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13 July 2011

I'm making Spicy Fried Oysters! Any tips? Hints? Should I use panko or cornbread crumbs? Good stuff to serve with it (I'm frying some cornbread but that's about it as far as ideas go)
Why not a combination of both panko and cornbread?
posted by Splunge 13 July | 15:48
Serve with spicy remoulade sauce. As a side, I'd consider slowly sauteing some finely chopped garlic and onion, then flash wilting lots of spinach in the onion and garlic pan. And I prefer a big green salad too but you may want to think about spicy slaw.

And chilled beer or a cooled sweeter white wine like Gewurztraminer to go with.
posted by bearwife 13 July | 16:09
That slaw and some cheddar grits sound divine.....
posted by The Whelk 13 July | 16:33
mmm I'd eat 'em with sweet chili sauce. but then, I eat everything with sweet chili sauce.
posted by gaspode 13 July | 16:47
I'm being told veggie oil or peanut oil or canola instincts say veggie or peanut...
posted by The Whelk 13 July | 17:38
I like peanut for any kind of frying, as smoke point is so high. It won't affect the flavor of your dish.
posted by bearwife 13 July | 17:42
Go with the peanut oil for this particular oyster dish. Once at temperature, it cooks fast, evenly, and with little oil penetrating too deep. Vegetable oil can break down just enough to make things greasy. Some dishes you want that, but not this one.
posted by Ardiril 13 July | 17:45
Tangent: I prefer french fries cooked in peanut oil, and onion rings cooked in vegetable oil. I love sloppy, crispy onion rings.
posted by Ardiril 13 July | 17:47
Yeah peanut is my go to for anything but french fries which really need veggie oil.....

To the store! I get to vist the fishmonger! He mongers fish!
posted by The Whelk 13 July | 17:49
Yes, peanut oil for a simple reason. You want the oil hot. You don't want the oysters to be in the oil for very long. You want the coating to be browned and the center not to be overcooked. Never overcook oysters or for that matter calamari. the oysters will turn into rocks and the calamari into rubber.

High heat and a quick fry is the way to go with small seafood.

posted by Splunge 13 July | 21:43
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