Friday's POINTS! Come claim your POINTS.
1 point for each chop stick you own or just have for whatever reason (max: 3).
2 points -- you consumed something citrus like fruit or juice, or just 1 point for something like lemonade, real lemon tea, a citrus squeeze and water, citrus soda w/natural flavor, real orange chicken, or such. Bananas count. A vodka martini with a twist also gets my respect.
2 points -- if english is not your native language. 1 bonus point if english is not your second language either.
3 points -- you walked outside from your front door to a destination other than your mailbox, your trash, your garage, storm cellar, barn, doghouse, air raid shelter, or your car. Walking to a bus stop or a neighbor's is ideal. Bike riders may instead get 1 green point if they had an actual destination to do an actual thing.
4 points -- you have not read your horoscope today. 1 bonus point -- you have seen at least one tarot card. 1 more bonus point if the Wheel of Fortune appeared, either direction. If you threw your i ching, I send you my best wishes. (Note: Best wishes may be redeemable for 1/4 point in the next POINTS post, or they may not.)
5 points if your cell phone is currently turned off, or currently left behind somewhere else or lost, or broken and unusable, or you do not own one. Lose 2 points if you EVER read this on your cell phone.
Tie breaker #1: # of MeFi favorites you received yesterday (your time zone).
Tie breaker #2 (if needed): Still tied? = Disqualified. Go to the next highest scoring contestant(s).
The overall loser must go to (or whatever), draw a bunny, and post it to this thread. Anyone else who wants to go to and draw a bunny to post to this thread may do so at any time for a bonus 1/2 point.
Haikus are welcome, however they earn no points. Unlimited syllables.
Glossary: Green points are worth one point each; they just happen to be green. This is subject to change.