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09 July 2011

Not young enough . . . [More:]Not hip enough. Not fashionable enough. Not witty enough. Live in the wrong neighborhood. Didn't go to the right schools. Not a rich enough vocabulary. Too fat. Not well-read enough. Not very outgoing. Lousy social skills. Not strong enough. Too weird. Not into sports. Bad politics. Not much to offer.

These are just a few of the ways I fall short in the eyes of the world.

Two words have I for the world.

They are not "Happy" and "Birthday"
Well, I'm none of those things either (except I'm into sports). You're all right by me, kiddo.
posted by Senyar 09 July | 15:49
I grew up "wrong" and learned to like being "unique" instead. That's my problem with the "It Gets Better" meme: more often it really doesn't, you just learn to handle it better, hide it better or hang out with other "wrong" people. That's why I like it in the MetaVerse (MeFi, MeCha, MoFi, #bunnies); it's closer to me even if I am sometimes even "wrong" here.
posted by oneswellfoop 09 July | 15:50
You're a good writer, which puts you well ahead of many many people. Many many many people.
posted by JanetLand 09 July | 17:06
If "the world" doesn't have a high opinion of you, then "the world" is wrong.

From what I've seen of you here, you're smart, funny, kind, and good-hearted. That's huge. That's amazing!

The other, more superficial attributes you note --- well, of course, I can't see them through the screen.

But here's one thought: "the world" is made up of people, of cultures and sub-cultures, of individuals. Not all of those people or groups care about superficial characteristics. Those superficial attributes get discussed widely and even elevated to some artificial importance, especially in the media, because they're easy to see across broad groups, and therefore easy to evaluate. But that doesn't mean they are important.

I think you're great.
posted by Elsa 09 July | 17:25
It would not only make you feel better about yourself, but make you feel plain better, if you exercised regularly with a goal. Like, look how great Senyar is feeling about working towards a 5k and all she has accomplished so far on the way. Plus, that would solve the "too fat" and "not strong enough" issues.

If only I better practiced what I preach.
posted by amro 09 July | 17:27
I like the stuff you write!
posted by The Whelk 09 July | 18:08
I'm not on time enough, because when I tried to go to your birthday party, everyone had already gone.
posted by Obscure Reference 09 July | 19:36
One you decide that everybody (including yourself) is full of shit, these things become far less of a compelling concern.
posted by jonmc 09 July | 19:52
Well, I can match you with all those attributes except 'too fat' but I make up for that one in o many ways it doesn't matter. But jonmc is on the right page - once you decide that you truly don't give a rat's arse what other people think, well, what other people think returns to it's rightful place.

What amro says is also right if you can make it work - I feel 1,000% better both in general and about myself since I started training for my own physical challenge, although it comes at a cost (6 months of training five days a week results in 'when am I going to get some attention' compliants from my SO). The downside could be that, instead of finishing my event about this time seven days from now, I could already be home, having failed to finish - only 50% of teams do, so the odds are not that great. Now that would make me feel bad.
posted by dg 09 July | 21:37
Well gosh darn it - if that's the extent of your negative list it must mean you've a very long list of goods; and I know others will agree about you having the goods!
posted by mightshould 09 July | 22:41
Thanks, guys. I'm feeling better today.
posted by jason's_planet 10 July | 10:11
Your Saturday's POINTS await you. || You know, just FYI.