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Comment Feed:


18 July 2011

Points! Points![More:]

3 points for each band-aid currently stuck to your person.
2 points for each magnet within arm's reach.
3 points for each of the last seven days in which you walked more than a mile at one stretch. Bonus 2 points for walking without a destination. Bonus 5 points for ending up somewhere/doing something new on the walk.
2 points each for the books on your nightstand/bedside table/floor next to your side of the bed.
5 points if you can't sleep with the closet door open.
3 points if you sleep on the same side of the bed in hotel rooms that you do at home.
1 point for each of the last seven days in which you went to be with a glass of water on the bedside. 2 points for each night in which you woke up and actually drank the water in the night.

Tiebreaker: 1 point for each voice mail on your phone.
question: does the walking for a mile + include going for runs, or no?
posted by gaspode 18 July | 09:30
0 points for bandaids
0 points for magnets
0 points for walking
0 points for books: no nightstand means I keep my "nightstand" books in the other room
0 points for closet door: our bedroom closet has no door at all
0 points for hotel sleeping: When I'm in a hotel alone, I sleep sprawled in the middle OH YES. The Fella and I have never slept in a hotel together. Huh, that's odd.
0 points for water glass.


Tiebreaker: zero voice mails!
posted by Elsa 18 July | 09:45
I get zero points. Unless walking on a treadmill counts. I walked on a treadmill for more than a mile twice in the last seven days. If that counts I get 6 points. I don't even have books on my nightstand. They are scattered elsewhere.
posted by LoriFLA 18 July | 09:48
1 Band-Aid (though not Band-Aid brand) 3
1 Magnetic screwdriver on desk 2
2 hikes. . . 6
Hiked somewhere new and nice 5
Books right now. . .12 points
It would never occur to me to have the closet open 5
Hotel rooms. . .wife always sleeps closest to the bathroom so it varies 0
No water. ..or drink it when I get up to pee 0
33 Points
Tiebreaker 5
posted by danf 18 July | 10:02
3 x 2 points for each magnet within arm's reach.
2 x 2 points each for the books on your nightstand/bedside table/floor next to your side of the bed.


3 guitar pickups, each with its own magnet, a notebook w/pen, and A Clockwork Orange.
posted by Ardiril 18 July | 10:07
I think there should be a special prize for zero points!
posted by crush-onastick 18 July | 10:50
0 points for bandaids
0 points for magnets
6 + 5 points for walking
0 points for books
0 points for closet door
0 points for hotel sleeping
21 points for water glass

32 points. No voice mail.
posted by arse_hat 18 July | 10:51
Aw, crush, just getting zero points is reward enough.
posted by Elsa 18 July | 11:01
0 points for each band-aids
232 points for each magnet within arm's reach (116 buckyballs on my desk)
3 points for walking (I walk to work every day but that's less than a mile)
10 points each for the books on your nightstand/bedside table/floor next to your side of the bed.
0 points for closets (Victorian house, no closet)
3 points for the same side of the bed
0 point for water or waking up. I never ever, wake up before morning.

Total: 248!

No voice mail (no one ever calls me)
posted by octothorpe 18 July | 11:07
3 points for each band-aid currently stuck to your person.
0 -- I took it off last night! (But, oops, there's still band-aid crud on my ankle. I should take care of that.)

2 points for each magnet within arm's reach.

3 points for each of the last seven days in which you walked more than a mile at one stretch.
6 (walked to the store twice this week, one mile each way)

2 points each for the books on your nightstand/bedside table/floor next to your side of the bed.
God, I can't remember, but I'm going to go with a conservative 16. (The bottom shelf of the nightstand is all books.)

5 points if you can't sleep with the closet door open.
5 points, in bold, because finally someone understands me.

3 points if you sleep on the same side of the bed in hotel rooms that you do at home.
Uh, 3 points. I don't like change.

1 point for each of the last seven days in which you went to be with a glass of water on the bedside. 2 points for each night in which you woke up and actually drank the water in the night.
7 (but it's a Nalgene bottle; cats drink out of untended glasses) + 14 (since January I have a cough that wakes me up every night; really annoying, but at least I get points for it) = 21

Tiebreaker: 1 point for each voice mail on your phone. 1, I think. I can't know for sure without calling, and that would defeat the point of not checking my voicemails.

53 + 1 tiebreaker point
posted by mudpuppie 18 July | 11:08
I have about 130 points because my Kindle is beside my bedside with over 60 books on it.

So I win the internets today!!1!
posted by Senyar 18 July | 11:22
If ebooks count I have a few hundred. :P
posted by arse_hat 18 July | 11:26
Hey, I wasn't counting the kindle.
posted by octothorpe 18 July | 11:27
10 - books on nightstand
05 - closet door must be closed
03 - sleep on same side of bed

18 points

Tiebreaker - 3 voicemails (blinkblinkblinkblinkblink)
posted by deborah 18 July | 12:59
No band-aids or magnets, fourteen points for walking. Let's say 24 for books, but the real number might be higher. Nine points for water--I always have some, but hardly ever drink it. 47.
posted by box 18 July | 13:15
Muhahahaha! I've never won before, but for once I reckon I'm INVINCIBLE.

