted by LoriFLA 27 May | 12:06
Couldn't your kids still write the notes themselves and send them? With the gift cards inside? Seems like along with the actual present, a hand written note from a student would be pretty nice to get. I don't think getting something like this a week after school ends is too late. It's never too late to say "thanks"!
posted by Kangaroo 27 May | 12:55
You are so right, Kangaroo.
posted by LoriFLA 27 May | 13:16
Wow, what a terrific thing to do! Just do it. Gift cards should not be large, as there is probably a gifts policy. Write a nice thank you card. If they can't accept the gifts personally, they can use them for the school, but I hope they get to enjoy your thoughtfulness.
posted by theora55 27 May | 15:48
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