vegetarianism update [
previous thread] it's going like gangbusters..
1) I stopped buying foodz from outside and ate inside more which besides being much healthier also saves $$$
2) I had remarkable weight loss success, I haven't been tracking it but I can feel it/see it
3) I also have a lot more stable energy now (no more crates of Red Bull in the house)
4) Besides just going veg I also kinda executed a double strategy of eating much healthier (e.g. no refined flour, very little sugar, etc.) which may be more of the contributor to this stuff
5) I've also cut out almost all packaged style foods like, if I do want to eat something sweet I'd eat it from a bakery rather than something that came from a factory and sits on shelves
6) I think the weight loss stuff is tapering off! I've also been a bit lax with the no-outside-food/no-sugar stuff lately so maybe that's been part of the problem but I guess the initial rate of fitness isn't going to maintain itself without switching things up
7) I cheated a couple times with fish! But a couple days ago I was eating a fish and (besides it not being particularly more tasty or seeming worthwhile as a cheat) I also looked at it like, damn, it's a dead animal! Gross. lol I guess my sensibility has changed quick