15 points for walking to work on weekdays.
286 points for books on the floor next to my bed
Total: 301

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by TheophileEscargot 18 July | 13:18
With TheophileEscargot's ginormous total, I don't even know why I'm trying...

10 - magnets
02 - books
05 - closet door
13 - water (seven days, three nights)
* 30 - TOTAL *
Tiebreaker: 19 voicemails on my cell phone, enough on the home phone to fill up the mailbox nine months ago
posted by youngergirl44 18 July | 14:18
Band-aids stuck to me: 0

Magnets within arm's reach: 0

In past 7 days have taken two 5 mile runs, without any particular destination. The first was first time on that route. So 6 plus 2 plus 5 = 13 points

Traditional books on my side of bed: After massively reducing the number, still 7 books. So that's 14. Plus on my Kindle app, if that counts, 36 more books, and that's another 72 if we're counting ebooks. Total is either 14 or 86 points.

I ABSOLUTELY must get up to close closet door if it is open even a crack. 5 points.

Sleeping on same side of bed in hotel rooms: A tough one. The beds are often oriented in different directions to room than mine at home. But generally, yes. 3 points I think.

Going to bed with water and actually drinking at least some of it: yup, always. 21 points.

Tiebreaker: I have just 1 saved voicemail on phone.
posted by bearwife 18 July | 14:22
I don't know how so many people are getting 0 for magnets. Aren't you typing this on a computer? With a magnetic hard drive (unless it's SSD)? Computer speakers? Your phone has a couple of magnets in it, too.

This strikes me as a great game for people with OCD. Count the things around you! Coming up next, how many tiny holes in that drop ceiling?
posted by Eideteker 18 July | 14:37
0 band-aids (don't believe in 'em, just let it bleed til it stops)
12 points for magnets (see above)
8 points for the walks (I went to the drum circle in Marcus Garvey Park finally, then walked around Harlem)
48 (2 doz. Comic books)
I don't sleep with the closet open because it's stupid to air condition it. Does that count?
I don't sleep on the same side at home. I switch sides pseudorandomly.

0 saved/unanswered voicemails, assuming that's what you meant. No one calls me!
9 points for the water (i should really clean that cup)
posted by Eideteker 18 July | 14:48
0 band-aids
4 two magnets
9 three hikes plus
5 point bonus (brand new trail under construction!)
5 open closet doors give me nightmares
12 points for the six books on my bookcase headboard
3 I sleep the same everywhere
0 no overnight water
0 bonus points - no voice mails.

38 points
posted by faineant 18 July | 15:19
I was taking "within arm's reach" literally.
posted by Ardiril 18 July | 15:19
3 for one band-aid (left index finger)
0 for magnets (all on the fridge)
3 for my long walk on Saturday (did the whole trail!)
2x6 books next to my bed (all on my auxiliary bedside table)
0 for the closet door always being open (that way nothing can hide in there)
0 for the hotel bed (since I have a twin bed at home, I flop all around on hotel beds)
0 for water by the bed (ever since I got a faceful of water from my mother, I can't sleep with open liquids by the bed)
= 18
No bonus points.
posted by sperose 18 July | 17:05
0 points for current band-aids, although over the weekend I had about 2 metres of strapping tape on my feet/knees.
5 points for magnets.
Over Saturday/Sunday, I walked 99.23 km, so I guess I only get 6 points for that, plus 3 for walking 10 km last Wednesday :-( 5 bonus points for new places/things. I assume 5 total, not 5 for each of new places/things, although I did both.
4 points for books.
0 points for closet door.
3 points for always sleeping on the same side of the bed.
0 points for water.

0 points because I don't have voicemail.

Total 26 points
posted by dg 18 July | 17:19
218pts for 109 lolcat magnetic poetry magnets within reach
2pts for Feeling Good on my nightstand, if we're counting my Nook then that's an extra 22pts
3pts for always sleeping on the same side of the bed at a hotel
1pt for water beside my bed

19 voicemail messages, 0 new

I declare myself ineligible for the contest because of the magnets. But now I give you a lolcat haiku:

bunneh sez want moar
ur kitteh diabetus
flavr kthxbai
posted by rhapsodie 18 July | 17:57
I wouldn't have even won had I stayed in the game because of Octothorpe! Huh!
posted by rhapsodie 18 July | 17:59
0 points for bandaids
0 points for magnets
6 points for walking
6 points for books
5 points for closet door
3 points for hotel sleeping
7 points for water glass, but I don't wake up to drink it. I drink before bed then when I wake up to take pills.

27 total

9 for voicemail. I hate checking it so I got google voice but I never listened to the last 9 before I switched.
posted by rmless2 18 July | 19:42
Oh dear, I missed the question about running. I would say that a run counts, but ebooks do not!
posted by crush-onastick 18 July | 20:58
octothorpe looked like an early shoo-in, but it seems that TheophileEscargot squeaked past with a surprise victory from the levee of books.

I would have earned a mere 95 points, myself.

So, yay! TheoEsgo.
posted by crush-onastick 19 July | 09:57
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